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Arq Bras Cardiol ; 121(4): e20240113, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Português, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38695411
Feitosa, Audes Diogenes de Magalhães; Barroso, Weimar Kunz Sebba; Mion Junior, Decio; Nobre, Fernando; Mota-Gomes, Marco Antonio; Jardim, Paulo Cesar Brandão Veiga; Amodeo, Celso; Oliveira, Adriana Camargo; Alessi, Alexandre; Sousa, Ana Luiza Lima; Brandão, Andréa Araujo; Pio-Abreu, Andrea; Sposito, Andrei C; Pierin, Angela Maria Geraldo; Paiva, Annelise Machado Gomes de; Spinelli, Antonio Carlos de Souza; Machado, Carlos Alberto; Poli-de-Figueiredo, Carlos Eduardo; Rodrigues, Cibele Isaac Saad; Forjaz, Claudia Lucia de Moraes; Sampaio, Diogo Pereira Santos; Barbosa, Eduardo Costa Duarte; Freitas, Elizabete Viana de; Cestario, Elizabeth do Espirito Santo; Muxfeldt, Elizabeth Silaid; Lima Júnior, Emilton; Feitosa, Fabiana Gomes Aragão Magalhães; Consolim-Colombo, Fernanda Marciano; Almeida, Fernando Antônio de; Silva, Giovanio Vieira da; Moreno Júnior, Heitor; Finimundi, Helius Carlos; Guimarães, Isabel Cristina Britto; Gemelli, João Roberto; Barreto Filho, José Augusto Soares; Vilela-Martin, José Fernando; Ribeiro, José Marcio; Yugar-Toledo, Juan Carlos; Magalhães, Lucélia Batista Neves Cunha; Drager, Luciano F; Bortolotto, Luiz Aparecido; Alves, Marco Antonio de Melo; Malachias, Marcus Vinícius Bolívar; Neves, Mario Fritsch Toros; Santos, Mayara Cedrim; Dinamarco, Nelson; Moreira Filho, Osni; Passarelli Júnior, Oswaldo; Vitorino, Priscila Valverde de Oliveira; Miranda, Roberto Dischinger; Bezerra, Rodrigo; Pedrosa, Rodrigo Pinto; Paula, Rogerio Baumgratz de; Okawa, Rogério Toshiro Passos; Póvoa, Rui Manuel dos Santos; Fuchs, Sandra C; Lima, Sandro Gonçalves de; Inuzuka, Sayuri; Ferreira-Filho, Sebastião Rodrigues; Fillho, Silvio Hock de Paffer; Jardim, Thiago de Souza Veiga; Guimarães Neto, Vanildo da Silva; Koch, Vera Hermina Kalika; Gusmão, Waléria Dantas Pereira; Oigman, Wille; Nadruz Junior, Wilson.
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(4): e20240113, abr.2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | CONASS, Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-IDPCPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1552858
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 36: e20220144, jun.2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506427


Abstract Background: It is estimated that more than 30% of the Brazilian population has systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), and mostly as an uncontrolled disease. The most recent Brazilian Guideline of Hypertension recommends the practice of self-measurement of blood pressure (BP) as one of the strategies for a better control of SAH, but there is no consensus about the efficiency of this tool. Objective: To assess the control of SAH and the practice of non-targeted self-measured BP (SMBP) among hypertensive users of the Unified Health System (SUS) and the Supplementary Network (SN). Methods: This is a cross-sectional, observational, analytical study, with a stratified probability sample. One thousand volunteers were investigated, being 500 from SUS and 500 from the SN. Uni and multivariate analyses were performed considering a 5% significance level. Results: Patients from SUS presented inferior sociodemographic data (schooling, social status) in relation to those of the SN (p < 0.001), and showed lower control of SAH (p = 0.014), as well as more visits to the emergency room in the past year due to hypertension (p = 0.002), and fewer regular appointments with the cardiologist (p = 0.004). SMBP was equally present in both assessed groups (p = 0.567), even though users of the SN have been more advised to not conduct such a practice (p = 0.002). SMBP (p < 0.001) was an independent factor for uncontrolled SAH both in SUS (OR = 3.424) and in the SN (OR = 3.474). Conclusion: Patients in SUS presented lower SAH control. The practice of SMBP, mostly practiced with an uncalibrated digital device, was equally present in both groups and became an independent factor of uncontrolled SAH.

