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Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(4): e2021, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520231


ABSTRACT Purpose: To longitudinally compare isolated structural parameters obtained using RTVue optical coherence tomography in patients with glaucoma and suspected glaucoma with stable visual fields. Methods: All patients were required to have a reliable SITA Standard 24-2 Humphrey Visual Field test. Visual field stability was defined as having <5 points with p<5% and/or having no points with p<1% and/or p<0.05% in the glaucoma progression analysis comparison graph. Furthermore, the glaucoma assessment strategy was used in optical coherence tomography. Results: The study included 75 eyes from 75 patients, 43 of which had glaucoma and 32 had suspected glaucoma. The mean visual field intervals were 29.57 ± 9.65 months between the first and third tests. No visual field parameter variations (mean deviation, pattern standard deviation, and visual field index) and no retinal nerve fiber layer or optic disk parameter variations between the first and third tests were observed (p>0.05 for all), and no retinal nerve fiber layer parameter variations throughout the study were observed, except for optic disk parameters presenting with cup volume changes (p=0.004). However, ganglion complex cells presented a progressively decreased average ganglion cell complex parameter, with a variability of -0.98% ± 3.71% (p=0.04) between the first and third tests. By contrast, the global loss volume progressively increased throughout the study, with a variability of 14.71% ± 44.52% (p=0.04) between the first and third tests. The inferior ganglion cell complex parameter was significantly decreased between the first and third tests (p=0.02). Conclusion: The present findings suggest that patients with glaucoma or suspected glaucoma with stable visual fields may present structural ganglion complex cell progression as assessed using RTVue optical coherence tomography.

RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar longitudinalmente os parâmetros estruturais isolados obtidos através da tomografia de coerência óptica RTVue em pacientes glaucomatosos e suspeitos de glaucoma com campos visuais estáveis. Métodos: Todos os incluídos deveriam ter Campimetria Computadorizada Humphrey Sita Standard 24-2 confiáveis. A estabilidade campimétrica foi definida se apresentassem menos de cinco pontos com p<5% e/ou nenhum ponto com p<1% e/ou p<0,05% no gráfico de comparação do Glaucoma Progression Analysis. Para a tomografia de coerência óptica, foi utilizado a estratégia de avaliação para glaucoma. Resultados: Foram incluídos 75 olhos de 75 pacientes: 43 com glaucoma e 32 suspeitos. A média dos intervalos do campo visual entre o 1o e 3o exame, foi de 29,57 ± 9,65 meses. Não houve variação para os parâmetros do campo visual (desvio médio, desvio padrão e índice da função visual) entre o primeiro e o último exame (p>0,05 para todos). Não houve variação dos parâmetros da camada de fibras nervosas da retina ao longo do estudo, enquanto que para os parâmetros do disco óptico, apenas cup volume apresentou mudança (p=0,004). Em relação à camada de células ganglionares da retina, notou-se uma redução progressiva na espessura média da Ganglionar Complex Cells com uma variabilidade entre o primeiro e último exame de -0,98 ± 3,71% (p=0,04). Quanto ao Global loss volume, houve um aumento progressivo ao longo do estudo com uma variabilidade entre o primeiro e último exame de 14,71 ± 44,52% (p=0,04). O parâmetro inferior do Ganglionar Complex Cells também reduziu significativamente entre o 1o e 3o exames (p=0,02). Os demais parâmetros da tomografia de coerência óptica RTVue se mantiveram estáveis entre o 1o e 3o exames. Conclusão: Os presentes achados sugerem que pacientes glaucomatosos ou com suspeita de glaucoma e com campos visuais estáveis, podem apresentar progressão estrutural na camada de células ganglionares da retina avaliada por meio da tomografia de coerência óptica RTVue.

