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Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 75(5)oct. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530064


La mastectomía total por cáncer de mama produce una deformidad importante en las pacientes, con alteraciones severas de su autoestima, imagen corporal, sexualidad, y calidad de vida en general. El gold estándar en los países desarrollados es la reconstrucción mamaria inmediata y, actualmente existen pocas contraindicaciones absolutas para realizar alguna técnica de reconstrucción. Este artículo se describen las opciones reconstructivas (colgajos e implantes), tiempos de reconstrucción, ventajas y desventajas de ambas técnicas, potenciales complicaciones, y se propone un algoritmo de tratamiento. La elección de la técnica de reconstrucción debería ser decidida entre la paciente y su cirujano/a, considerando características físicas, factores relacionados con la enfermedad y tratamiento oncológico, y preferencias de las pacientes.

Total mastectomy for breast cancer treatment can be a cause of deformity and distress for patients, with severe impairment of self-esteem, body image, sexuality, and quality of life. In developing countries, immediate breast reconstruction is the gold standard, and there are only a few absolut contraindications for some technique of breast reconstruction. This article describes reconstructive options (flaps and allo-plastic material), reconstructive timing, pros and cons of both techniques, potential complications, and an algorithm of treatment is proposed. Choice of the reconstructive technique should be decided by the patient and her surgeon, considering physical characteristics, factors related with the disease and oncologic treatments, and patients' preferences.

Odontoestomatol ; 22(35): 72-79, jul. 2020. ilus.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103068


El mucocele asociado a las glándulas de Blandin Nuhn es un fenómeno de extravasación mucosa que ocurre en las glándulas salivales localizadas en la superficie ventral anterior de la lengua, son de tipo mixto, no encapsuladas, que forman parte del complejo de glándulas salivales menores de cavidad bucal. Objetivo: Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente masculino que cursa la segunda década de vida con características clínicas peculiares de un mucocele de Blandin Nuhn. Caso clínico: Adolescente masculino de 14 años de edad presenta aumento de volumen localizado en superficie ventral de lengua, forma cilíndrica, de 3 meses de evolución y asintomático. Se realiza biopsia excisional para estudio histopatológico, el cual reporta fenómeno de extravasación mucosa y se establece la correlación clínico histopatológica. Conclusiones: Se debe fundamentar un diagnóstico correcto para proporcionar un tratamiento oportuno y evitar complicaciones en el paciente que afecten su calidad de vida.

Mucoceles of the glands of BlandinNuhn consist in a mucus extravasation phenomenon that occurs in the salivary glands located in the anterior ventral surface of the tongue. They are mixed, not encapsulated, and part of the complex of minor salivary glands of the oral cavity. Objective: This paper presents the clinical case of a male patient in his second decade of life with peculiar clinical characteristics of a mucocele of the glands of Blandin-Nuhn. Clinical case: A 14-year-old male adolescent has an increase in volume located on the ventral surface of the tongue, of cylindrical shape, with three months of evolution and is asymptomatic. An excisional biopsy is performed for histopathological study, which reports mucosal extravasation phenomenon and a histopathological clinical correlation is established. Conclusions: A correct diagnosis should have a solid foundation in order to provide timely treatment and avoid complications for the patient that may affect quality of life

A mucocele associada às glândulas de Blandin Nuhn é um fenômeno de extravasamento de mucosa que ocorre nas glândulas salivares localizadas na superfície ventral anterior da língua, do tipo misto, não encapsuladas, que fazem parte do complexo de glândulas salivares menores da cavidade oral. Objetivo: É apresentado o caso clínico de um paciente do sexo masculino na segunda década de vida com características clínicas peculiares de uma mucocele de Blandin Nuhn. Caso clínico: Adolescente de 14 anos apresenta aumento de volume localizado na superfície ventral da língua, formato cilíndrico, evolução de 3 meses e assintomático. A biópsia excisional é realizada para estudo histopatológico, que relata o fenômeno do extravasamento da mucosa e a correlação clínica histopatológica é estabelecida. Conclusões: Um diagnóstico correto deve ser baseado para fornecer tratamento oportuno e evitar complicações no paciente que afetem sua qualidade de vida

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Língua , Mucocele , Glândulas Salivares Menores , Terapêutica
Rev. chil. cir ; 69(3): 215-222, jun. 2017. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-844363


