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Acta bioeth ; 29(2)oct. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519851


Chile es un país culturalmente diverso cuya población debe enfrentar dificultades relacionadas con la salud. Este ensayo tiene por objetivo reflexionar en torno a las competencias interculturales desde un enfoque ético intercultural, en la formación inicial de profesionales en ciencias de la salud. Se constata una salud carente y descontextualizada de la realidad cultural en la formación inicial en ciencias de la salud. Para evolucionar en esta área, se requiere imperiosamente formar a los profesionales en competencias interculturales desde un enfoque ético intercultural. Ello contribuirá al reconocimiento y comprensión de la otredad desde su propia cultura, a partir de la relación e intercambio de experiencias, conocimientos, saberes, entre otros. Para ello se requiere del diálogo intercultural entre profesionales y expertos pertenecientes a distintos sistemas de salud, con el fin de coconstruir desde la salud y enfermedad, para responder de forma oportuna y adecuada a las demandas de salud, y brindar un cuidado en salud digno y de calidad. En efecto, mitigará las desigualdades e injusticias, a la vez que proporcionará una vida más plena a las personas que conviven en una sociedad culturalmente diversa.

Chile is a culturally diverse country, and this population must face difficulties related to health. This essay aims to reflect on intercultural competencies from an intercultural ethical approach, in the initial training of professionals in health sciences. The initial training in health sciences shows that health is lacking and decontextualized from the cultural reality. In order to evolve in this area, it is imperative to train professionals in intercultural competencies from an intercultural ethical approach. This will contribute to the recognition and understanding of otherness from their own culture, based on the relationship and exchange of experiences, knowledge, wisdom, among others. This requires intercultural dialogue between professionals and experts belonging to different health systems, in order to co-construct from health and disease. This will allow a timely and adequate response to health demands. It will also provide quality and dignified health care and attention. In effect, it will mitigate inequalities and injustices, while providing a fuller life to people living in a culturally diverse society.

O Chile é um país culturalmente diverso, essa população deve enfrentar dificuldades relacionadas à saúde. Este ensaio tem como objetivo refletir sobre as competências interculturais a partir de uma abordagem ética intercultural, na formação inicial de profissionais em ciências da saúde. A saúde carente e descontextualizada da realidade cultural é verificada na formação inicial em ciências da saúde. Para evoluir nesta área, é imperativo formar profissionais em competências interculturais a partir de uma abordagem ética intercultural. Isso contribuirá para o reconhecimento e compreensão da alteridade a partir da própria cultura, do relacionamento e troca de experiências, saberes, saberes, entre outros. Para isso, é necessário o diálogo intercultural entre profissionais e especialistas pertencentes a diferentes sistemas de saúde; a fim de co-construir a partir da saúde e da doença. Isso permitirá uma resposta oportuna e adequada às demandas de saúde. Da mesma forma, prestará cuidados e atenção à saúde dignos e de qualidade. Com efeito, atenuará as desigualdades e as injustiças, ao mesmo tempo que proporcionará uma vida mais plena às pessoas que vivem numa sociedade culturalmente diversa.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37174191


Chile is facing an environmental crisis and the territory of the Mapuche people is no exception. This is largely due to extractivism, which refers to the massive extraction and exploitation of natural resources in an indiscriminate manner. The objective of this study was to reveal the implications of extractivism and environmental pollution in Mapuche territories in the Araucanía region. The methodology used was qualitative, based on constructivist grounded theory. In-depth interviews and participant observation were used to collect data. The participants were 46 kimeltuchefes. The main results revealed extensive monocultures of non-native trees: pine and eucalyptus, which consume large amounts of water. They also revealed environmental pollution and indiscriminate forestry extractivism related to these trees, which generate soil degradation and water pollution. These consequences reduce biodiversity and disturb the ngenh (spiritual beings and protectors of nature). They also affect the Mapuche's agricultural activities and, in turn, their health and subsistence. In addition, non-native tree monocultures, environmental pollution and forestry extractivism transgress the az mapu (Mapuche code of ethics and behaviour), which disturbs the ethical, moral and spiritual relationship between the Mapuche and nature. They also have negative implications for the küme mogen (good living of the Mapuche), since they violate the balance and harmony between the Mapuche and all living beings, elements and spiritual beings that are part of nature. This also violates the reciprocity between the Mapuche and nature. It was concluded that there have been violations of the human rights of the Mapuche people, given that they are exposed to harmful environmental conditions that put their health and subsistence at considerable risk. In this sense, the Mapuche are experiencing a spiritual, physical, cognitive, attitudinal, affective and material imbalance. Ultimately, the state of Chile must generate intercultural environmental public and educational policies aimed at generating environmental awareness and creating actions to solve environmental problems in order to protect Mapuche and non-Mapuche territories.

