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Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(6)dic. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388449


RESUMEN El objetivo de la investigación fue incorporar compuestos bioactivos provenientes del concentrado del desecho de la industria quesera en cáscaras de naranja variedad Valencia, aplicando la técnica de la impregnación al vacío. Asimismo, fue evaluar los efectos de la presión de vacío (50-60 kPa), tiempo de impregnación (5-15 min) y concentración osmótica de lactosuero (50-60°Brix). Se determinó las características fisicoquímicas y acondicionamiento de la materia prima. El diseño de la investigación para la optimización utilizado fue un diseño Box-Benhken con el programa Design Expert 11, teniendo 15 tratamientos con valores de las variables. El mayor contenido proteico se obtuvo por la combinación de tratamientos, ajustando a las cualidades del equipo, siendo la presión de vacío a 57,0 kPa, concentración de sólidos solubles 54 °Brix y el tiempo de 7,70 min, lo que produjo 3,84 ± 0,10 g de proteínas/100 g de muestra. Finalmente, se evaluó las características fisicoquímicas del producto optimizado, la transferencia de masa, ganancia de agua e incremento de sólidos y se realizó el análisis microbiológico que nos indicó que este alimento es apto para el consumo humano.

ABSTRACT The objective of the research was to incorporate bioactive compounds in orange peels of the Valencia variety from waste concentrate found in the cheese industry, applying the technique of vacuum impregnation. The effects of vacuum pressure (50 - 60 kPa), impregnation time (5-15 min) and osmotic concentration of whey (50-60°Brix) were also evaluated. The physicochemical and conditioning characteristics of raw material were determined. The research design for optimization used was a Box-Benhken design with the Design Expert 11 program, having 15 treatments with variable values. The highest protein content was obtained by the combination of treatments adjusted to equipment qualities: vacuum pressure of 57.0 kPa, soluble solids concentration 54 °Brix and 7.70 min, which produced 3.84 ± 0.104 g protein/100 g of sample. Finally, the physicochemical characteristics of the optimized product, mass transfer, water increase and solids increase were evaluated and microbiological analysis to determine if this food is suitable for human consumption was performed.

J Food Sci ; 85(1): 132-142, 2020 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31880332


Curcuma longa is a rhizome used for the extraction of curcumin, a yellow colorant that only represents 3 wt% of the dried rhizome. To increase the possibility of using the entire rhizome as a food colorant, in the present investigation, the effect of ultra-fine friction grinding (supermasscolloider) to obtain turmeric suspensions was evaluated. To achieve this goal, two distances between the grinding stones or Gap were evaluated (G of -1 and -1.5), and the obtained suspensions were characterized by infrared spectroscopy and through the determination of curcumin content, color, particle size, sedimentation index, serum cloudiness, and microstructure. The results establish that a lower G contributes to an increase in the release of curcumin in the suspension up to 21%, which is related to a greater tendency for yellow coloration, observed in the increase of the * b coordinate of color (from 61.588 to 66.497). Additionally, it was found that a lower G generates smaller particle sizes, which is related to a lower turbidity. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: This research shows that ultra-fine friction grinding (UFFG) has great potential for the development of turmeric suspensions. The results have applications in the food industry sector, because UFFG could be used to produce different types of vegetable suspensions.

Curcuma/química , Manipulação de Alimentos/métodos , Extratos Vegetais/química , Curcumina/química , Curcumina/isolamento & purificação , Manipulação de Alimentos/instrumentação , Tamanho da Partícula , Extratos Vegetais/isolamento & purificação , Rizoma/química
Plant Biol (Stuttg) ; 21(2): 248-258, 2019 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30326544