Marin-Neto, José Antonio; Rassi Jr, Anis; Oliveira, Gláucia Maria Moraes; Correia, Luís Claudio Lemos; Ramos Júnior, Alberto Novaes; Luquetti, Alejandro Ostermayer; Hasslocher-Moreno, Alejandro Marcel; Sousa, Andréa Silvestre de; Paola, Angelo Amato Vincenzo de; Sousa, Antônio Carlos Sobral; Ribeiro, Antonio Luiz Pinho; Correia Filho, Dalmo; Souza, Dilma do Socorro Moraes de; Cunha-Neto, Edecio; Ramires, Felix Jose Alvarez; Bacal, Fernando; Nunes, Maria do Carmo Pereira; Martinelli Filho, Martino; Scanavacca, Maurício Ibrahim; Saraiva, Roberto Magalhães; Oliveira Júnior, Wilson Alves de; Lorga-Filho, Adalberto Menezes; Guimarães, Adriana de Jesus Benevides de Almeida; Braga, Adriana Lopes Latado; Oliveira, Adriana Sarmento de; Sarabanda, Alvaro Valentim Lima; Pinto, Ana Yecê das Neves; Carmo, Andre Assis Lopes do; Schmidt, Andre; Costa, Andréa Rodrigues da; Ianni, Barbara Maria; Markman Filho, Brivaldo; Rochitte, Carlos Eduardo; Macêdo, Carolina Thé; Mady, Charles; Chevillard, Christophe; Virgens, Cláudio Marcelo Bittencourt das; Castro, Cleudson Nery de; Britto, Constança Felicia De Paoli de Carvalho; Pisani, Cristiano; Rassi, Daniela do Carmo; Sobral Filho, Dário Celestino; Almeida, Dirceu Rodrigues de; Bocchi, Edimar Alcides; Mesquita, Evandro Tinoco; Mendes, Fernanda de Souza Nogueira Sardinha; Gondim, Francisca Tatiana Pereira; Silva, Gilberto Marcelo Sperandio da; Peixoto, Giselle de Lima; Lima, Gustavo Glotz de; Veloso, Henrique Horta; Moreira, Henrique Turin; Lopes, Hugo Bellotti; Pinto, Ibraim Masciarelli Francisco; Ferreira, João Marcos Bemfica Barbosa; Nunes, João Paulo Silva; Barreto-Filho, José Augusto Soares; Saraiva, José Francisco Kerr; Lannes-Vieira, Joseli; Oliveira, Joselina Luzia Menezes; Armaganijan, Luciana Vidal; Martins, Luiz Cláudio; Sangenis, Luiz Henrique Conde; Barbosa, Marco Paulo Tomaz; Almeida-Santos, Marcos Antonio; Simões, Marcos Vinicius; Yasuda, Maria Aparecida Shikanai; Moreira, Maria da Consolação Vieira; Higuchi, Maria de Lourdes; Monteiro, Maria Rita de Cassia Costa; Mediano, Mauro Felippe Felix; Lima, Mayara Maia; Oliveira, Maykon Tavares de; Romano, Minna Moreira Dias; Araujo, Nadjar Nitz Silva Lociks de; Medeiros, Paulo de Tarso Jorge; Alves, Renato Vieira; Teixeira, Ricardo Alkmim; Pedrosa, Roberto Coury; Aras Junior, Roque; Torres, Rosalia Morais; Povoa, Rui Manoel dos Santos; Rassi, Sergio Gabriel; Alves, Silvia Marinho Martins; Tavares, Suelene Brito do Nascimento; Palmeira, Swamy Lima; Silva Júnior, Telêmaco Luiz da; Rodrigues, Thiago da Rocha; Madrini Junior, Vagner; Brant, Veruska Maia da Costa; Dutra, Walderez Ornelas; Dias, João Carlos Pinto.
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 120(6): e20230269, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447291
Front Cardiovasc Med ; 9: 933972, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36061539


