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JMIR Med Inform ; 11: e45315, 2023 Sep 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37787663


Background: The creation of computer-supported collaborative clinical cases is an area of educational research that has been widely studied. However, the reuse of cases and their sharing with other platforms is a problem, as it encapsulates knowledge in isolated platforms without interoperability. This paper proposed a workflow ecosystem for the collaborative design and distribution of clinical cases through web-based computing platforms that (1) allow medical students to create clinical cases collaboratively in a dedicated environment; (2) make it possible to export these clinical cases in terms of the Health Level 7 (HL7) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) interoperability standard; (3) provide support to transform imported cases into learning object repositories; and (4) use e-learning standards (eg, Instructional Management Systems Content Packaging [IMS-CP] or Sharable Content Object Reference Model [SCORM]) to incorporate this content into widely-used learning management systems (LMSs), letting medical students democratize a valuable knowledge that would otherwise be confined within proprietary platforms. Objective: This study aimed to demonstrate the feasibility of developing a workflow ecosystem based on IT platforms to enable the collaborative creation, export, and deployment of clinical cases. Methods: The ecosystem infrastructure for computer-supported collaborative design of standardized clinical cases consists of three platforms: (1) Mosaico, a platform used in the design of clinical cases; (2) Clavy, a tool for the flexible management of learning object repositories, which is used to orchestrate the transformation and processing of these clinical cases; and (3) Moodle, an LMS that is geared toward publishing the processed clinical cases and delivering their course deployment stages in IMS-CP or SCORM format. The generation of cases in Mosaico is exported in the HL7 FHIR interoperability standard to Clavy, which is then responsible for creating and deploying a learning object in Moodle. Results: The main result was an interoperable ecosystem that demonstrates the feasibility of automating the stages of collaborative clinical case creation, export through HL7 FHIR standards, and deployment in an LMS. This ecosystem enables the generation of IMS-CPs associated with the original Mosaico clinical cases that can be deployed in conventional third-party LMSs, thus allowing the democratization and sharing of clinical cases to different platforms in standard and interoperable formats. Conclusions: In this paper, we proposed, implemented, and demonstrated the feasibility of developing a standards-based workflow that interoperates multiple platforms with heterogeneous technologies to create, transform, and deploy clinical cases on the web. This achieves the objective of transforming the created cases into a platform for web-based deployment in an LMS.

Neural Comput Appl ; 35(11): 7913-7924, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34642548


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined as persistent difficulty in maturing the socialization process. Health professionals have used traditional methods in the therapies performed on patients with the aim of improving the expression of emotions by patients. However, they have not been sufficient to detect the different emotions expressed in the face of people according to different sensations. Therefore, different artificial intelligence techniques have been applied to improve the results obtained in these therapies. In this article, we propose the construction of an intelligent mirror to recognize five basic emotions: angry, scared, sad, happy and neutral. This mirror uses convolutional neural networks to analyze the images that are captured by a camera and compare it with the one that the patient should perform, thus supporting the therapies performed by health professionals in children with ASD. The proposal presents the platform and computer architecture, as well as the evaluation by specialists under the technology acceptance model.

J Pers Med ; 12(9)2022 Sep 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36143261


The European-Latin American Consortium towards Eradication of Preventable Gallbladder Cancer, EULAT Eradicate GBC, is collecting high-quality data and samples in four Latin American countries with high gallbladder cancer incidence (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru) to build a unique biorepository integrated into a tailored IT platform, to identify, validate, and functionally characterize new risk biomarkers, and to develop prediction models that integrate epidemiological and genetic-molecular risk factors. We decided to develop an application for electronic data collection to facilitate the retrieval of sociodemographic, clinical, lifestyle, dietary, and sample-related information from 15,000 Latin American study participants. The application EULAT eCollect will facilitate the work of study nurses, reduce time spent by participants, limit the use of paper and ink, minimize costs and errors associated with filling out written forms and subsequent digitisation, and support the monitoring of local recruitment rates and data quality. We describe in this article the design and implementation of the EULAT eCollect application, which started with the specification of functional and non-functional requirements, and ended with the implementation and validation of four separate application modules: Socio-Demographic Interview, Sample Information, Case Report Form, and Food-Frequency Questionnaire. We present both general and technical results, and our experience with the free and open-source software, Open Data Kit (ODK), which may be of interest for future related research projects, especially those on personalised cancer prevention carried out in low- and middle-income regions.

