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Nat Aging ; 4(8): 1153-1165, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38886210


Models of healthy aging are typically based on the United States and Europe and may not apply to diverse and heterogeneous populations. In this study, our objectives were to conduct a meta-analysis to assess risk factors of cognition and functional ability across aging populations in Latin America and a scoping review focusing on methodological procedures. Our study design included randomized controlled trials and cohort, case-control and cross-sectional studies using multiple databases, including MEDLINE, the Virtual Health Library and Web of Science. From an initial pool of 455 studies, our meta-analysis included 38 final studies (28 assessing cognition and 10 assessing functional ability, n = 146,000 participants). Our results revealed significant but heterogeneous effects for cognition (odds ratio (OR) = 1.20, P = 0.03, confidence interval (CI) = (1.0127, 1.42); heterogeneity: I2 = 92.1%, CI = (89.8%, 94%)) and functional ability (OR = 1.20, P = 0.01, CI = (1.04, 1.39); I2 = 93.1%, CI = (89.3%, 95.5%)). Specific risk factors had limited effects, especially on functional ability, with moderate impacts for demographics and mental health and marginal effects for health status and social determinants of health. Methodological issues, such as outliers, inter-country differences and publication bias, influenced the results. Overall, we highlight the specific profile of risk factors associated with healthy aging in Latin America. The heterogeneity in results and methodological approaches in studying healthy aging call for greater harmonization and further regional research to understand healthy aging in Latin America.

Cognição , Envelhecimento Saudável , Humanos , América Latina/epidemiologia , Fatores de Risco , Cognição/fisiologia , Idoso , Masculino , Feminino
Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 13(2): 119-133, jul.-dic. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530223


Resumen: Objetivo: Explorar el impacto del uso cotidiano de plataformas de videollamadas en las cogniciones, emociones y comportamientos relacionados con la autoimagen en pacientes con Trastornos del Comportamiento Alimentario (TCA) y personas de la población general, durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Métodos: Sesenta y ocho pacientes con TCA en tratamiento y 106 personas de la población general respondieron a un cuestionario diseñado para el estudio a través de Lime Survey; (98.5 y 79.2% respectivamente eran mujeres), con edad promedio de 17.6 (DE:3.47) y 33.5 (DE:9.35) respectivamente. Las pacientes discutieron y explicaron sus respuestas en cinco sesiones de terapia grupal presenciales dirigidas por un psiquiatra. Posteriormente, se realizó un análisis temático reflexivo con un enfoque inductivo para determinar las categorías. Resultados: Los pacientes reportaron una mayor incomodidad frente a la cámara, preocupación con la apariencia física, miedo a la crítica, vergüenza y sentimientos de vulnerabilidad, comparados con las personas de la población general. Predominaron los pensamientos negativos sobre la forma y el tamaño del rostro y otras partes del cuerpo y las conductas de chequeo y/o evitación de la imagen corporal, que interfirieron con la concentración y el rendimiento. Conclusión: además del impacto negativo de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la salud mental, la nueva virtualidad desafía a los clínicos a enfrentar dificultades adicionales con la imagen corporal en pacientes con TCA y alerta a la detección de nuevas preocupaciones dismórficas también en la población general.

Abstract: Objective: To explore the impact of video call platforms on physical appearance concerns (cognitions, emotions and behaviors) in Eating Disorders (ED) patients and in general population, during COVID 19 pandemic. Methods: Sixty-eight patients attending a treatment program for ED, and 106 people from the general population responded to a questionnaire designed for the study through Lime Survey; (98.5 and 79.2% respectively were women), with a mean age of 17.6 (SD:3.47) and 33.5 (SD:9.35) respectively. Patients discussed and explained their answers in five in vivo group therapy sessions directed by a psychiatrist. Then, a reflective thematic analysis with an inductive approach to determine the categories was performed. Results: Patients reported a higher discomfort in front of the camera, preoccupation with physical appearance, fear of criticism, embarrassment, and feelings of vulnerability, compared with general population. Negative thoughts about the shape and size of the face and other body parts predominated, as well as body image checking/avoidance behaviors that interfered with concentration and performance. Conclusion: In addition to the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health, the new virtuality challenges clinicians to face additional body image difficulties in ED patients and alerts on the detection of dysmorphic concerns in the general population as well.

Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed) ; 52(3): 206-212, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37867031


INTRODUCTION: The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted mental health. Up to a quarter of the population has reported mental health disorders. This has been studied mainly from a nosological perspective, according to diagnostic criteria. Nevertheless, we did not find studies that have explored the daily expressions of the population. Our objective was to evaluate the perceptions of the COVID-19 pandemic and its repercussions on the emotional well-being of the Colombian population. METHODS: We performed a Twitter metrics and trend analysis. Initially, in the trend analysis, we calculated the average duration in hours of the 20 most popular trending topics of the day in Colombia and we grouped them into trends related to COVID-19 and unrelated trends. Subsequently, we identified dates of events associated with the pandemic relevant to the country, and they were related to the behaviour of the trends studied. Additionally, we did an exploratory analysis of these, selected the tweets with the greatest reach and categorised them in an inductive way to analyse them qualitatively. RESULTS: Issues not related to COVID-19 were more far-reaching than those related to coronavirus. However, a rise in these issues was seen on some dates consistent with important events in Colombia. We found expressions of approval and disapproval, solidarity and accusation. Inductively, we identified categories of informative tweets, humour, fear, stigma and discrimination, politics and entities, citizen complaints, and self-care and optimism. CONCLUSIONS: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic generates different reactions in the population, which increasingly have more tools to express themselves and know the opinions of others. Social networks play a fundamental role in the communication of the population, so this content could serve as a public health surveillance tool and a useful and accessible means of communication in the management of health crises.

COVID-19 , Mídias Sociais , Humanos , COVID-19/psicologia , Pandemias , Colômbia , SARS-CoV-2
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 52(3)sept. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536142


Introducción: La pandemia de COVID-19 ha impactado negativamente en la salud mental. Hasta un cuarto de la población ha reportado alteraciones de salud mental. Esto se ha estudiado principalmente desde una perspectiva nosológica según criterios diagnósticos; sin embargo, no encontramos estudios que hayan explorado las expresiones cotidianas de la población. Nuestro objetivo es evaluar las percepciones y repercusiones en el bienestar emocional de la población colombiana por la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis de métricas y tendencias en Twitter. Inicialmente, en el análisis de tendencias se calculó el promedio de duración en horas de los 20 temas tendencia del día más populares en Colombia y las agrupamos en relacionadas con la COVID-19 y no relacionadas. Después se identificaron fechas de acontecimientos asociados con la pandemia relevantes para el país, y se relacionaron con el comportamiento de las tendencias estudiadas. Además, se hizo un análisis exploratorio de estas, se seleccionaron los tweets con mayor alcance y se categorizaron de forma inductiva para analizarlos cualitativamente. Resultados: Los temas no relacionados con COVID-19 tuvieron mayor alcance que los relacionados con coronavirus. No obstante, se vio un alza de estos temas en algunas fechas concordantes con hechos importantes en Colombia. Se hallaron manifestaciones de aprobación y desaprobación, de solidaridad y de acusación. De manera inductiva, se identificaron categorías de tweets informativos, humor, miedo, estigma y discriminación, política y entidades, denuncia ciudadana, y autocuidado y optimismo. Conclusiones: El impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 genera diferentes reacciones en la población, que cada vez tienen más herramientas para expresarse y conocer las opiniones de los demás. Las redes sociales tienen un papel primordial en la comunicación de la población, por lo que este contenido podría servir como herramienta de vigilancia en salud pública y medio de comunicación útil y accesible en el manejo de crisis sanitarias.

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted mental health. Up to a quarter of the population has reported mental health disorders. This has been studied mainly from a nosological perspective, according to diagnostic criteria. Nevertheless, we did not find studies that have explored the daily expressions of the population. Our objective was to evaluate the perceptions of the COVID-19 pandemic and its repercussions on the emotional well-being of the Colombian population. Methods: We performed a Twitter metrics and trend analysis. Initially, in the trend analysis, we calculated the average duration in hours of the 20 most popular trending topics of the day in Colombia and we grouped them into trends related to COVID-19 and unrelated trends. Subsequently, we identified dates of events associated with the pandemic relevant to the country, and they were related to the behaviour of the trends studied. Additionally, we did an exploratory analysis of these, selected the tweets with the greatest reach and categorized them in an inductive way to analyse them qualitatively. Results: Issues not related to COVID-19 were more far-reaching than those related to coronavirus. However, a rise in these issues was seen on some dates consistent with important events in Colombia. We found expressions of approval and disapproval, solidarity and accusation. Inductively, we identified categories of informative tweets, humour, fear, stigma and discrimination, politics and entities, citizen complaints, and self-care and optimism. Conclusions: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic generates different reactions in the population, which increasingly have more tools to express themselves and know the opinions of others. Social networks play a fundamental role in the communication of the population, so this content could serve as a public health surveillance tool and a useful and accessible means of communication in the management of health crises.

