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Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 34: e252086, 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1422443


Resumen Ante la pandemia, el gobierno chileno implementó medidas de intervención que fueron eminentemente de carácter sanitario. Este proceso tuvo como sustento una serie de discursos de control y disciplinamiento social que apelaban al autocuidado, la prevención familiar y la auto-responsabilización. A través de la construcción de cuatro Narrativas de Vida de madres académicas, se presentan cuatro repertorios interpretativos críticos respecto de aquello: (a) una mirada cuestionadora a la reproducción de posturas neoconservadoras sobre cuidados y familia tradicional en pandemia; (b) cómo el énfasis discursivo en lo sanitario, invisibilizó otras problemáticas que cruzaron madres trabajadoras académicas y a la vez privilegió su vivencia cotidiana a través de la exposición sanitaria de otros cuerpos;(c) crítica a la contradicción de discursos en lo académico respecto a la flexibilización laboral frente a la pandemia y el exhorto a la mantención de estándares de productividad liberal y (d) una posibilidad de tejer resistencias colectivas.

Resumo Diante da pandemia, o governo chileno implementou medidas de intervenção de natureza eminentemente sanitária. Esse processo teve sustentação numa série de discursos de controle e disciplina social que apelavam ao autocuidado, à prevenção familiar e à autorresponsabilidade. Por meio da construção de quatro Narrativas de Vida de mães acadêmicas, apresentam-se quatro repertórios interpretativos críticos a respeito disso: (a) um olhar questionador sobre a reprodução de posições neoconservadoras sobre o cuidado e a família tradicional na pandemia; (b) como a ênfase discursiva na matéria sanitária invisibilizou outros problemas que as mães trabalhadoras acadêmicas enfrentavam, e ao mesmo tempo privilegiou sua vivência cotidiana por meio da exposição sanitária de outros corpos; (c) crítica à contradição dos discursos no acadêmico sobre a flexibilização laboral diante da pandemia e da exortação à manutenção dos padrões de produtividade liberal e (d) possibilidade de tecer resistência coletiva.

Abstract: In order to combat the pandemic, the Chilean government has proposed interventions based on health and safety. This process has been justified by a series of discourses around control and social discipline, which appeal to self-care, family prevention and individual responsibility. We use four Life Narratives of academic mothers in order to illustrate four critical, interpretative repertoires related to State and social discourses on the pandemic: (a) a problematization of the reproduction of neoconservative positions on caregiving and the traditional family during the pandemic; (b) how the discursive emphasis on health, made invisible other problems that were common to academic working mothers and at the same time privileged their daily experience through the health exposure of other bodies; (c) how academic mothers have criticized and contradicted academic discourses on job flexibility during the pandemic and academia´s continuing demands to maintain neoliberal productivity standards and (d) a possibility of creating collective resistance.

Hist Philos Life Sci ; 43(2): 70, 2021 May 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34013408


Data production in experimental sciences depends on localised experimental systems, but the epistemic properties of data transcend the contingencies of the processes that produce them. Philosophers often believe that experimental systems instantiate but do not produce the epistemic properties of data. In this paper, we argue that experimental systems' local functioning entails intrinsic capacities to produce the epistemic properties of data. We develop this idea by applying Derrida's model of arche-writing to study a case of theory-oriented experimental practice. Derrida's model relativises or dissolves the conceptual distinction between the moment of data production and a subsequent moment of data dissemination. It thus has consequences for understanding both data production (despite being intrinsically local, data production a priori generates transferrable and modellable information) and data dissemination (when modelling information, researchers needs to refer this information to the context of its production). We study a case of data production in a non-exploratory experimental system designed to test a pre-existing hypothesis in visual neuroscience. A case of theory-oriented experimental practice should allow us to identify the autonomous functioning of experimental systems in data production more clearly, insofar as it allows us to study the limits of pre-existing theory in the activities of these systems. We suggest that pre-existing concepts, hypotheses and theories condition the relevance but not the production of experimental data.

Disseminação de Informação , Fenômenos Fisiológicos do Sistema Nervoso , Fala , Percepção Visual , Redação , Humanos
Univ. psychol ; 14(spe5): 1625-1636, Dec. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-830936


Las transformaciones del espacio universitario a partir de los años ochenta, en Chile, revelan el ascenso de formas managerialistas de organizar la universidad y el trabajo académico. El nuevo managment, orientado por lógicas de eficiencia y mercado, promueve una cultura laboral de rendición de cuentas y, en consecuencia, una reconfiguración de las identidades académicas llamadas a adscribirse a este nuevo modelo de universidad. Este artículo presenta una investigación cualitativa realizada en Chile con veinte académicos de planta en torno a su identidad laboral. A partir del análisis de contenido -discursivamente orientado- de veinte entrevistas, se presentan como resultado dos ejes en torno a los cuales se organizan las narrativas identitarias de los académicos, mostrando los efectos para la autodefinición de este grupo y la ética del trabajo académico.

The transformations of the university space from the eighties reveals the rise of managerialist ways to organize the university and its workforce, fostering a culture of accountability and plurality of tasks such as research, guided by the logic of efficiency and market movements. Such claims therefore imply the existence of reconfigurations in academic work identity. Drawing on focused interviews with 20 academics, the article shows two axes around which the narrative identities of academics are organized and what are its effects on self-definition of the group and the ethics of academic work.

Academias e Institutos , Universidades