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Int J Psychol ; 59(3): 390-397, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38266655


Social leaders and human rights defenders (SLHRD) in Colombia have been under increasing attack for defending the rights of communities affected by violence. From 2016 to 2022, over 600 SLHRD were assassinated, resulting in a serious violation of both individual and community human rights. The media's portrayal of these attacks can shape public perceptions and influence efforts towards peacebuilding and promoting human rights. This study examines the media's framing of violence against SLHRD in Colombia between 2016 and 2020, a period marked by an escalation of violence after the signing of the 2016 peace accord between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). We analysed 1506 textual publications from seven media outlets using a lexicometric approach and identified two frames of news articles: episodic and thematic. Our findings suggest that the episodic media framing may present a simplistic and non-political perspective of the issue, which can impede peacebuilding efforts, while the thematic frame can raise awareness of violence against SLHRD and promote human rights defence. Our study highlights the media's significant role in shaping public opinion on violence against SLHRD, offering practical implications for advocacy and activism.

Direitos Humanos , Meios de Comunicação de Massa , Violência , Humanos , Colômbia , Violência/prevenção & controle , Violência/psicologia , Liderança , Opinião Pública
Front Psychol ; 12: 764434, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34955983


This paper analyzes the socio-cognitive and emotional processes related to collective action in the context of the 2019 populist social movement in Chile. It proposes an integrative explanation of populism as social movements and collective gatherings along with their relation with creativity and social representations of mass movements. A comprehensive online survey was used (n = 262) that included measures of participation in demonstrations, identification with protesters or the government, agreement with social movement grievances, collective efficacy, perceived emotional synchrony, collective action, self-reported cognitive creativity, and individuals' proposals for improvement of society and ideas associated with stimuli (e.g., the concepts of majority or minority). Our results revealed that identification with demonstrators, agreement with protesters' grievances, a high perceived emotional synchrony or collective effervescence, and higher creativity responses were associated with an active participation in the social movement. Higher participation and factors conducive to participation were associated with lexical clusters of responses to stimuli that include words such as rights, justice, injustice, bravery, dignity, or hope, which were conceived of as positive social representations of the populist social movement. These findings are discussed within the neo-Durkheimian framework of collective gatherings and the perspective of populism as a social movement that seeks to renew and expand democracy.

Pensam. psicol ; 14(2): 49-62, jul.-dic. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-797397


Objetivo. Analizar las actitudes implícitas de estudiantes universitarios con respecto al perdón hacia exmiembros de grupos guerrilleros y grupos paramilitares en el marco del conflicto armado colombiano. Método. En Bogotá, 30 estudiantes universitarios respondieron a la prueba de asociación implícita (IAT), la cual mide actitudes implícitas, al utilizar las latencias de respuesta para medir la fuerza de la asociación entre diversos conceptos, y un cuestionario explícito relacionado con el perdón. Este análisis se hizo a la luz de la teoría de marcos relacionales, derivada del contextualismo funcional. Resultados. Las respuestas de los estudiantes permitieron observar una mayor asociación entre los conceptos de perdón y guerrilla, indicando que podría haber una mayor disposición a perdonar a exmiembros de este grupo armado en el contexto actual que vive el país. Conclusión. Esta investigación abre la posibilidad de explorar el tema del perdón en el posconflicto, incluyendo variables como la posición política, la edad y la experiencia frente a la guerra, desde una perspectiva conductual contemporánea.

Objective. In this study, the implicit attitudes of University students were analyzed with regard to forgivingness towards ex members of the guerilla and paramilitary groups in the Colombian armed conflict. Method. Thirty University students in Bogotá were measured with the IAT (Implicit Association Test) by using the response latency to measure the strength of the association between different concepts and an explicit questionnaire related to forgiveness. The analysis was made from functional contextualism and Relational Frame Theory. Results. There was found that participants presented a stronger association between the concepts of forgiveness and Guerilla, suggesting they would be more willing to forgive an ex member of this armed group. Conclusion. This investigation opens the possibility of further exploration on the subject of forgiveness in a post conflict scenario, including variables such as political position, age, and war experiences from a contemporary perspective.

Escopo. Neste estudo foram analisadas as atitudes implícitas de estudantes universitários sobre o paredão para ex membros de grupos guerrilheiros e paramilitares no marco do conflito armado colombiano. Metodologia. 30 estudantes universitários, na cidade de Bogotá, responderam à prova de associação implícita IAT, a qual mede atitudes implícitas, ao utilizar as latências de respostas para medir a força da associação entre diferentes conceitos e um questionário explícito relacionado com o paredão. Nesta análise, foi feita sob a Teoria de Marcos Relacionais, derivada do contextualismo funcional. Resultados. As respostas dos estudantes permitiram observar uma maior associação entre os conceitos de perdão e guerrilha, indicando que poderia ter uma maior disposição a perdoar a ex membros de este grupo armado no contexto atual que vive o país. Conclusão. A pesquisa abre a possibilidade de explorar o tema do perdão no post-conflito incluindo variáveis como a posição política, a idade e a experiência frente à guerra desde uma perspectiva comportamental contemporânea.

Humanos , Conflitos Armados , Perdão