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Braz J Biol ; 83: e275046, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37851774


Sugarcane is one of the largest agricultural commodities when considering the export volume and the number of jobs generated. Sugarcane production in the Brazilian Northeast region is generally low due to several factors, including the irregular rainfall distribution, which highlights the importance of studies aimed at mitigating the deleterious effects of water stress. In this scenario, this study aimed to evaluate calcium pyruvate as a water deficit attenuator on the agro-industrial quality of sugarcane in the second cycle of cultivation. The experiment was conducted out under greenhouse conditions of the Federal University of Campina Grande, where five sugarcane commercial genotypes tested (G1- RB863129, G2- RB92579, G3- RB962962, G4- RB021754, and G5- RB041443) and three irrigation management strategies (E1- full irrigation, E2- water deficit with application of 30 mM of calcium pyruvate, and E3- water deficit without calcium pyruvate application), distributed in randomized blocks in 5 × 3 factorial arrangement with three replications. The RB021754 genotype under water deficit and without foliar application of calcium pyruvate increased the fiber content (13.2%) and the sugarcane moist cake weight (143.5 g). The effects of water deficit in sugarcane genotypes are attenuated by the exogenous application of 30 mM of calcium pyruvate, with benefits on the polarized sucrose content, apparent sucrose content of the juice, soluble solids content, purity, corrected cane POL, total recoverable sugars, and stem mass in relation to plants under water deficit without calcium pyruvate application.

Saccharum , Saccharum/genética , Cálcio , Genótipo , Grão Comestível , Sacarose , Piruvatos
Braz J Biol ; 83: e272853, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37672435


The aim of this study was to determine the acute toxicity of the essential oils (EOs) of Aloysia triphylla, Lippia gracilis and Piper aduncum in juvenile tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), and evaluate the possible histopathological alterations in their gills. For the acute toxicity tests, juvenile tambaqui (n=24/treatment) were distributed in six treatments with three replicates, which comprised the control and five EO concentrations of A. triphylla (60, 80, 100, 120 and 140 mg L-1), L. gracilis (35, 40, 45, 50 and 55 mg L-1) and P. aduncum (42.5, 45, 47.5, 50 and 52.5 mg L-1), with an exposure period of 4 h. The mortality rate and severity of damage to the tambaqui gills were proportional to the increase in the concentration of the EO, with LC50-4 h values estimated at 109.57 mg L -1 for A. triphylla, 41.63 mg L -1 for L. gracilis and 48.17 mg L -1 for P. aduncum. The main morphological damages observed in the gills of the tambaqui exposed to the three EOs, were Grade I: hypertrophy and hyperplasia of lamellar epithelial cells, lamellar fusion, epithelial detachment, capillary dilation and constriction, proliferation of chloride cells and mucosal cells and edema; in low frequency Grade II damage as epithelial rupture and lamellar aneurysm. Necrosis (Grade III damage) was observed only in gill lamellae exposed to P. aduncum EO (47.5, 50.0 and 52.5 mg L-1). Concentrations of EOs below LC50-4 h can be used sparingly, for short periods of exposure for the treatment of diseases in tambaqui breeding.

Caraciformes , Lippia , Óleos Voláteis , Verbenaceae , Animais , Óleos Voláteis/toxicidade , Melhoramento Vegetal
Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(3)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515180


La composición química del aceite de oliva extra virgen (AOEV) se compone principalmente de triglicéridos, ácidos grasos insaturados como ácido oleico, ácido linoleico y el α-linolénico. También se destacan compuestos fenólicos de tres clases químicas: simples, secoiridoides y lignanos. En la presente revisión se analizó el consumo del AOEV en enfermedades crónicas, ciertos tipos de cáncer y en enfermedades neurodegenerativas. La evidencia muestra que el consumo de entre 8 y 40 g de AOEV diario tiene efectos protectores en enfermedades cardiovasculares, puede evitar la aparición de diabetes tipo 2 y aumentar los niveles de colesterol HDL. Respecto al cáncer, entre los efectos evaluados se destacan los encontrados a partir de los compuestos fenólicos hidroxitirosol (HT) y oleocantal, los que han demostrado un efecto protector en algunos tipos de cáncer como cáncer de piel y de mama. En las enfermedades neurodegenerativas, se observó que el consumo diario de 50 g de AOEV, tiene un efecto inhibidor en la degeneración neuronal atribuido a sus compuestos fenólicos como oleuropeina e HT. Investigaciones a futuro debieran enfocarse en determinar los efectos a largo plazo del consumo de AOEV en las diferentes enfermedades analizadas, para así poder ir estableciendo la "dosis" de AOEV que permita obtener resultados protectores sobre la salud. Además de explorar los efectos de las diferentes variedades de aceitunas (con sus componentes bioactivos particulares) con el fin de establecer los efectos en la salud y enfermedad asociados a variedades específicas.