Rev. lasallista investig ; 19(1): 252-264, ene.-jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423985


Resumen EL presente como categoría filosófica, expresa un carácter conductual, que se asume como una actitud (ethos) frente a un mundo digital. Este "ethos" configura una relacionalidad entre Lo humano y La máquina, construye puentes de apertura (apertus) que consolida unidades de posibilidad existencial a través de prácticas que manifiestan, no una digitalización, sino, una digitalización, esto es, una praxis particular y singular que, en el marco digital, pretende comprender intencionalmente el campo existencial del ser humano en las lógicas digitales. Esta digitalización como práctica, configura, "el presente" que en el marco de lo digital se constituye en una racionalidad, una especie de capacidad que tienen los seres humanos de analizar a través de un ejercicio mental la realidad existencial de sí mismo y de su entorno.

Abstract The present as a philosophical category, expresses a behavioral character, which is assumed as an attitude (ethos) towards a digital world. This "ethos" configures a relationship between the human and the machine, builds bridges of opening (apertus) that consolidates units of existential possibility through practices that manifest, not a digitization, but a digitiza-tion, that is, a praxis particular and unique that, in the digital framework, intends to intentionally understand the existential field of the human being in digital logics. This digitaliza-tion as a practice configures "the present" that in the digital framework constitutes a rationality, a kind of capacity that human beings have to analyze through a mental exercise the existential reality of themselves and of your environment.

Resumo O presente como categoria filosófica expressa um caráter comportamental, que se assume como uma atitude (ethos) em relação a um mundo digital. Esse "ethos" configura uma relação entre o humano e a máquina, constrói pontes de abertura (apertus) que consolida unidades de possibilidade existencial por meio de práticas que manifestam, não uma digitalização, mas uma digitalização, ou seja, uma práxis particular e única que, no quadro digital, pretende compreender intencionalmente o campo existencial do ser humano nas lógicas digitais. Essa digitaliza-ção como prática configura "o presente" que no quadro digital constitui uma racionalidade, uma espécie de capacidade que os seres humanos têm de analisar por meio de um exercício mental a realidade existencial de si e de seu ambiente.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; S1: 1-8, abr. 30, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398307


Objective: To develop a new concept of teledentistry for the elderly through a web platform and associated mobile application in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and Methods: A new concept for attention via teledentistry of the elderly supported by the web platform/app TEGO (Acronym for Tele-platform of Geriatric and Dental Specialties in Spanish) was developed. Priority and urgent dental care for elderly patients in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic was provided onboard a mobile dental clinic equipped with all the necessary conventional dental care facilities as well as state-of-the-art digital technology. Dental care was carried out in five cities of Chile. For the study, 135 elderly patients were treated. The tele-dental care model includes visit-appointment and remote interconsultation with a staff of specialists. To evaluate patient satisfaction aspects, regarding the service / care provided, a user satisfaction survey was applied. Results: A total of 68 questionnaires were completed by patients. The results showed high levels of patients' satisfaction after the priority or urgent dental care, which reached above 75% in all dimensions of the questionnaire (Access to dental care, user treatment, platform, recommendation). Conclusion: The generation of a technological ecosystem for teledentistry can provide a series of important advantages in the attention of elderly patients, by optimizing the dental care coverage by different specialists who can provide attention to a population that has limited or no access to them.

Objetivo: Desarrollar un nuevo concepto de teleodon-tología para adultos mayores a través de una plataforma web y aplicación móvil asociada en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19. Material y Métodos: Se desarrolló un nuevo concepto de atención vía teleodontología del adulto mayor apoyado en la plataforma/app web TEGO (Teleplataforma de Especialidades Geriatricas y Odontológicas). La atención dental prioritaria y urgente para pacientes de edad avanzada en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19 se brindó a bordo de una clínica dental móvil equipada con todas las instalaciones de atención dental convencional necesarias, así como con tecnología digital de última generación. La atención odontológica se realizó en cinco ciudades de Chile. Para el estudio, 135 pacientes de edad avanzada fueron atendidos. El modelo de atención teledental incluye visita-cita e inter-consulta remota con un staff de especialistas. Para evaluar los aspectos de satisfacción del paciente, respecto al servicio/atención brindada, se aplicó una encuesta de satisfacción del usuario. Resultados: Los pacientes completaron un total de 68 cuestionarios. Los resultados mostraron altos niveles de satisfacción de los pacientes tras la atención odontológica prioritaria o urgente, que superó el 75% en todas las dimensiones del cuestionario (Acceso a la atención odontológica, trato al usuario, plataforma, recomendación). Conclusión: La generación de un ecosistema tecnológico para la teleodontología puede brindar una serie de ventajas importantes en la atención de pacientes adultos mayores, al optimizar la cobertura de atención odontológica por parte de diferentes especialistas que pueden brindar atención a una población que tiene acceso limitado o nulo.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pandemias , Aplicativos Móveis , Teleodontologia , COVID-19 , Inquéritos e Questionários , Assistência Odontológica para Idosos , Assistência Odontológica/métodos , Satisfação do Paciente , Geriatria/métodos
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1382053


