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rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 21(1): 127-136, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094713


RESUMEN En la industria avícola, las infecciones por Salmonella son un problema, debido a los efectos sobre la producción y los riesgos a la salud pública. En las aves infectadas puede ocurrir una diseminación sistémica de las bacterias, que afecta los órganos y favorece, tanto la transmisión entre las aves como la contaminación de los productos avícolas, tales como las carnes, durante el proceso de sacrificio de los animales. Se decidió evaluar el efecto que diferentes combinaciones de glucosa oxidasa (GOX) y glucosa tienen sobre el crecimiento de diversos serotipos de Salmonella aislados de aves en crecimiento y de engorde, y determinar su potencial como antibacteriano. Se tomaron muestras de corazón y de ciego de aves de 7 y 42 días de edad y se aislaron e identificaron S. typhimurium y S. enteritidis. Estas bacterias fueron cultivadas en medio Luria-Bertani (LB) en presencia de GOX (0,5; 1 y 2U/mL) y glucosa (0,5, 1 y 2%), en combinaciones bajo un diseño factorial 32. El crecimiento fue monitoreado por el cambio de absorbancia a 600 nm, durante 6 horas de incubación. Se observó una reducción significativa del crecimiento de ambos serotipos al utilizar 2U/mL de GOX y diferentes concentraciones de glucosa, lo cual, demostró la capacidad antibacteriana que posee el sistema GOX/glucosa sobre este género, por lo que se podría emplear como un aditivo para la conservación de carnes de aves y productos derivados, a fin de alargar su vida de anaquel y minimizar riesgos a la salud.

SUMMARY In the poultry industry, Salmonella infections are a problem due to the effects on production and risks to public health. In infected birds, a systemic spread of bacteria can occur, which affects the organs and favors both the transmission between birds and the contamination of poultry products, such as meat, during the animal´s slaughter process. It was evaluated the effect that different combinations of glucose oxidase (GOX) and glucose have on the growth of different Salmonella serotypes isolated from broilers, and thus determine their potential as antibacterial. Heart and caecal samples were taken from birds 7 and 42 days old. S. typhimurium and S. enteritidis were isolated and identified. These bacteria were cultured in Luria-Bertani medium (LB) in the presence of GOX (0.5, 1 and 2U/mL) and glucose (0.5, 1 and 2%) in combinations under a factorial design 32. Growth was monitored by absorbance change at 600nm for 6 hours of incubation. A significant reduction of the growth of both serotypes was observed when using 2 U/mL of GOX and different concentrations of glucose. This demonstrated the antibacterial capacity that the GOX/glucose system has on this genus, so it could be used as an additive for the preservation of poultry meats and derived products, in order to lengthen its storage time and minimize health risks.

Diagn Pathol ; 3 Suppl 1: S21, 2008 Jul 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18673510


This research was conducted on ten glass slides selected from the histopathology evaluation chickens. Five slides of control's chickens healthy and five slides of chickens infected experimentally with chicken anemia virus (CAV slide) between one and twenty-one days post infection (PI), they were analyzed in magnifications of 200x and 400x. Histopathology showed severe bone marrow hypoplasia to complete aplasia, fully depletion of the erythrocytic and granulocytic series, both accompanied by space occupying adipocytic replacement. Foci of erythropoietic hyperplasia with intense mielopoietic activity, some hemocytoblast increased of size, with large nucleus. A quantitative analytical technique by Positive Pixel Count Algorithm was applied. It demonstrated that measures area stained of control slides were higher than CAV slides (Average: 61% vs. 25%, respectively). So, the control slides showed strong positivity, due to the presence of bigger quantity of cells of erythrocytic and granulocytic series. The CAV slides of seven days PI had high positivity (average: 94%), it was explained because the chicken anemia virus takes place severe lesions between ten to seventeen days PI, after 21 days PI the cellular regeneration is observed that is evidenced by means of focuses of erythroblastoid cells hyperplasia. This technique demonstrates in a quantitative way the severe decrease of the cellular components of the bone marrow in presence of the infection for CAV, supporting with numeric data the histology image evaluated by the pathologist. Therefore, it can be used as support to the histopathology of field samples to evaluate the presence of lesions taken place by CAV and this way to improve the quality and efficiency of the veterinary pathology services.