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Phys Rev E ; 106(1-1): 014904, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35974509


If a granular material is poured from above on a horizontal surface between two parallel, vertical plates, a sand heap grows in time. For small piles, the grains flow smoothly downhill, but after a critical pile size X_{c}, the flow becomes intermittent: sudden avalanches slide downhill from the apex to the base, followed by an "uphill front" that slowly climbs up, until a new downhill avalanche interrupts the process. By means of experiments, controlling the distance between the apex of the sandpile and the container feeding it from above, we show that X_{c} grows linearly with the input flux, but scales as the square root of the feeding height. We explain these facts from a phenomenological model based on the experimental observation that the flowing granular phase forms a "wedge" on top of the static one, differently from the case of stationary heaps. Moreover, we demonstrate that our controlled experiments allow to predict the value of X_{c} for the common situation in which the feeding height decreases as the pile increases in size.

Phys Rev E ; 105(2-1): 024903, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35291150


We study the behavior of cylindrical objects as they sink into a dry granular bed fluidized due to lateral oscillations. Somewhat unexpectedly, we have found that, within a large range of lateral shaking powers, cylinders with flat bottoms sink vertically, while those with a "foundation" consisting of a shallow ring attached to their bottom, tilt besides sinking. The latter scenario seems to dominate independently from the nature of the foundation when strong enough lateral vibrations are applied. We are able to explain the observed behavior by quasi-2D numerical simulations, which also demonstrate the influence of the intruder's aspect ratio. The vertical sink dynamics is explained with the help of a Newtonian equation of motion for the intruder. Our findings may shed light on the behavior of buildings and other manmade structures during earthquakes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(7): 078002, 2020 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32857574


The sedimentation of solid objects into granular matter near boundaries is an almost virgin field of research. Here we describe in detail the penetration dynamics of a cylindrical object into a quasi-2D granular medium. By tracking the trajectory of the cylinder as it penetrates the granular bed, we characterize two distinct kinds of motion: its center of mass moves horizontally away from the lateral wall, and it rotates around its symmetry axis. While the repulsion is caused by the loading of force chains between the intruder and the wall, the rotation can be associated to the frictional forces between the grains and the intruder. Finally, we show the analogies between the sedimentation of twin intruders released far from any boundaries, and that of one intruder released near a vertical wall.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 85(12): 126101, 2014 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25554337


Understanding the penetration dynamics of intruders in granular beds is relevant not only for fundamental physics, but also for geophysical processes and construction on sediments or granular soils in areas potentially affected by earthquakes. While the penetration of intruders in two dimensional (2D) laboratory granular beds can be followed using video recording, this is useless in three dimensional (3D) beds of non-transparent materials such as common sand. Here, we propose a method to quantify the sink dynamics of an intruder into laterally shaken granular beds based on the temporal correlations between the signals from a reference accelerometer fixed to the shaken granular bed, and a probe accelerometer deployed inside the intruder. Due to its analogy with the working principle of a lock-in amplifier, we call this technique lock-in accelerometry.