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J Voice ; 2024 Apr 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38679522


OBJECTIVE: To validate the Vocal Tract Discomfort Scale for the Brazilian Portuguese (VTDS-BR), based on internal consistency, reliability, and accuracy. METHODS: The participants were 431 adults of both sexes, divided in two groups: dysphonia (DG) and vocally healthy (VHG). We built a digital database with personal, professional information and the item-by-item VTDS-BR responses of the participants. We applied Cronbach's alpha, exploratory factor analysis; confirmatory factor analysis; Item Response Theory (IRT) using the Samejima model; and ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve analysis to obtain the VTDS-BR cut-off point. RESULTS: The VTDS-BR has an eight-item structure and two factors: vocal hyperfunction without phonotraumatic injury and with phonotraumatic injury. Each item is evaluated based on two facets related to frequency and intensity, with a Likert scale response key. There are four possible answers: never, sometimes, often, and always for frequency and none, mild, moderate, and intense for intensity. We applied an IRT model, which allowed the identification of which items are more related to dysphonia, based on higher values in the parameters discrimination (a) and difficulty (b), which contributed to the calculation of each participant's aptitude for the development of voice problems, by means of a score. The cut-off value was determined using the ROC curve, in which values greater than - 1.432 indicate a higher probability of voice alterations. CONCLUSION: VTDS-BR went through the stages of validation of internal consistency, reliability, and accuracy. It presents an 8-item, two-factor, and two-facet structure to assess frequency and intensity of vocal tract discomfort symptoms. VTDS-BR is suitable for clinical use or in screening activities, as it is quick to apply and its interpretation is indicative of people with and without phonotraumatic injury.

Codas ; 36(3): e20230175, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38629682


PURPOSE: To assess the influence of the listener experience, measurement scales and the type of speech task on the auditory-perceptual evaluation of the overall severity (OS) of voice deviation and the predominant type of voice (rough, breathy or strain). METHODS: 22 listeners, divided into four groups participated in the study: speech-language pathologist specialized in voice (SLP-V), SLP non specialized in voice (SLP-NV), graduate students with auditory-perceptual analysis training (GS-T), and graduate students without auditory-perceptual analysis training (GS-U). The subjects rated the OS of voice deviation and the predominant type of voice of 44 voices by visual analog scale (VAS) and the numerical scale (score "G" from GRBAS), corresponding to six speech tasks such as sustained vowel /a/ and /ɛ/, sentences, number counting, running speech, and all five previous tasks together. RESULTS: Sentences obtained the best interrater reliability in each group, using both VAS and GRBAS. SLP-NV group demonstrated the best interrater reliability in OS judgment in different speech tasks using VAS or GRBAS. Sustained vowel (/a/ and /ɛ/) and running speech obtained the best interrater reliability among the groups of listeners in judging the predominant vocal quality. GS-T group got the best result of interrater reliability in judging the predominant vocal quality. CONCLUSION: The time of experience in the auditory-perceptual judgment of the voice, the type of training to which they were submitted, and the type of speech task influence the reliability of the auditory-perceptual evaluation of vocal quality.

Disfonia , Percepção da Fala , Humanos , Fala , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Medida da Produção da Fala , Variações Dependentes do Observador , Qualidade da Voz , Acústica da Fala
CoDAS ; 36(1): e20220327, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520730


