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Glob Chang Biol ; 29(13): 3652-3666, 2023 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37026182


The resilience of forests to drought events has become a major natural resource sustainability concern, especially in response to climate change. Yet, little is known about the legacy effects of repeated droughts, and tree species ability to respond across environmental gradients. In this study, we used a tree-ring database (121 sites) to evaluate the overall resilience of tree species to drought events in the last century. We investigated how climate and geography affected the response at the species level. We evaluated temporal trends of resilience using a predictive mixed linear modeling approach. We found that pointer years (e.g., tree growth reduction) occurred during 11.3% of the 20th century, with an average decrease in tree growth of 66% compared to the previous period. The occurrence of pointer years was associated with negative values of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI, 81.6%) and Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI, 77.3%). Tree species differed in their resilience capacity, however, species inhabiting xeric conditions were less resistant but with higher recovery rates (e.g., Abies concolor, Pinus lambertiana, and Pinus jeffreyi). On average, tree species needed 2.7 years to recover from drought events, with extreme cases requiring more than a decade to reach pre-drought tree growth rates. The main abiotic factor related to resilience was precipitation, confirming that some tree species are better adapted to resist the effects of droughts. We found a temporal variation for all tree resilience indices (scaled to 100), with a decreasing resistance (-0.56 by decade) and resilience (-0.22 by decade), but with a higher recovery (+1.72 by decade) and relative resilience rate (+0.33 by decade). Our results emphasize the importance of time series of forest resilience, particularly by distinguishing the species-level response in the context of legacy of droughts, which are likely to become more frequent and intense under a changing climate.

Abies , Pinus , Árvores , Secas , Florestas , Abies/fisiologia , Mudança Climática
Rev Gastroenterol Mex (Engl Ed) ; 88(4): 347-353, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36707391


INTRODUCTION AND AIM: Transnasal endoscopy (TNE) has proven its diagnostic utility, but it has not been widely accepted given that it is performed without sedation. There are no previous studies on the use of methods to improve its tolerability. Our aim was to evaluate the tolerability of TNE, when simultaneously performed with an audiovisual device as a distractor. METHODS: We evaluated 50 patients, 10 of whom did not agree to participate. The performance of the procedure was explained, using an audiovisual device. Before randomization, we applied anxiety and depression scores. Patients were divided into 2 groups: Group I (using an audiovisual device during the procedure) and Group II (without a device). Anxiety and numeric pain rating scales were used, and vital signs were monitored and recorded before, during, and after the endoscopy. An overall procedure satisfaction score was applied at the end of the study and 24 h later. RESULTS: Mean age was 41.6 years and 35 of the patients were women (87.5%). The most frequent indication for TNE was refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease. There were no severe comorbidities, and none of the patients had a significant anxiety or depression score. One patient in Group II did not tolerate TNE due to nasal pain. There was no statistically significant difference between groups, regarding anxiety, pain, vital signs, and satisfaction scale. CONCLUSION: Our study showed that TNE was well tolerated and had a high acceptance rate in our patients. The use of distracting audiovisual devices did not increase tolerance to the endoscopic procedure.

Refluxo Gastroesofágico , Satisfação do Paciente , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Masculino , Estudos Prospectivos , Endoscopia Gastrointestinal/métodos , Dor/etiologia , Dor/prevenção & controle , Refluxo Gastroesofágico/etiologia
Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 13: 123593, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1426720


Cuidar de la salud durante la infancia y adolescencia es el objetivo principal de la Odontopediatría, teniendo siempre como principio una visión integral del individuo. Esta meta tiene un apoyo importante en la difusión del conocimiento, que sea de fácil acceso para las familias y para los niños. ALOP ha participado activamente en este esfuerzo de difusión de información científica de calidad, a través de las publicaciones basadas en la mejor evidencia disponible, trabajada por el grupo de expertos del Equipo Interdisciplinado ALOP. Esto no sólo para la comunidad científica, sino también para el público general en lenguaje simple y acceso abierto. Por supuesto, muchas personas contribuyeron a estos esfuerzos. Agradecemos a todos nuestros colaboradores y a nuestra legión de revisores de todo el mundo que fueron actores importantes para brindar evidencia en tiempo real a los colegas de odontología pediátrica. Con esta comunicación efectiva y el amplio compromiso entre investigadores y profesionales de la salud, estamos unidos para generar confianza entre las personas en las fuentes y servicios de información de salud. Esperamos seguir contando con el trabajo desinteresado y compromiso de todos los investigadores y de todos los lectores, en la difusión de información con alto valor científico, contrarrestando la presncia de "fake news" y generando un impacto positivo en la salud de nuestros niños.