The impacts of the historical geologic and climatic events on the diversity and genetic structure of Neotropical taxa have recently become a subject of study. However, annual plants associated with tropical dry forests remain under-studied. The exploration of additional taxa in contrasting environments will improve the current understanding of responses of the Neotropical biota to these events. Here, we explore the species distribution and geographic structure of the annual herb Tithonia rotundifolia. We sampled 175 individuals from 19 populations of T. rotundifolia. Species distribution modelling and six microsatellite chloroplast loci were used to infer its population history. We identified areas of historical climate suitability and then tested if there is genetic structuring among these areas. Haplotypes showed strong phylogeographic structure. Historical climatic suitability areas were found along the Pacific coast; however, a gap was found at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (IT). Although Bayesian analysis showed population structuring, amova revealed that the IT is not its main driver. Instead, a subdivision into a higher number of regions had higher FCT values. Also, populations to the east of the IT showed evidence of recent population expansion and migration in a south-north direction. Pleistocene climate fluctuations partially explain the geographic structure of T. rotundifolia. However, life-history characteristics such as limited seed dispersal and the patchy distribution of suitable habitats explain the high haplotype diversity and population sub-structuring and diversity. Lastly, the absence of geographic structure of some haplotypes may indicate long-distance dispersal, or hybridisation with the closely related T. tubaeformis.

Asteraceae/genética , DNA de Cloroplastos/genética , Repetições de Microssatélites/genética , América Central , Demografia , Variação Genética , México , Modelos Estatísticos , Filogeografia
Nucleus (La Habana) ; (63): 45-47, Jan.-June 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-990208


Abstract NUMEN proposes cross sections measurements of Heavy-Ion double charge exchange reactions as an innovative tool to access the nuclear matrix elements, entering the expression of the life time of Neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ). A key aspect of the projectis the use at INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) of the Superconducting Cyclotron (CS) for the acceleration of the required high resolution and low emittance heavy-ion beams and of MAGNEX large acceptance magnetic spectrometer for the detection of the ejectiles. The experimental measurements of double charge exchange reactions induced by heavy ions present a number of challenging aspects, since such reactions are characterized by very low cross sections. First experimental results give encouraging indication on the capability to access quantitative information towards the determination of the Nuclear Matrix Elements for 0νββ decay.

Resumen NUMEN propone mediciones de secciones eficaces de reacciones de intercambio de carga doble de iones pesados como una herramienta innovadora para acceder a los elementos de la matriz nuclear, entrando en la expresión del tiempo de vida de la desintegración beta doble sin neutrino (0νββ). Un aspecto clave del proyecto es el uso en INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) del ciclotrón superconductor (CS) para la aceleración de los haces de iones pesados de alta resolución y baja emitancia requeridos y del espectrómetro magnético de gran aceptación MAGNEX para la detección de los residuos eyectados. Las mediciones experimentales de reacciones de intercambio de carga doble inducidas por iones pesados presentan una serie de aspectos desafiantes, ya que tales reacciones se caracterizan por secciones eficaces muy bajas. Los primeros resultados experimentales dan una indicación alentadora sobre la capacidad de acceder a información cuantitativa para la determinación de los Elementos de la Matriz Nuclear para la descomposición de 0νββ.

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires; Ministerio de Salud de la Nación. Dirección de Investigación en Salud; 2018. 1 p.
Não convencional em Espanhol | ARGMSAL, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1452550