Int J Retina Vitreous ; 9(1): 56, 2023 Sep 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37723594


BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to compare the impact of intravitreal dexamethasone (DEX) implant during a 12-month period in nondiabetic and diabetic patients without diabetic retinopathy (DR) as a treatment for refractory pseudophakic cystoid macular edema (PCME) following prior treatment with topical nepafenac 0.1% and prednisolone 1%. METHODS: Forty-two consecutive medical records of patients diagnosed with PCME after uneventful cataract surgery were included. The outcomes measured included best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and central foveal thickness (CFT). Linear regression analysis was statistically applied. RESULTS: Following topical treatment, nondiabetic and diabetic subjects presented a mean ± SD gain of - 0.11 ± 0.11 and - 0.18 ± 0.11 BCVA logMAR and a CFT reduction of - 43.42 ± 53.66 µm and - 58.76 ± 36.28 µm, respectively. The mean BCVA gain at month 12 subsequent to DEX implantation was - 0.35 ± 0.17 in nondiabetic (p < 0.001) and - 0.55 ± 0.26 in diabetic patients (p < 0.001), with CFT reductions of - 195.71 ± 93.23 µm (p < 0.001) and - 260.81 ± 198.69 µm (p < 0.001), respectively. Patients who responded with better VA after topical treatment presented better visual outcomes at month 12 following DEX implantation (r2 = 0.46; rho = - 0.71, p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Nondiabetic and diabetic patients without DR demonstrated similar results after DEX implant after combined topical therapy, suggesting that selected diabetic patients may have a response comparable to that of nondiabetic patients with PCME.

Int J Biol Macromol ; 246: 125665, 2023 Aug 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37406900


Despite the worldwide vaccination effort against COVID-19, the demand for biocidal materials has increased. One promising solution is the chemical modification of polysaccharides, such as chitosan, which can provide antiviral activity through the insertion of cationic terminals. In this study, chitosan was modified with (4-carboxybutyl) triphenylphosphonium bromide to create N-phosphonium chitosan (NPCS), a quaternized derivative. The resulting NPCS samples with three degrees of substitution (15.6 %, 19.8 % and 24.2 %) were characterized and found to have improved solubility in water and alkaline solutions but reduced thermal stability. The particles zeta potential exhibits positive charges and is directly correlated with the degree of substitution of the derivative. In virucidal assays, all NPCS samples were able to inhibit 99.999 % of the MHV-3 coronavirus within 5 min at low concentrations of 0.1 mg/mL, while maintaining low cytotoxicity to L929 cells. In addition to its potential application against current coronavirus strains, NPCS could also be valuable in combating future pandemics caused by other viral pathogens. The antiviral properties of NPCS make it a promising material for use in coating surface and personal protective equipment to limit the spread of disease-causing viruses.

COVID-19 , Quitosana , Vírus , Humanos , Quitosana/química , Antivirais/farmacologia
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 86(4): 375-379, July-Sep. 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447379


ABSTRACT We report the case of a 39-year-old male patient who presented with visual loss in the right eye for 6 weeks. The best-corrected visual acuity was counting fingers in the right eye and 20/30 in the left eye. The fundus examination demonstrated a right retinal detachment inferiorly extending to the fovea and a left macular serous detachment. After multimodal imaging study, the patient was diagnosed as having a bullous variant of central serous chorioretinopathy and treated with oral spironolactone associated with adjuvant laser photocoagulation. The retinal changes resolved after 6 months. The final visual acuity was 20/20 in both eyes.

RESUMO Relatamos o caso de um homem de 39 anos apresentando perda visual no olho direito há seis semanas. A melhor acuidade visual corrigida foi conta-dedos no olho direito e 20/30 no esquerdo. A fundoscopia demonstrou descolamento de retina direito inferiormente com extensão à fóvea e descolamento macular seroso à esquerda. Após estudos de imagem multimodal, o paciente foi diagnosticado com uma variante bolhosa de coriorretinopatia serosa central e tratado com espironolactona oral associada à fotocoagulação a laser adjuvante. As alterações retinianas resolveram após seis meses. A acuidade visual final foi 20/20 em ambos os olhos.

