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Rev. argent. mastología ; 42(154): 13-27, jun. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1568324


En la actualidad, más de la mitad de las pacientes con cáncer de mama receptor hormonal positivo recibe algún esquema de quimioterapia adyuvante. Sin embargo, sólo algunas de ellas obtendrían un beneficio real en términos de sobrevida. Las plataformas genómicas permiten un mejor entendimiento de la heterogeneidad tumoral entre carcinomas con receptores hormonales positivos, Her2 negativos, habiendo sido validadas como herramientas para identificar aquellas. pacientes que obtendrían un beneficio claro con el tratamiento quimioterápico. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es describir el uso de la plataforma genómica Oncotype Dx® y evaluar su impacto sobre la indicación del tratamiento adyuvante, evaluado principalmente a través del cambio de conducta en relación con la indicación final del tratamiento adyuvante. Material y método: Estudio multicéntrico observacional de cohorte llevado a cabo en distintas Unidades de Mastología de la República Argentina que utilizaran el Oncotype Dx* para esclarecer la indicación del tratamiento adyuvante en pacientes luminales Her2neu negativas en estadio inicial. Se registraron las decisiones relacionadas con el tratamiento antes y luego de realizar la prueba genómica. El objetivo secundario consistió en describir los eventos en aquellas pacientes en quiénes se solicitó dicho estudio. Resultados: Entre enero de 2013 y diciembre de 2018, 211 pacientes con carcinomas luminales A o B, Her2neu negativas realizaron el Oncotype Dx* y fueron incluidas en el estudio. Según nuestros registros, 40% de las pacientes experimentó un cambio en la indicación del tratamiento adyuvante luego de realizada la plataforma genómica. De aquellas pacientes que tenían indicación inicial de hormonoterapia según parámetros tradicionales clínico-patológicos, 24% recibió adicionalmente quimioterapia. En relación con las pacientes que tenían indicación inicial de quimio y hormonoterapia, 49% experimentó un cambio en la indicación de su adyuvancia pudiendo realizar únicamente hormonoterapia. En relación a los eventos descriptos en las pacientes participantes del trabajo, se registraron 4 muertes específicas por la enfermedad, una muerte por otra causa, 2 recaídas a distancia y un cáncer de mama contralateral. Conclusiones: En nuestra población de estudio el uso del Score de Recurrencia (RS) resultó clínicamente significativo en relación al cambio de conducta en la toma de decisión para adyuvancia. En consecuencia, para este grupo de investigadores, ha demostrado ser una herramienta de significativa importancia en la decisión del tratamiento adyuvante de pacientes con cáncer de mama temprano, luminal, Her2neu negativo(AU)

Objetive: Currently, over half of all patients diagnosed with hormone-receptor positive early stage breast cancer will receive some type of adjuvant chemotherapy (CHT), but only a few of them will actually benefit in terms of survival. Genomic platforms allow a better understanding of the heterogeneity among the different types of hormone receptor positive, her2 negative breast cancer, and have proven their validity as tools for identifying those patients who will obtain a clear benefit from CHT. The aim of our study was to analyze the use of the genomic platform Oncotype Dx® in our population and describe its impact on the decision of adjuvant treatment assessed through change in treatment decision. Material and method: this was a real world collaborative observational study, which was performed across several Breast Units in Argentina. Patients who underwent Oncotype Dx® testing to determine adjuvant treatment were included. Decisions regarding treatment were settled before and after the oncotype was performed by the tumor boards of each Breast Unit. Results: From January 2013 to December 2018, 211 patients with luminal A or B, her 2 negative breast cancer who underwent Oncotype Dx" testing were included. We found that treatment decisions were modified after Oncotype DX in approximately 40% of patients. In 24% percent of cases, chemotherapy was added to the initial treatment plan although endocrine therapy alone had initially been considered (potential subtreatment); and on the other hand, 49% of all patients were able to receive endocrine therapy only when, due to traditional prognostic factors, they would have received chemotherapy (potential overtreatment). Conclusions: In our population, we found that the use of the Recurrence Score was associated with a significant change in treatment recommendation We therefore consider it to be a very important tool and a decisive factor for the selection of adjuvant treatment in patients with hormone receptor positive, her2neu negative early breast cancer(AU)