RESUMO Objetivo Investigar se existem diferenças nas medidas acústicas cepstrais e espectrais entre mulheres com disfonia comportamental com e sem lesão laríngea, bem como verificar se existe correlação entre tais medidas e o julgamento perceptivo-auditivo da qualidade vocal. Método Participaram 78 mulheres com disfonia comportamental sem lesão laríngea (DCSL) e 68 com disfonia comportamental com lesão laríngea (nódulos vocais) (DCCL). Foram extraídas as medidas CPP (cepstral peak prominence), CPPS (cepstral peak prominence smoothed), declínio espectral e H1-H2 (diferença entre a amplitude do primeiro e do segundo harmônico), assim como o julgamento perceptivo-auditivo (JPA) do grau geral de desvio vocal (GG), graus de rugosidade (GR), de soprosidade (GS) e de tensão (GT). Resultados Mulheres com DCCL apresentaram maiores valores de H1-H2 e menores valores no CPP e CPPS, em relação às mulheres com DCSL. As vozes mais desviadas apresentaram menores valores do CPP e CPPS. As vozes soprosas apresentaram menores valores de CPP e CPPS, assim como maior valor de H1-H2 em relação às vozes rugosas. Houve correlação negativa fraca entre o CPP e o GR, negativa moderada com o GG e negativa forte com o GS. O CPPS apresentou correlação negativa moderada com o GG, GR e GS. A medida H1-H2 apresentou correlação positiva fraca com o GS. Houve correlação positiva fraca entre o declínio espectral e o GT. Conclusão As medidas acústicas H1-H2, CPP e CPPS apresentam diferenças entre mulheres com DCSL e DCCL. Além disso, há correlação entre as medidas cepstrais e espectrais e os diferentes parâmetros do JPA.

ABSTRACT Purpose To investigate whether there are differences in cepstral and spectral acoustic measures between women with behavioral dysphonia with and without laryngeal lesions and verify whether there is a correlation between such measures and the auditory-perceptual evaluation of voice quality. Methods The sample comprised 78 women with behavioral dysphonia without laryngeal lesions (BDWOL) and 68 with behavioral dysphonia with laryngeal lesions (vocal nodules) (BDWL). Cepstral peak prominence (CPP), cepstral peak prominence-smoothed (CPPS), spectral decrease, and H1-H2 (difference between the amplitude of the first and second harmonics) were extracted. They were submitted to the auditory-perceptual evaluation (APE) of the grade of hoarseness (GH), roughness (RO), breathiness (BR), and strain (ST). Results BDWL women had higher H1-H2 values and lower CPP and CPPS values than BDWOL women. More deviant voices had lower CPP and CPPS values. Breathy voices had lower CPP and CPPS values and higher H1-H2 values than rough ones. There was a weak negative correlation between CPP and RO, a moderate negative correlation with GH, and a strong negative correlation with BR. CPPS had a moderate negative correlation with GH, RO, and BR. H1-H2 had a weak positive correlation with BR. There was a weak positive correlation between spectral decrease and ST. Conclusion H1-H2, CPP, and CPPS were different between BDWOL and BDWL women. Furthermore, cepstral and spectral measures were correlated with the different APE parameters.

CoDAS ; 36(3): e20230175, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557615


ABSTRACT Purpose To assess the influence of the listener experience, measurement scales and the type of speech task on the auditory-perceptual evaluation of the overall severity (OS) of voice deviation and the predominant type of voice (rough, breathy or strain). Methods 22 listeners, divided into four groups participated in the study: speech-language pathologist specialized in voice (SLP-V), SLP non specialized in voice (SLP-NV), graduate students with auditory-perceptual analysis training (GS-T), and graduate students without auditory-perceptual analysis training (GS-U). The subjects rated the OS of voice deviation and the predominant type of voice of 44 voices by visual analog scale (VAS) and the numerical scale (score "G" from GRBAS), corresponding to six speech tasks such as sustained vowel /a/ and /ɛ/, sentences, number counting, running speech, and all five previous tasks together. Results Sentences obtained the best interrater reliability in each group, using both VAS and GRBAS. SLP-NV group demonstrated the best interrater reliability in OS judgment in different speech tasks using VAS or GRBAS. Sustained vowel (/a/ and /ɛ/) and running speech obtained the best interrater reliability among the groups of listeners in judging the predominant vocal quality. GS-T group got the best result of interrater reliability in judging the predominant vocal quality. Conclusion The time of experience in the auditory-perceptual judgment of the voice, the type of training to which they were submitted, and the type of speech task influence the reliability of the auditory-perceptual evaluation of vocal quality.