Acta Ortop Bras ; 31(spe2): e262255, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37323146


Objective: Investigate the prevalence of postural changes and correlate them with body weight and the weight of schoolchildren's backpacks in a school in the city of São João del-Rei-MG. Material and. Methods: The study is an original type, with a cross-sectional design, where 109 schoolchildren of both sexes and mean age of 13 years were evaluated. The New York scale was used for posture analysis, measuring body weight, height, backpack weight, and Body Mass Index (BMI). The ANOVA statistical test and Pearson's correlation test were used, considering a significance level of 0.05. Results: According to the results, the general average of the scores of postural problems was 68.7 points, with a predominance in the head, spine, hips, trunk, and abdomen. The regions of shoulder, feet, and neck presented mean scores below seven. The mean height was 1.61 m, body weight 56.03 kg, backpack weight 4.49 kg and BMI was 21.51 kg/m. Conclusion: Postural alterations are highly prevalent among the evaluated students. The most affected body segments are the head, spine, hips, trunk, and abdomen. However, this finding was not related to the weight of the backpacks or the students' body weight. However, different parameters must be used to analyze the factors that may be related to such findings, such as ergonomic changes, inadequate habits, growth spurt, among others. Evidence Level III,Cross-sectional Observational Study.

Objetivo: Investigar a prevalência de alterações posturais e correlacionar com o peso corporal e o peso das mochilas dos escolares em uma escola no município de São João del-Rei-MG. Métodos: O estudo é do tipo original, com delineamento transversal onde foram avaliados 109 escolares, com média de idade de 13 anos, de ambos os sexos. A escala de Nova Iorque foi utilizada para análise de postura, medição do peso corporal, altura, peso da mochila e Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC). Foi utilizado o teste estatístico ANOVA e o teste de correlação de Pearson, considerando o nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: De acordo com os resultados, a média geral dos escores dos problemas posturais foi de 68,7 pontos, com predomínio na região da cabeça, coluna, nos quadris, no tronco, e no abdômen. As regiões dos ombros, pés e pescoço apresentaram médias de escores menores que 7. A média da altura foi de 1,61m, do peso corporal de 56,03kg, do peso das mochilas de 4,49 kg e 21,51 kg/m do IMC. Conclusão: Conclui-se que existe uma alta prevalência de alterações posturais entre os escolares avaliados. Sendo que, os segmentos corporais mais comprometidos são, a cabeça, a coluna vertebral, os quadris, o tronco e o abdômen. No entanto, esse achado não foi relacionado ao peso das mochilas ou ao peso corporal dos escolares. Assim, diferentes parâmetros devem ser utilizados para analisar os fatores que podem estar relacionados a tais achados, como alterações ergonômicas, hábitos inadequados, estirão de crescimento, entre outros. Nível de Evidência III, Estudo Transversal Observacional.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 7335, 2023 05 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37147405


This study aimed to estimate the risks of adverse infant outcomes in the first year of life related to prenatal Zika virus (ZIKV) exposure. A prospective cohort of pregnant women with rash was recruited in Central-West Brazil in a post-epidemic period (January 2017 to April 2019). We evaluated participants' medical histories and performed ZIKV diagnostic testing using molecular (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction [RT-PCR]) and serologic (immunoglobulin [Ig]M and plaque reduction neutralization tests [PRNT90]) assays. The ZIKV-positive group included both RT-PCR-confirmed cases as well as IgM and/or PRNT90-positive probable cases. Children were evaluated at birth and in the first 12 months of life. Transfontanellar ultrasound, central nervous system computed tomography, eye fundoscopy and retinography were performed. We estimated the absolute risk and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) of adverse infant outcomes among confirmed prenatally ZIKV-exposed children. Among 81 pregnant women with rash, 43 (53.1%) were ZIKV infected. The absolute risk of microcephaly among offspring of ZIKV-infected pregnant women was 7.0% (95% CI: 1.5-19.1), including the two cases of microcephaly detected prenatally and one detected postnatally. In total, 54.5% (95% CI: 39.8-68.7) of children in the ZIKV-exposed group had at least one ophthalmic abnormality, with the most frequent abnormalities being focal pigmentary mottling and chorioretinal atrophy or scarring. Our findings reinforce the importance of long-term monitoring of prenatally ZIKV-exposed children born apparently asymptomatic for Congenital Zika Syndrome.

