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Exp Physiol ; 109(3): 365-379, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38064347


Serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)] modulates ovarian function. The precursor of 5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), has been used to treat depression. However, the effects of 5-HTP on ovarian and reproductive physiology remain unknown. In this research, we analysed the impact of 5-HTP on the monoaminergic system and its interactions with the reproductive axis and ovarian estradiol secretion when administered by distinct routes. Female rats 30 days of age were injected with 5-HTP i.p. (100 mg/kg), into the ovarian bursa (1.5 µg/40 µL) or into the median raphe nucleus (20 µg/2.5 µL) and were killed 60 or 120 min after injection. As controls, we used rats of the same age injected with vehicle (0.9% NaCl). Monoamine, gonadotrophin and steroid ovarian hormone concentrations were measured. The injection of 5-HTP either i.p. or directly into the ovarian bursa increased the concentrations of 5-HT and the metabolite 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid in the ovary. For both routes of administration, the serum concentration of estradiol increased. After i.p. injection of 5-HTP, the concentrations of luteinizing hormone were decreased and follicle-stimulating hormone increased after 120 min. Micro-injection of 5-HTP into the median raphe nucleus increased the concentrations of 5-HT in the anterior hypothalamus and dopamine in the medial hypothalamus after 120 min. Our results suggest that the administration of 5-HTP either i.p. or directly into the ovarian bursa enhances ovarian estradiol secretion.

5-Hidroxitriptofano , Serotonina , Feminino , Ratos , Animais , 5-Hidroxitriptofano/farmacologia , 5-Hidroxitriptofano/metabolismo , Serotonina/metabolismo , Estradiol/farmacologia , Estradiol/metabolismo , Ovário/metabolismo , Hipotálamo/metabolismo
Front Cell Dev Biol ; 10: 743287, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35309917


Macroautophagy and the ubiquitin proteasome system work as an interconnected network in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Indeed, efficient activation of macroautophagy upon nutritional deprivation is sustained by degradation of preexisting proteins by the proteasome. However, the specific substrates that are degraded by the proteasome in order to activate macroautophagy are currently unknown. By quantitative proteomic analysis we identified several proteins downregulated in response to starvation independently of ATG5 expression. Among them, the most significant was HERPUD1, an ER membrane protein with low expression and known to be degraded by the proteasome under normal conditions. Contrary, under ER stress, levels of HERPUD1 increased rapidly due to a blockage in its proteasomal degradation. Thus, we explored whether HERPUD1 stability could work as a negative regulator of autophagy. In this work, we expressed a version of HERPUD1 with its ubiquitin-like domain (UBL) deleted, which is known to be crucial for its proteasome degradation. In comparison to HERPUD1-WT, we found the UBL-deleted version caused a negative role on basal and induced macroautophagy. Unexpectedly, we found stabilized HERPUD1 promotes ER remodeling independent of unfolded protein response activation observing an increase in stacked-tubular structures resembling previously described tubular ER rearrangements. Importantly, a phosphomimetic S59D mutation within the UBL mimics the phenotype observed with the UBL-deleted version including an increase in HERPUD1 stability and ER remodeling together with a negative role on autophagy. Moreover, we found UBL-deleted version and HERPUD1-S59D trigger an increase in cellular size, whereas HERPUD1-S59D also causes an increased in nuclear size. Interestingly, ER remodeling by the deletion of the UBL and the phosphomimetic S59D version led to an increase in the number and function of lysosomes. In addition, the UBL-deleted version and phosphomimetic S59D version established a tight ER-lysosomal network with the presence of extended patches of ER-lysosomal membrane-contact sites condition that reveals an increase of cell survival under stress conditions. Altogether, we propose stabilized HERPUD1 downregulates macroautophagy favoring instead a closed interplay between the ER and lysosomes with consequences in drug-cell stress survival.

