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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(45): 27856-27865, 2022 Nov 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36367016


We study a thin-film electrodeposition model that represents the relaxation of the deposited material by adatom diffusion on quenched crystal topographies and considers simple mechanisms of cation flux in the electrolyte. The results of numerical simulations with collimated flux and a rapid cation reduction in contact with the deposit relate the surface roughness and the adatom hop numbers with two model parameters. A comparison with the results of a collective diffusion model for vapor deposition shows differences in the surface morphologies but similarities in scaling relations, which suggest thermally activated (Arrhenius) forms for the parameters of the electrodeposition model and relate one of them to the applied current. Simulations with purely diffusive cation flux and possible pore formation in simple cubic lattices show the growth of self-organized structures with leaf shapes (dendrites) above a compact layer that covers the flat electrode. The thickness of this layer and the average dendrite size also obey scaling relations in terms of the model parameters, which predict that both sizes decrease with the applied current, in agreement with recent experimental studies. Under all flux conditions, an increase in adatom diffusivity with temperature implies an increase in the average sizes of low-energy surface configurations, independently of their particular shapes. Finally, we note that a previously proposed model for electrodeposition produced similar morphologies, but the quantitative relations for the characteristic sizes differ from those of the present model, which also advances with a consistent interpretation of temperature effects.

Phys Rev E ; 103(6-1): 062205, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34271654


We study some dynamical properties of a charged particle that moves in a nonhomogeneous electric field and collides against an oscillating platform. Depending on the values of parameters, the system presents (i) predominantly regular dynamics or (ii) structures of chaotic behavior in phase space conditioned to the initial conditions. The localization of the fixed points and their stability are carefully discussed. Average properties of the chaotic sea are investigated under a scaling approach. We show that the system belongs to the same universality class as the Fermi-Ulam model.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(20)2021 05 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33972415


As the number or density of interacting individuals in a social group increases, a transition can develop from uncorrelated and disordered behavior of the individuals to a collective coherent pattern. We expand this observation by exploring the fine details of termite movement patterns to demonstrate that the value of the scaling exponent µ of a power law describing the Lévy walk of an individual is modified collectively as the density of animals in the group changes. This effect is absent when termites interact with inert obstacles. We also show that the network of encounters and interactions among specific individuals is selective, resembling a preferential attachment mechanism that is important for social networking. Our data strongly suggest that preferential attachments, a phenomenon not reported previously, and favorite interactions with a limited number of acquaintances are responsible for the generation of Lévy movement patterns in these social insects.

Isópteros/fisiologia , Movimento/fisiologia , Comportamento Social , Caminhada/fisiologia , Algoritmos , Animais , Comportamento Animal , Modelos Biológicos
Phys Rev E ; 100(5-1): 052302, 2019 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31869940


The two-species symbiotic contact process (2SCP) is a stochastic process in which each vertex of a graph may be vacant or host at most one individual of each species. Vertices with both species have a reduced death rate, representing a symbiotic interaction, while the dynamics evolves according to the standard (single species) contact process rules otherwise. We investigate the role of dynamical correlations on the 2SCP on homogeneous and heterogeneous networks using pairwise mean-field theory. This approach is compared with the ordinary one-site theory and stochastic simulations. We show that our approach significantly outperforms the one-site theory. In particular, the stationary state of the 2SCP model on random regular networks is very accurately reproduced by the pairwise mean-field, even for relatively small values of vertex degree, where expressive deviations of the standard mean-field are observed. The pairwise approach is also able to capture the transition points accurately for heterogeneous networks and provides rich phase diagrams with transitions not predicted by the one-site method. Our theoretical results are corroborated by extensive numerical simulations.

