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Sci Rep ; 12(1): 22516, 2022 12 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36581652


The aim of this study is to analyze the psychometric properties of the learning perception questionnaire (CPA) presented in this research. It was administered to a total of 1496 students in Baja California and Nuevo León, of the total sample, 748 were girls (Mage = 14.0, SD = 0.3), and 748 boys (Age = 14.1, SD = 0.3). The analyses support the hypothesized theoretical model of origin, presenting an acceptable internal consistency and temporal stability. The model fit data was excellent; furthermore, the examined model meets the convergent validity requirements. External validity was explored by examining the predictive relationship of the scale studied with Satisfaction with School. The CPA has a strong predictive relationship with student satisfaction/fun in class, while it is negative with boredom. Thus, the higher the perception of learning, the less likely that students will be bored in class. It is concluded, therefore, that the CPA scale is a proven instrument and that it serves to assess the perception of key learning by secondary school students.

Percepção , Estudantes , Masculino , Feminino , Humanos , Adolescente , Psicometria , México , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Front Psychol ; 10: 2506, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31824368


The aim of this article was to assess how students evaluate the professional personality competence of physical education teachers in high school and its relation to student satisfaction and student satisfaction with life itself. In line with these aims, this study was completed as a cross-sectional study, which was carried out in a group of 890 physical education students. Of the study group, 50.3% were female and 49.7% were male. The average age was 15.49 years for females (SD 1.79) and 15.00 years for males (SD 2.00). We used a questionnaire featuring the Physical Education Teacher Competence, Intrinsic Satisfaction Classroom Scale, and Satisfaction with Life Scale. The results are presented as descriptive statistics, correlations, and a structural equation modeling analysis showing students' perceived competence, predicted self-determined satisfaction, which in turn corresponds to life satisfaction.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31546851


Adolescents' academic performance and the way it is related to their subjective wellbeing are issues of great interest across educational systems. The purpose of this study was to ascertain how satisfaction with high school subjects can predict school satisfaction and academic performance in Mexican students. The sample consisted of 457 high school students in the Baja California and Nuevo León states in Mexico (247 boys, 210 girls); their mean age being 14.10 (SD = 0.84). We used a questionnaire featuring a subject satisfaction scale, an intrinsic school satisfaction scale, and one related to academic grades. We used descriptive analyses, correlations, and structural regression models. In terms of results, the high satisfaction and academic performance levels in physical education, Spanish and English are worth highlighting. Geography and history are the most relevant predictors of academic grades, while Spanish predicts school satisfaction and physical education predicts boredom. In conclusion, satisfaction with mathematics, Spanish, and English are strong predictors of satisfaction (SATF), and the latter in turn predicts Mexican high school students' academic performance.

Desempenho Acadêmico/psicologia , Currículo , Satisfação Pessoal , Estudantes/psicologia , Desempenho Acadêmico/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , México , Instituições Acadêmicas , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Inquéritos e Questionários
MHSalud ; 15(1)oct. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506647


En este trabajo se han analizado las relaciones entre las orientaciones de meta y las motivaciones de senderistas y cicloturistas mayores de 15 años para practicar actividad físico-deportiva por el medio natural, en el contexto del Camino de Santiago. La investigación se ha desarrollado mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario autoadministrado a una muestra de un total de 1 071 sujetos. Tras el análisis factorial, los resultados han puesto de manifiesto la importancia de la situación y la correspondencia entre el carácter intrínseco de las motivaciones relacionadas con el ocio, recreación y afiliación, así como con la evasión y válvula de escape, y la orientación a la tarea. La disposición motivacional al ego resulta menos relevante en las actividades físico-deportivas y recreativas en el medio natural, aunque, en este entorno, son aspectos que resultan más importantes para las mujeres. Como conclusión, motivaciones de índole espiritual, cultural, deportivo y de relación con otras personas, son los destacados por los peregrinos del Camino de Santiago.

This paper analyses the relationships between the goal orientations and the hikers and cycle-tourers' motivations older than 15 have to practice physical-sport activity in natural environments in the context of the Way of Saint James. The investigation has been developed by administering a self-administered questionnaire to a sample of 1.071 individuals. After the factorial analysis, the results have shown the importance of the situation and the relationship between the intrinsic character of the motivations related to leisure, recreation, and affiliation, as well as to the escape and escape valve, and the task orientation. The ego orientation is less outstanding in the physical-sport and recreational activities in the natural environment, although these are aspects that are more important for women in this environment.