Introducción: La calidad de vida es uno de los resultados en cirugía de contorno corporal más importantes. La evidencia sobre la calidad de vida de estos pacientes a largo plazo es escasa. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si la calidad de vida obtenida en el postoperatorio temprano posterior a la cirugía de contorno corporal se mantiene a largo plazo. Métodos: Se diseñó un estudio de cohorte prospectiva compuesta por pacientes postoperados de cirugía de contorno corporal con más de un año de seguimiento. La calidad de vida fue medida con el instrumento Body-Qol®. Se compararon los puntajes preoperatorios, postoperatorios tempranos y postoperatorios tardíos. Se realizó el análisis estadístico con las pruebas de Kruskal-Wallis y Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Resultados: La cohorte se compuso de 112 pacientes con un seguimiento a largo plazo del 75%. En toda la cohorte la calidad de vida mejoró entre el preoperatorio (43,9 ± 14,1 puntos) y ambas mediciones postoperatorias (85,2 ± 16,8 postoperatorio temprano y 83,6 ± 13,5 postoperatorio tardío), siendo estadísticamente significativo (p < 0,0001). Entre el postoperatorio temprano y tardío no existió diferencia (p = 0,112). El análisis por dominios demostró la misma tendencia. Los pacientes con pérdida masiva de peso tuvieron puntajes preoperatorios menores, pero igualaron a la población estética en ambas mediciones postoperatorias. Conclusiones: La calidad de vida mejora significativamente posterior a la cirugía de contorno corporal de forma temprana, y esta mejoría es estable en el tiempo. Esto se observa tanto en los pacientes estéticos como en los posteriores a la pérdida masiva de peso.

Introduction: One of the most important outcomes in patients undergoing body-contouring surgery is quality of life. Data on long-term quality of life is deficient. The main purpose of this study is to determine if short-term QoL after body contouring surgery maintains in the long-term follow up. Methods: A cohort study was designed; patients with at least one-year follow-up from the surgery were included. Quality of life was measured with the Body-Qol© instrument. All patients answered the preoperative Body-Qol© and at least one measurement after one year of follow-up from body contouring surgery. The preoperative scores, short-term scores and long-term follow-up scores were compared. The statistical analysis was made with Kruskal-Wallis y Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. Results: The cohort was integrated by 112 patients; the long-term follow-up was of 75%. Quality of life improved between the preoperative measure (43.9 ± 14.1 points) and both short-term and long-term measures (85.2 ± 16.8 early postoperative y 83.6 ± 13.5 late postoperative), which was statistically significant (P< .0001). There was no difference between the short-term and long-term measures (P = .112). The domain analysis demonstrated the same tendency. Massive weight loss patients had lower preoperative scores but improved more after BCS, reaching almost cosmetic values. Conclusions: Quality of life improves soon after surgery and is stable over time. This was observed for both massive weight loss and cosmetic patients.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Imagem Corporal , Técnicas Cosméticas , Qualidade de Vida , Redução de Peso , Abdominoplastia , Seguimentos , Satisfação do Paciente , Estudos Prospectivos , Autoimagem , Inquéritos e Questionários , Resultado do Tratamento
Metro cienc ; 25(1): 15-19, Jun. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-986599


El hallazgo de cuerpo extraño uretral es una de las patologías menos comunes reportadas en la bibliografía médica y, por tanto, es de gran sorpresa para el especialista de urología. Debido a que no hay suficiente documentación, este tema despierta gran interés para el manejo futuro y en la instrucción a médicos de esta especialidad. Comúnmente, en estos casos hay un componente psicológico/psiquiátrico, sexual, autoerotismo o de abuso de sustancias psicotrópicas. De acuerdo a las características del cuerpo extraño, su localización y tipo de paciente, el tratamiento variará y su resultado final dependerá de estos factores. Presentamos el caso de un paciente varón de 52 años que acude a Emergencia con sintomatología respiratoria y dificultad urinaria de varios días de evolución, con antecedente de uso de drogas como base de cocaína y marihuana durante largo tiempo, además de prácticas sexuales grupales; se logra evidenciar de manera incidental un cuerpo extraño en la uretra. (AU)