INTRODUCCIÓN Muchas de las actuales enfermedades emergentes y re-emergentes en seres humanos son transmitidas por animales. OBJETIVOS Analizar la información, percepción y comportamientos en relación con las zoonosis en adultos de 18 años o más en la ciudad de Córdoba. MÉTODOS Se realizó un estudio mixto cuanti-cualitativo. Para la etapa cuantitativa se diseñó un estudio transversal y correlacional, mediante la realización de una encuesta para recabar datos sociodemográficos, factores de riesgo, información y comportamientos en relación con las zoonosis. El muestreo fue aleatorio, polietápico y estratificado. El análisis de datos se realizó de forma descriptiva y mediante análisis bivariado. Para la etapa cualitativa se utilizó la teoría fundamentada, a los fines de indagar los argumentos que explican la percepción y/o comportamientos de riesgo de las enfermedades zoonóticas. Los datos fueron recabados mediante entrevista en profundidad y observación participante y para el análisis de datos se utilizó el Método Comparativo Constante. RESULTADOS Se observó que el 91% percibe que es riesgo para la salud la presencia de aguas estancadas y el 62% considera que es alto, presentando asociación significativa con NE alto; el 93% percibe como riesgo la presencia de basura acumulada y el 69% la considera de alto riesgo; el 59% declaró tener mascotas. La mayoría de los encuestados dijo tener conocimiento sobre las enfermedades zoonóticas, aunque, a excepción de rabia, no sabían explicar como ocurría el contagio. De los resultados cualitativos se puede observar que, si bien el nivel de información es importante ante comportamientos de cuidados preventivos para las zoonosis, existen otros factores ligados a los valores, nociones y creencias que influyen en ellos. Discusión El conocimiento sobre las enfermedades zoonóticas resulta fundamental, constituyendo la base de las medidas de intervención para la salud. Estos resultados constituyen un insumo para la formulación de acciones de promoción de la salud y prevención de enfermedades zoonóticas.

Zoonoses , Fatores de Risco
Braz. j. biol ; 77(4): 731-744, Nov. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-888811


Abstract Simplified environments characterize agroecosystems, reducing the diversity of associated plants, which are not cultivated for economic purposes, causing unbalances that can promote the emergence of cultivated plants pests, as well as the reduction of their natural enemies. Management systems that increase diversity in agroecosystems can extend the action of natural enemies of pests. Studies to understand the diversity of insects associated with rice cultivation and determine their ecological guilds can provide information about the composition and structure of such ecosystems, which can be applied to integrated pest management. Therefore, the study aimed to describe and compare groups of insects in irrigated rice fields, with organic management using two different systems of levees vegetation management, and relate them to the phenological states of rice cultivation (seedling, vegetative, and reproductive). Samples were taken in a plantation located in Águas Claras district of Viamão, RS. The total area of 18 ha was divided into two. A subarea called not cut (NC), where wild vegetation of levees was maintained, and the subarea named cut (C), where monthly cuts were made to levees vegetation, from the beginning of soil preparation until the harvest. From October 2012 to March 2013 were held weekly collections in quadrats randomly located in both the rice fields and the levees. A total of 800 insects were collected, 429 in the C subarea and 371 in the NC. There were identified 97 morphospecies in the C and 108 in NC, being 54 shared between the subareas. The captured insects were grouped into guilds: saprophages (C = 38.2%; NC = 27.5%), phytophagous (C = 28.5%; NC = 33.2%), entomophagous (grouping parasitoids and predators) (C = 29.4%; NC = 35%) and finally other insects (C = 4 %; NC = 4.3%). The peak abundance of phytophagous and entomophagous was registered in the vegetative stage of rice. At the same stage the UPGMA analysis showed that similarity in species composition was greater than 90% in the groups obtained in the paddy fields of C and NC subareas. The vegetation of levees can positively influence the presence of entomophagous in the field. Although the abundance did not change clearly, the greatest diversity in the NC areas of all the groups, may contribute to the maintenance of ecological services expanding the system resilience.

