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J Clin Med ; 13(8)2024 Apr 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38673649


Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a highly prevalent endocrine-metabolic disorder in women of reproductive age. Diagnosis is based on the evidence-based international guideline 2018 and the Rotterdam Consensus to classify PCOS phenotypes. This study aims to characterize the biodemographic, clinical, metabolic, and reproductive variables and their relationship with PCOS phenotypes in a population from the Ecuadorian Andes. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a non-random consecutive sample of 92 women who attended the outpatient gynecology and endocrinology clinic at the Hospital of the Technical University of Loja (UTPL)-Santa Inés, Loja, Ecuador, between January 2022 and July 2023. Descriptive statistics, mean calculations, standard deviation, parametric and nonparametric tests, odds ratios (OR), confidence intervals (CI), and p-values were employed. Results: The average age was 22 ± 3.4 years, with a predominantly mestizo, urban, single, highly educated, and medium-high socioeconomic level population. It was identified that phenotypes A + B are at a higher risk of developing oligomenorrhea and hypertriglyceridemia compared to phenotypes C + D, with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). Furthermore, in terms of reproductive variables, phenotypes A + B exhibit a significantly higher frequency of elevated anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) compared to phenotypes C + D, also with statistical significance (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The classical phenotypes A and B of PCOS are the most common in Ecuadorian Andean women and carry a higher risk of insulin resistance, anovulation, metabolic disorders, and elevated triglyceride levels compared to phenotypes C and D. Ethnic diversity and sociocultural habits influence the prevalence and clinical manifestations of these phenotypes.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 92(2): 85-96, ene. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557858


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: El término violencia obstétrica es hoy en día extensamente mencionado y del que pueden encontrarse múltiples definiciones, todas ellas con el denominador común de crítica a las prácticas que no abogan por una atención digna y con respeto del parto. OBJETIVO: Evaluar, mediante una revisión bibliográfica narrativa, la situación actual de la violencia obstétrica que permita definir la percepción del personal de salud respecto a ella y a la práctica asistencial, así como respecto al término de violencia obstétrica. Además, valorar propuestas de mejora para la atención de salud que reporten a las pacientes una mejor asistencia periparto. METODOLOGÍA: Revisión bibliográfica de artículos publicados del 2017 al 2022 en las bases de datos de PubMed, Scopus, Medes, LILACS, Cinahl, SciELO y Web of Science. MesH de búsqueda: Violence; Obstetrics; Humanizing Delivery; Obstetric Delivery. RESULTADOS: Se localizaron 1469 referencias bibliográficas que luego de aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión solo quedaron 17 y se tomaron en cuenta otras 13 por considerarlas de interés para enriquecer el análisis. CONCLUSIONES: El trato inadecuado durante los procedimientos obstétricos no solo genera controversia en la sociedad, sino también en los profesionales de la salud que atienden directamente a las embarazadas en el parto. Dotar a los profesionales de salud actuales y futuros de las herramientas necesarias para tratar a las pacientes desde un modelo biopsicosocial es fundamental para ofrecer una mejor asistencia, de mejor calidad.

Abstract BACKGROUND: The term "obstetric violence" is widely used today, and several definitions can be found, all with the common denominator of criticizing practices that do not promote dignified and respectful childbirth. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate, through a narrative bibliographic review, the current situation of obstetric violence in order to define the perception of health personnel regarding obstetric violence and health care practice, as well as the term obstetric violence. In addition, to evaluate proposals for improvement in health care that will provide patients with better peripartum care. METHODOLOGY: Bibliographic review of articles published from 2017 to 2022 in PubMed, Scopus, Medes, Lilacs, Cinahl, SciELO and Web of Science databases. Search terms: Violence; obstetrics; humanizing delivery; obstetric delivery. RESULTS: 1469 bibliographic references were located and after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, only 17 remained and another 13 were included because they were considered of interest to enrich the analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Obstetric violence generates controversy not only in society, but also among health professionals who directly care for pregnant women during childbirth. Providing current and future health professionals with the necessary tools to treat patients from a biopsychosocial model is essential to provide better and higher quality care.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(3): 218-225, ene. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448335