Interdisciplinaria ; 36(2): 1-1, dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056536


Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio fue establecer las características del comportamiento proambiental de los estudiantes universitarios colombianos, esto es, identificar las actitudes, creencias, valoraciones, prácticas y conocimientos ambientales de estudiantes colombianos de diferentes carreras universitarias. Para ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo-correlacional de corte transversal con una muestra de 1503 estudiantes de diferentes carreras universitarias en cinco ciudades colombianas, con una probabilidad de incidencia de .5, 95 % de confianza y un error del 2.5 %. Los participantes fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente al interior de cada universidad y seles aplicaron el Inventario de Comportamiento Proambiental (ICP) y el Test de Conocimiento Ambiental (TCA), este último desarrollado específicamente para propósitos de la presente investigación. Se encontró que los estudiantes encuestados poseen actitudes y creencias ambientales positivas en la mayoría de las dimensiones. El nivel de conocimiento ambiental de los estudiantes en las cinco ciudades seleccionadas es bajo. Si bien no se observaron diferencias significativas entre las carreras respecto a las creencias, valoraciones, acciones y conocimientos ambientales, paradójicamente los estudiantes de ciencias ambientales ocuparon lugares inferiores a los que estudian ciencias económicas y administrativas. Se puede concluir que existen diferencias según la ciudad en las creencias, valoración, conocimiento y acciones ambientales de los estudiantes encuestados. El reporte de acciones ambientales presenta un perfil controversial pues al mismo tiempo las personas realizan comportamientos proambientales y antiambientales. Las instituciones universitarias y el gobierno tienen el desafío de lograr que la educación ambiental muestre los resultados esperados para el cumplimiento de las metas ambientales del país y del mundo.

Abstract The objective of the present study was to establish the characteristics of the pro environmental behavior of Colombian university students; that is, to identify the attitudes, beliefs, valuations, practices and environmental knowledge of Colombian students from different university careers. For this purpose, a cross-sectional descriptive-correlational study was carried out with a sample of 1503 students from different university careers in five Colombian cities, with an incidence probability of .5, 95 % confidence and an error of 2.5 %. The participants were randomly selected within each university and the questionnaires applied were the Pro environmental Behaviour Inventory (ICP) and the Environmental Knowledge Test (TCA); the latter was developed specifically for the purposes of this research. The students surveyed were found to have positive environmental attitudes and beliefs in most dimensions. The level of environmental awareness of students in the five selected cities is low. Although no significant differences were observed between the careers with respect to beliefs, valuations, actions and environmental knowledge, paradoxically the students of environmental sciences occupied inferior places to those who study economic and administrative sciences. Thus, in the analysis of specific items it was evidenced that the students of environmental sciences develop diverse anti environmental actions, in a similar way to the behavior patterns of the students of the other researched careers. With respect to the region, the results show that it is possible to conclude that there are differences according to the city with respect to the beliefs, valuation, knowledge and environmental actions of the students surveyed. Among the findings it is worth highlighting the results of Bucaramanga in terms of the report of environmental actions and the highest average in the TCA observed in that city. Similarly, Cali stands out along with Bucaramanga in its results, while Medellín obtained the lowest scores in environmental knowledge. Finally, in the report on environmental actions in university students, contradictory results are observed, given that it presents a controversial profile because people perform pro-environmental and anti-environmental behaviors at the same time, with positive environmental attitudes and beliefs in accordance with these attitudes. Regarding the knowledge about the environment, in the descriptive results the average of the test was 12 points, which means that the students failed the test. The multivariate analysis showed that the theoretical model on which the construction of the ICP was based and the instruments from which items were selected for its conformation, apparently has great predictive power with respect to the verbal report of environmental actions; however, the TCA, a test constructed specifically for this research, would covariate with almost all the factors of the ICP but does not predict causally the actions reported by the students. In general, this study shows that university institutions and the Colombian government have the challenge of ensuring that environmental education achieves the expected results for the fulfillment of both the country and the world's environmental goals. The results also demonstrates the need to articulate policies, actions and regulations to improve the quality of environmental education in universities, as well as to implement citizen behavior programs that promote responsible consumption, given that knowledge does not correlate with effective actions in terms of public services, green brands and solid urban waste management, among other areas.

Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 26(2): 86-92, mar.-abr. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1058389


Resumen Introducción: el bostezo se presenta con frecuencia en los pacientes sometidos a prueba de mesa basculante. Estudios previos han demostrado que el bostezo estimula el sistema nervioso simpático con sus consecuentes cambios hemodinámicos, principalmente en la frecuencia cardíaca y la presión arterial. Objetivo: describir los efectos hemodinámicos y sobre el sistema nervioso autónomo del bostezo, así como establecer el bostezo como mecanismo protector de síncope o predictor de respuesta hemodinámica positiva. Métodos: estudio observacional de fuente secundaria, realizado a partir de una base de datos de pacientes que fueron sometidos a prueba de mesa basculante entre agosto de 2010 hasta diciembre de 2015 y presentaron al menos un bostezo durante la prueba. Se realizaron análisis estadísticos y pruebas pareadas para determinar correlaciones. Resultados: se incluyeron 156 pacientes, la mayoría mujeres, edad promedio 40 años. 43 pacientes presentaron síncope, 113 (72,4%) bostezo sin síncope, y de éstos, 50 (44,2%) tuvieron bostezo y prueba de mesa basculante con respuesta positiva. Se observó un aumento en la mayoría de variables hemodinámicas, sin embargo, hubo una disminución significativa de la frecuencia cardíaca. En 67 pacientes se observó bostezo como protector de síncope mientras que en 61 pacientes como predictor de respuesta hemodinámica positiva. Conclusión: el bostezo se asoció con activación del sistema nervioso simpático, con efectos hemodinámicos y sobre el sistema nervioso autónomo. Puede plantearse como un signo predictor de respuesta hemodinámica positiva de tipo mixto o vasodepresora y en otros casos como un mecanismo protector frente a la aparición de síncope.

Abstract Introduction: Yawning is often present in patients subjected to a tilt table test. Previous studies have demonstrated that yawning stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, with its subsequent haemodynamic changes, mainly heart rate and blood pressure. Objective: To describe the haemodynamic effects of yawning on the autonomic nervous system, as well as to establish yawning as a protective mechanism of syncope, or a predictor of a positive haemodynamic response. Methods: A secondary source observational study conducted using a database of patients that were subjected to the tilt table test between August 2010 and December 2015, and yawned at least once during the test. Statistical analyses and paired tests were performed to determine correlations. Results: A total of 156 patients were included, the majority women, and a mean age of 40 years. Syncope was presented in 43 patients. The remaining 113 (72.4%) yawned with no syncope, and of these, 50 (44.2%) had yawned and had a positive response to the tilt-table test. Although there was an increase in the majority of haemodynamic variables, a significant decrease was observed in the heart rate. Yawning was observed as a protector of syncope in 67 patients, whilst it was a predictor of a positive haemodynamic response in 61 patients. Conclusion: Yawning is associated with activation of the sympathetic nervous system, with haemodynamic effects and on the autonomic nervous system. It could be established as a predictive sign of a mixed type or vasodepressor positive haemodynamic response, and in other cases as a protective mechanism against the appearance of a syncope.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Cardiologia , Sistema Nervoso Autônomo , Síncope , Pressão Arterial , Frequência Cardíaca
Rev. luna azul ; (42): 68-88, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-791177


OBJETIVO: Analizar la forma como se aplica la política de gestión del riesgo en el ámbito territorial en el sur de Atlántico (Caribe colombiano), partiendo de la óptica de actores institucionales y de miembros de las comunidades afectadas por desastres invernales que integran organismos de protección civil. MÉTODO: Estudio cualitativo basado en la investigación acción, desarrollado en seis municipios mediante revisión documental, entrevistas y grupos focales. RESULTADOS: reducido nivel de apropiación de la política como herramienta de planeación territorial y desarrollo comunitario por parte de la institucionalidad, baja participación de organismos municipales y escasa integración de la comunidad. CONCLUSIONES: Se resalta la relevancia de los procesos sociales implicados en la aplicación de la política, señalando los desaciertos que los actores en estudio denuncian en la gestión pública.

OBJECTIVE: To analyze how the risk management policy is applied in the territorial area in the southern part of the department of Atlántico (Colombian Caribbean) starting from the perspective of institutional actors and members of the communities affected by winter disasters who integrate civil protection agencies. METHOD: Qualitative study based on action research, developed in six municipalities through document review, interviews and focus groups. RESULTS: Reduced level of ownership of the policy as a tool for territorial planning and community development by the institutions, low participation of municipal agencies and poor integration of the community. CONCLUSIONS: The relevance of the social processes involved inthe implementation of the policy by pointing out the mistakes that the studied actors reported in the carrying out of this process is emphasized.

