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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 855, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434506


Background: We report the case of 3 cows, 1 ewe, and 1 doe, with chronic mastitis and which underwent a mastectomy. All animals had a history of mastitis, edema with purulent secretion in the udder region, areas of abscess formation, fibrosis, hypogalactia, and agalactia. The animals had already been treated with systemic antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs without response. The objective of this work is to describe the surgical and clinicopathological aspects of performing a radical mastectomy in the field in 3 cows and 1 ewe, and a partial mastectomy in a doe, with both procedures performed successfully and considered efficient to maintain the survival of the affected animals, in addition to being economically viable. Cases: In all animals reported in the study, a general and a specific clinical examination were performed, where on palpation of the udder were observed an increase in the region of the mammary apparatus, fluid fluctuation, areas of fibrosis with increased stiffness, and loss of udder functionality. In the case of the doe, there was a functional teat, which was preserved during the surgical procedure. Radical mastectomy was performed in 3 cows and 1 ewe, and the doe underwent a partial mastectomy, with preservation of the functional teat. All animals have fasted for food and water for 48 h. In cows, the anesthetic protocol consisted of 2% xylazine hydrochloride [0.15 mg/kg, intramuscularly (IM)], followed by an epidural block in the lumbosacral region with 2% lidocaine hydrochloride [10 mL]. The midazolam hydrochloride [0.1 mg/kg, intravenously (IV)] and 2% xylazine hydrochloride [0.05 mg/kg, IM] were administered to the ewe and the doe, also associated with lumbosacral epidural anesthesia with 2% lidocaine hydrochloride [5 mL]. The animals were positioned in the right lateral decubitus position and the entire abdominal and udder region were shaved and sanitized for the surgical procedures of radical mastectomy and partial mastectomy, with the use of degerming and topical povidone-iodine. The postoperative period consisted of penicillin-based antibiotic therapy associated with streptomycin [24,000 IU/kg, IM, 10 consecutive days] and flunixin meglumine [2 mg/kg, IM, 3 consecutive days] in cows; enrofloxacin [2.5 mg/kg, IM, 7 consecutive days] and flunixin meglumine [0.5 mg/kg, IM, 5 consecutive days] in the ewe; oxytetracycline [10 mg/kg, IM, 5 applications on alternate days] and flunixin meglumine [0.5 mg/kg, IM, 3 consecutive days] in the doe. In all animals, the cleaning of the surgical wound was performed daily with 10% topical Povidone-iodine and Permethrin ointment, for 14 days, when the stitches were removed. Discussion: The choice of the surgical procedure resulted in improvement of the clinical conditions and increased survival of all animals, and in the case of the doe, partial mastectomy contributed to the preservation of the functional teat, preserving its productive capacity. All anesthetic protocols used and the anatomical positioning of the animals were satisfactory for performing the procedures. Although they are techniques described in the literature with great blood loss, especially in cows, blood transfusion was not required in any of the animals. The stitches were removed 14 days after the surgical procedures, and the surgical wound was completely healed.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Ovinos/cirurgia , Edema/veterinária , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/cirurgia , Mastectomia/veterinária , Mastite/veterinária
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 16(2): 161-165, maio 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1392616


The Brazilian dairy sector is important for the world agricultural production; however, it presents problems in production efficiency and milk quality, since the occurrence of mastitis in the herds can reach 47%. The present study analyzed data from a rural property with 100 lactating cows in a semi-intensive breeding system, which did not adopt adequate hygiene management for milking processes. Corrective measures were proposed, such as daily strip cup test, biweekly California Mastitis Test, formation of a new milking line, and daily pre dipping and post dipping and cleaning of teat cups. Milk samples from 10 animals with positive clinical mastitis, 10 animals with positive subclinical mastitis, and from the cooling tank were collected at one day before and 90 days after the implementation of the proposed measures and sent to a laboratory for analysis of somatic cell counting (SCC) and total bacteria counting (TBC). An increase of 17% in milk production and decreases of 64% and 40% in clinical and subclinical mastitis, respectively, were found after 90 days, with a consequent decrease in SCC and TBC. The milking duration after this period denoted an adaptation of the employees to the new procedures. The production financial yield was calculated based on the implementation costs of the adopted adequations and increases in milk production, representing a profitability increase of 10.4%. The implemented adequations were efficient for the control of mastitis and increase in milk yield and quality, resulting in a positive economic return.(AU)

