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Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63: e20190184, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132268


Abstract Nanoparticles demonstrate an important role in the protection of bioactive compounds from external factors such as temperature, oxygen and light. In this study, poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) nanoparticles entrapped β-carotene was produced using the nanoprecipitation method. Firstly, was evaluated the lipophilic surfactant effect and carrier agent of the active compound in the nanocapsules formulation. After choosing the most stable formulation, the nanocapsules production was optimized using β-carotene, caprylic/capric triglycerides (CCT) and soybean lecithin. Response surface methodology (RSM) was adopted to evaluate the influence of soy lecithin concentration, volume of CCT and β-carotene concentration in the particle size, zeta potential, polydispersity index (PDI), encapsulation efficiency and recovery. Formulations containing soy lecithin and CCT demonstrated better stability comparing to the other formulations tested. The nanoparticle formulations presented an optimized particle size below 200 nm, PDI lower than 0.1 and encapsulation efficiency above 95%. Based on the results obtained, the optimum conditions to prepare PCL nanocapsules were 0.2160 mg/mL of β-carotene, 232.42 μL of CCT and 2.59 mg/mL of soy lecithin, suggesting an applicability to promote controlled released of β-carotene in food system.

Caproatos , beta Caroteno , Nanotecnologia/métodos , Nanocápsulas , Lactonas , Precipitação Química , Reatores Biológicos , Otimização de Processos
Ciênc. rural ; 36(6): 1959-1967, nov.-dez. 2006. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-437881


Nos últimos anos, muito interesse tem sido focado no potencial biotecnológico das microalgas, principalmente devido à identificação de diversas substâncias sintetizadas por estes organismos. A imensa biodiversidade e conseqüente variabilidade na composição bioquímica da biomassa obtida das culturas microalgais, aliadas ao emprego de melhoramento genético e ao estabelecimento de tecnologia de cultivo em grande escala, vêm permitindo que determinadas espécies sejam comercialmente utilizadas. Nesse sentido, cultivos de microalgas têm sido realizados visando à produção de biomassa tanto para uso na elaboração de alimentos quanto para a obtenção de compostos naturais com alto valor no mercado mundial. Dentre os inúmeros compostos extraídos, ou com potencial de exploração comercial, podem ser relacionados ácidos graxos poliinsaturados, carotenóides, ficobilinas, polissacarídeos, vitaminas, esteróis e diversos compostos bioativos naturais (antioxidantes, redutores do colesterol etc.), os quais podem ser empregados especialmente no desenvolvimento de alimentos funcionais, por suas propriedades nutricionais e farmacêuticas.

In recent years, much interest has been focused on the biotechnological potential of microalgae, mainly due the identification of several substances synthesized by these organisms. The great biodiversity and consequent variability in the biochemical composition of the biomass obtained from the microalgal cultures, allied to the genetic improvement and to the establishment of technology in massive production, have allowed various species to be commercially cultivated. In this sense, microalgae cultivations have been developed aiming at the biomass production not only for use in the food elaboration but also for the obtainment of natural compounds with high value in the world market. Among the main extracted substances, or with potential of commercial exploration, can be related polyunsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids, phycobilins, polysaccharides, vitamins, sterols and several bioactive compounds (antioxidants, cholesterol reducers etc.), the which ones can be especially used in the development of functional food, for its nutritional and pharmaceutical properties.