The finding of foreign urethral body is one of the less common pathologies reported in medical literature, and therefore of great surprise to the Urology Specialist. In the absence of sufficient literature on the subject, this is an issue that arouses great interest for the future management and training doctors in this specialty. Typically, such cases have basic psychological / mental, sexual, and/or substance abuse component. According to the characteristics of the foreign body, its location and type of patient, treatment will vary and the outcome will depend on these factors; it is why a multidisciplinary assessment should be performed. We report the case of a 52-year-old male patient who came to Emergency Department with respiratory symptoms and urinary difficulty of several days duration, as background there was a history of long-term drug abuse as cocaine base and marihuana, also group sex activities; incidentally a foreign body in urethra was found. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Uretra , Reação a Corpo Estranho , Doenças Urogenitais Masculinas , Hemorragia
Rev. chil. cir ; 68(4): 289-294, jul. 2016. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-788896


Objetivo Determinar los cambios en calidad de vida en mujeres sometidas a mamoplastia de aumento o mastopexia con prótesis, usando el instrumento validado Breast-Q®. Materiales y métodos Estudio de cohortes prospectivo. Se incluyeron todas las pacientes operadas de mamoplastia de aumento o mastopexia de aumento en el Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile entre octubre de 2013 y mayo de 2014. La calidad de vida (CdV) se midió con el instrumento validado Breast-Q®. Se realizó estadística descriptiva y analítica para evaluar el cambio global en CdV y por dominios considerando estadísticamente significativo un valor p < 0,05. Resultados En el periodo estudiado se operaron 58 pacientes, 33 (56,9%) completaron el instrumento Breast-Q® en el preoperatorio y 25 (75,7%) de ellas en el postoperatorio. La CdV subió de un 49,7% a un 82,5% (p < 0,001); analizando por dominio hubo mejoría en autoestima (52% a 88%, p < 0,001), autoimagen (22% a 80%, p < 0,001) y vida sexual (31% a 86%, p < 0,001). Los síntomas físicos empeoraron desde un 94% a 75% (p < 0,001). Conclusiones El aumento mamario mejora la CdV, específicamente la autoestima, la autoimagen y la vida sexual, pero las molestias físicas aumentan. La satisfacción global fue alta.

Objective To determine the changes in the quality of life of women subjected to augmentation mammoplasty or a prosthesis mastopexy, using the validated tool Breast-Q®. Materials and methods A prospective cohorts study was conducted that included operated on for augmentation mammoplasty or augmentation mastopexy in the Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile (HCUCH) between October 2013 and May 2014. The quality of life (QoL) was measured using the Breast-Q® validated tool. Descriptive and analytic statistics were performed to evaluate the overall change in QoL and by domains, considering a p<.05 as statistically significant. Results A total of 58 patients were operated on, of whom 33 (56.9%) completed the Breast-Q® questionnaire before surgery, and 25 (75.7%) of them in the post-operative period. The quality of life increased from 49.7% to 82.5% (p<.001). When analysed by domain, there was an improvement in Self-esteem (52% to 88%, p<.001), Self-image (22% to 80%, p<.001) and Sex Life (31% to 86%, p<.001). The physical symptoms increased from 75% to 94% (p<.001). Conclusions Breast augmentation improves the quality of life, in particular, self-esteem, self-image, and sex life, but physical discomforts increased. The overall satisfaction was high.

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Qualidade de Vida , Implantes de Mama/psicologia , Implante Mamário/psicologia , Autoimagem , Atividades Cotidianas/psicologia , Estudos Prospectivos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Seguimentos , Satisfação do Paciente
Rev. chil. cir ; 68(3): 208-213, jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-787075


Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar el protocolo de reanimación facial y determinar los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de la parálisis facial. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectiva con todos los pacientes que ingresaron en el Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile (HCUCH) y se sometieron al protocolo de reanimación facial, desde el año 2008 al 2014. Los resultados quirúrgicos se evaluaron según el protocolo de medición directa publicado por Mantkelow. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para caracterizar la muestra y analítica para determinar el cambio en la excursión de la comisura labial como indicador de movilidad facial. Resultados: Desde el año 2008 hasta la fecha se han intervenido 21 pacientes, de los cuales 6 han completado su protocolo de tratamiento y período de seguimiento. La edad promedio fue de 35 años, el seguimiento promedio alcanzó los 22 meses. La excursión de la comisura labial postoperatoria promedio alcanzó los 12,8 mm, lo que significa una mejoría significativa, con un promedio de 7 mm respecto al preoperatorio. La excursión postoperatoria promedio del labio superior fue de 5,9 mm, lo que también constituye una mejoría significativa respecto al preoperatorio. Conclusiones: Existe una mejoría significativa en la movilidad facial en los pacientes sometidos al protocolo de reanimación facial. Si bien estos cambios pueden parecer pequeños en magnitud, implican un cambio profundo en la calidad de vida. Con el fin de optimizar resultados resulta esencial una terapia de rehabilitación especializada, con terapias individualizadas.

Background: The deformity caused by facial paralysis has important functional and psychological consequences. Aim:To report a face reanimation protocol and the results of surgical treatment of facial paralysis.Materials and methods: Prospective intervention of 25 patients aged 8 to 79 years (13 males) with facial paralysis, between 2008 and 2014. Surgical results were evaluated using measurements according to Mantkelow protocol. Results: Patients were followed for 22 months. Postoperative excursion of the labial commissure reached 12.8 mm, which was 7 mm better than before surgery. The postoperative excursion of the upper lip was 5.9 cm, which also represented an improvement. Conclusions: There is a significant improvement in facial movements in these patients subjected to the face reanimation protocol. Although changes are of low magnitude, they have an impact in their quality.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/transplante , Expressão Facial , Paralisia Facial/cirurgia , Qualidade de Vida , Estudos Prospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento , Músculos/transplante
Aesthetic Plast Surg ; 40(1): 19-29, 2016 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26578194


OBJECTIVE: To develop a new patient-reported outcome instrument (PRO) to measure body-related satisfaction quality of life (QoL). METHODS: Standard 3-phase PRO design was followed; in the first phase, a qualitative design was used in 45 patients to develop a conceptual framework and to create preliminary scale domains and items. In phase 2, large-scale population testing on 1340 subjects was performed to reduce items and domains. In phase 3, final testing of the developed instrument on 34 patients was performed. Statistics used include Factor, RASCH, and multivariate regression analysis. Psychometric properties measured were internal reliability, item-rest, item-test, and test-retest correlations. RESULTS: The PRO-developed instrument is composed of four domains (satisfaction with the abdomen, sex life, self-esteem and social life, and physical symptoms) and 20 items in total. The score can range from 20 (worst) to 100 (best). Responsiveness was 100 %, internal reliability 93.3 %, and test-retest concordance 97.7 %. Body image-related QoL was superior in men than women (p < 0.001) and decreased with increasing age (p = 0.004) and BMI (p < 0.001). Post-bariatric body contouring patients score lower than cosmetic patients in all domains of the Body-QoL instrument (p < 0.001). After surgery, the score improves by on average 21.9 ± 16.9 (effect size 1.8, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Body satisfaction-related QoL can be measured reliably with the Body-QoL instrument. It can be used to quantify the improvement in cosmetic and post-bariatric patients including non- or minimally invasive procedures, suction assisted lipectomy, abdominoplasty, lipoabdominoplasty, and lower body lift and to give an evidence-based approach to standard practice. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE I: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors

Abdominoplastia , Lipectomia , Medidas de Resultados Relatados pelo Paciente , Satisfação do Paciente , Qualidade de Vida , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Beleza , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem
PLoS Negl Trop Dis ; 5(6): e1157, 2011 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21666788


