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Nat Plants ; 10(7): 1091-1099, 2024 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38951689


The remarkably diverse plant communities of the Neotropics are the result of diversification driven by multiple biotic (for example, speciation, extinction and dispersal) and abiotic (for example, climatic and tectonic) processes. However, in the absence of a well-preserved, thoroughly sampled and critically assessed fossil record, the associated processes of dispersal and extinction are poorly understood. We report an exceptional case study documenting patterns of extinction in the grape family (Vitaceae Juss.) on the basis of fossil seeds discovered in four Neotropical palaeofloras dated between 60 and 19 Ma. These include a new species that provides the earliest evidence of Vitaceae in the Western Hemisphere. Eight additional species reveal the former presence of major clades of the family that are currently absent from the Neotropics and elucidate previously unknown dispersal events. Our results indicate that regional extinction and dispersal have substantially impacted the evolutionary history of Vitaceae in the Neotropics. They also suggest that while the Neotropics have been dynamic centres of diversification through the Cenozoic, extant Neotropical botanical diversity has also been shaped by extensive extinction over the past 66 million years.

Extinção Biológica , Fósseis , Sementes , Dispersão de Sementes , América do Sul , Evolução Biológica , Biodiversidade , Filogenia
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1567155


Por meio de pesquisa de campo qualitativa, este estudo busca compreender as diferentes possibilidades de alcance de programas de diversidade em trabalhadoras de grupos sociais distintos. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com três trabalhadoras de empresas que contam com programas de diversidade. A análise se deu a partir da abordagem da psicologia sócio-histórica, dado seu caráter dialético, tendo como ferramenta metodológica principal a análise dos núcleos de significação. Os resultados indicam influência positiva da existência de programas de diversidade organizacional no sentimento de pertencimento organizacional dos trabalhadores que compõem esses grupos. Também se observou que dificuldades relacionadas à identificação com os grupos de diversidade podem levar trabalhadores a não aderirem a essas políticas organizacionais. Conclui-se que empresas com programas de diversidade efetivos apresentam maiores chances de atração e retenção de pessoas pertencentes a grupos minorizados, entretanto essa eficácia está diretamente ligada à adesão dos trabalhadores às iniciativas de diversidade promovidas pelas organizações

By a qualitative field research, this study sought to understand the different possibilities of diversity programs to reach workers from several social groups. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with three workers from companies that have diversity programs. The analysis was based on socio-historical psychology due to its dialectical character, having as its main tool the analysis of meaning cores. Results indicate the positive influence of organizational diversity programs on organizational belonging for workers who make up these groups. This study also observed that difficulties related to identification with diversity groups can lead workers to fail to adhere to these organizational policies. This research concluded that companies that have effective diversity programs show greater chances of attracting and retaining people belonging to minority groups. However, this effectiveness is directly linked to the adherence of workers to the diversity initiatives promoted by organizations

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Percepção Social , Mulheres Trabalhadoras/psicologia , Representação Social , Pertencimento , Diversidade de Recursos Humanos , Inovação Organizacional , Psicologia Social , Mudança Social
HIV AIDS (Auckl) ; 15: 247-255, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37255531


Introduction: Human visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a zoonosis of great importance to public health due to its epidemiological diversity, with emphasis on the possibility of aggravation by coinfection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Objective: The aim was to study the epidemiological characteristics of VL cases associated with HIV coinfection in Pará. Methods. Reported cases of VL from January 2006 to December 2016 were investigated. A descriptive epidemiological method related to age, gender, area of residence and coinfection with HIV was used. To calculate variance and test equity, the F-test (Fisher) was performed. To observe the influence of one aspect on another, the chi-square was used to verify if there was dependence or independence between the variables. Results: A total of 1171 cases of VL were reported during the study period. There was an annual mean of LV of 94.9, with a statistical difference (p<0.05) between age groups, with the highest number of cases being observed in children aged 1 to 4 years (27.16%). Males and the urban area had a higher number of cases. There were 57 cases of VL/HIV coinfection, with emphasis on the year 2013 and the municipality of Santarém, which had the highest number of cases. During the ten years studied, there was a correlation between coinfection VL/ HIV, with significant differences between patients with and without HIV who contracted VL (p<0.001). Conclusion: The data reveal the endemic nature of VL in the region, with a high percentage of infection in children living in urban areas. Although the studied region is not identified as a predominant area of HIV cases, this study showed a high annual average (10.3) of cases of VL/HIV coinfection being the first time that cases of VL/HIV coinfection were reported in the Mesoregion of the Lower Amazon and Southwest Pará.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e249090, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1431130


