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Ter. psicol ; 42(1)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565916


The present study analyzes the psychometric properties of the Inventory of Family Integration (IFI) by means of a dyadic analysis based on the responses of fathers and mothers in families from the city of Arequipa, southern Peru. For this purpose, 264 married couples living with their families were non-probabilistically selected and administered the 52-item IFI. An analysis of dimensionality and reliability was carried out, and a factorial invariance analysis was applied under a dyadic approach and, finally, a comparative analysis using Cohen's d was performed. The results reported moderate correlations between the values of fathers and mothers in each family holon: personal, spousal, parental, sibling and familial. Likewise, the dimensionality fit of each holon in fathers and mothers was adequate with acceptable magnitudes, and the reliability indices calculated with Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's Omega tests were high. The five-factor internal structure and internal consistency in both fathers and mothers were corroborated.

El presente estudio analiza las propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Integración Familiar (IIF) mediante un análisis diádico en función de las respuestas de padres y madres de conforman una familia procedente de la ciudad de Arequipa, al sur de Perú. Para ello, se seleccionó de manera no probabilística a 264 parejas casadas que viven con sus familias, a quienes se les aplicó el IIF que consta de 52 ítems. Se realizó un análisis de la dimensionalidad y la confiabilidad, y se aplicó un análisis de invarianza factorial bajo un enfoque diádico y finalmente un análisis comparativo mediante la d de Cohen. Los resultados reportaron correlaciones moderadas entre los valores de los padres y madres en cada holón familiar: personal, conyugal, parental, fraternal y familiar. Asimismo, el ajuste de dimensionalidad de cada holón en padres y en madres fue adecuado con magnitudes aceptables, y los índices de confiabilidad calculados con las pruebas alfa de Cronbach y Omega de McDonald fueron elevados. Se corrobora la estructura interna de cinco factores y la consistencia interna tanto en padres como en madres.

Behav Sci (Basel) ; 14(3)2024 Feb 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38540475


The Perception of Anomie Scale (PAS) is a measure used to evaluate the state of society and whether it is disintegrated and deregulated. Although widely used, the psychometric properties of reliability, validity, and measurement invariance according to sex have not been studied in the Chilean university population. To explore these properties, a cross-sectional study was carried out with 383 students from public (45.7%) and private (54.3%) universities, with a mean age of 21.5 years (SD = 3.3). A CFA and ESEM were performed, which confirmed the two-factor correlated structure, achieving better goodness-of-fit indices by eliminating five items (RMSEA = 0.09; CFI = 0.98; TLI = 0.95). This also provided evidence of reliability and measurement invariance according to sex. This study provides evidence of the psychometric quality of the PAS scale, thus allowing its use in the Chilean university context.

Heliyon ; 10(1): e23322, 2024 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38163193


This study explores whether gender differences influence the components of the Dark Triad of personality and moral disengagement on the manifestations of dishonest academic behavior in Peruvian university students. Moreover, it evaluates how moral disengagement mediates the effect that the Dark Triad components have on academic dishonesty. The participants were 591 university students, aged between 18 and 40 years (women = 71.7 %; Mage = 21.5; SDage = 3.60), to whom the Dirty Dozen Dark Triad, the Propensity to Morally Disengage Scale, and the Scale of Academic Dishonesty, which has 3 dimensions (cheating on exams, plagiarism, and falsification) were applied. The results reveal that only Machiavellianism has a significant and consistent influence on all dimensions of academic dishonesty, in both men and women, while psychopathy influences the dimension of plagiarism in both men and women and falsification only in men. In addition, moral disengagement affects falsification in both groups, cheating on exams only in the men's group, and plagiarism in the women's group. Finally, the mediating role of moral disengagement between the effect of the Dark Triad and the manifestations of academic dishonesty was not demonstrated.

Front Psychol ; 14: 1272548, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37809312


The Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) has demonstrated suitable levels of reliability and validity for its use on the teacher population in several countries, and it is the most used scale to assess teachers' beliefs in their efficacy. However, few psychometric studies exist on its applicability to elementary teachers in public schools. This study analyzed the psychometric properties of the TSES in teachers who work in elementary education. The sample comprised 1,406 Chilean teachers, mainly women (77.2%), from various Chilean public and subsidized schools. The results obtained from three confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated that the model that best fit the data was bifactor exploratory structural equation modeling (B-ESEM) for 24 items, one general factor, and three residual factors. The results of the factorial invariance analysis indicate that the TSES remains stable up to the strict level of invariance for the variable sex. These results imply that the TSES can be used on Chilean teachers. The results are discussed based on the theoretical and empirical evidence available.

