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Sci Rep ; 12(1): 10527, 2022 06 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35732794


Tropical South American hydroclimate sustains the world's highest biodiversity and hundreds of millions of people. Whitin this region, Amazonia and northeastern Brazil have attracted much attention due to their high biological and social vulnerabilities to climate change (i.e. considered climate change hotspots). Still, their future response to climate change remains uncertain. On precession timescale, it has been suggested that periods of decreased western Amazonian precipitation were accompanied by increased northeastern Brazilian precipitation and vice-versa, setting an east-west tropical South American precipitation dipole. However, the very existence of this precession-driven precipitation dipole remains unsettled given the scarcity of long and appropriate northeastern Brazilian records. Here we show that the precession-driven South American precipitation dipole has persisted over the last 113 ka as revealed by a northern northeastern Brazilian precipitation record obtained from quartz thermoluminescence sensitivity measured in marine sediment cores. Precession-induced austral summer insolation changes drove the precipitation dipole through the interhemispheric temperature gradient control over the regional Walker circulation and the Intertropical Convergence Zone seasonal migration range. Since modern global warming affects the interhemispheric temperature gradient, our study provides insights about possible future tropical South American hydroclimate responses.

Mudança Climática , Chuva , Brasil , Humanos , Estações do Ano , Temperatura
Nat Commun ; 13(1): 1349, 2022 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35292642


Speleothems can provide high-quality continuous records of the direction and relative paleointensity of the geomagnetic field, combining high precision dating (with U-Th method) and rapid lock-in of their detrital magnetic particles during calcite precipitation. Paleomagnetic results for a mid-to-late Holocene stalagmite from Dona Benedita Cave in central Brazil encompass ~1900 years (3410 BP to 5310 BP, constrained by 12 U-Th ages) of paleomagnetic record from 58 samples (resolution of ~33 years). This dataset reveals angular variations of less than 0.06° yr-1 and a relatively steady paleointensity record (after calibration with geomagnetic field model) contrasting with the fast variations observed in younger speleothems from the same region under influence of the South Atlantic Anomaly. These results point to a quiescent period of the geomagnetic field during the mid-to-late Holocene in the area now comprised by the South Atlantic Anomaly, suggesting an intermittent or an absent behavior at the multi-millennial timescale.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(spe): e20221339, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383937


Abstract: We briefly describe selected results from our thematic project focused on the biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest ("AF BIOTA"), which was jointly funded by FAPESP's BIOTA Program, the U.S. National Science Foundation Dimensions of Biodiversity Program, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). As one of the five most important hotspots of biodiversity in the world, the Atlantic Forest (AF) holds less than 16% of its vegetation cover, yet, amongst the hotspots, it still harbors one of the highest numbers of species, including endemics. By gathering specialists across multiple disciplines (biology, geology, engineering), we aimed to understand how this megabiodiversity was built through time, informing biodiversity science and conservation. Among the results, we trained 18 Master's and 26 Ph.D. students, published more than 400 peer-reviewed papers that improved our knowledge about the forest's biologic and climatic diversity and dynamics through time, developed new analytical methods, produced outreach videos and articles, and provided data to help define biodiversity conservation policies.

Resumo: Descrevemos de forma resumida resultados selecionados do nosso projeto temático com foco na biodiversidade da Floresta Atlântica ("AF BIOTA"), que foi financiado pelo BIOTA FAPESP e pelo programa "Dimensions of Biodiversity" da "U.S. National Science Foundation" e "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" (NASA). Devido à sua megabiodiversidade (que inclui várias espécies endêmicas), e por restar menos de 16% da vegetação original, a Floresta Atlântica (FA) é uma das cinco áreas mais importantes para a biodiversidade do planeta ("biodiversity hotspot"). Reunimos especialistas de diversas disciplinas (biologia, geologia, engenharia) visando compreender como essa megabiodiversidade evoluiu ao longo do tempo e fornecer informações científicas para a sua conservação. Dentre os resultados obtidos, nós formamos 18 mestres e 26 doutores, publicamos mais de 400 artigos científicos que aumentaram o conhecimento sobre a diversidade biológica e climática da FA e sua dinâmica ao longo do tempo, desenvolvemos novos métodos analíticos, produzimos material de divulgação científica e fornecemos dados para desenvolver políticas públicas de conservação da biodiversidade.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 17912, 2019 11 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31784587


