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J Psychosoc Oncol ; : 1-11, 2024 Apr 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38563200


OBJECTIVE: To describe the experience of implementing social robotics as an adjuvant during the hospitalization process in pediatric oncology patients. METHODS: Before and after cohort study, applying an intervention with the Lego Mindstorms EV3 kit in patients between 8 and 17 years old that are hospitalized with a cancer diagnosis. We excluded patients from the intensive care unit or when their treating physician recommended so. The intervention consisted of a three-phase workshop: an open architecture story, building a car robot using the Lego Mindstorm EV3 kit, and cooperative playing activities such as races and passing obstacles. RESULTS: Thirteen patients received the intervention with robotic lego. The median age was 15 years (IQR = 3), and 84.6% of the population (n = 11) were male. We found significant improvement in the language (topic management p = .011 and communicative intention p = .034). Other characteristics improved, but not significantly (self-care activities index, catching). No adverse events occurred during the intervention. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this pilot study suggest that implementing social robotics during hospitalization in children with cancer is a therapeutic adjuvant and safe intervention that promotes better communication, self-care, and a physical activity improvement. For future studies, the impact of this intervention could be measured in hospitalized pediatric cancer patients.

Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 64(supl.1): 135-141, oct.-dic. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-956825


Resumen Introducción. Las instituciones educativas son escenarios de riqueza cultural y social que favorecen la adopción de estilos de vida como la práctica de actividad física (AF). Los docentes poseen un acercamiento a la AF que es necesario reconocer, ya que juegan un papel fundamental en el proceso de adquisición de hábitos. Objetivo. Describir las representaciones sociales de AF que tienen los docentes de los ciclos I y II de colegios distritales en la localidad los Mártires, Bogotá, y establecer los condicionantes para su práctica. Materiales y métodos. Estudio exploratorio, descriptivo y cualitativo realizado con 48 docentes distribuidos aleatoriamente, en el que, a través de grupos focales, se indagó sobre las representaciones de AF y los condicionantes para su práctica. La información fue procesada mediante triangulación, haciendo uso del análisis del discurso. Resultados. La mayoría de los participantes definieron la AF desde una perspectiva biológica. En cuanto a los condicionantes, se destacaron más limitaciones en relación con la seguridad del entorno, las políticas institucionales y la actitud de los docentes, esta última como limitante y facilitador dependiendo del caso. Conclusiones. En el concepto de AF no se observa diferencia en términos de ejercicio, deporte, recreación o juego; sin embargo, se resalta su importancia para el escolar, pues el desarrollo humano se favorece al realizar AF. Ahora bien, en algunos casos, solo el profesional en AF puede promoverla, por lo que pocos docentes la involucran en sus clases.

Abstract Introduction: Educational institutions are sites of cultural and social wealth which favor the adoption of lifestyles such as physical activity (PA). Teachers have an approach to PA that must be recognized since it plays a key role in the process of acquiring habits. Objective: To describe the social representations of PA that teachers of cycles I and II of public schools in the locality Los Mártires in Bogotá have, and to set the conditions for its practice. Materials and methods: Exploratory, descriptive and qualitative study including 48 teachers, randomly distributed. Through focus groups, teachers were asked about the representations of PA and the conditions for its practice. The information was processed by triangulation, using discourse analysis. Results: Most participants defined PA from a biological perspective. Conditions, limitations related to the safety of the environment, institutional policies and attitudes of teachers were highlighted. Attitude was perceived as a limitation or a facilitator depending on the case. Conclusions: In the concept of PA, there is no difference between exercise, sport, recreation or game; its importance to school children is highlighted because human development is favored when performing PA. However, in some cases, only a PA professional can promote it since few teachers include it in their classes.