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MEDICC Rev ; 18(4): 9-13, 2016 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27829648


Dementia is a great challenge to public health in Cuba due to its impact on society and families. Cuba's National Intervention Strategy for Alzheimer Disease and Dementia Syndromes is designed to address this challenge. The Strategy includes working guidelines for primary and secondary care, education about rights of people with cognitive impairment, professional development, research, and health promotion and dementia prevention. An associated action plan, focused on primary care, includes proposals for creation of memory clinics, day centers and comprehensive rehabilitation services for cognitive stimulation. Short-term measures proposed include increasing early detection; creating a dementia morbidity and mortality registry; promoting professional training; providing support for families; and promoting basic and clinical research on dementia. Medium-term proposals aim to reduce dementia incidence and mortality by controlling risk factors and promoting healthy lifestyles, offering new treatment options and optimizing early detection. A set of indicators has been developed to evaluate strategy implementation. With this strategy, Cuba joins the small number of developing countries that have responded to WHO's call to improve care for patients with dementia and alleviate its impact on society and families. KEYWORDS Dementia, Alzheimer disease, aging, national health programs, social stigma, primary prevention, health promotion, civil rights, Cuba.

Doença de Alzheimer/terapia , Demência/terapia , Política de Saúde , Idoso , Doença de Alzheimer/prevenção & controle , Pesquisa Biomédica , Cuba , Demência/prevenção & controle , Humanos , Atenção Primária à Saúde/métodos , Atenção Secundária à Saúde/métodos
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 35(2)abr.-jun. 2009. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-532214


Se diagnosticòr la población de adultos mayores frágiles en una zona urbana atendida por el Grupo Básico de Trabajo Palatino del área de salud Antonio Maceo del municipio Cerro en La Habana, Cuba. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de índole transversal en la población de mayor 60 años durante el 2005. Se trabajó con el universo de los adultos mayores constituido por 699 personas. Se estudiaron 541 que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. Para estimar la prevalencia de fragilidad se aplicó la Escala Geriátrica de Evaluación Funcional a todos los adultos mayores incluidos en el estudio y se clasificaron en frágiles y no frágiles según los criterios cubanos de fragilidad. Con la información recopilada se confeccionó una base de datos para su análisis por medio, fundamentalmente, de distribuciones de frecuencias. El 51,4 por ciento de los estudiados se identificó como frágil. Se encontró que el criterio de fragilidad prevalente era la polifarmacia...

To make a diagnosis of frailty in an older adult population living in an urban area cared for by the Basis Working Group Palatino in the health area Antonio Maceo, Cerro Municipality, City of Havana, Cuba. An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in a population aged over 60 years in 2005. The universe of older people was made up of 699 persons but only 541 were studied because they fulfilled the inclusion criteria. For estimating the fragility prevalence, the Geriatric Scale of Functional Assessment was applied to all the elderly included in the study and they were then classified as frail and non-frail according to the present Cuban criteria. The collected information served to make a database for the analysis through frequency distributions basically. Of the studied older people, 51,4 percent were identified as frail...

Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Envelhecimento , Idoso Fragilizado/psicologia , Medicina Comunitária , Atenção Primária à Saúde
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-505158


El deterioro cognitivo y la demencia constituyen uno de los problemas de salud pública más importantes del siglo XXI. Dada su relación con la edad, constatamos en la última década un continuo incremento tanto en su incidencia como en su prevalencia, secundariamente al aumento progresivo de la longevidad en la población. Teniendo en cuenta los estudios de progresión realizados hasta la fecha y las cohortes de seguimiento del deterioro cognitivo podemos señalar algunos marcadores de evolución: edad avanzada, presencia de al menos un alelo de APOE 4 en el screenning genético, disminución del área hipocampal, puntuaciones bajas en test psicométricos, mayor compromiso o asociación a factores de riesgo vascular y antecedentes de familiares de primera línea con demencia, entre otros. Nos propusimos abordar el tema de los factores predictores.

Mild cognitive decline and dementia are both important health problems in the 21ist century . Given it’s connection with age, we have stated how, in the last decade a continuum increase in it’s incidence and prevalence is related with the progressive increase time of life. Having in consideration the studies of progression made up to date and the cohorts of following of mild cognitive decline, we can point out some markers of evolution, given: advanced age, the presence of at least one APOE 4 allele in genetic screening, diminished hippocampus area, low punctuations in psychometric tests, a major cardiovascular compromise and family background of first blood line relatives with dementia, among others. We had the purpose to approach the subject of the predictor factors with the main objective to offer updated information about the performed studies in connection with the topic.

Humanos , Doença de Alzheimer/epidemiologia , Fatores de Risco
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 33(1)ene.-mar. 2007. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-456702


El número de personas que en el mundo rebasa la edad de 60 años, aumentó a 700 millones en la década del año 90 del siglo XX, para el año 2025 se estima que existirán alrededor de 1 200 millones de ancianos. En el presente trabajo se expone el proceso de transición demográfica que tiene lugar y su clasificación, así como lo que representa este proceso para la especie humana. Se enuncian los tipos de envejecimiento humano y sus características esenciales. Se incursiona en la evolución histórica de la "fragilidad en el adulto mayor" y "anciano frágil" y se presentan las principales definiciones enunciadas por diversos autores que han tratado el tema. Se anexan los criterios cubanos de fragilidad. El trabajo muestra los diferentes criterios de fragilidad propuestos a nivel mundial agrupados en cuatro categorías: médicos, funcionales, mentales y sociodemográficos. Se presenta en una tabla original todos los criterios de los que se ha tenido conocimiento agrupados según estas categorías y por décadas en las que fueron postulados. Se expone en un gráfico una serie histórica del envejecimiento en Cuba y se alerta que del porcentaje de adultos mayores que hoy viven en el país se desconoce cuantos de ellos son considerados frágiles. El conocimiento de esta información es crucial en la planificación y desarrollo de estrategias de intervención en salud en la población de adultos mayores por parte del Sistema Nacional de Salud, el Gobierno y las propias comunidades.

The number of persons aged over 60 years worldwide increased to 700 millions in the 90's of the 20 th century; it is estimated that by 2025 there will be around 1.2 billion elders. The present paper set forth the process of demographic transition that is taking place, its classification and meaning for the mankind. The types of human aging and their essential characteristics were stated. The historical evolution of "frailty of the elder" and "frail old man" together with the main definitions issued by several authors, who have addressed the topic, were presented. The Cuban criteria of frailty were also added. This paper presented the different criteria of frailty all over the world grouped into 4 categories -medical, functional, mental and sociodemographic-, and a table containing all these known criteria under these categories up to the present and by decades when they were formulated. A graph reflecting a historical series of aging in Cuba was included. It was warned that the number of frail elders out of the percentage of older people dwelling in Cuba was unknown. Therefore, knowing this information is crucial for the planning and development of health intervention strategies aimed at the older population by the national health system, the government and the communities as well.