Introduction: In Brazil, the Unified Health System (SUS) controls and oversees public health care, and the Family Health Strategy (FHS) is its primary access, with 60% of the population registered in it. The surveillance of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is the responsibility of the FHS. In 2010, the American Heart Association (AHA) proposed the evaluation of seven metrics (smoking, Body Mass Index (BMI), physical activity, diet, total cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose) with an aim to monitoring cardiovascular health (CVH). However, the results of the FHS regarding the CVH of the Brazilian population are unascertained. Objective: Evaluate the control of CVH among adult patients treated by the FHS in the city of Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using the seven metrics recommended by the AHA to evaluate CVH among patients treated by the FHS. The city of Aracaju has a population of 571,149 inhabitants, with 394,267 > 20 years of age; therefore, it was admitted that in a simple random sample, sampling error of 5% with 95% CI, 329 individuals would be needed. Results: Among 400 patients, only 32.5% had controlled CVH. In a univariate analysis, the adjusted multivariate analysis found that being female (aOR: 2.07 IC: 1.20 to 3.60 p: 0.006) under 45 years old (aOR: 1.61 IC: 1.15 to 2.28 p: 0.006) and with the habit of following health advice from family members and neighbors (aOR: 1.28 IC: 1.15 to 2.28 p: 0.040) were associated with control of CVH. On the other hand, those ones who had a greater number of children (aOR: 0.91 IC: 0.84 to 0.95 p: 0.020) were associated with less control of CVH. Conclusions: The study showed that only 32.5% of patients have controlled CVH. Being a woman, young and following health advice from family members and neighbors have a positive influence in controlling CVH. More children reduced controlling these metrics.

Rev. bras. hipertens ; 29(1): 6-9, 10 març. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367446


Homem de 53 anos, hipertenso e portador de bronquite, admitido em um serviço de urgência no dia 15 de dezembro de 2020 devido sintomas gripais, febre e cefaleia iniciados há oito dias. Após constatação de acometimento pulmonar importante mediante tomografia computadorizada (TC) de tórax, sugestivo de infecção pelo vírus SARS-CoV2, o paciente foi internado em unidade de terapia intensiva. Foi intubado no décimo dia de internação, e, dois dias após, evoluiu com labilidade pressórica importante, recorrendo ao uso de noradrenalina e nitroprussiato, além de outros anti-hipertensivos, conforme a necessidade. O quadro predominante foi a hipertensão arterial sistêmica, manifestada principalmente com a mudança de decúbito, sendo o maior valor pressórico registrado de 240x90 mmHg. A disautonomia também se manifestou por ausência de dejeções, sudorese excessiva e espasmos musculares. A frequência cardíaca se manteve estável e dentro dos parâmetros de normalidade.A partir do trigésimo dia de internação, observou-se melhora progressiva do quadro e reestabelecimento da homeostase. Obteve alta após 59 dias de internação, sem sequelas significativas. A explicação mais razoável para o caso é o aumento da resistência vascular periférica, por ação da angiotensina II, associada à supressão do sistema parassimpático, o que explica, também, a incompetência do barorreflexo para compensação da frequência cardíaca. Adicionalmente, o paciente estava em uso de carvedilol. Este caso enfatiza o desafio diagnóstico precoce da disautonomia em pacientes críticos, devido a carência de ferramentas adequadas para uso na prática cotidiana. A estimulação vagal pode constituir opção terapêutica eficaz, mas carece de mais estudos

A 53-year-old male, hypertensive and with bronchitis, was admitted to the emergency department on December 15, 2020 due to flu-like symptoms, fever and headache that started eight days ago. After finding significant lung involvement by chest computed tomography (CT) suggestive of SARS-CoV2 virus infection, the patient was admitted to the intensive care unit. He was intubated on the tenth day of hospitalization, and, 2 days later, he evolved with significant pressure lability, using norepinephrine and nitroprusside, in addition to other antihypertensive drugs, as needed. The predominant state was hypertension, expressed mainly when there is interference from the patient's position in bed. The highest pressure value recorded was 240x90 mmHg. Dysautonomy was also manifested by the absence of stools, excessive sweating and muscle spasms. Heart rate remains stable and within normal limits. From the thirtieth day of hospitalization onwards, there was an evolution with progressive improvement and restoration of homeostasis. He was discharged after 59 days of hospitalization, without sequelae. The most reasonable explanation for the case is the increase in peripheral vascular resistance, due to the action of angiotensin II, associated with the suppression of the parasympathetic system, which also explains the incompetence of the baroreflex to compensate the heart rate. Additionally, the patient was using carvedilol. This case emphasizes the importance of tools that early identify dysautonomy, prepare the team. Vagal stimulation can be an effective therapeutic option, but further studies are needed

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Resultado do Tratamento , Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave/tratamento farmacológico , Disautonomias Primárias/tratamento farmacológico , COVID-19/tratamento farmacológico , Hipertensão/tratamento farmacológico