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Front Pediatr ; 9: 780258, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35127589


Background: We describe the first pediatric case of a 10-month-old boy with MIS-C who developed fulminant acute liver failure with associated giant cell transformation and a fatal outcome, after ruling out other infectious, metabolic, genetic, and autoimmune causes of liver failure following the usual algorithms for approaching the etiology. Although the patient received the main treatment strategies for liver failure, he had a fatal outcome. A clinical autopsy was considered as part of the diagnostic approach, which showed evidence of giant cell transformation.

Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 67(2): 153-158, apr.-jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-791323


Objetivo: presentar el caso de una paciente con angiolipoleiomioma uterino confirmado histopatológicamente y diagnosticado prequirúrgicamente como un teratoma anexial, y realizar una revisión de la literatura respecto al diagnóstico clínico, imagenológico e histopatológico de la entidad. Materiales y métodos: se presenta el caso de una mujer de 61 años, a quien se le practicó laparotomía por sospecha de un teratoma anexial. En la cirugía se hace diagnóstico de miomatosis uterina y se practica histerectomía abdominal total y salpingooforectomía bilateral. En el estudio histopatológico se encuentran hallazgos compatibles con angiolipoleiomioma uterino. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos Medline vía PubMed, OVID y en Lilacs, con los términos "angiolipoleiomyoma", "angiolipoleiomyoma uterus", "uterine angiolipoleiomyoma","uterine angiolipoleiomyomas" y "angiomyolipoma uterus", se buscaron artículos de revisión, reportes y series de casos en inglés y español publicados desde 1966 hasta mayo de 2016. Resultados: se encontraron siete artículos, que corresponden a reportes de casos y revisión de la literatura, los cuales describen las principales características en cuanto a presentación clínica, diagnóstico clínico y paraclínicos basándose en pruebas de imagenología y estudios de histopatología. Conclusión: el angiolipoleiomioma uterino es una entidad benigna muy rara, cuyo diagnóstico diferencial clínico es complejo, ya que simula otras patologías ginecológicas. Es de suma importancia la sospecha clínica prequirúrgica de esta entidad y la posterior confirmación histopatológica.

Objectives: To present the case of a patient with a uterine angiolipoleiomyoma confirmed by histopathology, diagnosed as adnexal teratoma before surger y, and to conduct a review of the literature regarding clinical, imaging and histopathological diagnosis of this condition. Materials and methods: A 61-year old patient taken to laparotomy due a suspected adnexal teratoma. During surgery, uterine myomatosis was diagnosed and total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy are performed. Findings on histopatholog y were consistent with uterine angiolipoleiomyoma. A search was conducted in the Medline databases via PubMed, Ovid and in LILACS using the terms "angiolipoleiomyoma", "angiolipoleiomyoma uterus", "uterine angiolipoleiomyoma", "uterine angiolipoleiomyomas" and "angiomyolipoma uterus". The search included review articles and case series and reports published in English and Spanish from 1966 to May 2016. Results: Seven study articles were found, including case reports and literature reviews describing the main characteristics in terms of clinical presentation, clinical diagnosis and paraclinical tests, based on imaging studies and histopathology. Conclusion: Uterine angiolipoleiomyoma is an extremely rare benign condition that mimics other gynaecological pathologies, making it a difficult clinical differential diagnosis. Preoperative clinical suspicion and postoperative histopathological confirmation are of the utmost importance.

Angiomiolipoma , Leiomioma , Teratoma