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J Vasc Bras ; 23: e20230119, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38487516


Background: Revascularization surgery is used to attempt to restore blood flow to the foot in patients with critical ischemia (CI) caused by peripheral arterial occlusive disease of the lower limbs (LL). Ultrasonography with Doppler (USD) SAH emerged in recent years as a highly valuable method for planning this surgical intervention. Objectives: To evaluate the relationship between the resistance index (RI), measured with USD, and immediate hemodynamic success of LL revascularization surgery in patients with CI. Methods: The study design was a prospective cohort assessing 46 patients with LL CLI who underwent operations to perform infrainguinal revascularization by angioplasty or bypass from August 2019 to February 2022. All patients underwent preoperative clinical vascular assessment with USD including measurement of the RI of distal LL arteries, LL arteriography, and measurement of the ankle-brachial index (ABI). All patients had their ABI measured again in the immediate postoperative period. Results: Forty-six patients were assessed, 25 (54.3%) of whom were male. Age varied from 32 to 89 years (mean: 67.83). Hemodynamic success was assessed by comparison of preoperative and postoperative ABI, showing that hemodynamic success was achieved in 31 (67.4%) patients after revascularization surgery (ABI increased by 0.15 or more). A positive correlation (p ≤ 0.05) was observed between the RI of the distal revascularized LL artery and immediate hemodynamic success assessed by ABI (lower RI and hemodynamic success). Conclusions: This study observed a positive correlation between the resistance index of the distal artery and immediate hemodynamic success of lower limb revascularizations, as assessed by the ankle-brachial index, so that the lower the RI the greater the hemodynamic success achieved.

J. vasc. bras ; 23: e20230119, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534793


Resumo Contexto A cirurgia de revascularização é proposta para restaurar o fluxo sanguíneo para o pé nos casos de isquemia crítica (IC) devido a doença arterial obstrutiva periférica dos membros inferiores (MMII). O uso de ultrassonografia com Doppler (USD) vem despontando nos últimos anos como um método de grande valor para o planejamento cirúrgico dessa intervenção. Objetivos Avaliar a relação entre o índice de resistência (IR), mensurado por meio de USD, e o sucesso hemodinâmico imediato da cirurgia de revascularização dos MMII em pacientes com IC. Métodos O tipo de estudo empregado foi a coorte prospectiva, na qual foram avaliados 46 pacientes portadores de IC dos MMII submetidos à operação de revascularização infrainguinal por angioplastia ou em ponte de agosto de 2019 a fevereiro de 2022. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação clínica vascular, à USD com medida do IR das artérias distais dos MMII, à arteriografia dos MMII e à aferição do índice tornozelo-braquial (ITB) no período pré-operatório. No pós-operatório imediato, todos os pacientes foram submetidos à nova aferição do ITB. Resultados Entre os 46 pacientes avaliados, 25 (54,3%) eram do sexo masculino. A idade variou de 32 a 89 anos (média de 67,83). Quanto ao sucesso hemodinâmico, avaliado pela comparação do ITB pré e pós-operatório, constatou-se que 31 (67,4%) pacientes apresentaram sucesso hemodinâmico após cirurgia de revascularização (aumento do ITB em 0,15 ou mais). Foi observada correlação positiva (p ≤ 0,05) entre o IR da artéria distal revascularizada do MMII e o sucesso hemodinâmico imediato avaliado pela aferição do ITB (IR menor e sucesso hemodinâmico). Conclusões Na presente pesquisa foi observada uma correlação positiva entre o índice de resistência arterial distal e o sucesso hemodinâmico nas revascularizações dos membros inferiores, avaliada através do índice tornozelobraquial, de forma que, quanto menor foi o IR, maior o sucesso hemodinâmico obtido.

Abstract Background Revascularization surgery is used to attempt to restore blood flow to the foot in patients with critical ischemia (CI) caused by peripheral arterial occlusive disease of the lower limbs (LL). Ultrasonography with Doppler (USD) SAH emerged in recent years as a highly valuable method for planning this surgical intervention. Objectives To evaluate the relationship between the resistance index (RI), measured with USD, and immediate hemodynamic success of LL revascularization surgery in patients with CI. Methods The study design was a prospective cohort assessing 46 patients with LL CLI who underwent operations to perform infrainguinal revascularization by angioplasty or bypass from August 2019 to February 2022. All patients underwent preoperative clinical vascular assessment with USD including measurement of the RI of distal LL arteries, LL arteriography, and measurement of the ankle-brachial index (ABI). All patients had their ABI measured again in the immediate postoperative period. Results Forty-six patients were assessed, 25 (54.3%) of whom were male. Age varied from 32 to 89 years (mean: 67.83). Hemodynamic success was assessed by comparison of preoperative and postoperative ABI, showing that hemodynamic success was achieved in 31 (67.4%) patients after revascularization surgery (ABI increased by 0.15 or more). A positive correlation (p ≤ 0.05) was observed between the RI of the distal revascularized LL artery and immediate hemodynamic success assessed by ABI (lower RI and hemodynamic success). Conclusions This study observed a positive correlation between the resistance index of the distal artery and immediate hemodynamic success of lower limb revascularizations, as assessed by the ankle-brachial index, so that the lower the RI the greater the hemodynamic success achieved.