Resumo Os agroecossistemas se caracterizam por ambientes simplificados, com redução da diversidade de plantas associadas, que não são as cultivadas para fins econômicos, causando desequilíbrios que podem levar ao surgimento de insetos nocivos, assim como a diminuição de seus inimigos naturais. Sistemas de manejo que priorizem o aumento da diversidade no agroecossistema podem ampliar a ação de inimigos naturais de pragas. Estudos que busquem entender a diversidade de insetos associados ao cultivo de arroz irrigado, bem como determinar as guildas ou grupos ecológicos aos quais pertencem, podem trazer informações sobre a composição e estrutura dos ecossistemas que possam ser aplicadas no manejo integrado de pragas. Neste sentido, o estudo objetivou conhecer e comparar a diversidade de insetos entre áreas de cultivo orgânico de arroz irrigado, diferenciadas pelo manejo da vegetação das taipas e relacionar com os estádios fenológicos da cultura. As amostragens foram realizadas no distrito de Águas Claras, município de Viamão, RS. A área total de 18 ha foi subdividida em duas. Numa subárea, denominada não roçada (NR) a vegetação espontânea das taipas foi mantida, na outra, roçada (R), foram feitas roçadas mensais das taipas, desde o início do preparo do solo, até a colheita. Entre outubro de 2012 a março de 2013 realizaram-se coletas semanais, em quadrats, situados aleatoriamente tanto nas quadras de arroz quanto nas taipas. Foi coletado um total de 800 insetos, 429 na R e 371 na NR. Foram identificadas 97 morfoespécies na R e 108 na NR, das quais 54 foram compartilhadas entre as subáreas. As guildas registradas foram: saprófagos (R = 38,2%; NR = 27,5%), fitófagos (R = 28,5%; NR = 33,2%), entomófagos (reunindo parasitoides e predadores) (R = 29,4%; NR = 35%) e outros (R = 4%; NR = 4,3%). O pico de abundância de fitófagos e entomófagos foi registrado na fase vegetativa do arroz. Nesta mesma fase, a análise de UPGMA apontou que a similaridade na composição de espécies foi superior a 90% nos grupos obtidos nas lavouras das subáreas R e NR. A vegetação das taipas pode influenciar positivamente a presença de insetos entomófagos no campo. Embora a abundância não tenha variado significativamente entre as áreas, a maior diversidade na área não roçada em todos os grupos, pode contribuir na manutenção de serviços ecológicos aumentando a resiliência dos sistemas.

Animais , Oryza/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Biodiversidade , Agricultura/métodos , Insetos/fisiologia , Brasil , Meio Ambiente
Braz. J. Biol. ; 77(4): 731-744, Nov. 2017. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20391


Simplified environments characterize agroecosystems, reducing the diversity of associated plants, which are not cultivated for economic purposes, causing unbalances that can promote the emergence of cultivated plants pests, as well as the reduction of their natural enemies. Management systems that increase diversity in agroecosystems can extend the action of natural enemies of pests. Studies to understand the diversity of insects associated with rice cultivation and determine their ecological guilds can provide information about the composition and structure of such ecosystems, which can be applied to integrated pest management. Therefore, the study aimed to describe and compare groups of insects in irrigated rice fields, with organic management using two different systems of levees vegetation management, and relate them to the phenological states of rice cultivation (seedling, vegetative, and reproductive). Samples were taken in a plantation located in Águas Claras district of Viamão, RS. The total area of 18 ha was divided into two. A subarea called not cut (NC), where wild vegetation of levees was maintained, and the subarea named cut (C), where monthly cuts were made to levees vegetation, from the beginning of soil preparation until the harvest. From October 2012 to March 2013 were held weekly collections in quadrats randomly located in both the rice fields and the levees. A total of 800 insects were collected, 429 in the C subarea and 371 in the NC. There were identified 97 morphospecies in the C and 108 in NC, being 54 shared between the subareas. The captured insects were grouped into guilds: saprophages (C = 38.2%; NC = 27.5%), phytophagous (C = 28.5%; NC = 33.2%), entomophagous (grouping parasitoids and predators) (C = 29.4%; NC = 35%) and finally other insects (C = 4 %; NC = 4.3%). The peak abundance of phytophagous and entomophagous was registered in the vegetative stage of rice.(AU)