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: Las duplicaciones del aparato digestivo son una variante poco frecuente de malformación congénita. Si bien la mejora de los equipos de ecografía ha aumentado la tasa diagnóstica, solo el 30% se diagnostican antes del nacimiento. El diagnóstico diferencial de lesiones quísticas intraabdominales es amplio e incluye, por ejemplo, a los quistes de ovario, colédoco, mesenterio o pseudoquistes de meconio. El tratamiento es quirúrgico mediante la resección y restauración de la continuidad intestinal. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 32 años, con un embarazo previo y en el segundo trimestre del actual, con sospecha de un quiste de duplicación intestinal. El estudio genético no evidenció anomalía alguna. La lesión, de morfología quística tubular, fue aumentando progresivamente de tamaño conforme avanzaban las semanas de embarazo. En la semana 39 se indicó, por diabetes gestacional insulinodependiente, la inducción del parto. Nació un varón, asintomático, mediante parto eutócico, sin complicaciones. La ecografía abdominal, resonancia magnética nuclear y estudio del tránsito intestinal del periodo neonatal temprano confirmó el diagnóstico prenatal de sospecha. Mediante una laparoscopia exploradora, a las dos semanas de vida se practicó la resección del defecto que se reportó como: duplicación intestinal ileal, sin comunicación con la luz intestinal. El curso posoperatorio fue favorable. CONCLUSIONES: El diagnóstico prenatal de quistes de duplicación en el aparato digestivo está en aumento debido a la mejoría en las técnicas de diagnóstico prenatal. La valoración multidisciplinaria es decisiva para procurar una adecuada vigilancia médica del embarazo y del recién nacido.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Duplications of the digestive tract are a rare variant of congenital malformation that can occur anywhere in the digestive tract. Although improved ultrasound equipment has increased the diagnostic rate, only 30% are diagnosed before birth. The differential diagnosis of intra-abdominal cystic lesions is broad and includes, for example, cysts of the ovary, common bile duct, mesentery or meconium pseudocysts. Treatment is surgical by resection and restoration of intestinal continuity. CLINICAL CASE: 32-year-old patient, with a previous pregnancy and in the second trimester of the current pregnancy, with suspicion of an intestinal duplication cyst. The genetic study did not reveal any abnormality. The lesion, of tubular cystic morphology, progressively increased in size as the weeks of pregnancy progressed. Induction of labour was indicated in week 39 due to insulin-dependent gestational diabetes. An asymptomatic male was born by euthecological delivery, without complications. Abdominal ultrasound, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and intestinal transit study of the early neonatal period confirmed the suspected prenatal diagnosis. By means of exploratory laparoscopy, at two weeks of life, resection of the defect was performed, which was reported as: ileal intestinal duplication, without communication with the intestinal lumen. The postoperative course was favourable. CONCLUSIONS: Prenatal diagnosis of duplication cysts in the digestive tract is increasing due to improved prenatal diagnostic techniques. Multidisciplinary assessment is crucial to ensure adequate medical surveillance of the pregnancy and the newborn.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 90(6): 525-529, ene. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404937


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: La incidencia de la corea gravídica es de 1 caso por cada 2275 embarazos. El diagnóstico diferencial se establece con distintas enfermedades neurológicas. El tratamiento de la causa subyacente implica la curación espontánea del cuadro clínico. OBJETIVO: Reportar el caso de una paciente que inició con corea gravídica secundaria a síndrome antifosfolipídico y revisar la bibliografía al respecto. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 37 años, con 28 semanas de embarazo, que consultó por alteraciones del comportamiento. Los estudios de laboratorio reportaron anticuerpos antifosfolipídicos y anti-beta 2 glicoproteína elevados en dos determinaciones separadas por 12 semanas, con ANCA y ANA negativos. En la resonancia magnética cerebral no se informaron hallazgos patológicos. Se estableció el diagnóstico de corea gravídica, secundaria a síndrome antifosfolipídico. La reacción al tratamiento con anticoagulantes y corticosteroides fue satisfactoria; en la actualidad, la paciente permanece asintomática y sin tratamiento. CONCLUSIONES: Las pruebas analíticas y de neuroimagen son útiles para establecer el origen de la corea. El tratamiento con anticoagulantes se indica para prevenir eventos trombóticos en pacientes con corea secundaria a síndrome antifosfolipídico. La eficacia de los corticosteroides en el control de los síntomas neurológicos es variable; no obstante, la paciente del caso tuvo una reacción favorable y desaparición completa de los síntomas.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Chorea gravidarum has an estimated incidence of 1:2275 pregnancies. The differential diagnosis of this entity characterized by involuntary spontaneous movements together with behavioral alterations but be made with different neurological diseases. Generally, treatment of the underlying cause involves spontaneous cure of the condition. OBJETIVES: To report the case of a patient who debuted with a chorea gravidarum secondary to antiphospholipid syndrome and to review the literature. CASE DESCRIPTION: 37-years-old patient, 28 weeks pregnant, who consulted for behavioral alterations. Laboratory test showed elevated anti phospholipid and anti-beta 2 glycoprotein antibodies in two determinations 12 weeks apart, with negative ANCA and ANA. There was no pathological finding in brain magnetic resonance. She was diagnosed with corea gravidarum secondary to antiphospholipid syndrome. She was treated effectively with anticoagulants and corticosteroids, and is currently asymptomatic and without treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Analytical and neuroimaging tests are helpful in establishing the etiology of chorea. anticoagulants are indicated to prevent thrombotic events in chorea secondary to antiphospholipid syndrome. Corticosteroids have variable efficacy in the control of neurological symptoms, although in our case complete remission of the symptoms will be overcome.

Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 43(4): 61-68, oct.-dic. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-901332


El síndrome de Wolf Hirschhorn, también conocido como monosomía del brazo corto del cromosoma 4 (4p) o síndrome 4p-, es una rara enfermedad genética descrita por primera vez en el año 1961 por los doctores Cooper y Hirschhorn. El objetivo del trabajo es presentar un caso clínico sobre el síndrome de Wolf-Hirschhorn, que es un trastorno genético raro y aún bastante desconocido que cursa con múltiples anomalías morfológicas congénitas, así como con un retraso neurológico e intelectual de grado variable. La prevalencia de este síndrome es extremadamente baja, teniendo en cuenta que la cifra puede estar infraestimada, dada las pérdidas gestacionales precoces y la dificultad en el diagnóstico prenatal. Reportamos el caso de una paciente con gestación gemelar bicorial biamniótica tras un ciclo de FIV-ICSI, en el que al segundo gemelo se diagnosticó un Síndrome de Wolf-Hirschhorn, luego del estudio por una discordancia de pesos estimados y crecimiento intrauterino restringido de este segundo feto. El patrón clásico de presentación clínica se caracteriza por el desarrollo de alteraciones craneofaciales importantes, retraso en el crecimiento normal tanto prenatal como posnatal y deficiencia mental e intelectual de grado variable. El diagnóstico prenatal debe ser realizado por expertos. Puede sospecharse por un crecimiento intrauterino restringido, ya que se da en 80-90 por ciento de los fetos con esta patología. Una vez diagnosticado, se recomienda el estudio genético de los padres, dado que hasta 15 por ciento de los progenitores pueden padecer un reordenamiento cromosómico equilibrado en el brazo corto del cromosoma 4(AU)

Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome, also known as monosomy of the short arm of chromosome 4 (4p) or 4p-syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder first described in 1961 by doctors Cooper and Hirschhorn. The prevalence of this syndrome is extremely low, taking into account that the figure may be underestimated given the early gestational losses and the difficulty in prenatal diagnosis. The objective of the study is to present a clinical case of Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, presenting with multiple congenital morphological anomalies, as well as a neurological and intellectual retardation of variable degree. We report the case of a patient with a bicorial biamniotic twin gestation after a cycle of IVF-ICSI. The second twin was diagnosed with a Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, after performing the corresponding study due to a discordance of estimated weights and restricted intrauterine growth of this second fetus. The development of important craniofacial alterations, delay of normal prenatal and postnatal growth, and mental and intellectual deficiency of variable degree characterize the classic clinical presentation. Experts must make prenatal diagnosis. Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome can be suspected by a restricted intrauterine growth, as it occurs in 80-90 percent of fetuses with this pathology. Once diagnosed, the genetic study of the parents is recommended, since up to 15 percent of the parents can suffer a balanced chromosomal rearrangement in the short arm of chromosome 4(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Síndrome de Wolf-Hirschhorn/epidemiologia , Síndrome de Wolf-Hirschhorn/diagnóstico por imagem , Retardo do Crescimento Fetal/diagnóstico por imagem
Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 43(1): 0-0, ene.-mar. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-901292