Neste trabalho analisaram-se as relações entre as orientações de objetivos e as motivações de caminhantes e ciclistas com mais de 15 anos de idade para a prática de atividade física junto a natureza, no contexto do Caminho de Santiago. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida aplicando-se um questionário autoadministrado a uma amostra de 1.071 sujeitos. Depois da análise fatorial, os resultados mostraram a importância da situação e a relação entre a natureza intrínseca das motivações relacionadas ao lazer, recreação e adesão, bem como a evasão e a válvula de escape, e a orientação à tarefa. A orientação ao ego resulta menos relevante em as atividades físico-esportivas e recreativas junto a natureza, ainda que, neste meio, são aspectos que resultam mais importantes para as mulheres. Como conclusão, motivações de índole espiritual, cultural, esportivo e de relação com outras pessoas, são as destacadas pelos peregrinos do Caminho de Santiago.

Psychol Rep ; 120(4): 760-779, 2017 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28558543


The aim of this study is to analyze a set of socializing agents for sport and physical activities and to establish their relationship with leisure time sport and physical activities behaviors and practice patterns in samples of teenage students with different sociocultural backgrounds. The sample included 2168 students in their first year of secondary education, 423 of them being from Costa Rica, 408 from Mexico, and 1337 from Spain (1052 male students, 1037 female students, and 79 students who did not specify gender) aged 11-16 years old (M = 12.49; SD = .81). A validated questionnaire with questions about leisure time sport and physical activities and socializing agents was used. Descriptive, inferential, and multinomial logistic regression analyses were carried out with SPSS 17.0 to compare all three countries. Costa Rica had the most active students, best friends' inactivity, and unsupportive parents being the agents predicting inactivity and a low level of sport and physical activities. Mexico has a high dropout rate and inactive students exceed active ones; no agent predicts inactivity or sport and physical activities pattern. Spain has the highest level of sport and physical activities practice, and parents, siblings, and friends are predicting agents of inactivity together with unsupportive parents and friends.

Pensar mov ; 15(1)jun. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507011


Los equipamientos y materiales en las actividades físicas en el medio natural y en los deportes de aventura corresponden a instalaciones e instrumentos concretos para cada modalidad deportiva. La práctica de escalada, kayak, esquí o bicicleta todo terreno (BTT) será más adecuada y variará en función de las condiciones medioambientales que presente el entorno y de las características de este. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron analizar los deportes incluidos en los raids y conocer el material, instalaciones y época de año de práctica. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 272 competidores de élite de la Liga Española de Raids de Aventura. El instrumento de medida utilizado fue un cuestionario autoadministrado validado previamente. Los resultados obtenidos fueron que un 80.1% de los participantes practicaba deportes de aventura en todas las estaciones del año por igual y un 69.8% utiliza material específico en la práctica deportiva. Este estudio concluye que los competidores en los raids de aventura practican diversos deportes de aventura en todas las épocas del año por igual y que el material específico es lo más común entre los competidores en el entorno natural.

Physical activities and adventure sports practiced outdoor are implemented in specific places and used specialized devices and particular equipment for every sport. Practicing climbing, kayak, ski, mountain bike (MTB) will be more adequate and they vary in terms of the environment´s conditions and characteristics. The aim of this study was to analyze and identify the raid sports focused on the equipment, facilities, and periods of the year when was accomplished. The sample included 272 elite competitors from Adventure Racing Spanish League (Liga Española de Raids de Aventura, LERA, for its acronym in Spanish.) The measurement method consisted in a previously validated self-test. The results revealed that 80.1% of the participants practiced raid sports through the year, and 69.8% used a particular equipment during sport practices. This study concludes that adventure raid competitors perform all kinds of adventure sports through the year and using specific equipment is the most common issue among competitors in the natural environment.

Os equipamentos e materiais nas atividades físicas no meio natural e nos esportes de aventura correspondem a instalações e instrumentos concretos para cada modalidade esportiva. A prática de escalada, caiaque, esqui ou mountain-bike (BTT) será mais adequada e variará em função das condições meio ambientais que apresentar o ambiente e das características do mesmo. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram analisar os esportes incluídos nos raids e conhecer o material, instalações e época do ano de prática. A amostra esteve composta por 272 competidores de elite da Liga Espanhola de Raids de Aventura. O instrumento de medida utilizado foi um questionário auto administrado legitimado previamente. Os resultados obtidos foram que 80.1% dos participantes praticavam esportes de aventura em todas as estações do ano da mesma forma e 69.8% utilizam material específico na prática esportiva. Este estudo conclui que os competidores nos raids de aventura praticam diversos esportes de aventura em todas as épocas do ano da mesma forma e o material específico é o mais comum entre os competidores em ambiente natural.

