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J Synchrotron Radiat ; 23(Pt 6): 1501-1506, 2016 11 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27787257


Various upgrades have been completed at the XRD1 beamline at the Brazilian synchrotron light source (LNLS). The upgrades are comprehensive, with changes to both hardware and software, now allowing users of the beamline to conduct X-ray powder diffraction experiments with faster data acquisition times and improved quality. The main beamline parameters and the results obtained for different standards are presented, showing the beamline ability of performing high-quality experiments in transmission geometry. XRD1 operates in the 5.5-14 keV range and has a photon flux of 7.8 × 109 photons s-1 (with 100 mA) at 12 keV, which is one of the typical working energies. At 8 keV (the other typical working energy) the photon flux at the sample position is 3.4 × 1010 photons s-1 and the energy resolution ΔE/E = 3 × 10-4.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 22(5): 1182-9, 2015 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26289269


In this report, Py4Syn, an open-source Python-based library for data acquisition, device manipulation, scan routines and other helper functions, is presented. Driven by easy-to-use and scalability ideals, Py4Syn offers control system agnostic solution and high customization level for scans and data output, covering distinct techniques and facilities. Here, most of the library functionalities are described, examples of use are shown and ideas for future implementations are presented.