Throughout history, the right to education has been a determining and unquestionably necessary factor for the improvement of people; however, as a socio-political process, it has not been free of adversities. In this sense, for more than six decades, Colombia has lived in the context of an internal armed conflict

A lo largo de la historia, el derecho a la educación ha sido un factor determinante e indiscutiblemente necesario para la superación de las personas; sin embargo, como proceso sociopolítico, no ha estado exento de adversidades. En este sentido, desde hace más de seis décadas, Colombia vive en el contexto de un conflicto armado interno

Humanos , Criança , Adolescente , Conflitos Armados/psicologia , Violência/psicologia , Vítimas de Crime/educação , Migração Humana
Rev. colomb. cancerol ; 25(4): 196-209, oct.-dic. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388943


Resumen Introducción: El melanoma ocasiona el 75% de las muertes por cáncer de piel. Según GLOBOCAN, en 2018 se presentaron 287.723 casos nuevos de melanoma, con una mortalidad de 60.712 casos, que equivale al 20% del total de los casos incidentes. Las alternativas para el tratamiento del melanoma se fundamentan en la estatificación de la enfermedad, y en las características moleculares de la enfermedad. Objetivo: Consensuar, por común acuerdo de expertos, sugerencias para el diagnóstico y manejo de melanoma temprano basadas en la evidencia y ajustadas al contexto colombiano. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un consenso de expertos multidisciplinario, constituido por 19 oncólogos clínicos, 2 cirujanos de mama y tejidos blandos, 2 dermatólogos, 2 patólogos y 2 radioterapeutas, miembros activos de la Asociación Colombiana de Hemato Oncología (ACHO). Este consenso se realizó en 4 etapas: 1. Estructuración de 29 preguntas, que se calificaron de 1 a 9. 2. Reenvío de las preguntas no consensuadas. 3. Análisis y discusión de las respuestas. 4. Las respuestas no consensuadas se llevaron a un consenso nominal. Resultados: Se discutieron 29 preguntas relacionadas con el diagnóstico y tratamiento de melanoma temprano, se construyeron sugerencias basadas en evidencia utilizada por los expertos y en guías de manejo de oncología reconocidas internacionalmente, adaptadas al contexto y realidad colombianos. Conclusiones: Se presentan sugerencias multidisciplinarias para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de melanoma temprano, las cuales debe considerarse para orientar la toma de decisiones y homogenizar la práctica clínica de acuerdo al contexto colombiano y a las características propias del sistema de salud del país. Este es un documento académico y no regulatorio.

Abstract Introduction: Melanoma causes 75% of deaths from skin cancer. In 2018, according to GLOBOCAN, 287,723 new melanoma cases were registered, with a mortality of 60,712 cases, which is equivalent to 20% of all incident cases. Alternatives for the treatment of melanoma are based on disease staging and the molecular characteristics of the disease. Objective: To establish a consensus by common agreement of experts and construct suggestions for the diagnosis and management of early-stage melanoma based on evidence and adjusted to the Colombian context. Methods: A multidisciplinary expert consensus was established, wth the participation of 19 clinical oncologists, 2 soft tissue surgeons, 2 dermatologists, 2 pathologists, and 2 radiotherapists, active members of the Colombian Association of Hemato-Oncology (ACHO). This consensus was carried out in four stages: 1) Structuring of 29 questions, which were scored from 1 to 9; 2) Resubmission of non-consensual questions; 3) Analysis and discussion of responses; and 4) Validation of non-consensual responses by nominal consensus. Results: Twenty-nine questions related to the diagnosis and treatment of early-stage melanoma were discussed in order to construct suggestions based on evidence proven by experts, as well as on internationally recognized oncology management guidelines adapted to the Colombian context and reality. Conclusions: Multidisciplinary suggestions are offered for the diagnosis and treatment of early-stage melanoma, which should be considered in order to guide decision-making and homogenize clinical practice according to the Colombian context and the characteristics of the Colombian health care system. This is an academic and non-regulatory document.