Phys Rev E ; 99(4-1): 042802, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31108608


The role played by a kinetic barrier originated by out-of-plane step edge diffusion, introduced by Leal et al. [J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 292201 (2011)JCOMEL0953-898410.1088/0953-8984/23/29/292201], is investigated in the Wolf-Villain and Das Sarma-Tamborenea models with short-range diffusion. Using large-scale simulations, we observe that this barrier is sufficient to produce growth instability, forming quasiregular mounds in one and two dimensions. The characteristic surface length saturates quickly indicating a uncorrelated growth of the three-dimensional structures, which is also confirmed by a growth exponent ß=1/2. The out-of-plane particle current shows a large reduction of the downward flux in the presence of the kinetic barrier enhancing, consequently, the net upward diffusion and the formation of three-dimensional self-assembled structures.

Phys Rev E ; 97(3-1): 032801, 2018 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29776046


An approach to generate radial interfaces is presented. A radial network recursively obtained is used to implement discrete model rules designed originally for the investigation in flat substrates. I used the restricted solid-on-solid and etching models as to test the proposed scheme. The results indicate the Kardar, Parisi, and Zhang conjecture is completely verified leading to a good agreement between the interface radius fluctuation distribution and the Gaussian unitary ensemble. The evolution of the radius agrees well with the generalized conjecture, and the two-point correlation function exhibits also a good agreement with the covariance of the Airy_{2} process. The approach can be used to investigate radial interfaces evolution for many other classes of universality.

Phys Rev E ; 93(5): 052131, 2016 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27300853


We investigate the origin of the scaling corrections in ballistic deposition models in high dimensions using the method proposed by Alves et al. [Phys. Rev. E 90, 052405 (2014)PLEEE81539-375510.1103/PhysRevE.90.052405] in d=2+1 dimensions, where the intrinsic width associated with the fluctuations of the height increments during the deposition processes is explicitly taken into account. In the present work, we show that this concept holds for d=3+1 and 4+1 dimensions. We have found that growth and roughness exponents and dimensionless cumulant ratios are in agreement with other models, presenting small finite-time corrections to the scaling, that in principle belong to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class in both d=3+1 and 4+1. Our results constitute further evidence that the upper critical dimension of the KPZ class, if it exists, is larger than 4.

Phys Rev E ; 93(1): 012110, 2016 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26871027


We study absorbing-state phase transitions (APTs) in two-dimensional Voronoi-Delaunay (VD) random lattices with quenched coordination disorder. Quenched randomness usually changes the criticality and destroys discontinuous transitions in low-dimensional nonequilibrium systems. We performed extensive simulations of the Ziff-Gulari-Barshad model, and verified that the VD disorder does not change the nature of its discontinuous transition. Our results corroborate recent findings of Barghathi and Vojta [H. Barghathi and T. Vojta, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 120602 (2014)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.113.120602], stating the irrelevance of topological disorder in a class of random lattices that includes VD, and raise the interesting possibility that disorder in nonequilibrium APT may, under certain conditions, be irrelevant for the phase coexistence. We also verify that the VD disorder is irrelevant for the critical behavior of models belonging to the directed percolation and Manna universality classes.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 90(5-1): 052405, 2014 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25493801


We study the ballistic deposition and the grain deposition models on two-dimensional substrates. Using the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) ansatz for height fluctuations, we show that the main contribution to the intrinsic width, which causes strong corrections to the scaling, comes from the fluctuations in the height increments along deposition events. Accounting for this correction in the scaling analysis, we obtain scaling exponents in excellent agreement with the KPZ class. We also propose a method to suppress these corrections, which consists in dividing the surface in bins of size ɛ and using only the maximal height inside each bin to do the statistics. Again, scaling exponents in remarkable agreement with the KPZ class are found. The binning method allows the accurate determination of the height distributions of the ballistic models in both growth and steady-state regimes, providing the universal underlying fluctuations foreseen for KPZ class in 2 + 1 dimensions. Our results provide complete and conclusive evidences that the ballistic model belongs to the KPZ universality class in 2+1 dimensions. Potential applications of the methods developed here, in both numerics and experiments, are discussed.