No Brasil, o trabalho doméstico remunerado é essencialmente feminino e emprega cerca de 5,9 milhões de mulheres, correspondendo a 16,8% da ocupação feminina. Desse contingente, 61 % são compostos por mulheres negras. As empregadas domésticas estiveram historicamente submetidas a uma série de aspectos excludentes, como baixa remuneração, contratações à margem da legalidade e discriminação de gênero e raça. Esta pesquisa objetivou compreender a resistência enquanto categoria fundamental para compreensão do trabalho doméstico. Ao falar sobre essa categoria, destacamos a subjetividade que constitui os fenômenos sociais, partindo de uma compreensão dialética e histórica do sujeito e da relação indivíduo-sociedade, inserida em uma historicidade. Os resultados encontrados, coletados por meio de documentos, notícias, reportagens, participações no sindicato da categoria e da realização de entrevistas com cinco domésticas apontam a existência de formas de resistência no campo do trabalho doméstico, compondo movimentos de oposição e reação ao modus operandi colonial e às hierarquias de gênero-raça-classe que formam a sociedade brasileira. A psicologia sócio-histórica foi escolhida como abordagem teórico-metodológica, pois possibilita compreender do homem como ser ativo, social e histórico. Ao investigar as formas de resistência presentes nesse tipo de trabalho, compreende-se a trabalhadora doméstica não como mera consequência da realidade social em que se insere, mas como sujeito ativo que constitui essa realidade e é simultaneamente constituído por ela. Com esta pesquisa, pretende-se contribuir com a crítica à ideologia dominante que subalterniza essas trabalhadoras e as relega à subcidadania, uma condição sem reconhecimento e direitos.(AU)

In Brazil, paid domestic work is essentially female and employs about 5.9 million women, corresponding to 16.8% of the female occupation. Of this contingent, 61% is made up of black women. Domestic workers have historically been subjected to a series of exclusionary aspects, such as low remuneration, hiring outside the legal system and gender and race discrimination. This research aimed to understand resistance as a fundamental category for understanding domestic work. When talking about this category, we highlight the subjectivity that constitutes social phenomena, starting from a dialectical and historical understanding of the subject and the individual-society relationship, inserted in a historicity. The results found, collected from documents, news, reports, participation in the category union and interviews with five domestic workers, point to the existence of forms of resistance in the field of domestic work, composing movements of opposition and reaction to the colonial modus operandi and the gender-race-class hierarchies that make up Brazilian society.Socio-historical psychology was chosen as a theoretical-methodological approach, since it provides an understanding of man as an active, social and historical being. When investigating the forms of resistance present in this type of work, the domestic worker is understood not as a mere consequence of the social reality in which she is inserted, but, as an active subject, who constitutes this reality and is simultaneously constituted by it. This research intends to contribute to the criticism of the dominant ideology that subordinates these workers and relegates them to a sub-citizenship, a condition without recognition and rights.(AU)