The chemical composition of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is mainly composed of triglycerides, unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid, linoleic acid, and α-linolenic acid. Phenolic compounds of three chemical classes are also relevant, such as simple, secoiridoids, and lignans. Here, we review the association between EVOO consumption and chronic diseases, certain types of cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Evidence shows that consuming between 8 and 40 g of EVOO / day has protective effects on cardiovascular diseases, can prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, and increases HDL cholesterol levels. Regarding cancer, phenolic compounds hydroxytyrosol (HT) and oleocanthal have protective effects on some types of cancer, such as skin and breast cancer. Regarding neurodegenerative diseases, daily consumption of phenolic compounds such as oleuperin and hydroxytyrosol and 50 g of EVOO has an inhibitory effect on neuronal degeneration and a protective effect on neuroprotective capacity. Future research should focus on determining the long-term impact of EVOO consumption on different diseases to establish the "dose" of EVOO that will allow health-protective results. It is also necessary to establish the effects of the specific olives (with their particular bioactive components) to establish the different impacts on health and disease associated with olives varieties.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e275046, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1513854


Abstract Sugarcane is one of the largest agricultural commodities when considering the export volume and the number of jobs generated. Sugarcane production in the Brazilian Northeast region is generally low due to several factors, including the irregular rainfall distribution, which highlights the importance of studies aimed at mitigating the deleterious effects of water stress. In this scenario, this study aimed to evaluate calcium pyruvate as a water deficit attenuator on the agro-industrial quality of sugarcane in the second cycle of cultivation. The experiment was conducted out under greenhouse conditions of the Federal University of Campina Grande, where five sugarcane commercial genotypes tested (G1- RB863129, G2- RB92579, G3- RB962962, G4- RB021754, and G5- RB041443) and three irrigation management strategies (E1- full irrigation, E2- water deficit with application of 30 mM of calcium pyruvate, and E3- water deficit without calcium pyruvate application), distributed in randomized blocks in 5 × 3 factorial arrangement with three replications. The RB021754 genotype under water deficit and without foliar application of calcium pyruvate increased the fiber content (13.2%) and the sugarcane moist cake weight (143.5 g). The effects of water deficit in sugarcane genotypes are attenuated by the exogenous application of 30 mM of calcium pyruvate, with benefits on the polarized sucrose content, apparent sucrose content of the juice, soluble solids content, purity, corrected cane POL, total recoverable sugars, and stem mass in relation to plants under water deficit without calcium pyruvate application.

Resumo A cana-de-açúcar é uma das maiores commodities agrícolas, quando se considera o volume de exportação e o número de empregos gerados. A produção no Nordeste brasileiro, em geral, é baixa, decorrente de diversos fatores, entre eles, a irregularidade de distribuição das chuvas, o que realça a importância de estudos com vistas a minorar os efeitos deletérios do estresse hídrico. Nesse cenário, objetivou-se avaliar o piruvato de cálcio como atenuante do déficit hídrico sobre a qualidade agroindustrial da cana-de-açúcar no segundo ciclo de cultivo. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, onde foram testados cinco genótipos de cana-de-açúcar (G1- RB863129, G2- RB92579, G3- RB962962, G4- RB021754 e G5- RB041443) submetidos a três estratégias de manejo da irrigação (E1- Irrigação plena, E2- déficit hídrico com aplicação de 30 mM de piruvato de cálcio e E3- déficit hídrico sem aplicação de piruvato de cálcio), distribuídos em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 5 × 3, com três repetições. O genótipo RB021754 sob déficit hídrico e sem aplicação foliar do piruvato de cálcio aumentou o teor de fibra (13,2%) e o peso do bolo úmido da cana (143,5 g). Os efeitos do déficit hídrico em genótipos de cana-de-açúcar são atenuados com aplicação exógena de 30 mM de piruvato de cálcio, com benefícios sobre o teor sacarose polarizada, teor de sacarose aparente do caldo, teor de sólidos solúveis, pureza, pol da cana corrigida, açúcares totais recuperáveis e massa de colmos, em relação as plantas sob déficit hídrico sem aplicação de piruvato de cálcio.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e272853, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1505867


