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Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 76(2 Pt 2): 026706, 2007 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17930173


In this work we compare and characterize the behavior of Langevin and dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) thermostats in a broad range of nonequilibrium simulations of polymeric systems. Polymer brushes in relative sliding motion, polymeric liquids in Poiseuille and Couette flows, and brush-melt interfaces are used as model systems to analyze the efficiency and limitations of different Langevin and DPD thermostat implementations. Widely used coarse-grained bead-spring models under good and poor solvent conditions are employed to assess the effects of the thermostats. We considered equilibrium, transient, and steady state examples for testing the ability of the thermostats to maintain constant temperature and to reproduce the underlying physical phenomena in nonequilibrium situations. The common practice of switching off the Langevin thermostat in the flow direction is also critically revisited. The efficiency of different weight functions for the DPD thermostat is quantitatively analyzed as a function of the solvent quality and the nonequilibrium situation.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 75(5 Pt 1): 051603, 2007 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17677074


The dynamical behavior of ferromagnetic Ising films confined in a DxLxL geometry (D<

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11089090


We study the phase behavior of a symmetric binary polymer blend that is confined in a thin film. The film surfaces interact with the monomers via short-range potentials. We calculate the phase behavior within the self-consistent field theory of Gaussian chains. Over a wide range of parameters we find strong first-order wetting transitions for the semi-infinite system, and the interplay between the wetting/prewetting behavior and the phase diagram in confined geometry is investigated. Antisymmetric boundaries, where one surface attracts the A component with the same strength as the opposite surface attracts the B component, are applied. The phase transition does not occur close to the bulk critical temperature but in the vicinity of the wetting transition. For very thin films or weak surface fields one finds a single critical point at straight phi(c)=1 / 2. For thicker films or stronger surface fields the phase diagram exhibits two critical points and two concomitant coexistence regions. Only below a triple point there is a single two-phase coexistence region. When we increase the film thickness the two coexistence regions become the prewetting lines of the semi-infinite system, while the triple temperature converges toward the wetting transition temperature from above. The behavior close to the tricritical point, which separates phase diagrams with one and two critical points, is studied in the framework of a Ginzburg-Landau ansatz. Two-dimensional profiles of the interface between the laterally coexisting phases are calculated, and the interfacial and line tensions analyzed. The effect of fluctuations and corrections to the self-consistent field theory are discussed.