El trabajo doméstico remunerado en Brasil es predominantemente femenino y emplea casi 5,9 millones de mujeres, lo que corresponde al 16,8% de la ocupación femenina. El 61% de este grupo está compuesto por mujeres negras. Históricamente, las trabajadoras del hogar han sido sometidas a una serie de aspectos excluyentes, como la baja remuneración, la contratación fuera del sistema legal y la discriminación de género y raza. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo comprender la resistencia como categoría fundamental para entender el trabajo doméstico. Al hablar de esta categoría, se destaca la subjetividad que constituye los fenómenos sociales a partir de una comprensión dialéctica e histórica del sujeto y la relación individuo-sociedad, insertada en una historicidad. Los datos recogidos de documentos, noticias, participación en la categoría unión y entrevistas con cinco sirvientas permitieron concluir que existen formas de resistencia en el ámbito del trabajo doméstico, que se componen de movimientos de oposición y reacción al modus operandi colonial y a jerarquías de género-raza-clase que conforman la sociedad brasileña. La psicología sociohistórica fue el enfoque teórico-metodológico utilizado, ya que proporciona una comprensión del ser humano como ser activo, social e histórico. El análisis de las formas de resistencia presentes en este tipo de trabajo permite identificar la trabajadora doméstica no como una mera consecuencia de la realidad social en la cual se inserta, sino como sujeto activo que constituye esta realidad y, a la vez, es constituido por ella. Se espera que esta investigación pueda contribuir a la crítica de la ideología dominante que subordina a estas trabajadoras, relegándolas a una subciudadanía, una condición sin reconocimiento y sin derechos.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Satisfação Pessoal , Características Culturais , Fatores Sociológicos , História , Zeladoria , Pobreza , Preconceito , Psicologia , Política Pública , Salários e Benefícios , Comportamento Social , Mudança Social , Classe Social , Condições Sociais , Meio Social , Justiça Social , Mobilidade Social , Problemas Sociais , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Estereotipagem , Direitos da Mulher , Características da População , Riscos Ocupacionais , Acidentes de Trabalho , Família , Áreas de Pobreza , Dinâmica Populacional , Fome , Carga de Trabalho , Direitos Civis , Gestão da Segurança , Serviços Contratados , Censos , Legislação , Acesso à Informação , Morte , Agressão , Violação de Direitos Humanos , População Negra , Economia , Escolaridade , Reivindicações Trabalhistas , Emprego , Mercado de Trabalho , Ética , Feminilidade , Participação Social , Racismo , Discriminação Social , Marginalização Social , Escravização , Alfabetização , Status Moral , Equilíbrio Trabalho-Vida , Ativismo Político , Fracasso Acadêmico , Direitos Culturais , Direitos Socioeconômicos , Opressão Social , Status Econômico , Respeito , Direito ao Trabalho , Empoderamento , Abuso Emocional , Desinformação , Ambiente Domiciliar , Minorias Étnicas e Raciais , Vulnerabilidade Social , Cidadania , Condições de Trabalho , Planos de Assistência de Saúde para Empregados , Hierarquia Social , Habitação , Sindicatos , Enganação , Mães
Entropy (Basel) ; 24(11)2022 Oct 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36359615


This study focuses on a typical Brazilian household through the lens of sustainable development, regarding energy demand and GHG emissions. The analysis encompasses both the direct and indirect energy, exergy consumption, and GHG emissions (quantified by life cycle assessment) associated with the usual routine of a household. The household is modeled as a thermodynamic system to evaluate inputs (food, electricity, fuels for transportation) and outputs (solid and liquid residues). The hypothesis is that each input and output contains CO2,eq emissions and exergy derived from its physical-chemical characteristics or production chains. Each household appliance is modeled and tested as a function of external parameters. The contribution of several industries was obtained to the total GHG emissions and exergy flows entering and exiting the household (e.g., fuels for transportation, food, gas, electricity, wastewater treatment, solid waste). It was verified that urban transportation was the flow with the highest GHG and exergy intensity, ranging between 1.49 and 7.53 kgCO2,eq/day and achieving 94.7 MJ/day, almost five times higher than the calculated exergy demand due to electricity. The second largest flow in GHG emissions was food due to the characteristics of the production chains, ranging from 1.6 to 4.75 kgCO2,eq/day, depending on the adopted diet. On the other hand, the electricity presented low GHG emissions due to the main energy sources used to generate electricity, only 0.52 kgCO2,eq/day. Moreover, the chemical exergy of the solid waste was 9.7 MJ/day, and is not irrelevant compared to the other flows, representing an interesting improvement opportunity as it is entirely wasted in the baseline scenario.

Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 46: e74, 2022.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35875320


Objective: To analyze the incidence and mortality trends from COVID-19 in Brazil as well as in federation units and their capitals. Method: An ecological study was performed using COVID-19 incidence and mortality data covering the period from 25 February 2020 (first case recorded in Brazil) to 31 July 2021. Data were grouped by month for calculation of crude rates (by 100 000 population) and assessment of time trends in federation units and capitals. Significant changes in time trends were analyzed by joinpoint regression. Results: Two waves of new cases and deaths were identified. The highest incidence rates were recorded in the states of Amapá, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondônia, and Roraima. The states of Amazonas and Rondônia had the highest mortality rates. In general, incidence and mortality rates were worse in the second wave. In the first wave, the mean number of months until the onset of reduction in new cases was higher in capitals, whereas in the second wave the onset of reduction in new cases took longer in the federation units. The decline in mortality began earlier in capital cities in both waves. Conclusion: The regional differences detected underscore the notion that COVID-19 incidence and mortality are associated with political, geographic, cultural, social, and economic factors.