Ecancermedicalscience ; 18: 1664, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38439804


Genomic analysis through various platforms is an essential tool for determining prognosis and treatment in a significant subgroup of early-stage breast cancer patients with hormone receptor-positive and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative status. Additionally, combined clinical and pathological characteristics can accurately predict the recurrence score (RS), as demonstrated by the University of Tennessee risk nomogram. In this study, we aimed to identify classical clinical-pathological factors associated with high RS in a local population, including modern parameters such as current abemaciclib treatment recommendations, HER2-low status, different Ki-67 cutoff values, and samples obtained from secondary primary tumours. This is a retrospective single-institution study that analysed a total of 215 tumour samples. Among lymph node-negative patients (n = 179), age, Ki67 values, and progesterone receptor status predicted RS after multivariate analysis. HER2-low status was not associated with RS differences (p = 0.41). Among lymph node-positive patients (n = 36), MonarchE inclusion criteria (15) were not associated with a higher RS (p = 0.61), and HER2-low did not reach statistical significance. However, tumours classified as secondary primaries numerically exhibited a higher RS. Based on these findings from our real-world sample, the mere application of clinical and pathological parameters is insufficient to predict RS outcomes. Modern parameters such as HER2-low status or adjuvant abemaciclib recommendations were not associated with RS differences. Regarding the observation of secondary tumours, more evidence is needed to understand whether prior hormone therapy exposure impacts the biological risk of secondary primary tumours.

JCO Precis Oncol ; 6: e2100140, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35235412


PURPOSE: In recent years, unprecedented benefits have been observed with the development of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4 and 6 inhibitors for the treatment of hormone receptor-positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative metastatic breast cancer. However, there is scarce evidence of their value in specific populations, such as patients carrying germline pathogenic variants in DNA repair-related genes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively studied the efficacy of CDK 4/6 inhibitors plus endocrine therapy in patients with hormone receptor-positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative advanced breast cancer. Three cohorts were compared, including patients harboring germline pathogenic variants in DNA repair-related genes (gBRCA1/2-ATM-CHEK2 mutated), those tested without these mutations (wild type [WT]), and the nontested subgroup. Relevant prognostic factors including age, metastatic site (visceral v nonvisceral), Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, and prior treatment with CDK 4/6 inhibitors were stratified by univariate and multivariate Cox regression models. RESULTS: Among the total population (n = 217), 15 (6.9%) patients carried gBRCA1/2 (n = 10)-ATM (n = 4)-CHEK2 (n = 1) pathogenic variants, 45 (20.7%) were WT, and 157 (72.4%) were nontested. Gene pathogenic variant carriers were younger (P < .001). Most patients (164, 75.6%) had not received prior endocrine therapy in the advanced setting. Median progression-free survival was shorter in patients with evaluated germline pathogenic variants (10.2 months [95% CI, 5.7 to 14.7]), compared with WT and nontested patients (15.6 months [95% CI, 7.8 to 23.4], and (17.6 months [95% CI, 12.9 to 22.2]; P = .002). Consistently, a worse median overall survival was observed in the subgroup with germline pathogenic variants than in the WT group (P = .006). Multivariable analysis showed that mutation status was an independent prognostic factor of progression-free survival (P = .020) and overall survival (P = .012). CONCLUSION: In this retrospective real-world study, gBRCA1/2-ATM-CHEK2 pathogenic variants were independently associated with poor outcomes in patients with advanced breast cancer treated with CDK4/6 inhibitors.