Audiol., Commun. res ; 29: e2809, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533841


RESUMO Objetivo Identificar evidências científicas sobre o distúrbio de voz relacionado ao trabalho e fatores de risco, além de apontar os sintomas vocais, instrumentos e métodos de avaliação em profissionais da voz falada. Estratégia de pesquisa Revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada nas bases de dados LILACS, SciELO, MEDLINE/PubMed e Scopus. Critérios de seleção Artigos com profissionais da voz falada, que abordassem os fatores de riscos individuais, organizacionais e/ou ambientais vinculados aos sintomas e/ou distúrbios de voz, estudos observacionais, disponíveis na íntegra, sem restrição ao idioma e ano de publicação. Resultados Foram incluídos 58 estudos, maior publicação entre os anos de 2014 e 2022, predominantemente no Brasil, em destaque, o professor. O método de avaliação mais utilizado foi autoavaliação com o uso dos protocolos, seguido da avaliação perceptivo-auditiva e do exame laringológico. Os fatores de risco mais identificados foram os individuais, seguidos dos organizacionais e ambientais, além de terem sido relatados os sintomas vocais sensoriais e auditivos. Conclusão Os fatores mais autorreferidos são ruído, uso intenso da voz, alterações respiratórias, ser do gênero feminino e práticas vocais inadequadas. Quanto aos sintomas vocais sensoriais, destacam-se garganta seca, pigarro e fadiga vocal, e quanto aos auditivos, rouquidão.

ABSTRACT Purpose To identify scientific evidence about (Work-Related Voice Disorder) and risk factors, as well as to point out vocal symptoms, instruments and evaluation methods in spoken voice professionals. Research strategy Integrative literature review carried out in LILACS, SciELO, MEDLINE/PubMed and Scopus databases. Selection criteria Articles with spoken voice professionals, which addressed individual, organizational and/or environmental risk factors linked to symptoms and/or voice disorders, observational studies, fully available, without restriction to language and year of publication. Results 58 papers were included, the largest publication between the years 2014 and 2022, predominantly in Brazil, with emphasis on the teacher. The most used evaluation method was vocal assessment using self-assessment protocols, followed by auditory-perceptual assessment and laryngological examination. The mostly identified risk factors were individual ones, followed by organizational and environmental ones, in addition to sensory and auditory vocal symptoms having been reported. Conclusion The most often self-reported factors were noise, intense voice use, respiratory changes, being female and inappropriate vocal practices. For sensory vocal symptoms, dry throat, throat clearing and vocal fatigue stand out, and for auditory symptoms, hoarseness.

Humanos , Percepção Auditiva , Distúrbios da Voz/diagnóstico , Fatores de Risco , Saúde Ocupacional , Docentes , Disfonia/diagnóstico , Brasil
Audiol., Commun. res ; 29: e2891, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564007


RESUMO Objetivo Investigar a associação entre medidas de desvantagem vocal, sintomas de transtornos mentais comuns e a restrição das atividades de canto ocorrida durante a pandemia de Covid-19 em coralistas amadores. Métodos Estudo descritivo, analítico, transversal, de natureza quantitativa. Para coleta de dados, foram utilizados um questionário de caracterização inicial, o protocolo de Índice de Desvantagem para o Canto Moderno (IDCM) e o SRQ-20, adaptação do Self Reporting Questionnaire, todos eles disponibilizados de forma on-line. A amostra da pesquisa foi constituída por 46 participantes pertencentes aos corais amadores de duas instituições de ensino superior. Resultados As médias do escore total do IDCM e SRQ-20 foram elevadas e estiveram correlacionadas positivamente entre si. Não houve diferença entre as pontuações do IDCM e SRQ-20 para os indivíduos que referiram a infecção por Covid-19, ou não. Indivíduos que afirmaram em suas respostas que sofreram influência da restrição social causada pela pandemia apresentaram escores mais altos do que aqueles que não fizeram essa afirmação. Não houve correlação com o tempo de canto e a desvantagem vocal e a presença de sintomas de transtornos mentais, mensuradas pelo IDCM e SRQ-20, respectivamente. Coralistas que mantiveram suas atividades de canto individual ou coletivamente apresentaram menores prejuízos vocais e emocionais. Conclusão coralistas amadores relataram desvantagem vocal e transtornos mentais comuns possivelmente relacionados às restrições sociais provocadas pela pandemia de Covid-19. Os índices observados, todavia, parecem não estar associados à infecção pelo vírus em si, mas às limitações impostas pela restrição social do período pandêmico.