La anomalía de Taussig-Bing es una cardiopatía congénita cianosante caracterizada por la dextrotransposición de grandes vasos. Esta produce una doble salida arterial desde el ventrículo derecho, asociado a una comunicación interventricular. Este cuadro puede generar una hipertensión pulmonar secundaria al aumento de las resistencias vasculares y un flujo reverso cardiaco, conocido como síndrome de Eisenmenger. Normalmente, se presenta antes de la pubertad, aunque en ocasiones, puede debutar en la vida adulta, progresando durante dicha etapa. Clínicamente, se caracteriza por rasgos crónicos, como las acropaquias, la disnea, la sensación de cansancio o la cianosis. El diagnóstico de este tipo de cardiopatías se basa en la clínica y en las pruebas de imagen, preferentemente en el estudio ecocardiográfico fetal o durante la edad pediátrica. El tratamiento de elección es la corrección quirúrgica de las malformaciones cardiacas, siendo preferente la rectificación de la salida de la aorta y el cierre de la comunicación interventricular. El pronóstico depende del grado de hipertensión pulmonar, del momento del diagnóstico y de la corrección quirúrgica precoz. A edades tempranas se obtiene un mejor resultado, aunque las tasas de mortalidad alcanzan 50 % en algunos casos, incluso tras una corrección quirúrgica óptima. La gestación no está recomendada en pacientes que padecen dicha patología, la cual se ha contraindicado, según algunos estudios, en ausencia de tratamiento adecuado. Así pues, describimos un caso en el que una gestante con una anomalía Taussig-Bing sufre una atonía uterina y un posterior paro cardiorrespiratoria tras el parto, realizado mediante cesárea electiva, tras la que la paciente falleció(AU)

The Taussig-Bing anomaly is a congenital cyanosis characterized by the dextrotransposition of large vessels. It produces a double arterial exit from the right ventricle, associated with an interventricular communication. This may lead to pulmonary hypertension secondary to increased vascular resistance and a cardiac reverse flow, known as Eisenmenger syndrome. Generally, it occurs before puberty, although occasionally, it can debut in adults, progressing during that stage. It is clinically characterized by chronic features, such as acropachies, dyspnea, tiredness or cyanosis. The diagnosis of this type of heart disease is based on clinical exam and imaging tests, if at all possible in the fetal echocardiographic study or during the pediatric age. The surgical correction of cardiac malformations is the treatment of choice, modifying the aortic exit and closing of ventricular septal defect. The prognosis depends on the degree of pulmonary hypertension, the time of diagnosis, and the early surgical correction. Better outcome is obtained at early ages, although mortality rates reach 50% in some cases, even after optimal surgical correction. Pregnancy is not recommended in patients suffering from this disease. Some studies contraindicate pregnancy in absence of proper treatment. Thus, we describe a case of a pregnant woman with a Taussig-Bing anomaly, who suffered uterine atony and a subsequent cardiorespiratory arrest after delivery. Elective cesarean section was performed. This patient died(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adulto , Dupla Via de Saída do Ventrículo Direito/complicações , Dupla Via de Saída do Ventrículo Direito/mortalidade , Morte Materna , Cesárea/mortalidade , Complexo de Eisenmenger/mortalidade
Placenta ; 36(11): 1266-75, 2015 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26386653


Leptin, a 16-kDa polypeptide hormone, is produced by the adipocyte and can also be synthesized by placenta. We previously demonstrated that leptin promotes proliferation and survival in placenta, in part mediated by the p53 pathway. In this work, we investigated the mechanisms involved in leptin down-regulation of p53 level. The human first trimester cytotrophoblastic Swan-71 cell line and human placental explants at term were used. In order to study the late phase of apoptosis, triggered by serum deprivation, experiments of DNA fragmentation were carried out. Exogenous leptin added to human placental explants, showed a decrease on DNA ladder formation and MAPK pathway is involved in this leptin effect. We also found that under serum deprivation condition, leptin decreases p53 levels and the inhibitory leptin effect is lost when cells were pretreated with 50 µM PD98059 or 10 µM LY29004; or were transfected with dominant negative mutants of intermediates of these pathways, suggesting that MAPK and PI3K signaling pathways are necessaries for leptin action. Additionally, leptin diminished Ser-46 p53 phosphorylation and this effect in placental explants was mediated by the activation of MAPK and PI3K pathways. Finally, in order to assess leptin effect on p53 half-life experiments with cycloheximide were performed and MDM-2 expression was analyzed. Leptin diminished p53 half-life and up-regulated MDM-2 expression. In summary, we provided evidence suggesting that leptin anti-apoptotic effect is mediated by MAPK and PI3K pathways.

Leptina/metabolismo , Trofoblastos/metabolismo , Proteína Supressora de Tumor p53/metabolismo , Apoptose , Linhagem Celular , Proliferação de Células , Humanos , Sistema de Sinalização das MAP Quinases , Fosfatidilinositol 3-Quinases/metabolismo , Proteínas Proto-Oncogênicas c-mdm2/metabolismo