Humanos , Gestão de Riscos , Política Pública , Mudança Social , Desastres Naturais
Case Rep Neurol Med ; 2013: 940438, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23738167


The primary angiitis of the central nervous system (PACNS) is an entity with a very low incidence and prevalence. It is not clear why the inflammatory process of this entity is limited to the cerebral vasculature without systemic manifestations. Its clinical manifestations are very heterogeneous and make clinical diagnosis difficult. In most cases, a brain biopsy is required. Only the clinical suspicion and the ability to recognize the possible clinical and imagenological patterns of presentation make an accurate diagnosis possible. The vast majority of the treatment recommendations are given by series of case reports. The following paper described the clinical, imagenological, and histopathological characteristics of three Colombian patients with PACNS. The strategic therapeutic used in shown.

Psicol. Caribe ; (27): 136-159, jun. 2011. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635815


El presente estudio indaga sobre la presencia de una teoría esencialista como base de la categorización social de la pobreza, en una muestra intencional de doce niños entre cuatro y siete años de edad, de nivel socioeconómico alto y bajo de la ciudad de Barranquilla. Se presentan los resultados de la etapa exploratoria de la investigación, en la cual se utilizaron técnicas cualitativas. El análisis de las categorías, establecidas inductivamente a partir de las respuestas, sugiere que aunque la categoría social de pobreza está claramente establecida, no se identifican ideas esencialistas subyacentes, por lo cual la propuesta piagetin es la que mejor explica los hallazgos.

This study searches for the presence of an essentialist theory as a basis for social categorization of poverty, in a purposive sample of twelve children between 4 and 7 years old, from high and low socioeconomic levels in the city of Barranquilla. We present the results of the exploratory stage of research, which used qualitative techniques. The analysis of the emerging categories of children's responses, suggests that the social category of poverty is well established, but it has no essentialist ideas underlying. Piaget's theory better explains the findings.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 6(1): 165-184, jun. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635539


El presente estudio corresponde a un diseño no experimental transeccional con niveles de análisis descriptivo, comparativo y correlacional de los subgrupos de la población LGBT y de la población heterosexual residente en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia. Se elaboró una encuesta y se aplicó a 639 personas de la comunidad LGBT y heterosexual, con el propósito de identificar las prácticas de consumo (patrón de gastos en vivienda, servicios públicos, hogar, etc.) y estilo de vida (prácticas deportivas y esparcimiento, entre otras). Los resultados muestran que existen diferencias en el estilo de vida entre los grupos del colectivo LGBT, y entre éste y los heterosexuales. No obstante, estas diferencias son específicas y no pueden atribuirse exclusivamente a la orientación sexual. En lo que se refiere a las prácticas de consumo se encontró que existen muchas más similaridades que diferencias entre mujeres y hombres homosexuales en comparación con sus contrapartes heterosexuales, indicando que el consumo está más asociado con variables de tipo demográfico que con la orientación sexual como tal.

This study corresponds to a trans-sectional non-experimental design with descriptive levels of analysis, comparison and correlation of the subgroups of the LGBT population and the heterosexual population resident in the city of Bogota-Colombia. A survey was constructed and applied to 639 people from the LGBT community and heterosexual in order to identify the practices of consumption (expenditure pattern of housing, utilities, home, etc.) and lifestyle (sporting and recreational among others). The results show that there are differences in lifestyle between LGBT groups and between it and heterosexuals. However, these differences are specific and not attributable solely to sexual orientation. In regard to consumption practices found that there are many more similarities than differences between women and gay men compared with their heterosexual counterparts, indicating that consumption is more associated with type of demographic variables to sexual orientation as such.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 41(3): 497-517, dic. 2009.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-541080


El presente estudio buscó la relación existente entre la conformación de los patrones de compra de los consumidores y los cambios que se presentan en el nivel de refuerzo tanto utilitario como informacional que obtienen los consumidores a partir del consumo de las marcas escogidas. Se aplicó una metodología de panel con un total de 40 hogares de estratos 2 y 3 enla ciudad de Bogotá, rastreando de manera periódica durante un período de cinco meses todas las ocasionesde compra realizadas para siete categorías de productos de consumo masivo. Los resultados demuestran que se replicaron las medidas de desempeño de las marcas con respecto a las obtenidas en estudios previos. En segundo lugar, y como resultado de una nueva propuesta de operacionalización de los niveles de refuerzo entregadospor las marcas, se obtuvieron dos factores significativos en algunas categorías de producto, los cuales permiten establecer de manera preliminar la existencia de una elasticidad de “evaluación de la marca” y una elasticidad de “evaluación situacional”. Finalmente, se presenta unmodelo estadístico para pesar la influencia de los factores demográficos, situacionales y del conjunto de elecciónsobre las cantidades adquiridas por los consumidores.