Objetivo: Analizar las tendencias de la incidencia de COVID-19 y la mortalidad por esta enfermedad en Brasil (unidades federativas y capitales). Método: Se realizó un estudio ecológico con datos sobre incidencia de COVID-19 y la mortalidad por esta enfermedad en el período comprendido entre el 25 de febrero del 2020 (fecha del primer caso notificado en Brasil) y el 31 de julio del 2021. Los datos se agruparon por mes para calcular las tasas brutas (por 100 000 habitantes) y evaluar las tendencias temporales observadas en las unidades federativas y sus capitales. Las modificaciones significativas en las tendencias temporales se analizaron con el método de regresión de punto de inflexión (joinpoint). Resultados: Se identificaron dos olas de casos nuevos y muertes. Las unidades federativas con las mayores tasas de incidencia fueron Amapá, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondônia y Roraima; Amazonas y Rondônia tuvieron las mayores tasas de mortalidad. En general, la incidencia y la mortalidad fueron peores en la segunda ola. En la primera ola, el promedio de meses transcurridos hasta que empezó a reducirse el número de casos nuevos fue mayor en las capitales, mientras que, en la segunda ola, fue mayor en los estados. En ambas olas, el número de muertes se redujo en menos tiempo en las capitales. Conclusión: La heterogeneidad regional detectada refuerza la idea de que la incidencia de la COVID-19 y la mortalidad por esta enfermedad guardan relación con factores políticos, geográficos, culturales, sociales y económicos.

Artigo em Português | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-56146


[RESUMO]. Objetivo. Analisar as tendências de incidência e mortalidade por COVID-19 no Brasil, nas unidades da fede- ração e nas capitais. Método. Realizou-se um estudo ecológico com dados de incidência e de mortalidade por COVID-19 referen- tes ao período de 25 de fevereiro de 2020 (primeiro caso notificado no Brasil) a 31 de julho de 2021. Os dados foram agrupados por mês para cálculo das taxas brutas (por 100 000 habitantes) e avaliação das tendências temporais das unidades da federação e de suas capitais. As modificações significativas nas tendências tem- porais foram analisadas pelo método de regressão por joinpoint. Resultados. Foram identificadas duas ondas de novos casos e óbitos. As unidades da federação com as maiores taxas de incidência foram Amapá, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondônia e Roraima; Amazonas e Rondônia tiveram as maiores taxas de mortalidade. Em geral, as taxas de incidência e mortalidade foram piores na segunda onda. Na primeira onda, a média de meses até o início de uma redução de casos novos foi maior nas capitais, enquanto na segunda onda, o início da redução demorou mais nos estados. Quanto aos óbitos, as capitais necessitaram de menos tempo para apresentar redução tanto na primeira quanto na segunda onda. Conclusão. A heterogeneidade regional detectada reforça a ideia de que a incidência e a mortalidade por COVID-19 estão associadas a fatores políticos, geográficos, culturais, sociais e econômicos.

[ABSTRACT]. Objective. To analyze the incidence and mortality trends from COVID-19 in Brazil as well as in federation units and their capitals. Method. An ecological study was performed using COVID-19 incidence and mortality data covering the period from 25 February 2020 (first case recorded in Brazil) to 31 July 2021. Data were grouped by month for calculation of crude rates (by 100 000 population) and assessment of time trends in federation units and capitals. Significant changes in time trends were analyzed by joinpoint regression. Results. Two waves of new cases and deaths were identified. The highest incidence rates were recorded in the states of Amapá, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondônia, and Roraima. The states of Amazonas and Rondônia had the highest mortality rates. In general, incidence and mortality rates were worse in the second wave. In the first wave, the mean number of months until the onset of reduction in new cases was higher in capitals, whe- reas in the second wave the onset of reduction in new cases took longer in the federation units. The decline in mortality began earlier in capital cities in both waves. Conclusion. The regional differences detected underscore the notion that COVID-19 incidence and mortality are associated with political, geographic, cultural, social, and economic factors.

