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Sci Total Environ ; 599-600: 1417-1432, 2017 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28531951


The Matanza-Riachuelo River Basin, in the Northeast of the Buenos Aires Province, is one of the most industrialized and populated region in Argentina and it is worldwide known for its alarming environmental degradation. In order to prevent further damages, the aquifer system, which consists of two overlaid aquifers, is being monitored from 2008 by the river basin authority, Autoridad de la Cuenca Matanza-Riachuelo. The groundwater chemical baseline has been established in a previous paper (Zabala et al., 2016), and this one is devoted to the identification of the main physical and hydrogeochemical processes that control groundwater chemistry and its areal distribution. Thirty five representative groundwater samples from the Upper Aquifer and thirty four from the deep Puelche Aquifer have been studied with a multi-tool approach to understand the origin of their chemical and isotopic values. The resulting conceptual model has been validated though hydrogeochemical modeling. Most of the aquifer system has fresh groundwater, but some areas have brackish and salt groundwater. Water recharging the Upper Aquifer is of the Ca-HCO3 type as a result of soil CO2 and carbonate dissolution. Evapotranspiration plays a great role concentrating recharge water. After recharge, groundwater becomes Na-HCO3, mostly due to cation exchange with Na release and Ca uptake, which induces calcite dissolution. Saline groundwaters exist in the lower and upper sectors of the basin as a result of Na-HCO3 water mixing with marine water of different origins. In the upper reaches, besides mixing with connate sea water other sources of SO4 exist, most probably gypsum and/or sulfides. This work highlights the relevance of performing detailed studies to understand the processes controlling groundwater chemistry at regional scale. Moreover, it is a step forward in the knowledge of the aquifer system, and provides a sound scientific basis to design effective management programs and recovery plans.

Rev. argent. dermatol ; 92(3)jul.-set. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-634439


Presentamos un caso de esta entidad en una paciente caucásica, con lesiones maculosas purpúricas en zona tibial posterior de pierna derecha, sin afectación sistémica, de curso crónico y persistente en la actualidad, tras dieciocho meses de seguimiento con mejoría parcial, después de recibir tratamiento con esteroides e inmunosupresores tópicos. Los anticonceptivos orales y la hipercolesterolemia leve, podrían ser datos asociados en nuestro caso a dicha entidad, aunque se necesitarían más estudios para confirmar esta hipótesis.

We present a case of this entity in a Caucasian, patient with purpuric macular lesion area with her right posterior tibial, without affecting systemic, chronic and persistent course now, after eighteen months of follow-up with partial improvement after treatment with topical steroids and immunosuppressors. Oral contraceptives and mild hypercholesterolemia may be associated data in our case to the entity, althought further studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis.

Rev. argent. dermatol ; 92(2)abr.-jun. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-634430


Presentamos un caso de micosis fungoide liquenoide. La paciente presentó prurito intenso, pero con una buena evolución hasta el momento. Tanto clínica como histológicamente se correspondía con un patrón liquenoide, hecho de excepcional frecuencia. Respondió al tratamiento esteroideo tópico de alta potencia.

A 53-years-old woman with a lichenoid mycoses fungoides is reported. Both clinical and histological lichenoid pattern was finding, which is unusual. The treatment with high potency corticoids was successfully and the outcome is favorable up to now.