Neoplasias da Mama , Neoplasias da Mama/tratamento farmacológico , Quinase 4 Dependente de Ciclina/genética , Reparo do DNA/genética , Feminino , Células Germinativas/metabolismo , Humanos , Estudos Retrospectivos
Rev. argent. mastología ; 40(148): 60-79, dic. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1417863


Introducción: Identificar aquellas pacientes con cáncer de mama en estadíos iniciales que no se benefician de la linfadenectomía (LA), a pesar de contar con ganglios centinela positivos, constituye un desafío. El ensayo ACOSOG-Z0011 modificó el paradigma de la cirugía axilar, pero aún no está claro qué efecto tiene la ruptura capsular (RC) y su extensión (EEC) en el compromiso axilar. Material y método: Se incluyeron 214 pacientes intervenidas quirúrgicamente entre 2009-2019 en el Centro mamario del Instituto Alexander Fleming, con cáncer de mama en T1-2, en las que la biopsia de ganglio centinela (BGC) resultó positiva, y se realizó LA. Se realizaron comparaciones entre aquellas pacientes con y sin RC. Las pacientes con RC fueron divididas en dos grupos, según la EEC fuera mayor o igual a 2 mm, o menor a 2 mm. Para los distintos grupos de pacientes, se analizaron variables clínicas y anatomo-patológicas, incluyendo edad, estado menopáusico, subtipo biológico, grado nuclear, tamaño tumoral, invasión linfovascular (ILV) y multicentricidad. Resultados: La RC se asoció a una mayor probabilidad de presentar ganglios no centinela positivos, y en particular a la presencia de 4 o más ganglios positivos. Este grupo de pacientes presentó con más frecuencia ILV. En cuanto a la EEC, no hallamos diferencias significativas de acuerdo a la extensión de la ruptura (EEC<2 mm y EEC≥2 mm), aunque en el análisis uni y multivariado evidenció un mayor riesgo de presentar ≥4 ganglios positivos en el grupo de pacientes con EEC≥2 mm. Discusión: En línea con la bibliografía actual, encontramos que la RC es un hallazgo frecuente y que se asocia a una mayor probabilidad de presentar metástasis ganglionar, en especial 4 o más ganglios positivos. Al separar a las pacientes de acuerdo a la EEC, no hallamos diferencias en cuanto a la proporción de pacientes con ganglios positivos en la LA. Estos resultados difieren de los obtenidos por otros centros, en donde se ha demostrado una mayor probabilidad de contar con ganglios no centinela positivos en el grupo de pacientes con EEC>2mm. Conclusiones: En la bibliografía actual existe consenso en relación al rol de la RC como factor de riesgo, y nuestros resultados apoyan esta hipótesis. Sin embargo, resulta menos claro el papel que juega la magnitud de la EEC. Esto podría deberse, por un lado, a la falta que bibliografía disponible, y por otro, a la falta de consenso para determinar la medición de la EEC En línea con publicaciones recientes que no hallan diferencias significativas en la recurrencia de la enfermedad a largo plazo según la magnitud de la EEC, será fundamental continuar con un futuro análisis que contemple estos aspectos en nuestra población. Al día de hoy, no contamos con evidencia que nos permita afirmar que las pacientes con EEC<2 mm puedan beneficiarse de la omisión de LA

Introduction: The identification of those early breast cancer patients with no clear benefit from axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) in spite of the presence of positive sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs), remains controversial. Although the ACOSOG-Z001 trial has significantly altered management of the axilla, the role played by the extracapsular extension (ECE) is still a subject of debate. Materials and method: In the present study, we analysed 214 early breast cancer patients with positive SLN biopsy, who underwent ALND at Instituto Alexander Fleming between 2009 and 2019. Patients were divided into two categories based on the presence or absence of ECE; those patients with ECE were further divided based on the extent of ECE (ECE<2 mm and ECE≥2 mm). Analysis of clinical-pathological parameters was performed, including age, menopausal status, tumor subtype, nuclear grade, tumor size, lymphovascular invasion (LVI) and multicentricity. Results: ECE was associated with an increased probability of additional positive nodes in the ALND, and these patients were also more likely to have 24 positive nodes. LVI was increased in patients with ECE. Additionally, we found no significant differences regarding the number of positive nodes when comparing patients according to the extent of ECE (ECE<2 mm and ECE≥2 mm). Univariate and multivariate analyses of factors associated with involvement of ≥4 nodes at completion ALND resulted in an increased odds ratio for patients with ECE ≥2 mm. Discussion: In line with recent literature, we found ECE is frequently observed in breast cancer patients and is associated with an increased probability of lymph node metastases, and these patients are also more likely to have 24 positive nodes. We found no significant differences in terms of the proportion of patients with positive lymph nodes in ALND when comparing patients with and without ECE. Our results differ from other studies that showed a higher risk of non-sentinel lymph nodes metastases in patients with ECE>2mm. Conclussions: There is cumulative evidence on the role of ECE as a risk factor in breast cancer patients, and our findings further support this hypothesis. However, the extent of ECE is still a topic of heated debate, and its role in disease progression is less clear, given there are relatively few studies addressing this matter and there are discrepancies in the way the extent of ECE is measured. Considering recent publications where no significant differences were found in terms of longterm disease recurrence when stratifying patients according to the extent of ECE, our future endeavours should focus on the assessment of the course of the disease. To date, we have no evidence supporting the idea that patients with ECE<2mm could actually benefit from omis- sion of ALND.

