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Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 29(2): 170-176, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376875


Resumen Introducción: La fibrilación auricular es la arritmia cardíaca más frecuente, es una de las causas más importantes de eventos cerebrovasculares de origen embólico y se asocia con el desarrollo de insuficiencia cardíaca y muerte súbita. En Colombia, constituye una enfermedad con altos costos para el sistema de salud; sin embargo, su prevalencia es desconocida. Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia de fibrilación auricular reportada a los sistemas oficiales de información en Colombia. Método: Mediante la extracción, el tabulado y el análisis de datos de la herramienta SISPRO, del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia, se calculó la prevalencia de fibrilación auricular estandarizada por edad, global y para las diferentes regiones geográficas del país, entre los años 2013 y 2017. Resultados: Se identificaron 143,656 casos reportados con el código I48X, que corresponde a fibrilación auricular en la CIE-10. La prevalencia de fibrilación auricular se incrementó desde 41 hasta 87 por cada 100,000 habitantes entre 2013 y 2017 (p < 0.001). En Colombia, la fibrilación auricular es más frecuente en las mujeres, con mayor prevalencia en mayores de 60 años (606/100,000 en 2017); hay zonas con prevalencia superior a 150/100,000 en los departamentos de Antioquia, Caldas, Santander y Bogotá D.C. Conclusiones: Este estudio sugiere que la fibrilación auricular tiene una tendencia ascendente en Colombia, es más frecuente en las mujeres y más prevalente en los centros urbanos, posiblemente debido a una mayor proporción de pacientes mayores y al mejor acceso a los sistemas de salud.

Abstract Introduction: Atrial fibrillation is the most frequent cardiac arrhythmia. It is responsible for an important proportion of embolic strokes and is associated with the development of congestive heart failure and sudden cardiac death. In Colombia, atrial fibrillation is highly costly for the healthcare system; however, its true prevalence is unknown. Objective: To describe the prevalence of atrial fibrillation reported to the official information systems in Colombia. Method: We calculated the prevalence of atrial fibrillation through the extraction, tabulation and analysis of data contained in the Integral Information System for Social Protection tool, which was created by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection in Colombia. Global and age-standardized prevalence rates were obtained for the period between years 2013 and 2017. Results: A total of 143,656 cases were identified. These were reported through the ICD-10 code I48X, corresponding to atrial fibrillation. The prevalence of atrial fibrillation increased from 41 to 87 cases per 100,000 inhabitants between years 2013 and 2017 (p < 0.001). In Colombia, atrial fibrillation is more frequent among women, and individuals over the age of 60 (606/100,000 in 2017). The departments of Antioquia, Caldas, Santander and Bogotá D.C had zones with prevalence greater than 150/100,000. Conclusions: This study suggests that atrial fibrillation displays an upward trend in Colombia. Its prevalence is higher in women and urban centers. The latter may be due to the higher proportion of older patients and better access to healthcare in these subgroups.

CES odontol ; 33(2): 23-38, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285748


Resumen Introducción y objetivo: Las asimetrías faciales son un motivo de consulta estética y funcional frecuente (35%) en la consulta de cirugía maxilofacial. Describir las variaciones morfológicas óseas craneofaciales en pacientes con asimetría facial. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, en 53 pacientes (23 hombres, 30 mujeres) con asimetría facial. Mediante tomografía axial computarizada y reconstrucción 3D se describieron las características anatómicas del lado largo que expone la asimetría y del lado contralateral (lado corto hacia donde se desvía la mandíbula), en los planos frontal y sagital. Resultados: Se identificaron cinco categorías de asimetría facial: Elongación hemimandibular, (EH, n = 26; 49%) Hiperplasia hemimandibular (n = 4; 7.5%), Prognatismo mandibular asimétrico (PMA, n = 14; 25,4%), Asimetría de cavidad glenoidea, (n = 2; 3.8%) y laterognatismo funcional (n = 7; 13,2%). En 64.1% de los casos la desviación mandibular era del lado izquierdo. En el plano frontal se observó mayor distancia desde el plano medio sagital a los puntos malar, yugal y gonion en el lado contralateral (p<0.05). En el plano sagital, el ancho de la rama mandibular era mayor en el lado desplazado (p<0.05) y la longitud del cuerpo mandibular era mayor en el lado contralateral (p<0.001). en las asimetrías más prevalentes (EH y PMA), la presencia de una desviación de la sínfisis > 5.1mm da mayor probabilidad de EH [OR: 4.05, IC95%: 1.02-16.0]. Conclusión: Los pacientes con asimetría facial presentaron diferencias morfológicas craneofaciales en los planos frontal y sagital, que ayudan a identificar las diferentes entidades que causan esta alteración.