Behav Sci (Basel) ; 13(9)2023 Sep 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37754039


For the teaching profession, prosociality is a relevant skill. From this perspective, the present study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Adult Prosocialness Behavior Scale (APBS) in a professional setting of primary school Chilean teachers (n = 1404; mean age = 41.4; SD = 10.8; 77.4% women). ESEM and CFA were applied to evaluate its factor structure, internal consistency, factorial reliability, and invariance. The results supported a bifactor ESEM model in which prosociality was represented by a general latent factor and four specific factors (helping, sharing, caring, and empathy). A predominance of the unidimensional component of the APBS was observed (general factor, ECV = 0.938; ωh = 0.945), with adequate reliability (α = 0.932; ω of the factor general = 0.968) and invariance of the measurement in terms of gender. Its adequacy was confirmed by a good level of fit (RMSEA = 0.042 90%CI [0.036-0.049]; SRMR = 0.012; CFI = 0.995; TLI = 0.988). It is concluded that the APBS is a suitable instrument to measure prosociality in the professional setting studied. Its general and specific dimensions are relevant to the prosocial behaviors currently required of teachers. Future studies could contribute evidence of the transcultural validation of the APBS in other educational contexts in order to undertake comparative studies.

Behav Sci (Basel) ; 13(9)2023 Sep 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37754059


The concept of resilience, identified as a crucial variable due to its association with several beneficial outcomes in adulthood, is of particular interest in the teaching field. Specifically, teachers work in a demanding, challenging, and stressful context that requires a remarkable ability to adapt; therefore, resilience is important in the field of teaching and training, as it plays a fundamental role in children's cognitive, social, and emotional development. This study sought to analyze the psychometric properties of the SV-RES60 Resilience Scale in a sample of Chilean elementary school teachers from first to eighth grade (N = 1406; mean age = 41.4; SD = 10.8). ESEM and bifactor ESEM analyses were performed to evaluate its factor structure, internal consistency, and reliability. The results supported a bifactor structure in which resilience was represented by one general latent factor and twelve specific factors (RMSEA = 0.032; 90%CI [0.030, 0.033]; SRMR = 0.012; CFI = 0.986; TLI = 0.977). A predominance of the unidimensional components of the SV-RES60 (general factor, ECV = 0.812; ωh = 0.975) and a high reliability (α = 0.981; ω of the general factor = 0.991) were observed. In conclusion, the SV-RES60 Resilience Scale is a suitable instrument for measuring the general factor of resilience in the investigated teaching environment. Future studies could contribute towards evidence of a reduced scale and transcultural validation to conduct comparative studies.

Psychol Russ ; 16(1): 26-43, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37383923


Background: Emotion Regulation (ER) involves any explicit or implicit process that may alter the emotion felt, its duration and expression, and is a transdiagnostic factor of vulnerability involved in the etiology and maintenance of different emotional disorders. The Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) assesses nine cognitive strategies involved in ER and is a valuable tool. Its popularity and wide use led to the development of two abbreviated versions: a version with 18 items (two items per factor) and a 27-item version (three items per factor). Objective: To analyze the psychometric properties of both versions in the Argentinean population. Design: The research design was instrumental. The factor structure of the CERQ-18 and CERQ-27 as well as the reliability of the scores and the construct of each dimension were evaluated. In addition, we gathered validity evidence for its relationship with other variables by associating the CERQ scores with Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) scores. Results: The CERQ-18 presented more consistent evidence regarding its internal structure (adequate fit indices and factor loadings of moderate magnitude) and reliability. Given that the association of the two versions with the DERS is similar, we recommend that the 18-item version be used. Conclusion: The CERQ-18 has quite similar psychometric properties to the CERQ-27 in the general population of Argentina and the findings contribute to an understanding of its internal structure.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(1): 95-112, Jan.-June 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419872


Resumen La resiliencia es una característica individual que posibilita el reajuste biopsicosocial y espiritual que ayuda al bienestar psicológico y al desenvolvimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la invarianza de medición según el sexo, de dos versiones breves de la Escala de Resiliencia de Connor-Davidson (CD-RISC) y determinar si existen diferencias entre hombres y mujeres. Se evaluó con la CD-RISC-10, que incluye la CD-RISC-7, a una muestra de 491 universitarios arequipeños (312 mujeres; 179 hombres) con edad promedio de 20.56 años (DE = 3.18), de una institución privada. Inicialmente se realizó un análisis factorial multigrupo con cada versión para valorar el grado de invarianza de medición alcanzado, y luego de ello se compararon las medias latentes de resiliencia entre hombres y mujeres. En cuanto a los resultados, la CD-RISC-7 presentó indicadores estructurales más favorables (e.g., λ > .50; en mujeres: CFI = .981, RMSEA = .087, WRMR = 0.683; en hombres: CFI = .966, RMSEA = .124, WRMR = 0.783), que la CD-RISC-10 (e.g., λ < .50, índices de ajuste en mujeres: CFI = .974, RMSEA = .073, WRMR = 0.774; en hombres: CFI = .960, RMSEA = .095, WRMR = 0.803) incluyendo la invarianza de medición (invarianza estricta: ΔCFI = .003; ARMSEA = .001), y al comparar las medias latentes fueron halladas diferencias significativas a favor de los hombres (d = .471). Finalmente, se discuten las implicancias teóricas y metodológicas de los hallazgos, así como la necesidad de ampliar los estudios considerando otros aspectos relevantes para una mejor comprensión del constructo resiliencia.