ABSTRACT Purpose To investigate the association between measures of voice handicap, symptoms of common mental health disorders and the restriction of singing activities that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic in amateur choristers. Methods This is a cross-sectional, analytical, descriptive and quantitative study. To collect data were used an initial characterization questionnaire, the Modern Singing Handicap Index (MSHI) protocol and the SRQ-20, an adaptation of the Self Reporting Questionnaire, all of which were made available online. The research sample consisted of 46 participants belonging to amateur choirs from two higher education institutions. Results The mean total score for the MSHI and SRQ-20 were high and were positively correlated with each other. There was no difference between the MSHI and SRQ-20 scores between individuals who self-reported Covid-19 infection or not. Individuals who stated that the answers offered in the survey were influenced by the social restrictions caused by the pandemic had higher scores than those who did not make this statement. There was no correlation with singing time and voice handicap and the presence of symptoms of mental health disorders, measured by the MSHI and SRQ-20, respectively. Choristers who maintained their singing activities individually or collectively showed less vocal and emotional damage. Conclusion Amateur choristers reported voice disadvantage and common mental health disorders possibly related to social restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The observed rates, however, do not seem to be associated with the virus infection itself, but with the limitations imposed by social restrictions during the pandemic period.

Codas ; 36(1): e20220327, 2023.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37970895


PURPOSE: To investigate whether there are differences in cepstral and spectral acoustic measures between women with behavioral dysphonia with and without laryngeal lesions and verify whether there is a correlation between such measures and the auditory-perceptual evaluation of voice quality. METHODS: The sample comprised 78 women with behavioral dysphonia without laryngeal lesions (BDWOL) and 68 with behavioral dysphonia with laryngeal lesions (vocal nodules) (BDWL). Cepstral peak prominence (CPP), cepstral peak prominence-smoothed (CPPS), spectral decrease, and H1-H2 (difference between the amplitude of the first and second harmonics) were extracted. They were submitted to the auditory-perceptual evaluation (APE) of the grade of hoarseness (GH), roughness (RO), breathiness (BR), and strain (ST). RESULTS: BDWL women had higher H1-H2 values and lower CPP and CPPS values than BDWOL women. More deviant voices had lower CPP and CPPS values. Breathy voices had lower CPP and CPPS values and higher H1-H2 values than rough ones. There was a weak negative correlation between CPP and RO, a moderate negative correlation with GH, and a strong negative correlation with BR. CPPS had a moderate negative correlation with GH, RO, and BR. H1-H2 had a weak positive correlation with BR. There was a weak positive correlation between spectral decrease and ST. CONCLUSION: H1-H2, CPP, and CPPS were different between BDWOL and BDWL women. Furthermore, cepstral and spectral measures were correlated with the different APE parameters.