The aim of this study was to determine the acute toxicity of the essential oils (EOs) of Aloysia triphylla, Lippia gracilis and Piper aduncum in juvenile tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), and evaluate the possible histopathological alterations in their gills. For the acute toxicity tests, juvenile tambaqui (n=24/treatment) were distributed in six treatments with three replicates, which comprised the control and five EO concentrations of A. triphylla (60, 80, 100, 120 and 140 mg L-1), L. gracilis (35, 40, 45, 50 and 55 mg L-1) and P. aduncum (42.5, 45, 47.5, 50 and 52.5 mg L-1), with an exposure period of 4 h. The mortality rate and severity of damage to the tambaqui gills were proportional to the increase in the concentration of the EO, with LC50-4 h values estimated at 109.57 mg L -1 for A. triphylla, 41.63 mg L -1 for L. gracilis and 48.17 mg L -1 for P. aduncum. The main morphological damages observed in the gills of the tambaqui exposed to the three EOs, were Grade I: hypertrophy and hyperplasia of lamellar epithelial cells, lamellar fusion, epithelial detachment, capillary dilation and constriction, proliferation of chloride cells and mucosal cells and edema; in low frequency Grade II damage as epithelial rupture and lamellar aneurysm. Necrosis (Grade III damage) was observed only in gill lamellae exposed to P. aduncum EO (47.5, 50.0 and 52.5 mg L-1). Concentrations of EOs below LC50-4 h can be used sparingly, for short periods of exposure for the treatment of diseases in tambaqui breeding.

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a toxicidade aguda dos óleos essenciais (OEs) de Aloysia triphylla, Lippia gracilis e Piper aduncum em juvenis de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), e avaliar as possíveis alterações histopatológicas em suas brânquias. Para os testes de toxicidade aguda, juvenis de tambaqui (n=24/tratamento) foram distribuídos em 6 tratamentos, com três repetições, sendo o controle e cinco concentração do OE de A. triphylla (60, 80, 100, 120 e 140 mg L-1), L. gracilis (35, 40, 45, 50 e 55 mg L-1) e P. aduncum (42,5, 45, 47,5, 50 e 52,5 mg L-1), com exposição de 4 h. A taxa de mortalidade e a severidade dos danos nas brânquias de tambaqui foram proporcionais ao aumento da concentração do OE, com os valores de CL50-4 h estimados em 109,57 mg L-1 para A. triphylla, em 41,63 mg L-1 para L. gracilis e em 48,17 mg L-1 para P. aduncum. Os principais danos morfológicos observados nas brânquias de tambaqui, expostos aos três OEs, foram os de grau I: hipertrofia e hiperplasia das células do epitélio lamelar, fusão lamelar, descolamento epitelial, dilatação e constrição capilar, proliferação de células de cloreto e de células mucosas e edema; em baixa frequência os de grau II como ruptura epitelial e aneurisma lamelar. Necrose (dano de grau III) foi observado somente nas lamelas branquiais expostas ao OE de P. aduncum (47,5, 50,0 e 52,5 mg L-1). Concentrações do OEs abaixo dos valores de CL50-4 h podem ser utilizados com parcimônia, em curtos períodos de exposição para o tratamento de doenças na criação de tambaqui.