Abstract Resilience is an individual trait that enables biopsychosocial and spiritual readjustment, helping the psychological well-being and academic performance of university students. The objective of this research was to analyze the measurement invariance by sex of two short versions of the Connor - Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), and to determine if there are differences between men and women. A sample of 491 Arequipa university students (63.5% women), with an average age of 20.56 years-old (SD = 3.18), from a private institution in Arequipa-Peru was evaluated with the CD-RISC-10, which includes the CD-RISC-7. First, a multi-group factor analysis was carried out with each version to assess the degree of measurement invariance achieved, and then the latent means of resilience between men and women were compared. Regarding the results, the cD-Risc-7 presented more favorable structural indicators (e.g., λ > .50; in women: CFI= .981, RMSEA= .087, WRMR = 0.683; in men: CFI= .966, RMSEA= .124, WRMR= 0.783), than THE CD-RISC-10 (e.g., λ < .50, fit indices in women: CFI = .974, RMSEA = .073, WRMR = 0.774; in men: CFI = .960, RMSEA = .095, WRMR = 0.803), including measurement invariance (strict invariance: ΔCFI= .003; ARMSEA = .001), and when comparing latent means, significant differences in favor of men were found (d = .471). Finally, the theoretical and methodological implications of the findings are discussed, as well as the need to extend the studies considering other relevant aspects for a better understanding of the resilience construct.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521069


Las experiencias emocionales se ven influenciadas, tanto por el contexto como por las interpretaciones individuales; es decir, los cambios repentinos en el estilo de vida causados por circunstancias aversivas impactan en la estabilidad emocional de las personas, pudiéndose manifestar malestar o problemas psicológicos. En este sentido, debido al impacto de la pandemia del COVID-19 en la salud mental es necesario explorar estrategias que regulen emociones, mediante instrumentos confiables y apropiados a la población y su contexto. El objetivo es analizar evidencias de validez de dos versiones del Cognitive Emotional Regulation Questionnarie (CERQ), de 36 y 18 ítems, durante la primera ola de la pandemia. Fueron evaluados 401 jóvenes y adultos peruanos (75.1% mujeres), con edad promedio de 30.1 años (DEedad = 11.8). El método de análisis factorial confirmatorio demostró mejores índices de ajuste con el CERQ-18 que con el CERQ-36, así como adecuados coeficientes de fiabilidad a un contexto específico de pandemia; sin embargo, hubo una elevada correlación entre los factores Rumiación - Catastrofización y Reinterpretación positiva - Focalización en los planes. En conclusión, el CERQ-18 presenta adecuadas evidencias de validez y fiabilidad. Se discuten las implicancias teóricas y prácticas de los resultados.

Emotional experiences are influenced by context and individual's interpretations, that is, sudden changes in lifestyle caused by aversive circumstances impact people's emotional stability and may manifest distress or psychological problems. In this sense, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health, it is necessary to explore emotional regulation strategies through reliable and appropriate instruments for the population. The objective is to analyze validity evidence of two versions of the Cognitive Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ), with 36 and 18 items, during the first wave of the pandemic. 401 Peruvian youths and adults (75.1% women) were evaluated; the mean age was 30.1 years (SD age = 11.8). The confirmatory factor analysis method showed better fit índices with the CERQ-18 than the CERQ-36, as well as adequate reliability coefficients for a specific context; however, high correlation between factors Rumination - Catastrophizing and Positive reinterpretation - Focusing on plans was obtained. Therefore, the CERQ-18 presents adequate evidence of validity and reliability. The theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.

As experiências emocionais são influenciadas, tanto pelo contexto quanto pelas interpretações individuais; ou seja, mudanças repentinas no estilo de vida causadas por circunstâncias aversivas impactam a estabilidade emocional das pessoas, manifestando-se desconforto ou problemas psicológicos. Nesse sentido, devido ao impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 na saúde mental, é necessário explorar estratégias que regulem as emoções, por meio de instrumentos confiáveis ​​e adequados à população e seu contexto. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar as evidências de validade de duas versões do Questionário de Regulação Emocional Cognitiva (CERQ), com 36 e 18 itens, durante a primeira onda da pandemia. Foram avaliados 401 jovens e adultos peruanos (75,1% mulheres), com média de idade de 30,1 anos (DP idade = 11,8). O método de análise fatorial confirmatória apresentou melhores índices de ajuste com o CERQ-18 do que com o CERQ-36, bem como coeficientes de confiabilidade adequados para um contexto específico de pandemia; porém, houve alta correlação entre os fatores Ruminação - Catastrofização e Reinterpretação Positiva - Foco nos planos. Em conclusão, o CERQ-18 apresenta evidências adequadas de validade e confiabilidade. As implicações teóricas e práticas dos resultados são discutidas.