The origin of modern disjunct plant distributions in the Brazilian Highlands with strong floristic affinities to distant montane rainforests of isolated mountaintops in the northeast and northern Amazonia and the Guyana Shield remains unknown. We tested the hypothesis that these unexplained biogeographical patterns reflect former ecosystem rearrangements sustained by widespread plant migrations possibly due to climatic patterns that are very dissimilar from present-day conditions. To address this issue, we mapped the presence of the montane arboreal taxa Araucaria, Podocarpus, Drimys, Hedyosmum, Ilex, Myrsine, Symplocos, and Weinmannia, and cool-adapted plants in the families Myrtaceae, Ericaceae, and Arecaceae (palms) in 29 palynological records during Heinrich Stadial 1 Event, encompassing a latitudinal range of 30°S to 0°S. In addition, Principal Component Analysis and Species Distribution Modelling were used to represent past and modern habitat suitability for Podocarpus and Araucaria. The data reveals two long-distance patterns of plant migration connecting south/southeast to northeastern Brazil and Amazonia with a third short route extending from one of them. Their paleofloristic compositions suggest a climatic scenario of abundant rainfall and relative lower continental surface temperatures, possibly intensified by the effects of polar air incursions forming cold fronts into the Brazilian Highlands. Although these taxa are sensitive to changes in temperature, the combined pollen and speleothems proxy data indicate that this montane rainforest expansion during Heinrich Stadial 1 Event was triggered mainly by a less seasonal rainfall regime from the subtropics to the equatorial region.

Am J Phys Anthropol ; 169(2): 322-331, 2019 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30972753


OBJECTIVES: Platyrrhines constitute a diverse clade, with the modern Atelidae exhibiting the most variation in cranial and endocast morphology. The processes responsible for this diversification are not well understood. Here, we present a geometric morphometric study describing variation in cranial and endocranial shape of 14 species of Alouatta, Ateles, Brachyteles, and Lagothrix and two extinct taxa, Cartelles and Caipora. METHODS: We examined cranial and endocranial shape variation among species using images reconstructed from CT scans and geometric morphometric techniques based on three-dimensional landmarks and semilandmarks. Principal components analyses were used to explore variation, including the Procrustes shape coordinates, summing the logarithm of the Centroid Size, the common allometric component, and residual shape components. RESULTS: Differences in endocranial shape are related to a relative increase or decrease in the volume of the neocortex region with respect to brainstem and cerebellum regions. The relative position of the brainstem varies from a posterior position in Alouatta to a more ventral position in Ateles. The shape of both the cranium and endocast of Caipora is within the observed variation of Brachyteles. Cartelles occupies the most differentiated position relative to the extant taxa, especially in regards to its endocranial shape. CONCLUSIONS: The pattern of variation in the extant species in endocranial shape is similar to the variation observed in previous cranial studies, with Alouatta as an outlier. The similarities between Caipora and Brachyteles were unexpected and intriguing given the frugivorous adaptations inferred from the fossil's dentition. Our study shows the importance of considering both extant and fossil species when studying diversification of complex traits.

Atelidae/anatomia & histologia , Evolução Biológica , Encéfalo/anatomia & histologia , Crânio/anatomia & histologia , Animais , Antropologia Física , Atelidae/fisiologia , Encéfalo/fisiologia , Feminino , Fósseis , Masculino , Crânio/diagnóstico por imagem , Crânio/fisiologia , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X
Sci Rep ; 9(1): 1698, 2019 02 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30737460


Recent paleoclimatic studies suggest that changes in the tropical rainbelt across the Atlantic Ocean during the past two millennia are linked to a latitudinal shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) driven by the Northern Hemisphere (NH) climate. However, little is known regarding other potential drivers that can affect tropical Atlantic rainfall, mainly due to the scarcity of adequate and high-resolution records. In this study, we fill this gap by reconstructing precipitation changes in Northeastern Brazil during the last 2,300 years from a high-resolution lake record of hydrogen isotope compositions of plant waxes. We find that regional precipitation along the coastal area of South America was not solely governed by north-south displacements of the ITCZ due to changes in NH climate, but also by the contraction and expansion of the tropical rainbelt due to variations in sea surface temperature and southeast trade winds in the tropical South Atlantic Basin.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 20306, 2019 12 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31889126