BACKGROUND: Chronic soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are associated with effects on systemic immune responses that could be caused by alterations in immune homeostasis. To investigate this, we measured the impact in children of STH infections on cytokine responses and gene expression in unstimulated blood. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Sixty children were classified as having chronic, light, or no STH infections. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were cultured in medium for 5 days to measure cytokine accumulation. RNA was isolated from peripheral blood and gene expression analysed using microarrays. Different infection groups were compared for the purpose of analysis: STH infection (combined chronic and light vs. uninfected groups) and chronic STH infection (chronic vs. combined light and uninfected groups). The chronic STH infection effect was associated with elevated production of GM-CSF (P=0.007), IL-2 (P=0.03), IL-5 (P=0.01), and IL-10 (P=0.01). Data reduction suggested that chronic infections were primarily associated with an immune phenotype characterized by elevated IL-5 and IL-10, typical of a modified Th2-like response. Chronic STH infections were associated with the up-regulation of genes associated with immune homeostasis (IDO, P=0.03; CCL23, P=0.008, HRK, P=0.005), down-regulation of microRNA hsa-let-7d (P=0.01) and differential regulation of several genes associated with granulocyte-mediated inflammation (IL-8, down-regulated, P=0.0002; RNASE2, up-regulated, P=0.009; RNASE3, up-regulated, p=0.03). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Chronic STH infections were associated with a cytokine response indicative of a modified Th2 response. There was evidence that STH infections were associated with a pattern of gene expression suggestive of the induction of homeostatic mechanisms, the differential expression of several inflammatory genes and the down-regulation of microRNA has-let-7d. Effects on immune homeostasis and the development of a modified Th2 immune response during chronic STH infections could explain the systemic immunologic effects that have been associated with these infections such as impaired immune responses to vaccines and the suppression of inflammatory diseases.

Ascaríase/imunologia , Sangue/imunologia , Citocinas/metabolismo , Expressão Gênica , Leucócitos Mononucleares/imunologia , Tricuríase/imunologia , Células Cultivadas , Criança , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Perfilação da Expressão Gênica , Humanos , Masculino , Análise em Microsséries
J Infect Dis ; 199(12): 1846-50, 2009 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19426111


Ascaris lumbricoides infections in humans may have important effects on the development of allergy and on susceptibility to infectious diseases that start during early life. To investigate whether sensitization to A. lumbricoides occurs in utero, we measured interferon (IFN)-gamma and interleukin (IL)-4 responses in A. lumbricoides antigen-stimulated cord blood from newborns of infected and noninfected mothers by flow cytometry. There was evidence of higher frequencies of IFN-gamma-expressing and IL-4-expressing CD4+ T cells in newborns of infected mothers than in newborns of noninfected mothers. Our data provide evidence of in utero sensitization to A. lumbricoides and raise the possibility that the immunological effects of infection start in the fetus.

Antígenos de Helmintos/imunologia , Ascaríase/imunologia , Ascaris lumbricoides/imunologia , Imunidade Materno-Adquirida , Animais , Anticorpos Anti-Helmínticos/sangue , Ascaríase/parasitologia , Linfócitos T CD4-Positivos/imunologia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Feminino , Sangue Fetal/imunologia , Humanos , Imunoglobulina G/sangue , Recém-Nascido , Interferon gama/metabolismo , Interleucina-4/metabolismo , Útero/imunologia
J Infect Dis ; 198(8): 1237-42, 2008 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18729781


Geohelminth infections are associated with modulation of immunity to parasite antigens and aeroallergens. To investigate the possibility that this modulation is affected by anthelmintic treatment, we compared cytokine responses in children who were treated with repeated doses of albendazole over 1 year versus those in children who had were not treated. Whole-blood samples were cultured with Ascaris antigen and house dust mite and cockroach allergens, and levels of interleukin (IL)-5, IL-13, interferon-gamma, and IL-10 were measured. Anthelmintic treatment was associated with enhanced production of Th2 cytokines in response to parasite antigen but did not affect responses to aeroallergens. The data indicate that long-term treatment may be associated with increased Th2 antiparasite immunity.

Albendazol , Alérgenos/imunologia , Anti-Helmínticos , Ascaríase/imunologia , Ascaris lumbricoides/efeitos dos fármacos , População Rural , Células Th2/imunologia , Albendazol/administração & dosagem , Albendazol/uso terapêutico , Animais , Anti-Helmínticos/administração & dosagem , Anti-Helmínticos/uso terapêutico , Ascaríase/tratamento farmacológico , Ascaríase/epidemiologia , Ascaríase/parasitologia , Ascaris lumbricoides/imunologia , Criança , Baratas/imunologia , Citocinas/biossíntese , Citocinas/imunologia , Poeira/imunologia , Equador/epidemiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Hipersensibilidade Imediata/epidemiologia , Hipersensibilidade Imediata/etiologia , Hipersensibilidade Imediata/imunologia , Masculino , Ácaros/imunologia , Testes Cutâneos , Resultado do Tratamento , Clima Tropical