Cuidar da saúde na infância e adolescência é o principal objetivo da Odontopediatria, tendo sempre como princípio uma visão integral do indivíduo. Para esta meta é importante um apoio na disseminação do conhecimento, que seja de fácil acesso às famílias e crianças. A ALOP tem participado ativamente neste esforço de divulgação de informação científica de qualidade, através de publicações baseadas na melhor evidência disponível, trabalhada pelo grupo de especialistas da Equipe Interdisciplinar da ALOP. Isso não é apenas para a comunidade científica, mas também para o público em geral em linguagem simples e de acesso aberto. Claro, muitas pessoas contribuíram para esses esforços. Somos gratos a todos os nossos colaboradores e à nossa legião de revisores em todo o mundo, que têm sido participantes importantes em trazer evidências em tempo real para colegas odontopediatras. Com essa comunicação efetiva e amplo engajamento entre pesquisadores e profissionais de saúde, estamos unidos na construção da confiança entre as pessoas nas fontes e serviços de informação em saúde. Esperamos continuar a contar com o trabalho abnegado e empenho de todos os investigadores e de todos os leitores, na divulgação de informação de elevado valor científico, contrariando a presença de "fake news" e gerando um impacto positivo na saúde das nossas crianças.

The main objective of pediatric dentistry is to take care of children and adolescents' health, always based on a comprehensive vision of the individual. This goal is significantly supported by the dissemination of knowledge that is easily accessible to families and children. ALOP has actively participated in the dissemination of quality scientific information through publications based on the best available evidence, worked on by the interdisciplinary team of experts of ALOP. This is not only for the scientific community but also for the general public in simple language and open access. Of course, many people have contributed to these efforts. We thank all our collaborators and our legion of reviewers from around the world who were important actors in providing evidence in real-time to colleagues in pediatric dentistry. With this effective communication and broad commitment among researchers and health professionals, we are united in generating trust among people in health information sources and services. We hope to continue to count on the selfless work and commitment of all researchers and all readers in the dissemination of information with high scientific value, countering the presence of "fake news" and generating a positive impact on the health of our children.

Humanos , Ciência , Acesso à Informação , Disseminação de Informação , Desinformação , Conhecimento , Serviços de Informação
Pediátr. Panamá ; 51(2): 46-59, sept 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1392081