The South American Monsoon System is responsible for the majority of precipitation in the continent, especially over the Amazon and the tropical savannah, known as 'Cerrado'. Compared to the extensively studied subtropical and temperate regions the effect of the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) on the precipitation over the tropics is still poorly understood. Here, we present a multiproxy paleoprecipitation reconstruction showing a consistent change in the hydrologic regime during the MCA in the eastern Amazon and 'Cerrado', characterized by a substantial transition from humid to drier conditions during the Early (925-1150 C.E.) to Late-MCA (1150-1350 C.E.). We compare the timing of major changes in the monsoon precipitation with the expansion and abandonment of settlements reported in the archeological record. Our results show that important cultural successions in the pre-Columbian Central Amazon, the transition from Paredão to Guarita phase, are in agreement with major changes in the hydrologic regime. Phases of expansion and, subsequent abandonment, of large settlements from Paredão during the Early to Late-MCA are coherent with a reduction in water supply. In this context we argue that the sustained drier conditions during the latter period may have triggered territorial disputes with Guarita leading to the Paredão demise.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(15): 3788-3793, 2018 04 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29581293


Heinrich Stadials significantly affected tropical precipitation through changes in the interhemispheric temperature gradient as a result of abrupt cooling in the North Atlantic. Here, we focus on changes in South American monsoon precipitation during Heinrich Stadials using a suite of speleothem records covering the last 85 ky B.P. from eastern South America. We document the response of South American monsoon precipitation to episodes of extensive iceberg discharge, which is distinct from the response to the cooling episodes that precede the main phase of ice-rafted detritus deposition. Our results demonstrate that iceberg discharge in the western subtropical North Atlantic led to an abrupt increase in monsoon precipitation over eastern South America. Our findings of an enhanced Southern Hemisphere monsoon, coeval with the iceberg discharge into the North Atlantic, are consistent with the observed abrupt increase in atmospheric methane concentrations during Heinrich Stadials.

Tempestades Ciclônicas , Camada de Gelo/química , Clima , Isótopos de Oxigênio/análise , Água do Mar/química , América do Sul , Temperatura
Sci Rep ; 7: 44267, 2017 03 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28281650


The exact extent, by which the hydrologic cycle in the Neotropics was affected by external forcing during the last deglaciation, remains poorly understood. Here we present a new paleo-rainfall reconstruction based on high-resolution speleothem δ18O records from the core region of the South American Monsoon System (SAMS), documenting the changing hydrological conditions over tropical South America (SA), in particular during abrupt millennial-scale events. This new record provides the best-resolved and most accurately constrained geochronology of any proxy from South America for this time period, spanning from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the mid-Holocene.

Nature ; 541(7636): 204-207, 2017 01 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28079075


Reconstructing the history of tropical hydroclimates has been difficult, particularly for the Amazon basin-one of Earth's major centres of deep atmospheric convection. For example, whether the Amazon basin was substantially drier or remained wet during glacial times has been controversial, largely because most study sites have been located on the periphery of the basin, and because interpretations can be complicated by sediment preservation, uncertainties in chronology, and topographical setting. Here we show that rainfall in the basin responds closely to changes in glacial boundary conditions in terms of temperature and atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide. Our results are based on a decadally resolved, uranium/thorium-dated, oxygen isotopic record for much of the past 45,000 years, obtained using speleothems from Paraíso Cave in eastern Amazonia; we interpret the record as being broadly related to precipitation. Relative to modern levels, precipitation in the region was about 58% during the Last Glacial Maximum (around 21,000 years ago) and 142% during the mid-Holocene epoch (about 6,000 years ago). We find that, as compared with cave records from the western edge of the lowlands, the Amazon was widely drier during the last glacial period, with much less recycling of water and probably reduced plant transpiration, although the rainforest persisted throughout this time.

Chuva , Clima Tropical , Atmosfera/química , Brasil , Carbonato de Cálcio/química , Dióxido de Carbono/análise , Cavernas , China , História Antiga , Camada de Gelo , Isótopos de Oxigênio , Transpiração Vegetal , Floresta Úmida , Estações do Ano , Temperatura , Água/metabolismo