Feminino , Linfonodo Sentinela , Axila , Neoplasias da Mama , Linfonodos , Metástase Linfática , Metástase Neoplásica
JCO Glob Oncol ; 7: 1364-1373, 2021 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34506221


PURPOSE: We present a physician survey of the impact of 21-gene Breast Recurrence Score test results on treatment decisions in clinical practice in Latin America. METHODS: This prospective survey enrolled consecutive patients at 14 sites in Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru who had routine 21-gene testing. Physician surveys captured patient and tumor characteristics and treatment decisions before and after 21-gene test results. The survey spanned the period before and after Trial Assigning Individualized Options for Treatment (TAILORx) results reported (June 2018). Overall net percent change in adjuvant chemotherapy recommendations was estimated, and asymptotic 95% CIs with continuity correction were calculated. The proportion with a change between pretest treatment recommendation and actual treatment received was calculated overall and by Recurrence Score groups per TAILORx. RESULTS: Between March 2015 and December 2019, the survey was completed for 647 patients; 20% were node-positive. The mean patient age was 54 years (24-85 years); 55% were postmenopausal; 17%, 63%, and 20% had grade 1, 2, and 3 tumors, respectively; and 30% had tumors > 2 cm. Recurrence Score (RS) results were as follows: 20% RS 0-10, 56% RS 11-25, and 24% RS 26-100. Overall, chemotherapy recommendations fell by a relative proportion of 39% (95% CI, 33.4 to 44.3) after 21-gene testing (33% decrease in node-negative and 55% decrease in node-positive). Among node-negative patients, the relative decrease in chemotherapy recommendations was 28% (95% CI, 18.9 to 39.5) before TAILORx and 36% (95% CI, 28.4 to 43.7) after. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this large survey of 21-gene test practice patterns was the first conducted in Latin America and showed the relevance of 21-gene testing in low- and medium-resource countries to minimize chemotherapy overuse and underuse in breast cancer. The results showed substantial reductions in chemotherapy use overall-especially after TAILORx reported-indicating the practice-changing potential of that study.

Neoplasias da Mama , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Neoplasias da Mama/diagnóstico , Neoplasias da Mama/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias da Mama/genética , Feminino , Perfilação da Expressão Gênica , Humanos , América Latina , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Recidiva Local de Neoplasia , Estudos Prospectivos , Adulto Jovem
Rev. argent. mastología ; 40(147): 41-58, sept. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1401020