Animais , Óleos Voláteis/toxicidade , Piper/toxicidade , Lippia/toxicidade , Pesqueiros , Peixes
Vet Parasitol ; 290: 109362, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33524780


Nematicide combinations may be a valid strategy to achieve effective nematode control in the presence of drug resistance. The goal of the current trial was to evaluate the pharmaco-parasitological performance of the moxidectin (MOX) and levamisole (LEV) combination after four years of continuous use in lambs naturally parasitized with multi-resistant gastrointestinal nematodes. At the beginning of the trial, 40 lambs were divided into four groups (n = 10), which were untreated (control) or subcutaneously treated with MOX (0.2 mg/kg), LEV (8 mg/kg) or with the combination MOX + LEV (administered separately at 0.2 and 8 mg/kg, respectively). Blood samples were collected at different times post-treatment and LEV and MOX plasma concentrations were measured by HPLC. The clinical efficacy of the continuous use of MOX + LEV combination was assessed with the controlled efficacy test (CET), performed at the beginning and end of the study, and with the faecal egg count reduction (FECR) test, performed over the four-year study period. No significant adverse pharmacokinetic changes were observed either for MOX or LEV after their co-administration to infected lambs. The CET (first year) showed efficacies of 84.3 % (Haemonchus contortus), 100 % (Teladorsagia circumcincta and Trichostrongylus axei), and 97.4 % (T. colubriformis). After the repetitive use of the combined treatment for four years, those efficacies remained high (100 %) and only decreased to 58 % against T. colubriformis. The evaluation of the FECR over the study period showed fluctuations in the performance of the combined administration. The initial FECR (2014) was 99 % (MOX), 85 % (LEV) and 100 % (MOX + LEV). The co-administration of MOX + LEV during the four-year experimental period resulted in a significantly higher anthelmintic effect (87 %) than that of MOX (42 %) or LEV (69 %) given alone. The combined use of MOX + LEV to control resistant gastrointestinal nematodes appears to be a valid strategy under specific management conditions. A high initial therapeutic response to the combination would be a relevant feature for the success of this tool.

Levamisol/uso terapêutico , Macrolídeos/uso terapêutico , Nematoides/efeitos dos fármacos , Infecções por Nematoides/veterinária , Doenças dos Ovinos/tratamento farmacológico , Animais , Anti-Helmínticos/administração & dosagem , Anti-Helmínticos/uso terapêutico , Área Sob a Curva , Esquema de Medicação , Combinação de Medicamentos , Resistência a Múltiplos Medicamentos , Feminino , Meia-Vida , Levamisol/administração & dosagem , Levamisol/farmacocinética , Macrolídeos/administração & dosagem , Macrolídeos/farmacocinética , Masculino , Infecções por Nematoides/tratamento farmacológico , Infecções por Nematoides/parasitologia , Ovinos , Doenças dos Ovinos/parasitologia
J Public Health (Oxf) ; 43(3): 493-498, 2021 Sep 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33501982


BACKGROUND: To design better measures to contain the Covid-19 epidemics, it is relevant to know whether socioeconomic factors are associated with a higher risk of death by Covid-19. This work estimates the effects of individual socioeconomic characteristics on the risk of death by Covid-19. METHODS: Logistic models were estimated to assess the effect of socioeconomic characteristics (income, race/ethnicity, schooling, occupation and economic activity) on the risk of death from Covid-19. For this purpose, Covid-19 individual death records in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil were combined with the Annual Register of Social Information, which contains socioeconomic information about formal workers. FINDINGS: Workers employed in establishments in the health and public safety sectors present a risk of dying 2.46 and 2.25 times higher than those employed in other activities. Non-white people, men, and those who work in the Metropolitan Region are also more likely to die from Covid-19. People with higher education are 44% less likely to die from the disease. CONCLUSIONS: Some population groups are more vulnerable to the Covid-19 pandemic and individual socioeconomic conditions play a relevant role in the probability of death by the disease. That should be considered in the design of prevention policies to be adopted.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , Brasil/epidemiologia , Humanos , Modelos Logísticos , Masculino , SARS-CoV-2 , Fatores Socioeconômicos
Neurobiol Learn Mem ; 166: 107101, 2019 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31629785