Educ. fis. deporte ; 35(2):, Julio 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-964956


La Educación Física y el Medio Ambiente son áreas que se han relacionado desde hace décadas, pero, a pesar de ello y de sus influencias, aún existen muchas prácticas deportivas realizadas en el medio natural que no son ecológicas, especialmente porque no son democráticas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar el concepto de deporte y de las prácticas ecológicas en España y Brasil, y encontrar modos de conseguir que una práctica deportiva llegue a ser ecológica. Se discute que el deporte, al igual que la aventura, son prácticas que se alejan de los principios de la ecología, y cómo la concepción Prácticas corporales de aventura en la naturaleza (PCANs), es una expresión cuyo significado se acerca más a estos principios.

The main objective of this study is to analyze the concepts of sports and ecological practices in Brazil and Spain, in order to find methods to make sports practice become an ecological practice. Physical Education and the environment are areas that have been linked for decades. Despite this and its influence, there are currently many sport activities performed in the environment that are not ecological. Sport is discussed as a practice that departs from the principles of ecology and how the term 'Body Practices Adventure in Nature' (BPAN) is one of the terms that is closest to these ecologic principles.

O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar o conceito de desporto e das práticas ecológicas em Espanha e Brasil, e encontrar formas de conseguir que uma prática esportiva chegue a ser ecológica. A Educação Física e o Meio ambiente são áreas que se relacionaram desde faz décadas; mas apesar disso, e de suas influências, ainda existem muitas práticas esportivas realizadas no médio natural que não são ecológicas. Discute-se o desporto como uma prática que se afasta dos princípios da ecologia, e como a concepção "Práticas Corporais" de Aventura na Natureza (PCANs), é um dos termos que mais se acerca a estes princípios.

Exercício Físico
Univ. psychol ; 15(2): 39-49, abr.-jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-963141


El objetivo de este trabajo fue hallar un modelo de predicción de la satisfacción y diversión hacia la Educación Física partiendo del clima de aprendizaje y teniendo en cuenta el apoyo a la autonomía del profesorado y la propia percepción de autonomía del alumnado. Se utilizó una muestra de 758 alumnos de secundaria con edades entre 13 y 18 años. Se aplicó a los participantes de la investigación, la versión española adaptada a la educación física, de los siguientes instrumentos: Learning and Performance Orientations in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire, Learning Climate Questionnaire, Sport Satisfaction Instrument y el factor autonomía del Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale. Los resultados señalaron que el clima motivacional implicado en el aprendizaje predecía positivamente el apoyo a la autonomía por parte del profesor y esta predecía la propia percepción de autonomía del alumno. Asimismo, la percepción de autonomía predijo positivamente la satisfacción/diversión y negativamente el aburrimiento en las clases. Como conclusión, los docentes deben favorecer un clima de aprendizaje que apoye la autonomía y favorezca la percepción de esta en el alumno para conseguir que se diviertan en las clases de Educación Física.

The aim of this work was to find a model to predict satisfaction and fun to the physical education based on learning climate and considering supporting to the autonomy of teachers and the perception of autonomy of students. A sample of 758 secondary school students aged between 13 and 18 was used. The following instruments were used: the Spanish version adapted to Physical Education of Learning and Performance Orientations in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire, Learning Climate Questionnaire, Sport Satisfaction Instrument and autonomy factor in Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale. The results showed that learning motivational climate positively predicted perceived autonomy support on the teacher part and this predicted the self perception of autonomy on the part of students. In the same way, the perceived autonomy positively predicted satisfaction/fun and negatively boredom in class. In conclusion, teachers should foster a learning climate that supports and promotes the autonomy perceived autonomy in students for them to have fun in physical education classes.

Cien Saude Colet ; 21(4): 1105-12, 2016 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27076009


In view of the rise in sedentary lifestyle amongst young people, knowledge regarding their intention to partake in physical activity can be decisive when it comes to instilling physical activity habits to improve the current and future health of school students. Therefore, the object of this study was to find a predictive model of the intention to partake in leisure- time physical activity based on motivation, satisfaction and competence. The sample consisted of 347 Spanish, male, high school students and 411 female students aged between 13 and 18 years old. We used a questionnaire made up of the Sport Motivation Scale, Sport Satisfaction Instrument, and the competence factor in the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale and Intention to Partake in Leisure-Time Physical Activity, all of them adapted to school Physical Education. We carried out confirmatory factor analyses and structural equation models. The intention to partake in leisure-time physical activity was predicted by competence and the latter by satisfaction/fun. Intrinsic motivation was revealed to be the best predictor of satisfaction/fun. Intrinsic motivation should be enhanced in order to predict an intention to partake in physical activity in Physical Education students.

Atitude Frente a Saúde , Intenção , Atividades de Lazer , Educação Física e Treinamento , Adolescente , Exercício Físico , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Motivação , Atividade Motora , Estudantes , Inquéritos e Questionários