Exantema , Microcefalia , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez , Infecção por Zika virus , Zika virus , Recém-Nascido , Criança , Humanos , Gravidez , Lactente , Feminino , Infecção por Zika virus/complicações , Infecção por Zika virus/diagnóstico , Infecção por Zika virus/epidemiologia , Microcefalia/epidemiologia , Microcefalia/etiologia , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/epidemiologia , Estudos Prospectivos , Brasil/epidemiologia , Parto , Exantema/epidemiologia , Exantema/etiologia
Pharmaceutics ; 15(3)2023 Mar 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36986702


A poloxamer 407 (P407)-Casein hydrogel was chosen to carry polycaprolactone nanoparticles carrying terbinafine (PCL-TBH-NP). In this study, terbinafine hydrochloride (TBH) was encapsulated into polycaprolactone (PCL) nanoparticles, which were further incorporated into a poloxamer-casein hydrogel in a different addition order to evaluate the effect of gel formation. Nanoparticles were prepared by the nanoprecipitation technique and characterized by evaluating their physicochemical characteristics and morphology. The nanoparticles had a mean diameter of 196.7 ± 0.7 nm, PDI of 0.07, negative ζ potential (-0.713 mV), high encapsulation efficiency (>98%), and did not show cytotoxic effects in primary human keratinocytes. PCL-NP modulated terbinafine was released in artificial sweat. Rheological properties were analyzed by temperature sweep tests at different addition orders of nanoparticles into hydrogel formation. The rheological behavior of nanohybrid hydrogels showed the influence of TBH-PCL nanoparticles addition in the mechanical properties of the hydrogel and a long-term release of the nanoparticles from it.

Arq Bras Oftalmol ; 2023 Mar 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36995811


PURPOSE: To longitudinally compare isolated structural parameters obtained using RTVue optical coherence tomography in patients with glaucoma and suspected glaucoma with stable visual fields. METHODS: All patients were required to have a reliable SITA Standard 24-2 Humphrey Visual Field test. Visual field stability was defined as having <5 points with p<5% and/or having no points with p<1% and/or p<0.05% in the glaucoma progression analysis comparison graph. Furthermore, the glaucoma assessment strategy was used in optical coherence tomography. RESULTS: The study included 75 eyes from 75 patients, 43 of which had glaucoma and 32 had suspected glaucoma. The mean visual field intervals were 29.57 ± 9.65 months between the first and third tests. No visual field parameter variations (mean deviation, pattern standard deviation, and visual field index) and no retinal nerve fiber layer or optic disk parameter variations between the first and third tests were observed (p>0.05 for all), and no retinal nerve fiber layer parameter variations throughout the study were observed, except for optic disk parameters presenting with cup volume changes (p=0.004). However, ganglion complex cells presented a progressively decreased average ganglion cell complex parameter, with a variability of -0.98% ± 3.71% (p=0.04) between the first and third tests. By contrast, the global loss volume progressively increased throughout the study, with a variability of 14.71% ± 44.52% (p=0.04) between the first and third tests. The inferior ganglion cell complex parameter was significantly decreased between the first and third tests (p=0.02). CONCLUSION: The present findings suggest that patients with glaucoma or suspected glaucoma with stable visual fields may present structural ganglion complex cell progression as assessed using RTVue optical coherence tomography.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 86(1): 74-78, Jan.-Feb. 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403474