O setor lácteo brasileiro possui grande relevância na produção agrícola mundial e apesar disso, ainda são encontra-dos problemas na eficiência produtiva e na qualidade do leite, onde a prevalência de mastite nos rebanhos pode chegar a 47%. Neste estudo, foram analisados dados de uma propriedade rural com 100 vacas lactantes e sistema de criação semi-intensivo, que não adotava manejo higiênico adequado na ordenha. Foram propostas medidas de correção como execução diária do teste da caneca telada e teste quinzenal do CMT, formação de nova linha de ordenha, adoção diária do pré dipping e pós dipping e higienização das teteiras. Foram coletadas amostras de leite de 10 animais positivos para mastite clínica, 10positivos para mastite subclínica e do tanque de resfriamento um dia antes e 90 dias após a implementação das novas medidas e enviadas ao laboratório para análise da CCS e CBT. Após 90 dias, houve aumento na produção de leite em 17% e redução dos índices de mastite clínica e subclínica em 64% e 40%, respectivamente, com consequente diminuição dos valores de CCS e CBT. A duração da ordenha após esse período indicou adaptação dos colaboradores aos novos procedimentos instaurados. Por fim, calculou-se o rendimento financeiro da produção baseado nos custos de implantação das correções e no aumento da produção de leite, que reverteu-se em lucratividade 10,4% maior. Conclui-se que as adequações implementadas foram eficazes no con-trole de mastite e no aumento da produtividade dos animais e da qualidade do leite, resultando em retorno econômico positivo.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Indicadores Econômicos , Mastite Bovina/diagnóstico , Bovinos , Leite/química
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48: Pub. 1734, 2 junho 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29431


Background: Changes in glycemic levels can negatively affect the body. Several techniques for the measurement of bloodglucose have been described, but the enzymatic method is considered standard and more accurate in both humans andanimals. The College of American Pathologists recommends the use of portable glucometers (PGs), which are routinelyused in human medicine because this is an easy, relatively inexpensive method that delivers results quickly. The aim ofthis study was to compare the results of the measurement of blood glucose in cattle obtained using portable Accu-Check®glucometer with the enzymatic method (EM), which is still considered standard.Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty crossbred cattle (Bos taurus), male and female, of different ages were evaluated.Through a puncture of the jugular vein, 10 mL of blood was collected, and one drop was immediately used in an AccuChek® PG; the remaining blood was stored in tubes containing sodium fluoride and tubes containing EDTA. The sampleswere packaged and sent to the laboratory for processing. Blood glucose was measured in the sodium fluoride samples using the enzymatic-colorimetric method (EM) employing Labtest® glucose kits with automatic ELISA spectrophotometerreadings. The glycemic values obtained in this study with PG and EM ranged from 62 to 163.3 mg/dL. Mean glucoseconcentrations for the PG and EM methods were 93.53 mg/dL and 94.84 mg/dL, respectively, with no statistical difference(P > 0.05). The glycemia measurement results generated by both tests were normally distributed by the Shapiro–Wilk test(P > 0.05) and equal variances by the Levene test (P > 0.05). (AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Glicemia , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Bovinos/sangue , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48: Pub.1734-Jan. 30, 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458257


