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Ci. Anim. bras. ; 20: e-50390, July 18, 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21212


Avaliaram-se os aspectos fermentativos e bromatológicos da silagem de cana-de-açúcar com adição de inoculante à base de Lactobacillus buchneri, associado ou não à adição de farelo de trigo (20%), de casca de soja (20%) ou à mistura de farelo de trigo (10%) + casca de soja (20%), utilizando delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Não foram observados efeitos significativos dos tratamentos sobre o pH da silagem, porém, observou-se temperatura mais elevada no tratamento contendo 10% de farelo de trigo + 10% de farelo de soja em relação aos tratamentos controle, CA e CCS20. A adição de fontes de carboidratos proporcionou aumento médio de 145,86 kg de MV/m3 nos valores de massa específica e, juntamente com a adição de inoculante biológico, recuperação de matéria seca em média 20,5% superior ao da silagem controle, além de elevar os teores de matéria seca em média 2,63% e de proteína bruta em 1,92%. Conclui-se que, isoladamente, a adição do inoculante biológico foi capaz apenas de reduzir as perdas do processo fermentativo em relação à silagem controle e que a adição de fontes de carboidratos, tanto casca de soja como farelo de trigo, melhora o valor nutritivo da silagem de cana-de-açúcar.(AU)

It was evaluated the fermentative and bromatological aspects of sugarcane silage with addition of Lactobacillus buchneri inoculant with or without the addition of wheat bran (20%), soybean hull (20%) or the mixture of wheat bran (10%) + soybean hull (20%), using a completely randomized design with four replicates. No significant effects of the treatments on the pH of the silage were observed, however, a higher temperature was observed in the treatment containing 10% of wheat bran + 10% of soybean meal in relation to the control treatment. The addition of carbohydrate sources provided an average increase of 145,86 kg of MV/m3 in the specific mass values and, together with the addition of biological inoculant, dry matter recovery averaged 20,5% higher than the control silage, in addition to increasing the dry matter contents in an average of 2,63% and crude protein in 1,92%. It is concluded that, in isolation, the addition of the biological inoculant was only able to reduce losses of the fermentative process in relation to the control silage and that the addition of carbohydrate sources, both soybean peel and wheat bran, improve the nutritive value of the cane silage.(AU)

Análise de Alimentos , Saccharum , Lactobacillus , Carboidratos , Valor Nutritivo , Fermentação
Asian-Australas J Anim Sci ; 32(6): 800-807, 2019 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30477288


OBJECTIVE: The aim was to evaluate backgrounding beef steers on oat + ryegrass pastures mixed with vetch and/or using energy supplementation. METHODS: A randomized block design with three treatments and three replications was used. The treatments were: grass + supplement (oat + ryegrass + supplementation), legume + supplement (oat + ryegrass + vetch + supplementation) and grass + legume (oat + ryegrass + vetch). A continuous grazing system with a variable stocking rate was used. Twenty-seven intact crossbred steers (1/4 Marchigiana, 1/4 Aberdeen Angus and 2/4 Nellore) aged 7 months old and average weight of 190 kg were used. Steers were supplemented at 1% of the body weight of ground corn. The experiment lasted 84 days, between May and August 2014. Behavioral assessments were performed two times per experimental period, for 24 hours. RESULTS: The forage mass was different between treatments, being greater for steers fed without legume. The accumulation rate, forage allowance, and stocking rate did not differ between treatments due to the adequate adjustment of forage allowance. The final weight of animals, as well as the dry matter intake (kg/d), did not differ between treatments. However, forage intake was higher for non-supplemented animals in relation to supplemented steers. Supplement intake did not alter the total digestible nutrient intake due to pasture quality. Animals fed grass + supplement had higher live weight gain per area than those fed grass + legume. Animals without supplementation spent more time in grazing. CONCLUSION: Feeding behavior was not altered by mixing with vetch or supplementation. Non-supplemented animals started the grazing peak earlier and spent more time in grazing than those supplemented; however, the average daily gain was similar between treatments. The live weight gain per hectare was 47% higher in pastures in which the animals received supplementation compared with those mixed with vetch, a consequence of the substitutive effect.

Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1473670


Avaliaram-se os aspectos fermentativos e bromatológicos da silagem de cana-de-açúcar com adição de inoculante à base de Lactobacillus buchneri, associado ou não à adição de farelo de trigo (20%), de casca de soja (20%) ou à mistura de farelo de trigo (10%) + casca de soja (20%), utilizando delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Não foram observados efeitos significativos dos tratamentos sobre o pH da silagem, porém, observou-se temperatura mais elevada no tratamento contendo 10% de farelo de trigo + 10% de farelo de soja em relação aos tratamentos controle, CA e CCS20. A adição de fontes de carboidratos proporcionou aumento médio de 145,86 kg de MV/m3 nos valores de massa específica e, juntamente com a adição de inoculante biológico, recuperação de matéria seca em média 20,5% superior ao da silagem controle, além de elevar os teores de matéria seca em média 2,63% e de proteína bruta em 1,92%. Conclui-se que, isoladamente, a adição do inoculante biológico foi capaz apenas de reduzir as perdas do processo fermentativo em relação à silagem controle e que a adição de fontes de carboidratos, tanto casca de soja como farelo de trigo, melhora o valor nutritivo da silagem de cana-de-açúcar.

It was evaluated the fermentative and bromatological aspects of sugarcane silage with addition of Lactobacillus buchneri inoculant with or without the addition of wheat bran (20%), soybean hull (20%) or the mixture of wheat bran (10%) + soybean hull (20%), using a completely randomized design with four replicates. No significant effects of the treatments on the pH of the silage were observed, however, a higher temperature was observed in the treatment containing 10% of wheat bran + 10% of soybean meal in relation to the control treatment. The addition of carbohydrate sources provided an average increase of 145,86 kg of MV/m3 in the specific mass values and, together with the addition of biological inoculant, dry matter recovery averaged 20,5% higher than the control silage, in addition to increasing the dry matter contents in an average of 2,63% and crude protein in 1,92%. It is concluded that, in isolation, the addition of the biological inoculant was only able to reduce losses of the fermentative process in relation to the control silage and that the addition of carbohydrate sources, both soybean peel and wheat bran, improve the nutritive value of the cane silage.

Análise de Alimentos , Carboidratos , Fermentação , Lactobacillus , Saccharum , Valor Nutritivo