ABSTRACT We describe the case of a 15-year-old girl with decreased visual acuity associated with elevated intraocular pressure in both eyes and angle closure on gonioscopy. She also presented attenuation of retinal vessels and optic disc pallor with large excavation in the left eye. Ultrasound biomicroscopy revealed an anteriorly positioned ciliary body and absence of ciliary sulcus, confirming the plateau iris configuration. Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography revealed a bilateral cystoid macular edema. Genetic screening revealed heterozygous variants of the Crumbs homolog 1 (CRB1) gene (c.2843G>A and c.2506C>A). The patient underwent trabeculectomy for intraocular pressure control and topical treatment for macular edema. This case highlights the importance of performing gonioscopy and evaluating intraocular pressure in patients with a shallow anterior chamber despite young age. In addition, it also shows the importance of genetic screening, when available, in elucidating the diagnosis and providing patients and their families' information on the patient's prognosis and possible therapeutic options.

RESUMO Nós descrevemos um caso de uma paciente de 15 anos com queda de acuidade visual e aumento da pressão intraocular em ambos os olhos, juntamente com fechamento angular no exame de gonioscopia. Na fundoscopia a paciente apresentava atenuação dos vasos retinianos, palidez de disco e aumento de escavação em olho esquerdo. Ao exame da biomicroscopia ultrassônica, foi evidenciado corpo ciliar anteriorizado e ausência de sulco ciliar em ambos os olhos, relevando presença de íris em plateau. Ao exame de tomografia de coerência óptica, visualizamos presença de edema macular cistoide bilateral. O screening genético revelou heterozigose no gene CRB1 (c.2843G>A and c.2506C>A), confirmando o diagnóstico de retinose pigmentar. Este caso reforça a importância do exame de gonioscopia e da avaliação da pressão intraocular em pacientes em câmara rasa, mesmo em pacientes jovens. Além disso, mostra a importância do screening genético como ferramenta útil para elucidação diagnóstica.

Humanos , Adolescente , Glaucoma de Ângulo Fechado , Retinose Pigmentar , Glaucoma de Ângulo Fechado/cirurgia , Glaucoma de Ângulo Fechado/genética , Retinose Pigmentar/complicações , Retinose Pigmentar/genética , Proteínas do Olho/genética , Proteínas de Membrana , Proteínas do Tecido Nervoso
Histol Histopathol ; 38(8): 879-887, 2023 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36655776


In this study, we aimed to analyze the effect of 5-fluorouracil, triamcinolone, and bevacizumab on scar modulation in an experimental rat model of surgical lesions. Rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) were divided into four groups: bevacizumab, 5-fluorouracil + triamcinolone, bevacizumab + 5-fluorouracil + triamcinolone, and control (received no medication) groups. A linear, dorsal incision was created and sutured for the first intention wound healing, mimicking the surgical incision of upper blepharoplasty. Treatments were initiated on day 7, and the rats were euthanized on day 14. Only in the 5-fluorouracil + triamcinolone group was there a difference in the number of infiltrated monocytes. There was 56%, 86%, and 85% decrease in the number of neovessels in the bevacizumab, 5-fluorouracil + triamcinolone, and bevacizumab + 5-fluorouracil + triamcinolone groups, respectively, compared with the control. Picrosirius red staining showed higher collagen density and more organized collagen in the treatment groups than in the control group. Scar modulation was observed in all groups, but the 5-fluorouracil + triamcinolone group presented the best results. To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the influence of three medications in combination on healing. When used together, these medications can prevent the development of unsightly scars, and are therefore promising alternatives to corticosteroids.

Cicatriz Hipertrófica , Ferida Cirúrgica , Ratos , Animais , Triancinolona/farmacologia , Triancinolona/uso terapêutico , Fluoruracila/farmacologia , Fluoruracila/uso terapêutico , Bevacizumab/farmacologia , Bevacizumab/uso terapêutico , Ferida Cirúrgica/tratamento farmacológico , Cicatrização , Colágeno/uso terapêutico , Resultado do Tratamento