Princípios Morais , Poluição da Água , Humanos , Chile , Recursos Naturais , Escolaridade
Acta bioeth ; 28(1): 19-24, jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383276


Resumen: La contaminación ambiental es un gran problema que afecta la Tierra. El territorio mapuche no es la excepción, dado que el modelo extractivista transgrede los espacios sagrados, explota los recursos naturales y contamina, afectando los modos de vida y de salud del mapuche. El objetivo del artículo es reflexionar acerca de los fundamentos éticos de la relación mapuche y naturaleza como aportes para la salud intercultural. Se aprecia que los fundamentos "Az-mapu", "küme mogen" y "ixofil mogen" influyen fuertemente en el comportamiento del mapuche frente a la naturaleza. El respeto, amor, cuidado, empatía y reciprocidad del mapuche hacia la naturaleza, a sí mismo y a las demás personas, le permite estar en armonía y equilibro desde lo físico y espiritual. Es relevante considerar estos fundamentos éticos para mejorar el servicio de salud desde una perspectiva intercultural, considerando para ello la complementariedad, sobre la base del diálogo, con la finalidad de bridar una salud humanizadora, diversa y, por tanto, de calidad, para transitar hacia un bienestar más pleno de sujetos pertenecientes a culturas distintas.

Abstract: Environmental pollution is a big problem that affects the earth. The Mapuche territory is no exception, given that the extractivist model violates sacred spaces, exploits natural resources, and pollutes, affecting the Mapuche's ways of life and health. The objective was proposed: reflect on the relevance of the ethical foundations that sustain the Mapuche and nature relationship as contributions to intercultural health. It is appreciated that the ethical foundations: "Az-mapu", "küme mogen" and "ixofil mogen", have a fundamental role in ethical behavior regarding the relationship between the Mapuche and nature, where respect, love, care, empathy and reciprocity of the Mapuche towards nature, himself and with other people, allows him to be in harmony and balance from the physical and spiritual. In this sense, it is relevant to consider these ethical foundations to improve the health service, from an intercultural perspective, considering complementarity based on dialogue, in order to provide a humanizing, diverse and, therefore, quality health to move towards a good to be more full of subjects belonging to different cultures.

Resumo: A contaminação ambiental é um grande problema que afeta a Terra. O território mapuche não é uma exceção, dado que o modelo extrativista transgride os espaços sagrados, explora os recursos naturais e contamina, afetando os modos de vida e de saúde do mapuche. O objetivo do artigo é refletir acerca dos fundamentos éticos da relação mapuche e natureza como contribuições para uma saúde intercultural. Se considera que os fundamentos "Az-mapu", "küme mogen" e "ixofil mogen" influem fortemente o comportamento do mapuche frente à natureza. O respeito, amor, cuidado, empatia e reciprocidade do mapuche para com a natureza, para consigo mesmo e para com as demais pessoas, lhe permite estar em harmonia e equilíbrio desde o físico ao espiritual. É relevante considerar estes fundamentos éticos para melhorar o serviço de saúde desde uma perspectiva intercultural, considerando para isso a complementariedade, tendo como base o diálogo, com a finalidade de fornecer uma saúde humanizadora, diversa e, portanto, de qualidade, para transitar a um bem estar mais pleno de sujeitos pertencentes a culturas distintas.