Os agroecossistemas se caracterizam por ambientes simplificados, com redução da diversidade de plantas associadas, que não são as cultivadas para fins econômicos, causando desequilíbrios que podem levar ao surgimento de insetos nocivos, assim como a diminuição de seus inimigos naturais. Sistemas de manejo que priorizem o aumento da diversidade no agroecossistema podem ampliar a ação de inimigos naturais de pragas. Estudos que busquem entender a diversidade de insetos associados ao cultivo de arroz irrigado, bem como determinar as guildas ou grupos ecológicos aos quais pertencem, podem trazer informações sobre a composição e estrutura dos ecossistemas que possam ser aplicadas no manejo integrado de pragas. Neste sentido, o estudo objetivou conhecer e comparar a diversidade de insetos entre áreas de cultivo orgânico de arroz irrigado, diferenciadas pelo manejo da vegetação das taipas e relacionar com os estádios fenológicos da cultura. As amostragens foram realizadas no distrito de Águas Claras, município de Viamão, RS. A área total de 18 ha foi subdividida em duas. Numa subárea, denominada não roçada (NR) a vegetação espontânea das taipas foi mantida, na outra, roçada (R), foram feitas roçadas mensais das taipas, desde o início do preparo do solo, até a colheita. Entre outubro de 2012 a março de 2013 realizaram-se coletas semanais, em quadrats, situados aleatoriamente tanto nas quadras de arroz quanto nas taipas. Foi coletado um total de 800 insetos, 429 na R e 371 na NR. Foram identificadas 97 morfoespécies na R e 108 na NR, das quais 54 foram compartilhadas entre as subáreas. As guildas registradas foram: saprófagos (R = 38,2%; NR = 27,5%), fitófagos (R = 28,5%; NR = 33,2%), entomófagos (reunindo parasitoides e predadores) (R = 29,4%; NR = 35%) e outros (R = 4%; NR = 4,3%). O pico de abundância de fitófagos e entomófagos foi registrado na fase vegetativa do arroz.(AU)

Braz J Biol ; 77(4): 731-744, 2017 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28355392


Simplified environments characterize agroecosystems, reducing the diversity of associated plants, which are not cultivated for economic purposes, causing unbalances that can promote the emergence of cultivated plants pests, as well as the reduction of their natural enemies. Management systems that increase diversity in agroecosystems can extend the action of natural enemies of pests. Studies to understand the diversity of insects associated with rice cultivation and determine their ecological guilds can provide information about the composition and structure of such ecosystems, which can be applied to integrated pest management. Therefore, the study aimed to describe and compare groups of insects in irrigated rice fields, with organic management using two different systems of levees vegetation management, and relate them to the phenological states of rice cultivation (seedling, vegetative, and reproductive). Samples were taken in a plantation located in Águas Claras district of Viamão, RS. The total area of 18 ha was divided into two. A subarea called not cut (NC), where wild vegetation of levees was maintained, and the subarea named cut (C), where monthly cuts were made to levees vegetation, from the beginning of soil preparation until the harvest. From October 2012 to March 2013 were held weekly collections in quadrats randomly located in both the rice fields and the levees. A total of 800 insects were collected, 429 in the C subarea and 371 in the NC. There were identified 97 morphospecies in the C and 108 in NC, being 54 shared between the subareas. The captured insects were grouped into guilds: saprophages (C = 38.2%; NC = 27.5%), phytophagous (C = 28.5%; NC = 33.2%), entomophagous (grouping parasitoids and predators) (C = 29.4%; NC = 35%) and finally other insects (C = 4 %; NC = 4.3%). The peak abundance of phytophagous and entomophagous was registered in the vegetative stage of rice. At the same stage the UPGMA analysis showed that similarity in species composition was greater than 90% in the groups obtained in the paddy fields of C and NC subareas. The vegetation of levees can positively influence the presence of entomophagous in the field. Although the abundance did not change clearly, the greatest diversity in the NC areas of all the groups, may contribute to the maintenance of ecological services expanding the system resilience.