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 40(2): 220-228, abr.-jun. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, INS-PERU | ID: biblio-1509038


RESUMEN En este artículo se introducen los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y conceptos básicos de la inferencia estadística. Se presenta como calcular el tamaño de muestra por tipo de desenlace e hipótesis a probar, junto con el código en el lenguaje de programación R para realizar su aplicación. Se presentan cuatro métodos para realizar el ajuste del tamaño de muestra original, cuando se planean análisis interinos. De una manera sencilla y concreta se busca realizar una introducción a estos temas, considerando las expresiones matemáticas que soportan los resultados y su implementación en programas estadísticos disponibles. Con el fin de acercar a los estudiantes de áreas de la salud a la estadística y al uso de programas estadísticos, aspectos poco considerados en su formación.

ABSTRACT This article introduces randomized clinical trials and basic concepts of statistical inference. We present methods for calculating the sample size by outcome type and the hypothesis to be tested, together with the code in the R programming language. We describe four methods for adjusting the original sample size for interim analyses. We sought to introduce these topics in a simple and concrete way, considering the mathematical expressions that support the results and their implementation in available statistical programs; therefore, bringing health students closer to statistics and the use of statistical programs, which are aspects that are rarely considered during their training.

Acta neurol. colomb ; 39(1): 51-56, ene.-mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429574


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: El diagnóstico oportuno del trastorno neurocognitivo es de los principales retos en la atención de los trastornos neurocognitivos. Por esto, se han generado estrategias para la detección preclínica de la enfermedad, entre ellas las destinadas a evaluar síntomas neuropsiquiátricos (NPS) como la escala Mild Behavior Impairment - Checklist (MBI-C). MÉTODOS: Inicialmente se realizó una búsqueda en BVSalud, Medline y PsycNet, luego se realizó una búsqueda en bola de nieve. Se incluyeron términos referentes a deterioro comportamental leve (abarcando los NPS en etapas tempranas), deterioro cognitivo leve y términos específicos del MBI-C. RESULTADOS: La presencia de NPS se asocia con un aumento en la incidencia anual de demencia. Al evaluarlos con MBI-C, su puntuación se correlaciona con biomarcadores como una mayor atrofia cortical, la presencia de la proteína β-amiloide, así como disminución en funciones ejecutivas como la capacidad de enfocar la atención y la memoria de trabajo. DISCUSIÓN: Los hallazgos en la literatura sugieren la utilidad de MBI-C como marcador de neurodegeneración en estadios previos a la demencia, esto mediante la evaluación de su capacidad predictiva de forma independiente y al compararla con otros biomarcadores. CONCLUSIONES: MBI-C supone ser un instrumento de fácil aplicabilidad e interpretación, sostenible e incluyente. Sin embargo, quedan vacíos sobre la pertinencia de esta escala, por lo que surge la necesidad de investigar este tema.

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Early diagnosis of neurocognitive disorder is the main challenge of dementia health attention. Therefore, strategies for preclinical detection of the disease have been created, like those intended to evaluate neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS), like the Mild Behavior Impairment - Checklist (MBI-C). METHODS: Research was performed in BVSalud, Medline, and Psynet. Then a snowball sampling was done. The terms included were mild behavioral impairment (included NPS in initial stages), mild cognitive impairment, and specific terms of MBI-C. RESULTS: The presence of NPS increase the incidence of dementia, with an annual conversion rate of 9%. About MBI-C, the score has been related to biomarkers like worse brain atrophy in patients with Parkinson's Disease and a positive relationship with the presence of B-amyloid protein. Also, Creese and cols. show that mild behavioral impairment (measured by MBI-C) is associated with a faster decrease in attention and working memory. DISCUSSION: MBI-C utility as a neurodegenerative marker has been demonstrated to detect cognitive, neuropsychiatry, and functional symptoms that may precede dementia by evaluating its predictive capacity alone and comparing it to other biomarkers. CONCLUSION: MBI-C is easy to apply and interpret, is sustainable and inclusive. However, there are still gaps in the relevance of the scale, so there is the need to continue investigating this topic.

Sintomas Comportamentais , Demência , Disfunção Cognitiva , Sinais e Sintomas , Neuropsiquiatria , Previsões
Geroscience ; 45(4): 2405-2423, 2023 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36849677


Global initiatives call for further understanding of the impact of inequity on aging across underserved populations. Previous research in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) presents limitations in assessing combined sources of inequity and outcomes (i.e., cognition and functionality). In this study, we assessed how social determinants of health (SDH), cardiometabolic factors (CMFs), and other medical/social factors predict cognition and functionality in an aging Colombian population. We ran a cross-sectional study that combined theory- (structural equation models) and data-driven (machine learning) approaches in a population-based study (N = 23,694; M = 69.8 years) to assess the best predictors of cognition and functionality. We found that a combination of SDH and CMF accurately predicted cognition and functionality, although SDH was the stronger predictor. Cognition was predicted with the highest accuracy by SDH, followed by demographics, CMF, and other factors. A combination of SDH, age, CMF, and additional physical/psychological factors were the best predictors of functional status. Results highlight the role of inequity in predicting brain health and advancing solutions to reduce the cognitive and functional decline in LMICs.