Humanos , Meio Ambiente , Saúde de Populações Indígenas , Assistência à Saúde Culturalmente Competente/ética , Povos Indígenas , Chile
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35270417


School climate is related to a wide variety of positive results at the school level; however, its relationship with the construct of values has received little attention, despite being a key variable in the development of personality. This study aimed to examine the direct and indirect relationships between school climate, attitudes towards authority, and values. The participants in this study were 2683 students (51.2% men and 48.8% women) from 32 schools aged between 12 and 20 years (M = 15.78 years, SD = 1.35). Two models of structural equations were estimated, and the model that best fit the data confirmed that school climate was indirectly related to values through attitudes towards authority. The reciprocal and interactive relationships between school climate, attitudes towards authority, and values are also discussed.

Atitude , Instituições Acadêmicas , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Feminino , Processos Grupais , Humanos , Masculino , Personalidade , Estudantes , Adulto Jovem
Front Psychol ; 12: 576051, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33613374


School climate is a multidimensional construct that has been related to a series of psychological, social, and school variables. The dual school climate and school identification measure-student (SCASIM-St) is a measure that has a multidimensional factor structure, with four first-order factors and a second-order factor, plus an independent factor that evaluates school identification. However, the SCASIM-St is long, with 38 items measuring school climate. The first objective of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of reliability and validity of the abbreviated version of the dual school climate and school identification measure-student (SCASIM-St-15), for use in contexts with time limitations or for explanatory studies that need to apply multiple instruments simultaneously. The second objective was to analyze the degree of invariance for the groups: sex, type of education, and age. The sample was made up of 2,044 students of both sexes (49.1% women and 50.9% men), with a mean age of 14.64 (SD = 0.718), representing 27 secondary schools in Chile. The results indicated that the SCASIM-St15 presents adequate indicators of reliability and construct validity. Evidence of external criterion validity confirmed significant associations with the Attitudes to Institutional Authority in Adolescence Scale measure. The results of the factorial invariance analysis indicate that the SCASIM-St15 remains stable up to the level of metric invariance for the variable sex and the level of scalar invariance for the variables type of education and age. The study concluded that despite the significant decrease in the number of items, the SCASIM-St15 measures school climate in a reliable and valid way, without losing its theoretical and conceptual robustness.

Rev. salud pública ; 21(4): e266794, jul.-ago. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1099272


RESUMEN En los últimos años, la neurociencia ha demostrado los beneficios particulares y globales del ejercicio y de la vida activa en la salud de los escolares, ya que enriquecen las redes neuronales, la plasticidad y producción de neurotransmisores que favorecen distintos dominios del comportamiento y condición humana. En este contexto, el objetivo del ensayo es dialogar en función de la importancia de una vida activa en el contexto educativo y de una disciplina que no solo cumple un rol a nivel cerebral o morfofuncional, sino más bien multidimensional, que emerge desde el nivel molecular, celular, cerebral, sistémico, psicológico y social. Por ello, una de las principales conclusiones tiene que ver con la posibilidad de permitir a los y las estudiantes que sean capaces de comprender y reflexionar en función de sus procesos vitales, que posibilitan sus aprendizajes como un continuo armónico entre la organicidad y la cultura, entre vida y lenguaje.(AU)

ABSTRACT In recent years, neuroscience has shown the particular and global benefits of exercise and active life in the health of students. They enrich neural networks, plasticity and production of neurotransmitters that favour different domains of human behavior and condition. In this context, the objective of this essay is to dialogue based on the importance of an active life in the educational field and a discipline that not only plays a role at the brain or morphofunctional level, but rather multidimensional, which emerges from the molecular level, cellular, cerebral, systemic, psychological and social. Because of this, one of the main conclusions is related to the students' possibility of having the ability to understand and reflect processes that enable learning according their own life, as an harmonic continuum between organicity and culture and between life and language.(AU)

Educação Física e Treinamento/tendências , Exercício Físico/psicologia , Neurociência Cognitiva/educação , Aprendizagem