OBJETIVO: Investigar se existem diferenças nas medidas acústicas cepstrais e espectrais entre mulheres com disfonia comportamental com e sem lesão laríngea, bem como verificar se existe correlação entre tais medidas e o julgamento perceptivo-auditivo da qualidade vocal. MÉTODO: Participaram 78 mulheres com disfonia comportamental sem lesão laríngea (DCSL) e 68 com disfonia comportamental com lesão laríngea (nódulos vocais) (DCCL). Foram extraídas as medidas CPP (cepstral peak prominence), CPPS (cepstral peak prominence smoothed), declínio espectral e H1-H2 (diferença entre a amplitude do primeiro e do segundo harmônico), assim como o julgamento perceptivo-auditivo (JPA) do grau geral de desvio vocal (GG), graus de rugosidade (GR), de soprosidade (GS) e de tensão (GT). RESULTADOS: Mulheres com DCCL apresentaram maiores valores de H1-H2 e menores valores no CPP e CPPS, em relação às mulheres com DCSL. As vozes mais desviadas apresentaram menores valores do CPP e CPPS. As vozes soprosas apresentaram menores valores de CPP e CPPS, assim como maior valor de H1-H2 em relação às vozes rugosas. Houve correlação negativa fraca entre o CPP e o GR, negativa moderada com o GG e negativa forte com o GS. O CPPS apresentou correlação negativa moderada com o GG, GR e GS. A medida H1-H2 apresentou correlação positiva fraca com o GS. Houve correlação positiva fraca entre o declínio espectral e o GT. CONCLUSÃO: As medidas acústicas H1-H2, CPP e CPPS apresentam diferenças entre mulheres com DCSL e DCCL. Além disso, há correlação entre as medidas cepstrais e espectrais e os diferentes parâmetros do JPA.

Disfonia , Hominidae , Humanos , Feminino , Animais , Disfonia/diagnóstico , Acústica da Fala , Qualidade da Voz , Acústica , Medida da Produção da Fala
J Voice ; 2023 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37957072


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the determining factors for using devices in vocal interventions and characterize their use by Brazilian speech-language pathologists (SLPs). METHODS: This cross-sectional observational study had a sample of 148 SLPs with clinical practice in voice. They answered an online questionnaire via Google Forms about sociodemographic data, training, work in the area, and the use of devices in vocal interventions. Data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. RESULTS: Tubes, straws, and masks were the most commonly used devices. SLPs specializing in voice are more inclined to use thermotherapy and kinesio tapings while being less inclined to use therapeutic ultrasounds and nebulizers. Voice specialists are less likely to employ electrostimulation. The choice to use photobiomodulation and auditory monitoring devices is influenced by the years of clinical experience, whereas the speech-language therapy training duration affects the use of electrostimulation. The age of the professional also plays a role in the utilization of vibratory stimulation. Vibratory stimulation, auditory monitoring devices, thermotherapy, and nebulization are more frequently utilized among individuals who rely on their voices for occupational purposes, whereas electrostimulation is less common. The use of photobiomodulation is infrequent in children; vibratory stimulation is more common in adolescents, and thermotherapy is relatively common among older individuals. Most of these devices are typically prescribed in execution time during vocal intervention. CONCLUSION: The specialization, the time since graduation and in the occupation, and the target population of the service are the determining factors for the use of devices. They are used in vocal therapy and training, targeting vocal function.

J Voice ; 2023 Oct 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37863674


OBJECTIVE: To verify the convergent and concurrent validity of the Spectrographic Voice Analysis Protocol (SAP) and its accuracy to discriminate dysphonic from nondysphonic patients. METHOD: The study used 82 vowel /Ɛ/ samples and their respective narrowband spectrograms, analyzed with SAP. Cepstral peak prominence (CPP) and cepstral peak prominence smoothed (CPPS) verified the convergent validity of the SAP total score, while the general grade of vocal deviation (GG) verified the concurrent validity of the SAP total score. The ROC (receive operator curve) curve and its accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity values, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV), and positive likelihood ratio (LR+) and negative likelihood ratio (LR-) verified the accuracy of the SAP score to discriminate dysphonic from nondysphonic individuals. RESULTS: Dysphonic and nondysphonic had different SAP total scores. In the convergent validity, the SAP score had a weak and moderate negative correlation, respectively, with CPP and CPPS, as well as a moderate positive correlation with GG. SAP performed well in discriminating dysphonic from nondysphonic individuals (area under the curve = 82.0%; sensitivity = 91.7%; specificity = 51.7%; PPV = 93.7%; NPV = 44.0%; LR+ = 6.21; LR- = 0.53) based on the 8-point cutoff score. CONCLUSION: SAP has convergent validity with CPP and CPPS and concurrent validity with GG. The SAP total score performed well in discriminating dysphonic from nondysphonic individuals. However, the specificity, NPV, and LR- values justify cautiously using SAP, always in combination with other information in clinical voice assessment.