Introducción. La neumonía adquirida en la comunidad complicada (CCAP) se caracteriza por una enfermedad grave, hospitalización y un curso prolongado. Las complicaciones de la neumonía se produ­cen cuando la infección no se limita al parén­quima pulmonar, sino que se extiende a áreas vecinas, o cuando el desarrollo de la infección es más complejo que el habitual por diferentes motivos. Estas complicaciones pulmonares suponen solo el 1% al 3% de las mismas, pero este porcentaje aumenta a casi un 40% en caso de precisar ingreso hospi­talario, por lo que se considera una patología fundamentalmente hospitalaria. Objetivo. El propósito de este estudio fue analizar las complicaciones de la neumonía bacteriana adquirida en la comunidad y describir sus características epidemiológicas, clínicas y etiológicas en el periodo de estudio.Material y método. Este es un estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo de las neumonías bacterianas complicadas y sus características en el Hospital del Niño Dr. José Renán Esquivel. Se realizó la búsqueda de los expedientes clínicos de los pacientes con diagnóstico de egreso de neumonía bacteriana adquirida en la comunidad complicada con derrame pleural, neumotórax, pioneumotórax, neumonía necrotizante y absceso pulmonar en el periodo del 1 de enero de 2015 al 31 de diciembre de 2020.Todos los expedientes médicos recuperados se analizaron para obtener información de las complicaciones de la neumonía bacteriana adquirida en la comunidad con relación a datos epidemiológicos, frecuencia, características, tratamiento y evolución clínica. Resultados. De acuerdo con los datos obtenidos de los boletines estadísticos del Hospital Del Niño Dr. José Renán Esquivel para el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de enero de 2015 al 31 de diciembre de 2020 se encontraron 2519 neumonías bacterianas, correspondiendo al 30% de las neumonías. De las neumonías bacterianas, 277 casos de neumonía complicada cumplieron los criterios de inclusión representando un 11% de las neumonías bacterianas. La complicación más frecuente, en todos los grupos de edad, fue el derrame pleural paraneumónico con una frecuencia de 170 casos (61%). La edad promedio de los pacientes con neumonías complicadas fue de 51.7 meses (rango de 27 días a 164 meses) y el grupo de 1 ­ 4 años fue el más afectado presentando 118 (43%) casos de complicaciones. La duración promedio de hospitalización fue de 14.8 días con un rango de 9- 38 días. Los pacientes recibieron antibióticos endovenosos de amplio espectro siendo el tratamiento empírico inicial más utilizado ceftriaxona más clindamicina. La duración promedio del tratamiento con antibióticos fue de 12.7 días con un rango de 10 a 25 días y varió de acuerdo con el tipo de complicación. Se reportaron 68 cultivos positivos, 39 en muestras de líquido pleural y 29 en hemocultivos. Encontramos que el rendimiento de los cultivos bacterianos fue mayor en los cultivos de líquido pleural en comparación con los hemocultivos, 28% vs 10% respectivamente. Los patógenos más frecuentemente aislados fueron el Staphylococcus aureus en 34 (50 %) pacientes, el Streptococcus pneumoniae en 21 (31%) pacientes y el Haemophilus influenzae en 6 (9%) pacientes en los 68 cultivos positivos. Conclusiones. El grupo de 1 ­ 4 años es el más afectado presentando 118 (43%) casos de complicaciones. El derrame pleural es la complicación más frecuente de la neumonía bacteriana adquirida en la comunidad. Se reportaron 68 cultivos positivos y el rendimiento fue mayor en los cultivos de líquido pleural en comparación con los hemocultivos. Los patógenos más frecuentemente aislados fueron el Staphylococcus aureus y el Streptococcus pneumoniae. La mayoría de los pacientes se recuperaron a pesar de la importante morbilidad. (provisto por Infomedic International)

Introduction. Complicated community-acquired pneumonia (CCAP) is characterized by severe illness, hospitalization, and a long course. The complications of pneumonia occur when the infection is not limited to the lung parenchyma, but spreads to neighboring areas, or when the development of the infection is more complex than usual for different reasons. These pulmonary complications account for only 1% to 3% of them, but this percentage increases to almost 40% if hospital admission is required, which is why it is considered a fundamentally hospital pathology.   Objective. The purpose of this study was to analyze the complications of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia and describe its epidemiological, clinical, and etiological characteristics in the study period. Material and method. This is a retrospective and descriptive study of complicated bacterial pneumonias and their characteristics at the Hospital del Niño Dr. José Renán Esquivel. A search was made of the clinical records of patients with a diagnosis of discharge from community-acquired bacterial pneumonia complicated by pleural effusion, pneumothorax, pioneumothorax, necrotizing pneumonia and lung abscess in the period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2020. All medical records retrieved were analyzed to obtain information on the complications of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia in relation to epidemiological data, frequency, characteristics, treatment, and clinical evolution. Results. According to the data obtained from the statistical bulletins of the Hospital Del Niño Dr. José Renán Esquivel for the period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2020, 2,519 bacterial pneumonias were found, corresponding to 30% of pneumonia. Of the bacterial pneumonias, 277 cases of complicated pneumonia met the inclusion criteria, representing 11% of the bacterial pneumonia. The most frequent complication, in all age groups, was parapneumonic pleural effusion with a frequency of 170 cases (61%). The average age of patients with complicated pneumonia was 51.7 months (range from 27 days to 164 months) and the 1-4-year-old group was the most affected, presenting 118 (43%) cases of complications. The average length of hospitalization was 14.8 days with a range of 9-38 days. Patients received broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics, the most widely used initial empirical treatment being ceftriaxone plus clindamycin. The average duration of antibiotic treatment was 12.7 days with a range of 10 to 25 days and varied according to the type of complication. 68 positive cultures were reported, 39 in pleural fluid samples and 29 in blood cultures. We found that the yield of bacterial cultures was higher in pleural fluid cultures compared to blood cultures, 28% vs 10% respectively. The most frequently isolated pathogens were Staphylococcus aureus in 34 (50%) patients, Streptococcus pneumoniae in 21 (31%) patients, and Haemophilus influenzae in 6 (9%) patients in the 68 positive cultures. Conclusions. The 1­4-year-old group is the most affected, presenting 118 (43%) cases of complications. Pleural effusion is the most common complication of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia. 68 positive cultures were reported positive, and the yield was higher in pleural fluid cultures compared to blood cultures. The most frequently isolated pathogens were Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Most of the patients recovered despite significant morbidity. (provided by Infomedic International)

Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol ; 66(6): T82-T85, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35940559


INTRODUCTION: In the last decades sports practice in children has increased, thus increasing the number of musculoskeletal injuries. There are no validated scales in Spanish for the functional evaluation of knee aspects in children. The validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Pedi-IKDC scale to Spanish, used for this purpose, was carried out. METHODOLOGY: The scale was applied to 50 patients that suffered traumatic knee injuries between 2016 and 2021 and underwent surgical interventions. The validation process of the scale was carried out after a pilot test, cross-cultural adaptation of words into Spanish, translation-retranslation, statistical, determination of internal consistency of the instrument, intraclass correlation, test-retest and evaluation of data dispersion. RESULTS: The internal consistency of the evaluated instrument is good according to the Gregory scale with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.82 The intraclass correlation was considered substantial (0.624) and the test-retest correlation, showed a coefficient of 0.91. The Bland-Altman graph showed a low dispersion among the data. CONCLUSION: The Pedi-IKDC scale can be a useful tool to assess functionality in children who have undergone knee surgery, it is considered valid, with adequate reliability and with the advantage of easy application.

Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 69(2): 129-142, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1395016


RESUMEN Dientamoeba fragilis es un protozoário que parasita el intestino grueso del hombre y animales domésticos. Hasta el momento, aún no son claros aspectos de su ciclo de vida, como el rango de hospedadores, reservorios, mecanismo de infección, entre otros. Se postula que el cerdo es un hospedador natural para este protozoario y que, debido a su cercanía con el humano, podría facilitar una transmisión zoonótica. En Colombia no existen a la fecha estudios sobre la presencia de D. fragilis en hospedadores animales, incluidos los cerdos, y los datos sobre la prevalencia de otros protozoarios intestinales en estos animales son escasos. El objetivo fue determinar la frecuencia de protozoarios intestinales, incluyendo D. fragilis, en cerdos de una granja tecnificada de una zona rural de Medellín (región Andina de Colombia). Se recolectaron muestras de materia fecal de 70 cerdos en etapa de preceba, que fueron evaluadas mediante examen directo, tinción tricrómica y Ziehl-Neelsen modificado. Se realizaron análisis univariados con medidas de frecuencia relativa y tendencia central y análisis bivariados para la exploración de factores de riesgo. Se detectó la presencia de D. fragilis en un 13% de las muestras y de otros parásitos como Entamoeba spp. (66%), Blastocystis spp. (64%), Balantioides coli (36%), Cryptosporidium spp. (36%), Iodamoeba butschlii (17%), coccidias (4%) y Giardia spp. (1,4%). En este primer reporte de D. fragilis en cerdos en Colombia se observó la alta prevalencia de otros protozoarios patógenos, lo que corrobora el papel de los cerdos como importantes reservorios de infecciones humanas. Estudios sobre la presencia de este protozoario tanto en cerdos como en el personal encargado de su manejo contribuirían al conocimiento sobre su dinámica de transmisión.

ABSTRACT Dientamoeba fragilis is a protozoan that parasitizes the large intestine of humans and domestic animals. To date, some aspects regarding D. fragilis life cycle, including hosts, reservoirs, infection mechanism, among others, are not yet clear. Swine are considered natural hosts for this protozoan, therefore their close contact with humans promotes its zoonotic transmission. In Colombia there are no studies on the presence of D. fragilis in animal hosts, including pigs, and data about other intestinal protozoa are scarce. The objective was to determine the prevalence of intestinal protozoan, including D. fragilis, in pigs raised in a farm from a rural area of Medellin (Andean region of Colombia). Fecal samples from 70 pigs in prefattening stage were collected. Direct fecal smear examination, trichrome and modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain were used in the study. Univariate analysis (frequency distribution and central tendency measures) and bivariate analysis were used to explore risk factors. Dientamoeba fragilis was found in 13% of the evaluated fecal samples. Other parasites detected included: Entamoeba spp. (66%), Blastocystis spp. (64%), Balantioides coli (36%), Cryptosporidium spp. (36%), Iodamoeba butschlii (17%), coccidias (4%), and Giardia spp. (1,4%). This is the first report of D. fragilis in swine in Colombia, and the high prevalence of other pathogen protozoa was also observed, which corroborates the role of pigs as important reservoirs for human infections. Studies focused on the evaluation of both swine and swine-exposed farm workers should be done in order to know the dynamics of transmission of this parasite.