Humanos , Terapêutica , Melanoma , Neoplasias Cutâneas , Tomada de Decisões
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 36(4): 519-524, oct.-dic. 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360978


Resumen La enfermedad de Crohn se considera una enfermedad crónica inmunomediada, la cual fisiopatológicamente se caracteriza por ser una enfermedad multifactorial en la que intervienen factores ambientales y genéticos, entre otros. Los pacientes tienen riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones no solamente por la enfermedad sino también por los medicamentos utilizados para tratarla. En la actualidad, esto toma un papel relevante dada la enfermedad por el coronavirus de 2019 (COVID-19), infección que ha demostrado ser más grave en sujetos con comorbilidades, lo que aumenta la morbimortalidad. En este reporte de caso se presenta un hombre joven con antecedente de enfermedad de Crohn con síntomas y signos de obstrucción intestinal y respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, quien cursa por primera vez con un brote grave en el íleon terminal, compatible con perforación asociada a colección local e íleo adinámico secundario, y presenta una coinfección por el coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio agudo grave de tipo 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Se realiza la presentación del caso, discusión y revisión de la literatura del diagnóstico de brote grave de enfermedad de Crohn y coinfección de SARS-CoV-2, enfoque clínico y tratamiento.

Abstract Crohn's disease is considered a chronic immune-mediated disease, which physiopathologically is characterized by being a multifactorial disease in which environmental and genetic factors intervene, among others. Patients have a risk to develop complications not only related to the disease, but also because of the medication used to treat it. This risk plays a relevant role today due to the 2019 coronavirus disease, an infection that has been shown more serious in patients with comorbidities, which increases morbidity and mortality. In this study is analyzed a young man case with underlying Crohn's disease with symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction and systemic inflammatory response. He was admitted for the first time with a severe flare-up in the terminal ileum, compatible with perforation associated with local collection and secondary adynamic ileus and presents a co-infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome type 2 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The case presentation, discussion, and review of the literature on the diagnosis of a severe flare-up of Crohn's disease and SARS-CoV-2 coinfection, clinical approach and treatment are carried out.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Doença de Crohn , Doença Crônica , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Íleus , Obstrução Intestinal
JCO Glob Oncol ; 7: 1329-1340, 2021 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34473526


PURPOSE: The National Cancer Information System (NCIS) has been operating since 2014, including information reported by health care insurers and providers on people with cancer diagnosed and treated within the Colombian health system. Its main purpose is to identify barriers to an effective access to cancer diagnosis and treatment across the country. We aimed to describe the methodology, scope and results in terms of access to health services with real-world data provided by the NCIS. METHODS: Reporting of all cases of cancer by insurers and providers is mandatory by law. Data gathered include demographic and clinical information about new and old cases of cancer who receive health services. Over the years, the reporting process has been automated and it is currently performed in real time. Data quality is ensured through a standardized data-monitoring process. Access to health services is monitored by quality measures defined by consensus. RESULTS: Since 2015, prevalent cases of invasive cancer have increased from 163,776 to 331,021 in 2020 (increment of 102.12%). Regarding quality measures, the proportion of people staged at diagnosis has increased over the years, especially in breast cancer. Meanwhile, early diagnosis is still concerning for breast and prostate cancer. Time to diagnosis and treatment have not consistently reached the expected goals in breast, cervical, and prostate cancer, whereas they have shown a better level of compliance for stomach and colon and rectum tumors, still not reaching the highest performance. CONCLUSION: The real-world information approach provided by the NCIS may be complementary for cancer control planning in Colombia, emphasizing better management processes of health insurers and providers by identifying barriers for timely access to health care.

Seguro Saúde , Neoplasias , Colômbia , Atenção à Saúde , Serviços de Saúde , Humanos , Sistemas de Informação , Masculino , Neoplasias/diagnóstico , Neoplasias/epidemiologia , Neoplasias/terapia