Codas ; 35(2): e20210123, 2023.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37075411


PURPOSE: To compare the efficiency of different vocal self-assessment instruments for dysphonia screening. METHODS: 262 dysphonic and non-dysphonic individuals participated in the research. The mean age was 41.3 (±14.5) years. The diagnosis of dysphonia was based on the auditory-perceptual analysis of the sustained vowel "é" and on laryngological diagnosis. The responses of the instruments were collected: Voice-Related Quality of Life (V-RQOL), Voice Handicap Index (VHI), VHI-10, Voice Symptoms Scale (VoiSS), and the Brazilian Dysphonia Screening Tool, (Br-DST) called in Brazilian Portuguese Instrumento de Rastreio da Disfonia (IRDBR). To analyze assertiveness in relation to the presence of dysphonia, the cutoff points of each instrument and the decision rule recommended by the IRDBR were used. An exploratory analysis was performed to compare mean scores of instruments and verify associations between variables. RESULTS: The instruments evaluated were sensitive to capture the impact of dysphonia in a similar way regardless of professional voice use and type of dysphonia. There was a difference only in VoiSS scores for the variable gender, with a higher score for females. Regarding global assertiveness, the instruments showed high rates of success in classification, with emphasis on the VoiSS, which had the highest rate (86.3%), followed by the IRDBR (84.0%), VQL (80.9%), VHI (78.2%), and VHI-10 (75.2%). CONCLUSION: The VoiSS has the highest assertiveness index in the identification of dysphonia, followed by the IRDBR. The IRDBR is a short, simple, and easy-to-apply tool for screening procedures.

OBJETIVO: Comparar a eficiência de diferentes instrumentos de autoavaliação vocal para o rastreio da disfonia. MÉTODO: Participaram 262 indivíduos disfônicos e não disfônicos, com média de idade de 41,3 (±14,5) anos. O diagnóstico da disfonia foi dado a partir da análise perceptivo-auditiva da vogal sustentada "é" e do diagnóstico laringológico. Foram coletadas as respostas dos instrumentos: Questionário de Qualidade de Vida em Voz (QVV), Índice de Desvantagem Vocal (IDV), IDV-10, Escala de Sintomas Vocais (ESV) e do Br-DST (Brazilian Dysphonia Screening Tool), denominado no português brasileiro como Instrumento de Rastreio da Disfonia (IRDBR). Para análise da assertividade destes em relação à presença da disfonia, foram utilizados os pontos de corte de cada instrumento e a regra de decisão preconizada pelo IRDBR. Foi realizada uma análise exploratória para comparação das médias dos escores dos instrumentos e verificação de associações entre as variáveis. RESULTADOS: Os instrumentos avaliados foram sensíveis para captar o impacto da disfonia de forma semelhante independentemente do uso profissional da voz e tipo de disfonia. Foi observada diferença apenas nos escores da ESV para a variável sexo, com maior pontuação observada no sexo feminino. Em relação à assertividade global, os instrumentos apresentaram elevados índices de acerto na classificação, com destaque para a ESV que apresentou maior índice (86,3%), seguida do IRDBR (84,0%), QVV (80,9%), IDV (78,2%) e IDV-10 (75,2%). CONCLUSÃO: A ESV apresenta maior índice de assertividade na identificação da disfonia, seguida do IRDBR. O IRDBR é uma ferramenta curta, simples e de fácil aplicação para procedimentos de rastreio.

Disfonia , Feminino , Humanos , Adulto , Disfonia/diagnóstico , Qualidade de Vida , Autoavaliação (Psicologia) , Qualidade da Voz , Inquéritos e Questionários , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Avaliação da Deficiência