Agricultura/métodos , Biodiversidade , Insetos/fisiologia , Oryza , Animais , Brasil , Meio Ambiente , Oryza/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Univ. sci ; 19(2): 139-146, mayo-ago. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-717124


Se utilizó el proceso de presión en canal angular de sección constante para deformar un acero de bajo carbono calibrado, con el fin de evaluar microestructura y propiedades mecánicas. A su vez, se identificó la posibilidad de mejorar propiedades más allá del proceso de calibrado. El material utilizado fue un acero de bajo carbono calibrado de composición 0.16 % C, 0.8 % Mn, 0.2 % Si, 0.02 % P, 0.012 % S y balance Fe. El proceso se realizó a temperatura ambiente con cuatro pasadas usando la ruta Bc, con una deformación equivalente de ∼0.6 en cada pasada. Se estudió la evolución de la estructura antes y después de la deformación usando microscopía electrónica de barrido y difracción de rayos X y se evaluaron las propiedades mecánicas de microdureza y resistencia a la tensión. Se encontró un aumento leve de las propiedades mecánicas al aumentar el número de pasadas en el proceso. Los análisis mostraron cambios en la estructura ferrítica-perlítica original a través del refinamiento de los granos de ferrita y la deformación de la perlita.

Low carbon cold drawn steel was deformed using equal channel angular pressing to evaluate its mechanical properties and microstructure, while assessing the possibility of improving properties beyond the cold drawn process. We used low carbon cold drawn steel with a composition of 0.16% C, 0.8% Mn, 0.2% Si, 0.02% P, 0.012% S and Fe balance. The process was carried out at room temperature and four passes at route Bc with a deformation of ∼0.6 in each pass. Using scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction, we evaluated the evolution of the structure before and after deformation as well as the mechanical properties of microhardness and tensile strength. A slight increase in the mechanical properties occurred when the number of passes was increased. There were changes in the original ferritic-pearlitic structure with the refinement of ferrite grains and pearlite deformation.

Utilizou-se o processo de pressão em canal angular de secção constante para deformar um aço de baixo carbono calibrado, com a finalidade de avaliar microestruturas e propriedades mecânicas. Assim, identificou-se a possibilidade de melhorar propriedades para além do processo de calibração. O material utilizado foi um aço de baixo carbono calibrado com a seguinte composição 0.16% C, 0.8% Mn, 0.2% Si, 0.02% P, 0.012% S e balance Fe. O processo realizou-se à temperatura ambiente com quatro passos utilizando a rota Bc, com uma deformação equivalente de ∼0.6 em cada passo. Estudou-se a evolução da estrutura antes e depois da formação utilizando microscopia electrónica de varrimento e difracção de rayos X e avaliaram-se as propriedades mecânicas de microdureza e resistência à tensão. Encontrou-se um aumento ligeiro das propriedades mecânicas ao aumentar o número de passos no processo. As análises mostraram alterações nas estruturas ferrítica-perlítica original a através do refinamento dos grãos de ferrita e a deformação da perlita.

Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol ; 89(2): 48-52, 2014 Feb.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24368097


OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in the treatment of extensive corneal ulcers in albino rabbits. METHODS: New Zealand rabbits, divided in 3 groups, were used for the study. Corneal ulcers of 10mm diameter were made. Rabbits blood was extracted for the preparation of the PRP of the corresponding group. The blood was processed by differential centrifugation. The first group, named control, was treated with sterile saline every 8h. The second group, named gel, was treated with deproteinized extract gel beef fat every 8h, and the third group, named PRP received one PRP drop on the first and third day of monitoring. The rabbits were monitored, by taking photographs, each day for the 7 days that the study lasted. RESULTS: A better outcome was observed in the group with deproteinized extract gel beef fat (GE group), and the PRP group (PL group), in comparison with the control group (CO group) (P<.05). CONCLUSION: The PRP showed to be just as effective as the commercial product (Solcoseryl®), for the regeneration of the extensive and deep corneal ulcers. Besides, it stands out as a no surgical procedure is required, and there is easy access, low cost and reduced doses.

Úlcera da Córnea/terapia , Plasma Rico em Plaquetas , Actiemil/administração & dosagem , Actiemil/uso terapêutico , Tecido Adiposo , Animais , Bovinos , Géis , Instilação de Medicamentos , Coelhos , Reepitelização , Resultado do Tratamento