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Rev. cient. odontol ; 6(1): 93-97, ene.-jun. 2018. ilus.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-999014


For decades, stainless steel crowns have been considered the easiest and most durable restoration. However, due to the poor aesthetics they offer, these crowns are no longer acceptable to patients and/ or their parents. Currently, use of crowns as a rehabilitative treatment is common and the pediatric dentist requires practical knowledge, which is why innovative aesthetic alternatives such as zirconia crowns have emerged. For this reason, the objective of this article is to offer a clinical guide to the management of zirconia crowns in the anterior and posterior regions of deciduous dentition. (AU)

Zircônio , Odontopediatria , Estética Dentária , Reabilitação Bucal
Rev. cient. odontol ; 5(2): 752-759, jul.-dic. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-999148


La lactancia materna (LM) proporciona nutrientes necesarios para el adecuado desarrollo del lactante; la composición de la leche y el propio acto de amamantar favorece en la salud del lactante como en el de la madre. Otro aspecto importante de la LM es que genera el apego con el recién nacido, que se da por el contacto piel a piel con la madre desde las primeras horas de nacido. Según evidencias los carbohidratos que contienen la leche materna y otros factores están relacionados con caries de aparición temprana.Objetivo:Este artículo tiene como propósito realizar una revisión y actualización de aspectos relacionados a la LM y su implicancia en el desarrollo de la caries de aparición temprana (CAT).Conclusiones:La LM es exclusiva e ideal durante los primeros seis meses de vida, brindando múltiples beneficios para el niño. Se encontró asociación entre la LM y el riesgo de caries dental, si este se prolonga hasta el primer año de vida, por factores como: LM nocturna, alimentación cariogénica o pobre higiene bucal. Las madres deberían ser capacitadas para que tengan un mayor cuidado y control de ingesta de azúcares desde edades tempranas para evitar el desarrollo de caries. Finalmente, se sugiere que se necesitan más investigaciones con un control cuidadoso de los factores intervinientes ya indicados, para poder esclarecer esta controversia y brindar mejores pautas para la alimentación infantil. (AU)

Breastfeeding (LM) provides nutrients necessary for the proper development of the infant; the composition of the milk and the very act of breastfeeding favors the health of the infant as well as that of the mother. Another important aspect of the LM is that it generates attachment with the newborn, which occurs through skin-to-skin contact with the mother from the first hours after birth. According to evidence, the carbohydrates that contain breast milk, and other factors are related to Early Appearance Caries (CAT).Objective:This article has as purpose to carry out a revision and update of aspects related to the LM and its implication in the development of the caries of early appearance (CAT).Conclusions:The LM is exclusive and ideal during the first six months of life, providing multiple benefits for the child. An association was found between the LM and the risk of dental caries, if this lasts until the first year of life, due to factors such as: nocturnal LM, cariogenic feeding or poor oral hygiene. Mothers should be trained to have greater care and control of sugar intake from an early age to prevent the development of caries. Finally, it is suggested that more research is needed with a careful control of the intervening factors already indicated, in order to clarify this controversy and be able to provide better guidelines for infant feeding. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Higiene Bucal , Dente Decíduo , Aleitamento Materno , Cárie Dentária