Objetivo: Revisar la correlación radiopatológica de las lesiones de potencial maligno incierto (B3) de nuestra institución, evaluar la conducta y establecer el porcentaje de subestimación en relación a las lesiones tratadas quirúrgicamente. Material y método: Estudio retrospectivo de la base de datos de procedimientos intervencionistas efectuados en el servicio de diagnóstico por imágenes del Instituto Alexander Fleming entre mayo de 2016 y diciembre de 2019 inclusive. Se incluyeron las pacientes con resultado histológico en la biopsia percutánea de uno o más de los siguientes diagnósticos: atipia epitelial plana (AEP), cicatriz radiada/lesión esclerosante compleja (CR), hiperplasia ductal atípica (HDA), neoplasia lobular clásica (NL), lesión papilar (LP) o tumor phyllodes (TP). Resultados: De 67 pacientes analizadas, el 43.3% se manifestaron en los estudios por imágenes con nódulos y en un 37.3% con microcalcificaciones agrupadas. La LP fue la lesión B3 más frecuente en un 44.8% seguido por la AEP en un 16.4%. El 98.5% de las pacientes presentó adecuada concordancia radiopatológica. Fueron sometidas a cirugía 48 pacientes, las 19 pacientes restantes continuaron con seguimiento clínico radiológico. La anatomía patológica de la pieza quirúrgica reflejó que en un 33.3% hubo subestimación en relación a la biopsia; en más de la mitad de los casos correspondieron a CDIS. Conclusiones: El porcentaje de subestimación con resultado final de CDIS o CDI de bajo grado se encontró dentro de los parámetros hallados en la literatura. Si bien logramos reducir la tasa de cirugías al 71% de pacientes con lesiones B3, una adecuada selección para efectuar exéresis con aguja por sistema de vacío podría reducir aún más el número de cirugías innecesarias y probablemente la tasa de subestimación.

Objective: To review the radiopathological correlation of lesions of uncertain malignant potential (B3) diagnosed in our institution, as well as to evaluate the therapeutic conduct and to establish the percentage of underestimation of the excised lesions. Material and method: This work consists of a retrospective study of the database which in- cludes the interventional procedures performed in the Imaging Department of the Alexander Fleming Institute between May 2016 and December 2019. Patients with a histological outcome in the percutaneous biopsy of one or more of the following diagnosis were included: flat epithelial atypia (FEA), radial scar (RS) /complex sclerosing lesion (CSL), atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH), classic lobular neo- plasia (LN), papillary lesión (PL) or phyllodes tumor (PT). Results: Out of the 67 analyzed patients, 43.3% were perceived as nodules at imaging examinations and 37.3% as grouped microcalcifications. Papillary lesion was the most frequently diagnosed B3 lesion (44.8%), followed by flat epithelial atypia (16.4%). 98.5% of patients presented an accurate imaging-pathology concordance. 48 patients underwent surgery and the remaining 19 patients continued with clinical and radiological follow-up. The histopathology of the surgical specimen reflected that in 33.3% of the cases there was an underestimation in relation to the percutaneous biopsy; in over half of these cases they corresponded with DCIS. Conclusions: The percentage of underestimation with final diagnosis of DCIS or low grade IDC coincided with the parameters found in current literature. Even though we were able to reduce the surgical rate to 71% of patients with B3 lesions, a proper selection of cases which could be candidates for vacuum assisted excisional biopsy could further reduce the number of unnecessary surgeries and probably the un- derestimation rate as well.

Feminino , Neoplasias , Biópsia , Diagnóstico por Imagem
Mastology (Online) ; 31: 1-7, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358952


Introduction: At present, more than half of patients diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer (BC) and express hormonal receptors will receive some adjuvant chemotherapy scheme, but only a few of them would benefit in terms of survival. Genomic platforms allow a better understanding of the heterogeneity of different types of hormonal receptor-positive and HER2-negative BC. They have proven their validity as tools to identify those patients who will obtain a clear benefit with the indication of chemotherapy treatment. The aim of this study is to analyze the use of the genomic platform, namely, Oncotype Dx® and its impact on the indication of adjuvant treatment, evaluated mainly as the change in treatment indication. Methods: Multicenter observational cohort study was performed in different Mastology units in Argentina. Patients underwent the Oncotype Dx to clarify the adjuvant treatment. Treatment decisions were settled before and after performing Oncotype Dx. Results: From January 2013 to December 2018, 211 patients with luminal A or B and HER2-negative breast carcinomas, who underwent the Oncotype Dx, were included. Based on our records, 40% of the patients change the indication of adjuvant treatment after the performance of the Oncotype Dx. Of these, 24% of patients who underwent initial endocrine therapy only adjusted their treatment with the addition of chemotherapy. Among patients with an initial CTH recommendation, 49% were able to receive endocrine therapy only when, due to traditional prognostic factors, they would have received chemotherapy. Conclusions: In our population, the use of the Recurrence Score was clinically significant in relation to the change of the established treatments. Consequently, it is a very important tool and a decisive factor in the adjuvant indication in patients with positive hormonal receptors and HER2neu-negative early BC.

