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Plant Dis ; 88(1): 29-33, 2004 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30812452


Survival and infectivity of oospores in soils naturally infested with P. infestans oospores were studied in central Mexico. Sporangia were selectively eliminated from soil samples to determine infectivity attributable to the presence of oospores. Selective elimination of sporangia was achieved by two cycles of wetting and drying the soil. Oospore concentration, viability, and infectivity varied among soils collected during the winter fallow in different locations of central Mexico. In some soils, oospores were infective regardless of the time at which they were collected during the winter fallow. However, oospore viability and infectivity decreased following 2 years of intercropping. The number of stem lesions and initial disease severity were significantly higher in soils with moderate (20 to 39 oospores g-1 soil) oospore infestation compared with soils with low (0 to 19 oospores g-1 soil) infestation. Our study confirms that oospores can survive winter fallow and serve as a source of primary inoculum in the central highlands of Mexico. Oospore survival appeared lower in the Toluca Valley soil, which may be an indication of soil suppressiveness.