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Anal Bioanal Chem ; 402(4): 1471-80, 2012 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21761109


X-ray radiographic images of paintings often show little or no contrast. In order to increase the contrast in radiographic images we measured the X-ray spectrum of a low power X-ray tube, after passing through the painting, with a high energy-resolution SDD detector. To obtain images, the detector is collimated with a 400 µm diameter pinhole and the painting was moved through the beam in the x and y-direction using a dwell time of a few seconds per pixel. The data obtained consists of a data cube of, typically, 200 × 200 pixels and a 512-channel X-ray spectrum for each pixel, spanning the energy range from 0 to 40 keV. Having the absorbance spectrum available for each pixel, we are able, a posteriori, to produce images by edge subtraction for any given element. In this way high contrast, element-specific, images can be obtained. Because of the high energy-resolution a much simpler edge subtraction algorithm can be applied. We also used principal-component imaging to obtain, in a more automated way, images with high contrast. Some of these images can easily be attributed to specific elements. It turns out that preprocessing of the spectral data is crucial for the success of the multivariate image processing.

Nucleus (La Habana) ; (50): 24-30, jul.-dic. 2011.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-738952


ABSTRACT In this work the mathematical simulation of photon transport in the matter was used to evaluate the potentials of a new energy-resolved X-ray radiography system. The system is intended for investigations of cultural heritage object, mainly painting. The radiographic system uses polychromatic radiation from an X-ray tube and measures the spectrum transmitted through the object with an energy-dispersive X-ray detector on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Manipulation of the data-set obtained allows constructing images with enhanced contrast for certain elements. Here the use of the absorption edge subtraction technique was emphasized. The simulated results were in good agreement with the experimental data.

RESUMEN En este trabajo se utilizó la simulación matemática del transporte de los fotones en la materia para evaluar las potencialidades de un nuevo sistema radiográfico destinado al estudio de obras del patrimonio cultural. Este sistema emplea una fuente de rayos X no monocromática y mide a nivel de píxel el espectro transmitido a través del objeto en estudio con un detector espectrométrico. El procesamiento del conjunto de datos obtenidos permite la construcción de imágenes con contraste realzado para ciertos elementos. En el presente trabajo se enfatizó en el uso de la técnica de sustracción del borde de absorción para el procesamiento de las imágenes. Los resultados de las simulaciones resultaron consistentes con las mediciones experimentales.

Nucleus (La Habana) ; (43): 9-13, ene.-jun. 2008.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-738905


La radiografía de rayos-X juega un papel importante en el estudio de obras de arte, específicamente suministra información sobre la génesis, autenticidad, técnica de la pintura, condiciones del material e historia de su conservación. El trabajo muestra un sistema desarrollado, a partir de detectores semiconductores de microbandas para adquirir imágenes de rayos X basado en la técnica de substracción logarítmica del borde de absorción K. El sistema se caracterizó y se muestran las primeras imágenes de su aplicación en la detección de pigmentos.

X-ray radiography plays an important role in the study of artworks. It particularly provides information on the origin, authenticity, painting technique, material conditions and its conservation history. This article describes a system based on semiconductor microstrip detector for acquisition X-ray images using the k-edge logarithmic substraction technique. The system has been characterized and the first images of its application for pigment detection are shown.

Nucleus (La Habana) ; (43): 21-26, ene.-jun. 2008.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-738907


Para la radiografía digital se requieren circuitos que realicen la recepción y procesamiento de señales nucleares de múltiples canales simultáneamente. Estos circuitos se deben someter a pruebas para caracterizar su funcionamiento. En este trabajo se describen pruebas automatizadas para controlar por software desde una computadora personal la caracterización de un sistema basado en circuitos integrados específicos del tipo RX64DTH con detectores de microbandas y se muestran los resultados.

Circuits that carry out the signal acquisition and processing by multiple channels are required in digital radiography. These circuits should be tested in order to characterize their performance. This paper describes an automated system to control (by a software, from a personal computer) the characterization of a system based on RX64DTH specific integrated circuits with microstrip detectors. The results are shown.