Abstract Introduction and objetive: Facial asymmetries are a frequent esthetic and functional problem.To describe the craniofacial morphologic variability, in patients with facial asymmetry. Materials and methods: 53 patients (23 men and 30 women) with facial asymmetry were studied using 3D computed axial tomography reconstruction. The long side, exhibiting the asymmetry, and the contralateral side (shorter side presenting mandibular deviation), were compared in frontal and sagittal planes. Results: Five kinds of facial asymmetry were identified: Hemimandibular elongation (HE, n = 26; 49%) Hemimandibular hyperplasia (n = 4; 7.5%), asymmetric mandibular prognathism (PMA, n = 14; 25.4%), glenoid fossa asymmetry (n = 2; 3.8%) and functional laterognathism. (n = 7; 13,2%). 64.1% cases had left side mandibular deviation. In the frontal plane the distance from the mid-sagittal plane to malar, yugal and gonion point was higher in the contralateral side (p<0.05). In the sagittal plane mandibular ramus width was higher in the displaced side (p<0.05) and mandibular body length was higher in the contralateral side (p<0.001). Regarding the two most prevalent groups (HE and AMP), the presence of a symphysis deviation > 5.1mm is associated to higher probability of having HE [OR: 4.05, CI 95%: 1.02-16.0]. Conclusion: Patients with facial asymmetry present craniofacial morphological side differences in the frontal and sagittal planes, useful to identify different entities that cause this alteration.

Resumo Introdução y objectivo: As assimetrias faciais são um motivo frequente de consulta estética e funcional (35%) na cirurgia maxilofacial. Descrever as variações morfológicas do osso craniofacial em pacientes com assimetria facial. Materiais e métodos: Estudo descritivo, em 53 pacientes (23 homens, 30 mulheres) com assimetria facial. Através de tomografia axial computorizada e reconstrução 3D, foram descritas as características anatómicas do lado longo expondo a assimetria e do lado contralateral (lado curto para o qual a mandíbula é desviada), nos planos frontal e sagital. Resultados: Foram identificadas cinco categorias de assimetria facial: alongamento hemimandibular, (EH, n = 26; 49%) hiperplasia hemimandibular, (n = 4; 7,5%), prognatismo assimétrico mandibular, (PMA, n = 14; 25,4%), assimetria da cavidade glenoidal, (n = 2; 3,8%) e laterognatismo funcional, (n = 7; 13,2%). Em 64,1% dos casos, o desvio mandibular foi do lado esquerdo. No plano frontal havia uma maior distância do plano médio sagital aos pontos malar, yugal e gonion do lado contralateral (p<0,05). No plano sagital, a largura do ramo mandibular foi maior no lado deslocado (p<0,05) e o comprimento do corpo mandibular foi maior no lado contralateral (p<0,001). Nas assimetrias mais prevalentes (HD e PMA), a presença de um desvio da sínfise > 5,1mm dá uma maior probabilidade de HD [OU: 4,05, IC 95%: 1,02-16,0]. Conclusão: Os pacientes com assimetria facial apresentaram diferenças morfológicas craniofaciais nos planos frontal e sagital, que ajudam a identificar as diferentes entidades causadoras desta alteração.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 29(2): 431-449, Jan.-June 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-977028


ABSTRACT Unilateral condylar hyperplasia (UCH) is a pathological condition affecting not only facial appearance and occlusal relationships, but also mandibular joints health. The accurate and timely diagnosis, along with a therapeutic work and a multidisciplinary approach, help reduce the morphological alterations caused by this pathology. Orthodontics plays an important role in the various treatment modalities because of its role not only in presurgical dentoalveolar decompensation but also in dentoalveolar compensation with vertical management when the asymmetry allows it. The following therapeutic proposal describes the treatment of patients with active UCH subjected to high condylectomy surgery immediately after orthodontic dentoalveolar compensation with Multi-Loop Edgewise Archwire (MEAW) for the vertical handling of occlusal canting and maintenance of the orthopedic position of the mandible. All cases were satisfactorily resolved with the same diagnostic and treatment protocol. The conclusion is that, with adequate diagnosis and orthodontic management following condylectomy, non-severe cases of UCH may be treated.

