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Heliyon ; 5(10): e02566, 2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31667406


This paper evaluated the feasibility of using residual sugar cane bagasse ash with a high carbon content (as-received SCBA) as raw material to produce a pozzolan after controlled recalcination and grinding. Initially, the as-received SCBA was re-burned using rotary (continuous) and muffle (batch) kilns, both at 600 °C for 1 h. Next, the resulting ash was ground in a closed-circuit ball mill with an air classifier system to obtain a product with 50% passing particle size of approximately 10 µm (SCBA600). SCBA600 was then characterized in terms of oxide composition, loss on ignition, density, specific surface area, and pozzolanic activity. A hydration study was carried out using isothermal calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis and mercury intrusion porosimetry. Additionally, the performance of SCBA600 in mortars was evaluated by axial compression tests. The combination of recalcination at 600 °C, low-energy ultrafine grinding of the material and classification resulted in pozzolanic SCBA. The results also showed that including SCBA600 in cement mortars reduced total accumulated heat and portlandite content in cement-based pastes, in addition to refining pore structure and significantly increasing compressive strength after 3 days of curing.

Ciênc. rural ; 42(3): 501-506, mar. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-623044


As membranas biológicas são biomateriais de origem orgânica, geralmente constituídas por colágeno. São utilizadas em diversos fins, dependendo da característica de cada material conservado. A túnica albugínea está sendo mais utilizada atualmente como uma membrana biológica e suas características ainda precisam ser estudadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características estruturais relacionadas à biomecânica da túnica albugínea bovina conservada em glicerina 98% para utilização como membrana biológica. Para a análise da influência da idade do animal doador sobre a resistência da membrana, foram separados dois grupos. Foram testadas 34 amostras, sendo 17 amostras de membranas oriundas de animais com até um ano e onze meses de idade e o mesmo número de amostras oriundas de animais com idade entre dois e quatro anos. Sendo assim, formou-se um subgrupo com corpos de prova testados a partir de um corte transversal ao sentido longitudinal da membrana com 12 amostras, e outro constituído por corpos de prova testados a partir de cortes feitos na direção longitudinal da membrana, também com 12 amostras. Os resultados de resistência à tração não mostraram diferenças entre os grupos em nenhuma das comparações.

The biological membranes are biomaterials formed by structures of organic origin, usually collagen. They are used for many purposes depending on the characteristics of this material. The tunica albuginea is being used recently as a biological membrane and its characteristics however need to be studied and discussed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the structural features related to the biomechanics of bovine túnica albugínea preseved in 98% glycerin for use as a biological membrane. To analyze the influence of age on the resistance of the membrane, they were separated in two groups. There were tested 34 samples, 17 samples of membranes from animals up to one year and eleven months and 17 samples from animals with two until four years old. Two groups were formed in order to sense the correlation of membrane tension and resistance of the material. Thus was formed a sub-group with specimens tested from a longitudinal cross-section of the membrane with 12 samples and another sub-group composed of samples tested from cuts made in the longitudinal direction of the membrane with 12 samples. The results of tensile strength test did not show differences between groups in any of the comparisons.