The present study search for the existing relation between the conformation of the consumer patterns purchase and the changes in the utilitarian and informationalreinforcement levels that the consumers obtain from the consumption of the chosen brands. It was used a panelmethodology with a total of 40 homes of socioeconomic layers 2 and 3 in the city of Bogota, raking of periodic wayduring a period of five months all purchase occasions for seven product categories of massive consumption. Theresults demonstrate that the measures of performance of the brands are similar to the obtained ones in previous studies. Secondly, and as a result of a new proposal of operationalization of the levels of reinforcement givenby the brands, two significant factors in some product categories were obtained, which allow establishing of preliminary way the existence of an elasticity of “brand evaluation” and an elasticity of “situational evaluation”. Finally, we propose a statistical model to weigh theinfluence of the demographic factors, situational factors and choice set on the amounts acquired by the consumers.

Comportamento do Consumidor
Suma psicol ; 15(1): 259-278, mar. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-494455


Este trabajo hace parte de un estudio mayor sobre la convergenciaentre el reporte del odontólogo acerca de la ansiedad de sus pacientesy las respuestas de los pacientes a dos escalas de ansiedad ante eltratamiento odontológico, llevado a cabo con una muestra de 132odontólogos y sus correspondientes 913 pacientes en Bogotá, Colombia.Se presentan los datos correspondientes a las respuestas de lospacientes a dos instrumentos de autorreporte acerca de la ansiedadante los tratamientos odontológicos. Tanto la escala MDAS (Escala deAnsiedad Dental Modificada) como la SDAI (Inventario de AnsiedadDental-versión corta), permitieron identificar una distribución similar enlos diferentes niveles de severidad en la muestra de este estudio.Adicionalmente, se pudo observar que los contextos más ansiogenosson los que incluyen jeringas y agujas (47,2 por ciento ), la anticipación de laextracción de una pieza dental (34,7 por ciento ) y la anticipación del uso de lafresa dental (25,4 por ciento ). Por otra parte, se observó niveles de ansiedad levemente mayores en mujeres que en hombres, este aspecto se evidenciatanto en los resultados de las escalas SDAI y MDAS como en laclasificación reportada por los odontólogos. Los resultados se discutenhaciendo énfasis en la importancia de la identificación temprana deeste desorden, del entrenamiento a odontólogos para su manejo; asícomo, del trabajo interdisciplinario para brindar al paciente una alternativaque promueva el uso de habilidades de autorregulación emocional.

This work is part of a bigger study on the convergence between the reportof the dentist about anxiety of their patients and patients’ responses to twoscales of anxiety referent to dental treatment, conducted with a sample of132 dentists and their 913 patients in Bogotá, Colombia. We present thedata from the responses of the patients to two self report measures aboutanxiety before dental treatment. Both the scale MDAS (Modified DentalAnxiety Scale) and the SDAI (Dental Anxiety Inventory’s shortened version),helped identify a similar distribution at different levels of severity in thesample of this study. Additionally, it was noted that the contexts thatgenerate more anxiety which include syringes and needles (47,2 percent ), theanticipation of a tooth extraction (34,7 percent ) and the anticipation of the use of dental drill (25, 4 percent ). Moreover, there were anxiety levels slightly higher infemales than in males, this aspect is evident both in the outcome of the direcscales SDAI and MDAS as the classification reported by dentists.The results are discussed with emphasis on the importance of early identification of this disorder, training to dentists for its management, as well as, interdisciplinary work to offer the patient an alternative to promote the use of self-regulation emotional skills.

Humanos , Ansiedade , Assistentes de Odontologia , Odontologia/métodos