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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536538


(analítico) La investigación sobre agresividad en jóvenes delincuentes es insuficiente en Colombia y, en consecuencia, no hay suficiente información sobre las diferencias de género en esta población. No evaluar e intervenir este comportamiento desde un enfoque de diferencias sexuales impacta negativamente la efectividad de las políticas criminales. En esta investigación participaron 1050 jóvenes infractores, seleccionados por conveniencia. Se incluyeron 855 hombres y 195 mujeres de 14 a 19 años de edad residentes en Medellín (Antioquia). Los principales resultados fueron: 1) muy altos niveles de agresividad proactiva, reactiva y total en los adolescentes infractores; 2) la existencia de diferencias en la agresividad proactiva y agresividad total en las mujeres comparadas con los hombres; y 3) la variación de la agresividad de acuerdo con ciertas variables sociodemográficas y asociadas con el delito.

(analytical) Research on aggressiveness among young offenders is insufficient in Colombia and, consequently, there is not enough information on gender differences related to aggression for this population. Failure to evaluate and intervene with this behavior using a gender perspective negatively impacts the effectiveness of criminal policies. A total of 1050 young offenders, selected based on ease of access, participated in this research study. The population consisted of 855 males and 195 females between 14 and 19 years of age living in Medellín. The main results were: 1) there were very high levels of proactive, reactive and total aggressiveness in adolescent offenders; 2) there were differences in proactive aggressiveness and total aggressiveness in females compared to males; and 3) levels of aggressiveness varied depending on certain sociodemographic and crime-associated variables.

(analítico) A pesquisa sobre a agressividade em jovens infratores é insuficiente na Colômbia e, conseqüentemente, não há informações suficientes sobre as diferenças de gênero nesta população. Não avaliar e intervir neste comportamento a partir de uma perspectiva de gênero tem um impacto negativo na eficácia das políticas criminais. Esta pesquisa envolveu 1050 jovens infratores, selecionados por conveniência. Entre eles estavam 855 homens e 195 mulheres entre 14 e 19 anos de idade morando em Medellín. Os principais resultados foram: 1) níveis muito altos de agressividade proativa, reativa e total nos adolescentes infratores; 2) a existência de diferenças na agressividade proativa e total nas mulheres em comparação com os homens, e 3) a variação da agressividade de acordo com certas variáveis sociodemográficas e relacionadas ao crime.

Psicotrópicos , Adolescente , Violência Doméstica
Psychol. av. discip ; 17(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535037


El trastorno de conducta grave es un notable problema social y de salud mental en población infantil y adolescente. Aquí se presentan los resultados de una investigación cuantitativa de nivel descriptivo, que tuvo como objetivo general realizar una caracterización de la agresividad en un grupo de adolescentes con este tipo de trastorno. El estudio se desarrolló con jóvenes de un centro de internamiento preventivo que se encontraban en proceso de judicialización, aún no sancionados, pero privados de la libertad. Se seleccionaron por conveniencia 115 hombres, a los que se les aplicaron cinco instrumentos de medición: el Inventario de Motivos para la Agresión, el Inventario de Situaciones y Comportamientos Agresivos, el Cuestionario de Agresión de Buss-Perry, el Cuestionario de Agresividad Proactiva y Reactiva, y la Escala de Agresividad Apetitiva. El principal motivo para la agresión era conseguir algo que querían, eran agresivos sin que hubiese algún motivo, expresaban frecuentemente su ira, amenazaban a personas conocidas, se enojaban cuando tenían desacuerdos, creían que los demás se burlaban de ellos a sus espaldas, se sentían bien después de agredir física o verbalmente a alguien, portaban armas para usarlas en peleas y consideraban que pelear era lo único que querían hacer en la vida.

Severe conduct disorder is a notable social and mental health problem in child and adolescent population. Here we present the results of a descriptive quantitative research with the general objective of characterizing aggressiveness in a group of adolescents with this type of disorder. The study was carried out with young people from a preventive detention center who were in the process of judicialization, not yet sanctioned, but deprived of their liberty. A total of 115 males were selected by convenience and five measurement instruments were applied: the Motives for Aggression Inventory, the Aggressive Situations and Behavior Inventory, the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, the Proactive and Reactive Aggressiveness Questionnaire, and the Appetitive Aggressiveness Scale. The main motive for aggression was to get something they wanted, they were aggressive for no reason, they frequently expressed anger, threatened people they knew, got angry when they had disagreements, believed that others made fun of them behind their backs, felt good after physically or verbally assaulting someone, carried weapons to use in fights, and considered that fighting was the only thing they wanted to do in life.

Healthcare (Basel) ; 11(10)2023 May 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37239731


Past research has associated callous-unemotional traits (CU) in young people with serious conduct problems and antisocial behavior. However, whether CU traits influence implicit attitudes toward violence remains largely unexplored. We assess this hypothesis in two independent samples: a sample of youth with no criminal records (Study 1, N = 86), and in a sample of young offenders (Study 2, N = 61). Both groups were not compared due to theoretical (very different demographics) and statistical reasons (the total sample was insufficient to be able to reach the statistical power required in the comparison of both groups). Further, we use an implicit procedure to examine whether CU traits modulate wanting for violent stimuli. Across two samples of youth, we found little evidence of an association between CU traits and implicit violent cognition. In youth with no criminal records, implicit attitudes toward violence were related to the unemotional factor of CU traits, but unrelated to other factors and to a global CU traits score. CU traits were not associated with implicit attitudes toward violence in young offenders. The latter finding was mirrored in the implicit wanting task. Overall, our findings cast some doubts on the adequacy of implicit measures to assess implicit violent cognition in youth with CU traits. We discuss potential methodological limitations of this research (e.g., characteristics of the sample and performance in the implicit procedures) that may impact our results.