Rev. argent. mastología ; 39(144): 62-77, sept. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1150864


Objetivo: Determinar la tasa de identificación intra operatoria por el médico cirujano de los ganglios marcados con suspensión de carbón activado previo a la neoadyuvancia. El objetivo secundario es determinar la concordancia entre los ganglios linfáticos marcados con carbón y aquellos considerados ganglios centinelas. Material y método: Es un estudio retrospectivo desde el año 2016 hasta el año 2020. Se incluyeron 27 pacientes con cáncer de mama en estadios T1 - T3 que realizaron quimioterapia neoadyuvante y con axila con estadio N1 y N2. Los ganglios axilares biopsiados con resultado positivo fueron marcados con suspensión de carbón activado, posteriormente las pacientes realizaron quimioterapia neoadyuvante. Se evaluó la tasa de detección y concordancia del ganglio marcado con el ganglio centinela durante el procedimiento quirúrgico. Resultados: Del total de pacientes en 20 casos se realizó efectivamente la identificación por inspección visual de la suspensión de carbón activado en la cavidad axilar durante la cirugía. La tasa de detección fue del 74%. Del total de 20 pacientes en los cuales se identificó carbón visualmente en el acto quirúrgico, 16 se sometieron a biopsia de ganglio centinela. En 81% de los casos hubo una coincidencia entre el ganglio marcado con carbón y el ganglio centinela. Conclusión: En nuestro trabajo la tasa de detección intraoperatoria de los ganglios marcados con carbón está en concordancia con lo publicado en la literatura. Esto catapulta a este método de marcación como una alternativa factible para realizar una disección axilar dirigida asegurándole al médico cirujano la resección de una ganglio positivo de inicio para su análisis anatomopatológico de respuesta. Hemos comprobado que la marcación con carbón no interfiere con la técnica estándar utilizada para la biopsia de ganglio centinela sino que su uso en conjunto mejora la técnica dignóstica.

Objetive: The aim of this study was to determine the rate of identification of activated charcoal suspension during surgery in positive lymph nodes before neadjuvant chemotherapy. The secondary objetive is to determine the rate of concordance between the marked lymph nodes and the sentinel lymph nodes. Material and method: A retrospective study that goes from the year 2016 - 2020. It includes 27 patients with breast cancer (T1 - T3) and positive lymph nodes (N1 - N2). Patients with biopsy - confirmed nodal metatases were marked with activated charcoal suspension in the sampled node. After this procedure patients underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy and axillary surgery. The rate of detection and the concordance of the marked lymph node with the sentinel lymph nodes was calculated. Results: Of the 27 patients enrolled in this study in 20, the marked node was detected during surgery. The detection rate was of 74%. Of these 20 patientes, 16 had sentinel node biopsy. There was an 81% rate of concordance between the sentinel lymph node and the tattooed lymph node. Conclusions: In our study, the detection rate of marked lymph node is concordant with the numbers publised by other studies. This shows that axillary lymph node tattooing with activated charcoal suspension is a viable, low cost and precise method when performing targeted axillary dissection. We identified that the tattooing procedure does not affect the standard sentinel node biopsy, in fact, when used together it improves its diagnostic performance.

Humanos , Feminino , Carvão Vegetal , Axila , Tatuagem , Biópsia , Neoplasias da Mama , Dissecação , Linfonodo Sentinela
JCO Glob Oncol ; 6: 639-646, 2020 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32315233


