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Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 39(1)jan.-mar. 2015. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-764901


Pretendeu-se identificar anticorpos contra a sorovariedade icterohaemorrhagiae, sendo esta a mais prevalente em equinos, e contra as sorovariedades icterohaemorrhagiae, pomona, wolffi, hardjo e canicola e relacionar possíveis alterações na bioquímica sérica com a infecção por Leptospira interrogans. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 17 equinos hígidos e 8 enfermos, pertencentes à Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Nenhum destes animais era suspeito clinicamente para leptospirose. Foi realizado o teste de soroaglutinação microscópica e posterior titulação das amostras positivas. Também foram realizadas análises de bioquímica sérica quanto às concentrações de ureia, colesterol, creatinina, proteínas totais e albumina, além da atividade das enzimas hepáticas aspartato aminotransferase, gama glutamiltransferase e fosfatase alcalina. Os resultados evidenciaram que 20% dos animais estudados foram sororreagentes para Leptospira interrogans. Os equinos foram sororreagentes para as sorovariedades hardjo, autumnalis, pomona, pyrogenes, canicola e tarassovi. Quanto às análises bioquímicas séricas, foram observadas alterações quando as concentrações foram comparadas aos intervalos sugeridos como normais pela literatura. A sorovariedade icterohaemorrhagiae não foi a mais comum nos equinos estudados,porém, as sorovariedades hardjo, pomona e canicola foram as mais frequentes e as alterações na bioquímica sérica dos animais não puderam ser relacionadas à infecção por Leptospira interrogans.

El propósito fue identificar los anticuerpos contra icterohaemorrhagiaeserovar, que es el más frecuente en los caballos, yaquellos contra icterohaemorrhagiaeserovarespomona, wolffi, hardjo y canicola y relacionar los posibles cambios en la bioquímica sérica por la infección con Leptospirainterrogans. Fueron recolectadas muestras de sangre de 17 caballos sanos y 8 enfermos, pertenecientes a la Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Ninguno de estos animales tenía sospechasclínicas para la leptospirosis. Se realizó la prueba de suero aglutinación microscópica, con la posterior titulación de las muestras positivas. También se realizaron análisis bioquímicos en suero con respecto a las concentraciones de urea, colesterol, creatinina, proteínas totales y albúmina, además de la actividad de las enzimas hepáticas aspartatoaminotransferasa, gammaglutamiltransferasa y fosfatasa alcalina. Los resultados mostraron que los 20% de los animales fueron seropositivos para Leptospirainterrogans. Los caballos eran seropositivos para los serovareshardjo, autumnalis, pomona, pyrogenes, canicola y tarassovi. En cuanto a los análisis bioquímicos en suero, no se observaron cambios en las concentraciones comparados con los intervalos sugeridos por la literatura como normal. El serovaricterohaemorrhagiae no fue el más común en los caballos estudiados, sin embargo, hardjo, pomona y canicola fueron los más frecuentes y los cambios en la bioquímica sérica de los animales no pudieran estar relacionados con la infección por Leptospirainterrogans.

The aim was to identify antibodies against serovarietie icterohaemorrhagiae, since this is the most prevalent in horses, and against serovarieties icterohaemorrhagiae, pomona, wolffi, hardjo and canicola, and to listpossible changes in serum biochemistry with Leptospirainterrogans infection. Blood samples were collected from 17 healthy and 8 sick horses belonging to the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. None of these animals were clinically suspected for leptospirosis. The microscopic agglutination serum test was conducted, with subsequent titration of positive samples. Analyzes of clinical biochemistry were also done with regard to the concentrations of urea, cholesterol, creatinine, total proteins and albumin, besides the activity of liver enzymes aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyltransferase, and alkaline phosphatase. Results showed that 20% of the studied animals were positive for Leptospirainterrogans. The horses had serumagglutination positive for serovarieties hardjo, autumnalis, pomona, pyrogenes, canicola and tarassovi. In the biochemical analyzes, changes were observed when concentrations were compared to normal ranges as suggested in the literature. The serovariety icterohaemorrhagiae was not the most common in equine species; however, hardjo, pomon a and canicola were the most frequent in horses and the changes in serum biochemistry of animals could not be associated with Leptospira interrogans infection.

Humanos , Animais , Pacientes , Zoonoses , Doenças Transmissíveis , Leptospira interrogans , Leptospirose
B. Indústr. Anim. ; 69: 24-24, 2012.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-467515


The research for not pollutants and renewable sources of energy, made the biodiesel is reused. But, its production generates the Glycerin (10% of biodiesel volume). This production is increasing and accumulating year by year, like other industrious by-products. With no law about discarding, scientists started to feed animals in different species with it. Rich in glycerol, it gives energy for animals and doesn"t have other nutrients. It improves the alimentary conversion and does not change ruminal ambient or carcass production. For ruminants is used glycerin originated just from vegetables. This experiment aimed to discover what glycerins level can be used on diet. Made at the Unesp University of Campus of Jaboticabal, were used 24 heifers of Nellore in feedlot, weight of ± 265 kg in individuals stalls for 112 days. Were used three crossbreed cattle (Angus x Nellore) castrated and cannulated, with ± 400 kg of weight for incubation. The blond glycerin used has 83% of glycerol. The proportion of Forage: Concentrate was 30:70. Corn silage was the forage. The concentrate was composed of: soy hulls, sunflower meal, urea and corn or corn more glycerin. All treatments had same percentages of protein and energy and were identified as without glycerin (G0), with 10% of glycerin (G10) and 20% of glycerin inclusion (G20) in the dry matter of diet. Samples of food, leavings and

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 69: 24-24, 2012.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466462


The research for not pollutants and renewable sources of energy, made the biodiesel is reused. But, its production generates the Glycerin (10% of biodiesel volume). This production is increasing and accumulating year by year, like other industrious by-products. With no law about discarding, scientists started to feed animals in different species with it. Rich in glycerol, it gives energy for animals and doesn"t have other nutrients. It improves the alimentary conversion and does not change ruminal ambient or carcass production. For ruminants is used glycerin originated just from vegetables. This experiment aimed to discover what glycerins level can be used on diet. Made at the Unesp University of Campus of Jaboticabal, were used 24 heifers of Nellore in feedlot, weight of ± 265 kg in individuals stalls for 112 days. Were used three crossbreed cattle (Angus x Nellore) castrated and cannulated, with ± 400 kg of weight for incubation. The blond glycerin used has 83% of glycerol. The proportion of Forage: Concentrate was 30:70. Corn silage was the forage. The concentrate was composed of: soy hulls, sunflower meal, urea and corn or corn more glycerin. All treatments had same percentages of protein and energy and were identified as without glycerin (G0), with 10% of glycerin (G10) and 20% of glycerin inclusion (G20) in the dry matter of diet. Samples of food, leavings and

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.