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Rev. colomb. neumol ; 35(2): 40-44, 05/12/2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1551152


La tuberculosis es una infección de distribución mundial con una alta morbimortalidad en países subdesarrollados. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 55 años con cuadro de dos meses de adenomegalias cervicales, pérdida de peso y fiebre con posterior disnea de esfuerzo progresiva. Ingresó por urgencias en falla ventilatoria y hallazgos radiológicos compatibles con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda (SDRA) requiriendo ventilación mecánica invasiva. Se demostró infección por M. tuberculosis por PCR en tiempo real GeneXpert MTB/RIF Ultra y en cultivo de medio líquido de esputo, con crecimiento en tiempo menor a tres días. La biopsia de las adenomegalias confirmó linfoma de células T periférico asociado a infección por virus linfotrópico T humano tipo I-II, presentando una evolución tórpida a pesar del esquema quimioterapéutico.

Tuberculosis is a globally distributed infection with high morbidity and mortality in underdeveloped countries. We present the case of a 55-year-old woman with a 2-month history of cervical lymph nodes, weight loss, and fever with subsequent progressive exertional dyspnea. She was admitted to the emergency department with ventilatory failure and radiological findings compatible with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) requiring invasive mechanical ventilation. M. tuberculosis infection was proved by a real-time PCR GeneXpert MTB/RIF Ultra and in culture of sputum liquid medium, with growth in less than 3 days. The biopsy of the lymph nodes revealed peripheral T-cell lymphoma associated with infection by human T-lymphotropic virus type I-II, presenting a torpid evolution despite the chemotherapy regimen.

IDCases ; 31: e01664, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36619214


During the COVID-19 pandemic, cases of acute sinusitis due to COVID-19 and even co-infections have been reported [1]. We want to discuss a case in Colombia where a patient with detected type 2 diabetes presented sinusitis and COVID-19. A 51-year-old man from Sincelejo, Sucre, consulted on May 23, 2020, with one day presenting general malaise and fever (38 °C), lumbar pain, frequent urination, polydipsia and hyperglycemia (366 mg/dl). He denied cough, travel during the last two weeksan Physical examination revealed a blood pressure of 170/110 mmHg, heart rate of 115 beats/minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths/minute, and temperature of 36.6 °C. Neither lymphadenopathies nor cardiopulmonary disturbances were noted. A working diagnosis of febrile syndrome, ketoacidosis, and recent-onset type 2 diabetes, with uncontrolled hypertension, was contemplated at admission RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 was positive. A head CT Scan revealed left maxillary sinusitis with mucosal thickening of the maxillary Despite the sizeable SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the number of reports of sinusitis in association with COVID-19 has been limited [2,3]. Sinusitis is more often diagnosed among immunocompromised patients, including diabetes of our patient. COVID-19, as a multisystemic condition. It may affect different anatomical areas, including the paranasal sinuses and the upper and lower respiratory mucosa. Although it is uncertain whether SARS-CoV-2 was the sole cause of the sinusitis in our patient or just a contributing factor, other reports suggest a significant involvement of the virus in the development of this condition, in addition to its role in worsening the clinical course of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis.

Front Med (Lausanne) ; 9: 814622, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35860730


Introduction: Infection by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important cause of chronic liver disease, considered a public health problem worldwide with high morbidity and mortality due to limited access to diagnostic tests in developing countries. Only a small percentage know their infection status and receive timely treatment. It is critical to make diagnostic tests for HCV infection accessible and to provide timely treatment, which not only reduces the spread of infection but also stops the progression of HCV disease without symptoms. Objective: To determine the prevalence of chronic infection by HCV in patients with risk factors by using rapid tests in Cartagena, Colombia, and describe their epidemiological characteristics. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out on asymptomatic adults with risk factors for HCV infection in the city of Cartagena between December 2017 and November 2019. A rapid immunochromatographic test was performed to detect antibodies, characterizing the population. Results: In total, 1,023 patients were identified who met the inclusion criteria, 58.5% women and 41.4% men, obtaining nine positive results, confirming chronic infection with viral load for HCV, finding seven cases of genotype 1b and two genotype 1a. Conclusion: In our study, a prevalence of hepatitis C infection of 0.9% was found in asymptomatic individuals with risk factors, which allows us to deduce that the active search for cases in risk groups constitutes a pillar for the identification of the disease, the initiation of antiviral therapy, and decreased morbidity and mortality.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535995


La enfermedad renal diabética (ERD) es la principal complicación microvascular de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus; esta es una entidad que genera un aumento significativo en la mortalidad de origen cardiovascular de este grupo de pacientes, aunque su diagnóstico temprano impacta de forma significativa en la evolución a enfermedad renal terminal y, por lo tanto, en la mortalidad. La detección de albuminuria en la orina y el deterioro de la tasa de filtración glomerular estimada son las principales técnicas diagnósticas que se utilizan en la práctica clínica para establecer la presencia de ERD; sin embargo, estas tienen limitaciones y por lo tanto es importante resaltar que el daño renal suele ser irreversible una vez están presentes. Durante los últimos años, numerosos estudios se han enfocado en detectar nuevos biomarcadores para detectar ERD y es aquí donde aparece como nueva herramienta la proteómica urinaria, una tecnología emergente que permite identificar en una muestra de orina proteínas que sugieren la presencia de esta enfermedad de manera temprana. Asimismo, el descubrimiento de biomarcadores basados en proteómicos representa una estrategia novedosa para mejorar el diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento de la nefropatía diabética; sin embargo, los enfoques basados en la proteómica aún no están disponibles en la mayoría de los laboratorios de química clínica.

Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is the main microvascular complication in patients with diabetes mellitus; it is an entity that generates a significant increase in mortality of cardiovascular origin in this group of patients, although its early diagnosis has a significant impact on the evolution to end-stage kidney disease and, therefore, on mortality. The detection of albuminuria in urine and the deterioration of the estimated glomerular filtration rate are the main diagnostic techniques that are used in clinical practice to establish the presence of DKD; however, they have limitations and therefore it is important to note that kidney damage is usually irreversible once they are present. Over the last few years, numerous studies have focused on the discovery of new biomarkers to detect DKD and this is where the urinary proteomics appears as a new tool, an emerging technology that allows the identification of proteins in a urine sample that strongly suggest the early presence of this disease. Likewise, the discovery of proteomic-based biomarkers represents a novel strategy to improve the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of diabetic nephropathy; however, proteomics-based approaches are not yet available in the majority of clinical chemistry laboratories.