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Front Microbiol ; 9: 1638, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30083146


Extensive mineral extractivism in the Brazilian Iron Quadrangle (IQ) region has destroyed large areas of land, decimating plant species, and their associated microbiota. Very little is known about the microbiota of the region; hence, cultivable bacteria associated with plants of its soils were investigated for their biotechnological potential. Samples were collected from nine plant species and six soils, and 65 cultivable bacterial isolates were obtained. These represent predominantly gram-positive bacilli (70%) capable of producing amylases (55%), proteases (63%), cellulases (47%), indole acetic acid (IAA) (46%), siderophores (26%), and to solubilize phosphate (9%). In addition, 65% of these were resistant to ampicillin, 100% were sensitive to tetracycline, and 97% were tolerant to high arsenic concentrations. Three isolates were studied further: the isolate FOB3 (Rosenbergiella sp.) produced high concentrations of IAA in vitro in the absence of tryptophan - shown by the significant improvement in plant germination and growth rate where the isolate was present. For isolates C25 (Acinetobacter sp.) and FG3 (Serratia sp.), plasmids were purified and inserted into Escherichia coli cells where they modified the physiological profile of the transformed strains. The E. coli::pFG3B strain showed the highest capacity for biofilm production, as well as an increase in the replication rate, arsenic tolerance and catalase activity. Moreover, this strain increased DNA integrity in the presence of arsenic, compared to the wild-type strain. These results help to explain the importance of bacteria in maintaining plant survival in ferruginous, rocky soils, acting as plant growth promoters, and to highlight the biotechnological potential of these bacteria. IMPORTANCE  The Iron Quadrangle region is responsible for ∼60% of all Brazilian iron production and, at the same time, is responsible for housing a wide diversity of landscapes, and consequently, a series of endemic plant species and dozens of rare species - all of which have been poorly studied. Studies exploring the microbiota associated with these plant species are limited and in the face of the continuous pressure of extractive action, some species along with their microbiota are being decimated. To understand the potential of this microbiota, we discovered that cultivable bacterial isolates obtained from plants in the ferruginous rocky soil of the Iron Quadrangle region have diverse biotechnological potential, revealing a genetic ancestry still unknown.

Am J Bot ; 101(7): 1167-1175, 2014 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25030351


• Premise of the study: Knowledge about genetic variability in plant populations is one of the main branches of conservation genetics, linking genetic data to conservation strategies. Vriesea minarum is a bromeliad endemic to the Iron Quadrangle region (southeastern Brazil), occurring on mountaintop rock outcrops. It is listed as endangered due to habitat loss, particularly from iron ore mining. Thus, determining the structure and genetic diversity of V. minarum populations could help develop strategies to conserve the species.• Methods: We studied the genetic structure of 12 populations of V. minarum using 10 microsatellite loci transferred from other species of Bromeliaceae. Statistical analyses to compare and describe the genetic diversity of each population were performed, and genetic structure within and among populations, isolation by distance, and Bayesian structure were also analyzed.• Key results: Our results show high inbreeding (GIS = 0.376) and low population structure (FST = 0.088), possibly related to high gene flow due to great pollinator efficiency and/or efficient seed dispersal, thus leading to high connectivity among populations of these fragmented rock outcrops. Two clusters were observed, corresponding to the basins of rivers São Francisco and Doce.• Conclusions: Gene flow among populations is high but, given the rate of habitat loss to mining, most populations are vulnerable and will become increasingly isolated if no action is taken to preserve them. Thus, conservation of this species depends on in situ and ex situ actions, such as controlling overexploitation and creating a germoplasm bank.