RESUMEN La hiperplasia condilar unilateral (HCU) es una condición patológica que compromete tanto la estética facial como la relación oclusal y la salud articular. El diagnóstico correcto y oportuno, junto al abordaje terapéutico con un enfoque multidisciplinario, contribuyen a minimizar las alteraciones morfológicas que deja esta patología. La ortodoncia juega un papel importante en las diferentes modalidades de tratamiento, ya sea por su papel en la descompensación dentoalveolar prequirúrgica o en la compensación dentoalveolar con manejo vertical cuando la asimetría lo permite. La siguiente propuesta terapéutica muestra el abordaje de pacientes con HCU activa sometidos a cirugía de condilectomía alta, quienes inmediatamente después recibieron una compensación ortodóncica dentoalveolar con técnica modificada de arco de canto multiansas (MEAW) para el manejo vertical del canteamiento de la oclusión y el mantenimiento de la orto-posición de la mandíbula. Todos los casos se resolvieron de manera satisfactoria con el mismo protocolo diagnóstico y de tratamiento. Concluimos que, con un diagnóstico adecuado y un manejo ortodóncico posterior a condilectomía, se pueden tratar casos no severos de HCU.

Ortodontia Corretiva , Assimetria Facial , Hiperplasia
Rev. argent. cir ; 110(1): 1-10, mar. 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-897358


Antecedentes: La cirugía gástrica cooperativa utliza vías simultáneas intraluminal peroral e intraperitoneal transabdominal para localizar y tratar, en tempo real, lesiones de dificil manejo con procedimientos convencionales. Su objetivo es resecar lesiones con técnicas videoasistidas, simultáneas, conservando tejido y funcionalidad, con los beneficios de la cirugía mínimamente invasiva. Objetivos: Describir nuestra experiencia en la realización de procedimientos cooperativos gástricos en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología. Material y métodos: Revisión prospectiva de una base datos retrospectiva. Análisis descriptivo de pacientes en quienes se realizaron procedimientos gástricos cooperativos en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de Bogotá, Colombia, intervenidos entre octubre de 2012 y noviembre de 2016. Resultados: Se realizaron 16 procedimientos gástricos laparoendoscópicos: ocho de las 16 lesiones resecadas fueron subepiteliales, 4 intervenciones se indicaron para ampliación de márgenes posterior a resección endoscópica, 2 fueron lesiones epiteliales y 2 procedimientos se realizaron para control del sangrado con intención paliativa. Catorce procedimientos fueron de tpo exogástrico, 1 intragástrico y 1 transgástrico. El tempo quirúrgico promedio fue de 91 minutos, con pérdidas sanguíneas en promedio de 42 mL con bordes de resección negativos en todos los casos. El tempo promedio de hospitalización fue de 4 días. La supervivencia libre de enfermedad a 22 meses fue del 100%. Conclusiones: Los resultados de nuestro estudio muestran que la cirugía gástrica cooperativa es una técnica segura, factible, con tempos quirúrgicos aceptables y sangrados mínimos en pacientes con comorbilidades y sin ellas, conservando los principios oncológicos y de la cirugía mínimamente invasiva en el tratamiento de las neoplasias gástricas.

Background: cooperative gastric surgery uses simultaneous, intraluminal peroral and intraperitoneal trans-abdominal pathways to localize and treat, in real tme, dificult tumors with conventonal proce-dures. The aim is to resect lesions of diferent etology with video assited techniques, simultaneous, preserving tssue and functonality, with the benefts of minimally invasive surgery. Objective: the aim of our study was describe our experience in cooperative gastric procedures at the Natonal Cancer Institute in Bogotá, Colombia. Materials and methods: prospective review of a retrospective database. Descriptive analysis of pa-tents in whom cooperative gastric procedures were performed at the Natonal Cancer Institute of Bogotá, Colombia, between October 2012 and November 2016. Results: sixteen laparoscopic endoscopic cooperative procedures were performed; eight of 16 resec-ted tumors were subepithelial; four cases were done for resecton of previous positive margins, two epithelial lesions and two for bleeding and palliative control. Fourteen procedures were exogastric, 1 intragastric and 1 transgastric. The operative tme was 91 minutes, the average bleeding was 42 cc and negative margins were present in all cases. The mean hospital stay was 4 days. Conclusions: Our study shows that laparoscopic endoscopic cooperative surgery is a safe and feasible technique with acceptable operative tmes and minimal bleeding in patents with and without comorbidites, preserving the oncological and minimally invasive principles in the treatment of gastric neoplasms.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 32(3): 182-185, 20170000.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-905167


