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Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 27(3): 375-383, May-June 2017. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-898668


Abstract Pterodon pubescens (Benth.) Benth., Fabaceae, fruits have been investigated for their anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities, and have demonstrated effectiveness in inflammatory conditions. A physiochemical and microbiological stability study was conducted to investigate two nanoemulsion-based delivery systems of two different hydrophilic surfactants (polyethylene glycol-40H castor oil or polyethylene glycol-40 castor oil). The nanoemulsions, containing P. pubescens oil, lecithin, hydrophilic surfactant and water, were analyzed for droplet size distribution, polydispersity index, pH, consistency index, stability against centrifugal force, and active content/vouacapan derivatives. The physicochemical characteristics were followed for 365 days. The nanoemulsion system was evaluated for anti-inflammatory activity by using with a peritonitis model, immediately after preparation and after 365 days of storage at 25 °C. The stability study demonstrated that proper storage (25 °C) preserved the characteristics of the nanoemulsion containing 7.5% polyethylene glycol-40H castor oil, 5% lecithin, and 5% P. pubescens oil. Further, it ensured a shelf life of 365 days as a phytotherapeutic formulation. In the peritonitis assay induced by carrageenan, nanoemulsion prepared with polyethylene glycol-40H castor oil (125 mg/kg) reduced leukocyte migration, even after 365 days of storage (25 °C), highlighting its potential for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. However, further studies are needed to confirm its clinical effectiveness.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 17(4): 604-615, out.-dez. 2007. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-476212


As raízes de Heteropteris aphrodisiaca, denominadas de " nó-de-cachorro" , pela semelhança morfológica com o pênis canino, são usadas popularmente com ação afrodisíaca, estimulante e no tratamento de disenterias, tendo este estudo o objetivo de caracterizá-las morfoanatômica e fisico-quimicamente. Para as análises foram elaboradas lâminas histológicas e analisados extratos aquosos, hidro-etanólicos e cetônicos obtidos a partir de amostras coletadas no estado do Mato Grosso, nas diferentes estações do ano. Tais raízes são tuberosas, cilíndricas e recobertas por súber estriado de coloração marrom-escura. O córtex, composto por tecido parenquimático, não apresenta elementos esclerificados, mas mostra-se com abundância de drusas e cristais prismáticos de oxalato de cálcio, bem como de idioblastos contendo polifenóis. No xilema secundário são abundantes as fibras gelatinosas, típicas de raízes de espécies do cerrado brasileiro. As análises físico-químicas revelaram maiores perdas por dessecação nas amostras coletadas no verão e na primavera. A água foi considerada o melhor líquido extrator, o teor de cinzas totais das amostras variou de 3,4 por cento no verão a 5,3 por cento no outono, enquanto que os teores de polifenóis totais foram maiores na primavera (10,2 por cento) que nas demais estações, sugere-se esta estação como a mais apropriada para a coleta da droga vegetal. Análises cromatográficas em camada delgada e líquida de alta eficiência foram realizadas empregando-se marcadores flavonoídicos neoastilbina, astilbina e isoastilbina, com valores de Rf de 0,60, 0,68 e 0,74, e tempos de retenção de: 16,44, 16,91 e 18,08 min, respectivamente.

The roots of Heteropteris aphrodisiaca, called " nó-de-cachorro" (dog-knot) for their morphological similarity to the canine penis, are used in popular medicine as an aphrodisiac or stimulant, and to treat dysentery. The objective of the present study was to characterize these roots morphoanatomically and physico-chemically. For the analyses, histological slides were prepared, and aqueous, hydro-ethanol, and ketone extracts were analyzed, from root samples collected in the state of Mato Grosso, in different seasons of the year. The roots are tuberous, cylindrical, and covered with a striated suber. The cortex, composed of parenchymatous tissue, has no sclerified elements, but shows abundant druses and prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, as well as idioblasts containing polyphenols. In the secondary xylem, gelatinous fibers are abundant, typical for the roots of species of the Brazilian cerrado (savanna). The physical and chemical analyses revealed greater losses through desiccation in the samples collected in spring and summer. Water was the best extraction liquid. Total ash content of the samples ranged from 3.4 percent in summer to 5.3 percent in autumn. Total phenol content was higher in spring (10.2 percent), suggesting this season as the most appropriate to harvest the plant drug. Chromatographic analyses through TLC and HPLC were employed using the flavonoids neoastilbin, astilbin, and isoastilbin as markers. The Rf values were 0.60, 0.68 and 0.74, and the retention time were 16.44, 16.91 and 18.08 min, respectively.

Flavonoides/química , Malpighiaceae/anatomia & histologia , Malpighiaceae/química , Controle de Qualidade