[RESUMEN]. Objetivo. Analizar las tendencias de la incidencia de COVID-19 y la mortalidad por esta enfermedad en Brasil (unidades federativas y capitales). Método. Se realizó un estudio ecológico con datos sobre incidencia de COVID-19 y la mortalidad por esta enfermedad en el período comprendido entre el 25 de febrero del 2020 (fecha del primer caso notificado en Brasil) y el 31 de julio del 2021. Los datos se agruparon por mes para calcular las tasas brutas (por 100 000 habitantes) y evaluar las tendencias temporales observadas en las unidades federativas y sus capitales. Las modificaciones significativas en las tendencias temporales se analizaron con el método de regresión de punto de inflexión (joinpoint). Resultados. Se identificaron dos olas de casos nuevos y muertes. Las unidades federativas con las mayores tasas de incidencia fueron Amapá, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondônia y Roraima; Amazonas y Rondônia tuvieron las mayores tasas de mortalidad. En general, la incidencia y la mortalidad fueron peores en la segunda ola. En la primera ola, el promedio de meses transcurridos hasta que empezó a reducirse el número de casos nuevos fue mayor en las capitales, mientras que, en la segunda ola, fue mayor en los estados. En ambas olas, el número de muertes se redujo en menos tiempo en las capitales. Conclusión. La heterogeneidad regional detectada refuerza la idea de que la incidencia de la COVID-19 y la mortalidad por esta enfermedad guardan relación con factores políticos, geográficos, culturales, sociales y económicos.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , Incidência , Mortalidade , Brasil , Incidência , Mortalidade , Pandemias , Incidência , Mortalidade , Brasil
Rev Soc Bras Med Trop ; 55: e0191, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35239898


BACKGROUND: Rapid molecular methods such as the line probe assay (LPA) and Xpert® MTB/RIF assay (Xpert) have been recommended by the World Health Organization for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) diagnosis. We conducted an interventional trial in DR-TB reference centers in Brazil to evaluate the impact of the use of LPA and Xpert. METHODS: Patients with DR-TB were eligible if their drug susceptibility testing results were available to the treating physician at the time of consultation. The standard reference MGITTM 960 was compared with Xpert (arm 1) and LPA (arm 2). Effectiveness was considered as the start of the appropriate TB regimen that matched drug susceptibility testing (DST) and the proportions of culture conversion and favorable treatment outcomes after 6 months. RESULTS: A higher rate of empirical treatment was observed with MGIT alone than with the Xpert assay (97.0% vs. 45.0%) and LPA (98.2% vs. 67.5%). Patients started appropriate TB treatment more quickly than those in the MGIT group (median 15.0 vs. 40.5 days; p<0.01) in arm 1. Compared to the MGIT group, culture conversion after 6 months was higher for Xpert in arm 1 (90.9% vs. 79.3%, p=0.39) and LPA in arm 2 (80.0% vs. 83.0%, p=0.81). CONCLUSIONS: In the Xpert arm, there was a significant reduction in days to the start of appropriate anti-TB treatment and a trend towards greater culture conversion in the sixth month.

Antibióticos Antituberculose , Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Tuberculose Resistente a Múltiplos Medicamentos , Antibióticos Antituberculose/farmacologia , Antibióticos Antituberculose/uso terapêutico , Brasil , Humanos , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/genética , Rifampina/farmacologia , Rifampina/uso terapêutico , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Tuberculose Resistente a Múltiplos Medicamentos/diagnóstico , Tuberculose Resistente a Múltiplos Medicamentos/tratamento farmacológico
Aquat Ecol ; 56(1): 183-200, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34642570


Despite the obvious negative effects caused by invasive species, some recent studies have shown that the impacts at local scale are diverse and not necessarily negative. Arborescent benthic organisms such as octocorals form three-dimensional structures capable of increasing the amount of substrate available and providing shelter for epibiont species. We investigated the role of the alien octocoral Carijoa riisei on the diversity of benthic communities in three shipwrecks on the north-eastern coast of Brazil. We expected that (a) the fauna associated with the octocoral are richer and more diverse compared to the adjacent; (b) some species are exclusively associated with C. riisei; (c) the species that are present both in the areas with and without C. riisei have a greater abundance when associated with the octocoral. For this, we compared the macrobenthic communities associated with C. riisei to those found in adjacent areas where the octocoral was absent. Our study showed that the communities associated with the octocoral were 1.5 times richer and 10 times more abundant than adjacent communities, with 29 exclusive taxa. The dominant taxa were the amphipods Ericthonius brasiliensis and Podocerus brasiliensis and polychaetes of the family Syllidae. These taxa were present in areas with presence and absence of C. riisei, but their abundance was significantly greater where the octocoral was present. Our results reinforce the idea that Carijoa riisei acts as an ecosystem engineer in coastal reefs, creating new habitats and increasing diversity at a local scale, even though it is an alien species.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 46: e74, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432062