PURPOSE: Multiple studies have reported that breast cancer in young patients is associated with aggressive characteristics, and it is suggested that prognosis is worse independently of pathologic variables. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of the Breast Cancer Registry of the Argentinian Society of Mastology, including public and private centers. Patients ≤ 40 years of age at diagnosis were classified as "young," and patients ≤ 35 years of age at diagnosis were classified as "very young." Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to detect differences between groups. RESULTS: Patients ≤ 40 years of age comprised 10.40% (739/7,105) of the participants, with an average age of 35.61 ± 4.04 years. Multivariate analysis showed that human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive tumor phenotype (odds ratio [OR], 1.82), nodal involvement (OR, 1.69), histologic grade (grade 3 OR, 1.41), and tumor size (T2 OR, 1.37; T3-T4, 1.47) were independently associated with younger age at diagnosis. Patients ≤ 35 years of age (n = 286), compared with patients 36 to 40 years of age, had a higher proportion of HER2 tumors (24.58% v 16.94%; P = .021), absence of progesterone receptor expression (29.85% v 22.95%; P = .043), and stage 3 cancer (29.34% v 18.52%; P < .001). Fewer breast-conserving surgeries (75.37% v 62.89%; P < .001) and more adjuvant chemotherapy (59.04% v 36.66%; P < 0.001) were reported in patients ≤ 40 years of age. CONCLUSION: In the population studied, breast cancer in young women was associated with aggressive pathologic features and locally advanced disease at the time of diagnosis. Moreover, tumor characteristics in very young patients with breast cancer nested in the population ≤ 40 years of age showed differences in important prognostic factors. More high-quality evidence is needed to improve treatment strategies in these patients.

Neoplasias da Mama , Adulto , Neoplasias da Mama/epidemiologia , Quimioterapia Adjuvante , Feminino , Humanos , Mastectomia Segmentar , Prognóstico , Estudos Retrospectivos
Rev. argent. mastología ; 38(138): 14-34, jul 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116786


Introducción Existe consenso sobre los subgrupos de pacientes con más probabilidades de beneficiarse del tratamiento neoadyuvante, pero su utilización en la práctica clínica es variable. Las pacientes con cáncer de mama en etapa temprana susceptibles de requerir quimioterapia adyuvante podrían considerarse para realizar quimioterapia neoadyuvante (qtna). Objetivos Evaluar las tasas de cirugía conservadora en pacientes con cáncer de mama que reciben qtna y describir las tendencias de respuestas clínica, imagenológica y patológica en la mama y la axila. Material y método Se realizó una evaluación retrospectiva de 125 pacientes con cáncer de mama invasor (Estadios IB-IIA/B-IIIA), operadas en el Instituto Alexander Fleming en el período 2002-2018. Resultados Las tasas más altas de respuesta patológica completa (pcr) se obtuvieron en los tumores her2, tn y Luminal B-her2, representando el 56%, 55% y 40% respectivamente. En la respuesta patológica completa ganglionar, las tasas más altas se obtuvieron en los Luminal B-her2 82%, los tn 80% y los her2 70%. Las tasas de cirugía conservadora fueron: para Luminal A 44%, para Luminal B 58%, para Luminal B-her2 54%, para her2 76% y para tn 59%. Conclusiones Concordante con trabajos publicados, se describen altas tasas de cirugía conservadora y altas tasas de pcr en tumores her2 y tn

Introduction Even though there is evidence about better outcomes after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (nac) for breast cancer (bc), it is unclear who are the indicated patients and what are the correct indications for using it. Our hypothesis is that early stage bc patients, who are identified as susceptible for adjuvant chemotherapy, could be the most benefited of receiving nac. Objectives We aimed to study the number of patients who received nac and breast conserving surgery (bcs) assessing clinical, pathological and radiological response in both, breast and axilla. Materials and method We carried out a retrospective study of 125 patients newly diagnosed of bc (Stage IB-IIA-B and IIIA) who received nat and bcs in our institution, "Instituto Alexander Fleming", during the 2002-2018 period Results We obtained the higher rates of pathological complete response (pcr) in her2 being 56%; for tn was 55% and 40% for Luminal B-her2. The highest rates of complete pathological lymph node response were obtained in Luminal B-her2 82%, tn 80% and her2 70%. The rates for bcs where 44%, 58%, 54% and 76% for Luminal A, Luminal B, Luminal B-her2 and her2 respectively. Conclusions There is current data available supporting our findings, having similar results for bcs and pcr performing bcs after nat

Cirurgia Geral , Neoplasias da Mama , Quimioterapia Adjuvante , Terapia Neoadjuvante