Animais , Parasitos , Infecções Protozoárias em Animais , Suínos , Reservatórios de Doenças , Zoonoses , Fatores de Risco , Dientamoeba , Intestino Grosso , Animais Domésticos , Reservatórios de Água , Entamoeba , Infecções
Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol ; 66(6): 500-503, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35691574


INTRODUCTION: In the last decades sports practice in children has increased, thus increasing the number of musculoskeletal injuries. There are no validated scales in Spanish for the functional evaluation of knee aspects in children. The validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Pedi-IKDC scale to Spanish, used for this purpose, was carried out. METHODOLOGY: The scale was applied to 50 patients that suffered traumatic knee injuries between 2016 and 2021 and underwent surgical interventions. The validation process of the scale was carried out after a pilot test, cross-cultural adaptation of words into Spanish, translation-retranslation, statistical, determination of internal consistency of the instrument, intraclass correlation, test-retest and evaluation of data dispersion. RESULTS: The internal consistency of the evaluated instrument is good according to the Gregory scale with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.82 The intraclass correlation was considered substantial (0.624) and the test-retest correlation, showed a coefficient of 0.91. The Bland-Altman graph showed a low dispersion among the data. CONCLUSION: The Pedi-IKDC scale can be a useful tool to assess functionality in children who have undergone knee surgery, it is considered valid, with adequate reliability and with the advantage of easy application.

Rev. chil. enferm. respir ; 38(2): 106-116, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407767


Resumen El trasplante pulmonar implica una serie de desafíos, que como lo ha demostrado la historia, no sólo depende de un adecuado desarrollo de técnicas quirúrgicas, sino también de la comprensión de una serie de complejas interacciones inmunológicas celulares y humorales que serán las responsables del tipo de respuesta (innata y/o adquirida) fisiológica y que pudiesen desencadenar las complicaciones asociadas al trasplante (rechazo hiperagudo, agudo o crónico). Cada una de las cuales tiene su potencial prevención y/o tratamiento. El poder conocer esta serie de respuestas, permite al clínico anticiparse a algunos de estos eventos y evitar de mejor forma el daño y las consecuencias que pueden producir en los casos de trasplante pulmonar.

Lung transplantation involves a series of challenges, which as history has shown, depends not only on an adequate development of surgical techniques, but also on the understanding of a series of complex cellular and humoral immunological interactions that will be responsible for the type of physiological response (innate - acquired) and that could trigger the complications associated with transplantation (hyperacute, acute or chronic rejection). Each of which has its potential prevention and treatment. Being able to know this series of responses, allows the clinician to anticipate some of these events and to avoid in a better way the damage and the consequences that can occur in cases of lung transplantation.

Humanos , Imunologia de Transplantes/imunologia , Transplante de Pulmão , Rejeição de Enxerto/imunologia , Linfócitos T/imunologia , Autoimunidade , Proteína do Fator Nuclear 45 , Rejeição de Enxerto/prevenção & controle , Imunidade Celular , Imunidade Inata , Imunossupressores
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 69(1): 19-32, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1389164