Background: Changes in glycemic levels can negatively affect the body. Several techniques for the measurement of bloodglucose have been described, but the enzymatic method is considered standard and more accurate in both humans andanimals. The College of American Pathologists recommends the use of portable glucometers (PGs), which are routinelyused in human medicine because this is an easy, relatively inexpensive method that delivers results quickly. The aim ofthis study was to compare the results of the measurement of blood glucose in cattle obtained using portable Accu-Check®glucometer with the enzymatic method (EM), which is still considered standard.Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty crossbred cattle (Bos taurus), male and female, of different ages were evaluated.Through a puncture of the jugular vein, 10 mL of blood was collected, and one drop was immediately used in an AccuChek® PG; the remaining blood was stored in tubes containing sodium fluoride and tubes containing EDTA. The sampleswere packaged and sent to the laboratory for processing. Blood glucose was measured in the sodium fluoride samples using the enzymatic-colorimetric method (EM) employing Labtest® glucose kits with automatic ELISA spectrophotometerreadings. The glycemic values obtained in this study with PG and EM ranged from 62 to 163.3 mg/dL. Mean glucoseconcentrations for the PG and EM methods were 93.53 mg/dL and 94.84 mg/dL, respectively, with no statistical difference(P > 0.05). The glycemia measurement results generated by both tests were normally distributed by the Shapiro–Wilk test(P > 0.05) and equal variances by the Levene test (P > 0.05).

Animais , Bovinos , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Bovinos/sangue , Glicemia , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47: Pub. 1700, Nov. 21, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-23833


Background: The milk-feeding phase, wherein whole milk is the natural food, is critical to calf development, health, andvitality. However, feeding milk to calves is costly in the rearing system because the milk supplied to calves is not sold. Infarms in which the average production is high, excess colostrum and transitional milk are produced that are used to feedcalves until weaning. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of heifers exclusively fed colostrum(including transitional milk) or raw whole milk.Materials, Methods & Results: Immediately after their birth, 83 ear-tagged healthy Holstein Friesian heifers adequatelyreceiving the initial colostrum were separated into two experimental groups. Group 1 (n = 34) was fed only fresh whole milkand group 2 (n = 49) was fed only colostrum diluted in water at a 2:1 ratio. Colostrum was removed from cows until the fifthday after birth and was stored in sanitized disposable plastic bottles, stored in a freezer at -20°C and before administration,the colostrum was thawed. Liquid diets were administered using a bottle twice a day during the first month, namely 2 L inthe morning and 2 L in the afternoon. During the second month, the heifers were fed 4 L once a day in the morning. Theheifers had access to an enclosure with fodder, in addition to concentrate specifically for heifers, which was placed in anindividual trough daily. The leftovers were weighed at the end of the afternoon. The heifers were abruptly weaned whenthey reached a daily intake of 1 kg of concentrate. The heifers were individually weighed at birth and at 30, 60, 90, 120,150, and 180 days. The average weights were 40.4, 54.1, 74.5, 95.1, 108.2, and 126.1 kg in group 1 and 45.4, 58.4, 78.2,95.9, 110.8, and 125.1 kg in group 2. The use of diluted colostrum was satisfactory...(AU)

Animais , Lactente , Bovinos , Colostro , Aumento de Peso , Leite , Animais Recém-Nascidos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Desmame
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 386, May 15, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19621


Background: Fetal malformations are characterized by anatomical changes that compromise an organ or system. Tongueformation in bovines occurs with the fusion of three structures at the end of the fourth week of gestation, and any failureduring this stage of embryonic development may lead to tongue malformation. Bifid tongue, also called glossoschisis, is arare congenital abnormality in any species and is characterized by incomplete fusion of the lateral tongue buds, resultingin a deep groove in the midline of the tongue. The objective of this study was to describe a case of bifid tongue and theprocedure of reduction glossoplasty in a calf of the Girolando breed in Tocantins State.Case: A male mixed-breed (Holstein-Friesian × Gir) calf, born from natural mating in the municipality of Araguaína,Tocantins, was clinically assessed in the Sector of Ruminant Clinical Medicine of the Federal University of Tocantinsat 2 months of age. The owner reported that the animal exhibited difficulty in suckling after birth and that on inspectionof the oral cavity, he observed changes in the tongue and mandible. Clinical examination of the oral cavity revealed thepresence of a bifid tongue and abnormal fusion of the mandible in the region of the lower incisive teeth. It was decided toperform a surgical procedure with the aim of improving the animals quality of life because the owner wanted to keep itin the farm. An incision was made, followed by removal of the medial rims of the two tines of the tongue, and synthesiswas performed, joining the ventral rims of the tongue, beginning at the root and ending at the apex.Discussion: The observed lesions are compatible with bifid tongue and mandibular fissure, both previously reported inother species. The literature has no reports of bifid tongue in bovines. The etiology of fetal malformations is still unclear,and the primary causes known in Brazil include...(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Anormalidades Congênitas/cirurgia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Língua Fissurada/cirurgia , Língua Fissurada/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47: Pub.1700-2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458098