La coledocolitiasis es una enfermedad frecuente, presente en 10 a 18 % de los pacientes con colelitiasis. Su tratamiento usual actualmente consiste en practicar primero una colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE) y luego la colecistectomía; si la primera es fallida, está indicada la exploración de la vía biliar con colocación de tubo en T o cierre primario. El abordaje laparoscópico es el estándar a nivel mundial; sin embargo, no es una práctica común en nuestro medio. Se presenta una serie de 12 pacientes con diagnóstico de colecisto-coledocolitiasis y con CPRE previa fallida, que fueron sometidos a colecistectomía y exploración de vía biliar con cierre primario por laparoscopia, entre mayo de 2015 y mayo de 2016. Su evolución mostró buenos resultados: en 10 de ellos la estancia hospitalaria fue de menos de 5 días después del procedimiento quirúrgico. Se concluye que la colecistectomía y la exploración de la vía biliar con cierre primario por laparoscopia es una técnica segura, con tiempos cortos de estancia hospitalaria

Choledocolithiasis is a frequent pathology, it is present in about 10-18% of the patients with cholelithiasis. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with subsequent cholecystectomy is the routine established procedure for this pathology. If it fails, the routine is to proceed with a common bile duct exploration with the insertion of a T tube or primary closure. Laparoscopic surgery is the worldwide standardized procedure; however, it is not a common practice in our environment. In this report, we evaluated 12 patients with cholecysto-choledocholithiasis with previously failed ERCP that underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy and common bile duct exploration with primary closure in the period May 2015 - May 2016. Our patients had good postoperatory course with appropriate outcomes; 83% had less than 5 days of hospital stay following surgery. It was concluded that performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy and common bile duct exploration with primary closure is a safe technique with low hospital stay after surgery

Humanos , Colecistectomia Laparoscópica , Coledocolitíase , Ducto Colédoco , Técnicas de Sutura
Case Rep Gastroenterol ; 10(3): 808-813, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28203128


Liver transplantation is an option that improves quality of life and prolongs life expectancy in patients with different types of liver disease. Liver transplantation is controversial for colorectal metastases and is not recommended in clinical practice guidelines. In this case report, we present, to our knowledge, the first liver transplantation for colorectal metastases conducted in Colombia, with a successful follow-up of more than 2 years. Patients with these characteristics who underwent liver transplantation experience reduced mortality and exponentially improved quality of life.

Emerg (Tehran) ; 2(3): 141-3, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26495367


This is a case report of foreign body ingestion in a suicide attempt resulting in gastric perforation and phlegmon formation during a subsequent 6 month period that eventually required surgical intervention. The patient had a prolonged course because she did not report a history of foreign body ingestion and the initial evaluating physicians had no suspicion about possible foreign body ingestion and may have missed important findings on physical examination. Gastric perforation by a foreign object may have a slow course rather than presenting acute abdomen. The realization of a proper physical examination in the emergency department is key to an accurate diagnosis.

B. Indústr. Anim. ; 71: 4-4, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-468070


The work aims to analize the behavior response and the ability to cope stressors when the piglets are exposed to aggressive treatment during the lactation phase. The behavior of 40 piglets was observed from birth to weaning (28 days). In the first fifteen days the observations were done every three days, with an interval of another three days. After this period, the observations were done once a week.  Over a period of three hours, every five minutes it was registered the animal behavior. The group was divided into two treatments: rational group, where 18 piglets had minimal interaction with people and it was permitted the routine practice without sudden movements and loud sounds; and the aversive treatment, where 22 piglets received the daily routine of the farm, however, on every half hour during observations the observer performed a direct threat to the sow going into the cage with a flag and abruptly approach the animal, shouting or clapping. To avoid visual contact with the observer, he was located behind the maternity cage. Analysis of variance with fixed effects of time and time and means were compared by Tukey test or T at 5% of significance. In aversive treatment piglets spent most time at rest or exploring (P>0.05). However, in rational treatment the piglets remained resting most of the time (P 0.05). The interactions between pigs in the first phase of life are

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 4-4, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466646


The work aims to analize the behavior response and the ability to cope stressors when the piglets are exposed to aggressive treatment during the lactation phase. The behavior of 40 piglets was observed from birth to weaning (28 days). In the first fifteen days the observations were done every three days, with an interval of another three days. After this period, the observations were done once a week.  Over a period of three hours, every five minutes it was registered the animal behavior. The group was divided into two treatments: rational group, where 18 piglets had minimal interaction with people and it was permitted the routine practice without sudden movements and loud sounds; and the aversive treatment, where 22 piglets received the daily routine of the farm, however, on every half hour during observations the observer performed a direct threat to the sow going into the cage with a flag and abruptly approach the animal, shouting or clapping. To avoid visual contact with the observer, he was located behind the maternity cage. Analysis of variance with fixed effects of time and time and means were compared by Tukey test or T at 5% of significance. In aversive treatment piglets spent most time at rest or exploring (P>0.05). However, in rational treatment the piglets remained resting most of the time (P 0.05). The interactions between pigs in the first phase of life are

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.