RESUMEN En muchos países la fasciolosis y la paramfistomosis representan un grave problema para la salud del sector pecuario. En Colombia hay registros de ambas distomatosis en bovinos, la mayoría en el trópico alto andino, las cuales generan pérdidas econômicas anuales cercanas a 40 000 000 000 COP. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la prevalencia de fasciolosis y paramfistomosis en vacunos de la hacienda La Candelaria, Caucasia (Colombia), y la presencia de caracoles hospederos intermediarios. Para cumplirlo, se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Se recolectaron heces de los animales y se hizo el diagnóstico mediante la técnica modificada de Dennis. Se establecieron las prevalencias de los digeneos de acuerdo con el sexo, peso, edad y raza. Se recolectaron caracoles dulciacuícolas en la zona estudiada y se identificaron por morfologia. Se analizaron 466 muestras fecales de 178 bovinos, de las razas Cebú (Bos indicus), BON (blanco orejinegro) y del cruce entre ellas. Se diagnosticaron F. hepatica y Paramphistomidae con prevalencias del 2,2% y 30,9%, respectivamente. En el 1,1% de los vacunos se diagnosticó coinfección. Ambas trematodosis prevalecieron en las hembras (p = 0,03). Se identificaron moluscos dulciacuícolas Ampullariidae, Physidae y Planorbidae sin estadios larvarios de digeneos. Se concluyó que los bovinos de doble propósito de la hacienda La Candelaria están expuestos a F. hepatica y Paramphistomidae, y, probablemente, se infectan en los predios de la hacienda. Paramphistomidae es más prevalente que F. hepatica, lo cual concuerda con lo descrito en algunos estudios realizados en hatos del trópico alto andino colombiano. Paramphistomidae se encontró en todos los grupos etarios.

ABSTRACT Fasciolosis and paramphistomosis are a major health problem for the livestock economy worldwide. In Colombia, both distomatosis are reported in cattle, particularly in high Andean tropics, with annual economic losses close to COP 40 billion. The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of fasciolosis and paramphistomosis in cattle from La Candelaria farm, Caucasia (Colombia), and the presence of intermediate host snails. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with non-probability convenience sampling. Stool samples were collected from the animals and the diagnosis was made using the modified Dennis technique. Digenea prevalence were determined according to sex, weight, age, and race. Freshwater snails were collected in the studied area and were identified by morphology. 400 and 66 fecal samples from 178 bovines of the Zebu (Bos indicus), BON (white-eared white) breeds and the cross between them were analyzed. Fasciola hepatica and Paramphistomidae were diagnosed with a prevalence of 2,2% and 30,9%, respectively. Coinfection was diagnosed in 1,1% of the cattle. Both trematodosis were most frequent in females (p = 0,03). Freshwater molluscs Ampullariidae, Physidae and Planorbidae without digenea larval stages were identified. It was concluded that dual-purpose cattle from La Candelaria farm are exposed to F. hepatica and Paramphistomidae and are probably infected on the farm grounds. Paramphistomidae was more prevalent than F. hepatica, which agrees with other studies in herds from the Colombian high Andean tropics. Paramphistomidae was found in all age groups.

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos , Ecossistema Tropical , Fasciola hepatica , Gado , Coinfecção , Água Doce , Moluscos , Pesquisa , Caramujos , Registros , Estudos Transversais , Diagnóstico
Environ Monit Assess ; 194(3): 167, 2022 Feb 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35142917


The treatment of metal-polluted wastes is a challenging issue of environmental concern. Metals can be removed using microbial biomass, and this is an interesting approach towards the design of eco-friendly technologies for liquid waste treatment. The study reported here aimed to optimize nickel and cobalt biosorption from aqueous solutions using three native metal-resistant Serratia marcescens strains. Ni(II) and Co(II) biosorption by S. marcescens strains was found to fit better to Langmuir's model, with maximum uptake capacities of 13.5 mg g-1 for Ni(II) ions and 19.9 mg g-1 for Co(II) ions. Different experimental conditions of initial metal concentration, pH, initial biomass, and temperature were optimized using the Plackett-Burman method, and, finally, biomass and metal concentration were studied using the response surface methodology (RSM) to improve biosorption. The optimum uptake capacities for Co(II) ions by the three biosorbents used were obtained for initial metal concentrations of 35-40 mg L-1 and an initial biomass of 6 mg. For Ni(II) ions, the optimum uptake capacity was achieved with 1 mg of initial biomass for S. marcescens C-1 and C-19, and with 7 mg for S. marcescens C-16, with initial concentrations of 20-50 mg L-1. The results obtained demonstrate the viability of native S. marcescens strains as biosorbents for Ni(II) and Co(II) removal. This study also contributes to our understanding of the potential uses of serpentine microbial populations for the design of environmental cleanup technologies.

Cobalto , Níquel , Adsorção , Biomassa , Monitoramento Ambiental , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Cinética , Serratia marcescens