RESUMO Objetivo. Analisar as tendências de incidência e mortalidade por COVID-19 no Brasil, nas unidades da federação e nas capitais. Método. Realizou-se um estudo ecológico com dados de incidência e de mortalidade por COVID-19 referentes ao período de 25 de fevereiro de 2020 (primeiro caso notificado no Brasil) a 31 de julho de 2021. Os dados foram agrupados por mês para cálculo das taxas brutas (por 100 000 habitantes) e avaliação das tendências temporais das unidades da federação e de suas capitais. As modificações significativas nas tendências temporais foram analisadas pelo método de regressão por joinpoint. Resultados. Foram identificadas duas ondas de novos casos e óbitos. As unidades da federação com as maiores taxas de incidência foram Amapá, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondônia e Roraima; Amazonas e Rondônia tiveram as maiores taxas de mortalidade. Em geral, as taxas de incidência e mortalidade foram piores na segunda onda. Na primeira onda, a média de meses até o início de uma redução de casos novos foi maior nas capitais, enquanto na segunda onda, o início da redução demorou mais nos estados. Quanto aos óbitos, as capitais necessitaram de menos tempo para apresentar redução tanto na primeira quanto na segunda onda. Conclusão. A heterogeneidade regional detectada reforça a ideia de que a incidência e a mortalidade por COVID-19 estão associadas a fatores políticos, geográficos, culturais, sociais e econômicos.

ABSTRACT Objective. To analyze the incidence and mortality trends from COVID-19 in Brazil as well as in federation units and their capitals. Method. An ecological study was performed using COVID-19 incidence and mortality data covering the period from 25 February 2020 (first case recorded in Brazil) to 31 July 2021. Data were grouped by month for calculation of crude rates (by 100 000 population) and assessment of time trends in federation units and capitals. Significant changes in time trends were analyzed by joinpoint regression. Results. Two waves of new cases and deaths were identified. The highest incidence rates were recorded in the states of Amapá, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondônia, and Roraima. The states of Amazonas and Rondônia had the highest mortality rates. In general, incidence and mortality rates were worse in the second wave. In the first wave, the mean number of months until the onset of reduction in new cases was higher in capitals, whereas in the second wave the onset of reduction in new cases took longer in the federation units. The decline in mortality began earlier in capital cities in both waves. Conclusion. The regional differences detected underscore the notion that COVID-19 incidence and mortality are associated with political, geographic, cultural, social, and economic factors.

RESUMEN Objetivo. Analizar las tendencias de la incidencia de COVID-19 y la mortalidad por esta enfermedad en Brasil (unidades federativas y capitales). Método. Se realizó un estudio ecológico con datos sobre incidencia de COVID-19 y la mortalidad por esta enfermedad en el período comprendido entre el 25 de febrero del 2020 (fecha del primer caso notificado en Brasil) y el 31 de julio del 2021. Los datos se agruparon por mes para calcular las tasas brutas (por 100 000 habitantes) y evaluar las tendencias temporales observadas en las unidades federativas y sus capitales. Las modificaciones significativas en las tendencias temporales se analizaron con el método de regresión de punto de inflexión (joinpoint). Resultados. Se identificaron dos olas de casos nuevos y muertes. Las unidades federativas con las mayores tasas de incidencia fueron Amapá, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondônia y Roraima; Amazonas y Rondônia tuvieron las mayores tasas de mortalidad. En general, la incidencia y la mortalidad fueron peores en la segunda ola. En la primera ola, el promedio de meses transcurridos hasta que empezó a reducirse el número de casos nuevos fue mayor en las capitales, mientras que, en la segunda ola, fue mayor en los estados. En ambas olas, el número de muertes se redujo en menos tiempo en las capitales. Conclusión. La heterogeneidad regional detectada refuerza la idea de que la incidencia de la COVID-19 y la mortalidad por esta enfermedad guardan relación con factores políticos, geográficos, culturales, sociales y económicos.