Extinction is the learned inhibition of retrieval of a previously acquired memory and is a major component of exposure therapy, which has attracted much attention because of the use in the treatment of drug addiction, phobias and particularly fear disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Exposure to a novel environment before or after extinction training can enhance the extinction of contextual fear conditioning, however the cellular and molecular substrates are still unclear. Here, we investigated the participation of H2-histaminergic, ß-adrenergic and 5-HT1A-serotonergic receptors of the hippocampus on the enhancement of extinction memory caused by novelty. The infusion into the CA1 region of the serotonin 5-HT1A-receptor agonist, 8-OH-DPAT and the ß-adrenergic blocker, Timolol, after the exposure to the novelty hindered the enhancement of extinction by novelty, while Timolol also hindered the extinction consolidation when infused post-extinction. These impairments were abolished by the coinfusion of 8-OH-DPAT plus the 5-HT1A receptor antagonist, NAN-190 and Timolol plus ß-adrenergic agonist, Isoproterenol. However, Dimaprit and Ranitidine blocked the retrieval of CFC, but did not prevented the extinction learning. Here we elucidated some of the molecular mechanisms that are involved on the enhancement of extinction by novelty, demonstrating that the ß-adrenoreceptors and 5-HT1A serotonergic receptors participate on this process alongside with dopaminergic D1 receptors previously described, while histamine H2 receptors, so ubiquitous in learning-related functions in hippocampus are not involved.

Agonistas Adrenérgicos beta/farmacologia , Antagonistas Adrenérgicos beta/farmacologia , Aprendizagem por Associação/efeitos dos fármacos , Extinção Psicológica/efeitos dos fármacos , Medo/efeitos dos fármacos , Hipocampo/efeitos dos fármacos , Agonistas do Receptor de Serotonina/farmacologia , 8-Hidroxi-2-(di-n-propilamino)tetralina/farmacologia , Animais , Condicionamento Clássico/efeitos dos fármacos , Isoproterenol/farmacologia , Masculino , Ratos Wistar , Timolol/farmacologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(2): 577-583, mar.-abr. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-23543


O objetivo do presente estudo foi correlacionar os valores de reticulócitos pontilhados e agregados obtidos por metodologia manual com a metodologia automática de contagem de reticulócitos totais em amostras de sangue de gatos anêmicos, analisados em um contador hematológico com citometria de fluxo. Para isso, 40 amostras de sangue de pacientes felinos anêmicos, independentemente de idade e sexo, foram utilizadas para a determinação das contagens absolutas de reticulócitos totais pela metodologia automatizada por citometria de fluxo fluorescente e pela técnica manual com corante supravital, em duplicata. Na contagem manual, houve a discriminação entre reticulócitos pontilhados e agregados. Para a correlação entre os métodos, foi realizada a análise de regressão de Passing-Bablok. A média do hematócrito dos gatos foi de 15,25%, tendo a maioria dos gatos (32,5%) apresentado anemia moderada (hematócrito = 17,81%). Como resultados, a análise de regressão demonstrou que a correlação entre a contagem absoluta total automática foi superior à contagem manual de reticulócitos agregados (rho= 0,71; P<0,001) do que a contagem absoluta de reticulócitos pontilhados (rho= 0,68; P<0,001). Os resultados apresentados sugerem que a contagem de reticulócitos total absoluta realizada pelo analisador hematológico ProCyte Dx em gatos anêmicos se refere à contagem absoluta de reticulócitos. Dessa maneira, recomenda-se que os valores possam ser utilizados para a avaliação imediata da condição hematológica de gatos anêmicos.(AU)

The aim of this study was to correlate the punctate and aggregated reticulocytes values obtained by manual methodology and the automatic reticulocyte count in 40 blood samples from anemic cats. Total reticulocyte absolute counts were determined by automated fluorescence flow cytometry and manual methods in 40 blood samples obtained from anemic cats. The manual count was obtained by supravital stain in duplicate to each sample and the reticulocyte morphology were discriminated between punctate and aggregates reticulocytes. Passing-Bablok regression analysis was utilized to compare the methods. Most samples were from anemic cat (15,25%) and the hematocrit mean was 17,81%. Regression analysis showed that the correlation between the absolute total automatic counts is higher with aggregated reticulocytes (rho= 0,71; P< 0,001) than with absolute punctate reticulocytes counts (rho= 0, 68, P< 0.001). Results suggest that the ProCyte Dx reticulocytes count in anemic cats is correlated with aggregate reticulocyte count. Thus, the greater amount of RNA and organelles in aggregate reticulocytes generates a cellular complexity and, therefore, greater impregnation of the dye in an automatic count. Thus, the values obtained by the hematologic instrument can be used for the immediate evaluation of the hematological condition in anemic cats.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Doenças do Gato/sangue , Anemia/veterinária , Leucemia Felina/sangue , Contagem de Reticulócitos/veterinária , Citometria de Fluxo/veterinária