Background: The milk-feeding phase, wherein whole milk is the natural food, is critical to calf development, health, andvitality. However, feeding milk to calves is costly in the rearing system because the milk supplied to calves is not sold. Infarms in which the average production is high, excess colostrum and transitional milk are produced that are used to feedcalves until weaning. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of heifers exclusively fed colostrum(including transitional milk) or raw whole milk.Materials, Methods & Results: Immediately after their birth, 83 ear-tagged healthy Holstein Friesian heifers adequatelyreceiving the initial colostrum were separated into two experimental groups. Group 1 (n = 34) was fed only fresh whole milkand group 2 (n = 49) was fed only colostrum diluted in water at a 2:1 ratio. Colostrum was removed from cows until the fifthday after birth and was stored in sanitized disposable plastic bottles, stored in a freezer at -20°C and before administration,the colostrum was thawed. Liquid diets were administered using a bottle twice a day during the first month, namely 2 L inthe morning and 2 L in the afternoon. During the second month, the heifers were fed 4 L once a day in the morning. Theheifers had access to an enclosure with fodder, in addition to concentrate specifically for heifers, which was placed in anindividual trough daily. The leftovers were weighed at the end of the afternoon. The heifers were abruptly weaned whenthey reached a daily intake of 1 kg of concentrate. The heifers were individually weighed at birth and at 30, 60, 90, 120,150, and 180 days. The average weights were 40.4, 54.1, 74.5, 95.1, 108.2, and 126.1 kg in group 1 and 45.4, 58.4, 78.2,95.9, 110.8, and 125.1 kg in group 2. The use of diluted colostrum was satisfactory...

Animais , Lactente , Bovinos , Animais Recém-Nascidos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aumento de Peso , Colostro , Leite , Desmame
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.386-2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458150


Background: Fetal malformations are characterized by anatomical changes that compromise an organ or system. Tongueformation in bovines occurs with the fusion of three structures at the end of the fourth week of gestation, and any failureduring this stage of embryonic development may lead to tongue malformation. Bifid tongue, also called glossoschisis, is arare congenital abnormality in any species and is characterized by incomplete fusion of the lateral tongue buds, resultingin a deep groove in the midline of the tongue. The objective of this study was to describe a case of bifid tongue and theprocedure of reduction glossoplasty in a calf of the Girolando breed in Tocantins State.Case: A male mixed-breed (Holstein-Friesian × Gir) calf, born from natural mating in the municipality of Araguaína,Tocantins, was clinically assessed in the Sector of Ruminant Clinical Medicine of the Federal University of Tocantinsat 2 months of age. The owner reported that the animal exhibited difficulty in suckling after birth and that on inspectionof the oral cavity, he observed changes in the tongue and mandible. Clinical examination of the oral cavity revealed thepresence of a bifid tongue and abnormal fusion of the mandible in the region of the lower incisive teeth. It was decided toperform a surgical procedure with the aim of improving the animal’s quality of life because the owner wanted to keep itin the farm. An incision was made, followed by removal of the medial rims of the two tines of the tongue, and synthesiswas performed, joining the ventral rims of the tongue, beginning at the root and ending at the apex.Discussion: The observed lesions are compatible with bifid tongue and mandibular fissure, both previously reported inother species. The literature has no reports of bifid tongue in bovines. The etiology of fetal malformations is still unclear,and the primary causes known in Brazil include...

Animais , Bovinos , Anormalidades Congênitas/cirurgia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Língua Fissurada/cirurgia , Língua Fissurada/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios/veterinária