Doenças Cardiovasculares , Fatores Sociais , Humanos , Determinantes Sociais da Saúde , Estudos Transversais , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Populações Vulneráveis , Envelhecimento , Cognição
Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica ; 40(2): 220-228, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol, Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38232269


OBJECTIVES.: This article introduces randomized clinical trials and basic concepts of statistical inference. We present methods for calculating the sample size by outcome type and the hypothesis to be tested, together with the code in the R programming language. We describe four methods for adjusting the original sample size for interim analyses. We sought to introduce these topics in a simple and concrete way, considering the mathematical expressions that support the results and their implementation in available statistical programs; therefore, bringing health students closer to statistics and the use of statistical programs, which are aspects that are rarely considered during their training.

Projetos de Pesquisa , Humanos , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto , Tamanho da Amostra
Clin Nutr ; 41(7): 1549-1556, 2022 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35667271


OBJECTIVES: Among older adults, malnutrition is common and is associated with increased risk for impaired health and functionality, conditions further associated with poorer quality of life. In this study of community-living older adults, our objective was to quantify outcome changes following identification and treatment of malnutrition or its risk. DESIGN: Our intervention was a nutritional quality improvement program (QIP). The nutritional QIP included: (i) education of participants about the importance of complete and balanced macro- and micronutrient intake plus physical exercise, (ii) nutritional intervention with dietary counseling; and (iii) provision of oral nutritional supplements (ONS) for daily intake over 60 days. Follow-up measurements took place 30 days after ONS treatment ended, i.e., 90 days after start of intervention. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: We recruited 618 transitional-care, chronically ill, older adults (>60 years) with malnutrition/risk (per Mini Nutrition Assessment-Short Form, MNA-SF) from the outpatient clinic of Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, in Bogotá, Colombia. METHODS: For pre-post comparisons, we examined cognition (Mini-Mental State Exam, MMSE), physical abilities (Barthel Activities of Daily Living, ADL; Short Physical Performance Battery, SPPB), affective disorder status (Global Depression Scale, GDS), and quality of life (QoL; EuroQoL-5D-3L, EQ-5D-3L; EuroQoL-Visual Analog Scale, EQ-VAS). RESULTS: Participants were mean age 74.1 ± 8.7 y, female majority (69.4%), and had an average of 2.6 comorbidities with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases predominant (28.5%). QIP-based nutritional intervention led to significant improvements in cognitive (MMSE) and physical functions (ADL and SPPB), affective disorder status (GDS), and health-related quality of life (EQ-VAS); all differences (P < 0.001). Self-reported QoL (EQ-5D-3L) also improved. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Over 90 days, the nutritional QIP led to improvements in all measured outcomes, thus highlighting the importance of addressing malnutrition or its risk among community-living older adults. From a patient's perspective, maintaining mental and physical function are important and further linked with quality of life. BRIEF SUMMARY: For older, community-living adults, nutrition care can improve health and well-being outcomes. Care includes screening for malnutrition risk, dietary and exercise counseling, and daily nutritional supplements when needed. GOV IDENTIFIER: NCT04042987.

Desnutrição , Qualidade de Vida , Atividades Cotidianas , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Feminino , Avaliação Geriátrica/métodos , Humanos , Desnutrição/diagnóstico , Desnutrição/epidemiologia , Desnutrição/terapia , Avaliação Nutricional , Estado Nutricional
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 46: e10, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35355691


Objective: To describe the relation between corruption indicators and statistics on noncommunicable diseases and their risk factors by continent. Methods: An ecological study was conducted to examine the relation of the GINI coefficient, the Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA), and the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) with noncommunicable diseases, using the Spearman's rank correlation test. Results: There is a moderate and positive correlation between Corruption Perception Index and cause of death due to noncommunicable diseases and risk factors for these diseases (r = 0.532), prevalence of schizophrenia (r = 0.526), bipolar disorder (r = 0.520), and eating disorders (r = 0.677). There is a moderate negative association between the GINI index and cause of death due to noncommunicable diseases (r = -0.571) and smoking prevalence (r = -0.502), and between the Corruption Perception Index and mortality caused by cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory diseases between the exact ages of 30 and 70 years (r = -0.577) and malnutrition prevalence (r = -0.602). Conclusions: This study indicates a correlation between corruption and noncommunicable diseases and their risk factors. This suggests that the high prevalence of noncommunicable diseases and risk factors could be related with political practices that negatively impact the population. Further research should study the weight of these associations, to take action on the way corruption is impacting on the health of societies.