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Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469252


Abstract Several species of Cichla successfully colonized lakes and reservoirs of Brazil, since the 1960s, causing serious damage to local wildlife. In this study, 135 peacock bass were collected in a reservoir complex in order to identify if they represented a single dominant species or multiple ones, as several Cichla species have been reported in the basin. Specimens were identified by color pattern, morphometric and meristic data, and using mitochondrial markers COI, 16S rDNA and Control Region (CR). Overlapping morphological data and similar coloration patterns prevented their identification using the taxonomic keys to species identification available in the literature. However, Bayesian and maximum likelihood from sequencing data demonstrated the occurrence of a single species, Cichla kelberi. A single haplotype was observed for the 16S and CR, while three were detected for COI, with a dominant haplotype present in 98.5% of the samples. The extreme low diversity of the transplanted C. kelberi evidenced a limited number of founding maternal lineages. The success of this colonization seems to rely mainly on abiotic factors, such as increased water transparency of lentic environments that favor visual predators that along with the absence of predators, have made C. kelberi a successful invader of these reservoirs.

Resumo Muitas espécies de Cichla colonizaram com sucesso lagos e reservatórios do Brasil desde os anos 1960, causando graves prejuízos à vida selvagem nesses locais. Neste estudo, 135 tucunarés foram coletados em um complexo de reservatórios a fim de identificar se representavam uma espécie dominante ou múltiplas espécies, uma vez que diversas espécies de Cichla foram registradas na bacia. Os espécimes foram identificados com base na coloração, dados morfométricos e merísticos, e por marcadores mitocondriais COI, 16S rDNA e Região Controle (RC). A sobreposição dos dados morfométricos e o padrão similar de coloração impediram a identificação utilizando as chaves de identificação disponíveis na literatura. Entretanto, as análises bayesiana e de máxima verossimilhança de dados moleculares demonstraram a ocorrência de uma única espécie, Cichla kelberi. Um único haplótipo foi observado para o 16S e RC, enquanto três foram detectados para o COI, com um haplótipo dominante presente em 98,5% das amostras. A baixa diversidade nos exemplares introduzidos de C. kelberi evidenciou um número limitado de linhagens maternas fundadoras. O sucesso da invasão parece depender de fatores abióticos, como a maior transparência da água de ambientes lênticos que favorece predadores visuais que, atrelado à ausência de predadores, fez do C. kelberi um invasor bem-sucedido nesses reservatórios.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e248656, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345542


Abstract Several species of Cichla successfully colonized lakes and reservoirs of Brazil, since the 1960's, causing serious damage to local wildlife. In this study, 135 peacock bass were collected in a reservoir complex in order to identify if they represented a single dominant species or multiple ones, as several Cichla species have been reported in the basin. Specimens were identified by color pattern, morphometric and meristic data, and using mitochondrial markers COI, 16S rDNA and Control Region (CR). Overlapping morphological data and similar coloration patterns prevented their identification using the taxonomic keys to species identification available in the literature. However, Bayesian and maximum likelihood from sequencing data demonstrated the occurrence of a single species, Cichla kelberi. A single haplotype was observed for the 16S and CR, while three were detected for COI, with a dominant haplotype present in 98.5% of the samples. The extreme low diversity of the transplanted C. kelberi evidenced a limited number of founding maternal lineages. The success of this colonization seems to rely mainly on abiotic factors, such as increased water transparency of lentic environments that favor visual predators that along with the absence of predators, have made C. kelberi a successful invader of these reservoirs.

Resumo Muitas espécies de Cichla colonizaram com sucesso lagos e reservatórios do Brasil desde os anos 1960, causando graves prejuízos à vida selvagem nesses locais. Neste estudo, 135 tucunarés foram coletados em um complexo de reservatórios a fim de identificar se representavam uma espécie dominante ou múltiplas espécies, uma vez que diversas espécies de Cichla foram registradas na bacia. Os espécimes foram identificados com base na coloração, dados morfométricos e merísticos, e por marcadores mitocondriais COI, 16S rDNA e Região Controle (RC). A sobreposição dos dados morfométricos e o padrão similar de coloração impediram a identificação utilizando as chaves de identificação disponíveis na literatura. Entretanto, as análises bayesiana e de máxima verossimilhança de dados moleculares demonstraram a ocorrência de uma única espécie, Cichla kelberi. Um único haplótipo foi observado para o 16S e RC, enquanto três foram detectados para o COI, com um haplótipo dominante presente em 98,5% das amostras. A baixa diversidade nos exemplares introduzidos de C. kelberi evidenciou um número limitado de linhagens maternas fundadoras. O sucesso da invasão parece depender de fatores abióticos, como a maior transparência da água de ambientes lênticos que favorece predadores visuais que, atrelado à ausência de predadores, fez do C. kelberi um invasor bem-sucedido nesses reservatórios.

Animais , Ciclídeos/genética , Filogenia , Variação Genética/genética , Haplótipos/genética , Lagos , Teorema de Bayes
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(3): eRBCA-2022-1746, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1452178


The effect of using natural growth promoters (NGP) to replace traditional antimicrobials on performance, biometry of digestive and reproductive organs, sexual maturity and bone characteristics of replacement pullets was evaluated; and the relationship between these variables according to the diets was verified. Eight-week-old birds were randomly assigned to a completely randomized design and fed different diets: negative control (without growth promoters); positive control - conventional growth promoter; organic acids (OA); symbiotic (S); essential oil (EO); OA + S; and EO + S. The performance, relative weight of digestive and reproductive organs and length intestines, height and crest length, sternum length, bone quality and sexual maturity of birds were similar (p>0.05) between treatments. The heat map combined with cluster analysis showed a uniform static pattern with the formation of three horizontal groups formed by the treatments: 1) negative control, S and OA + S; 2) positive control and OE and 3) OA and OE + S. A null relationship between the treatments and the variables under study was observed. The principal components analysis revealed an association of variables in three components with 60.55% of variation. NGP can replace traditional promoters, as they do not interfere with performance, biometrics or sexual maturity. Height and length are predictive variables for the development of reproductive organs, especially the oviduct. A similarity was identified through multivariate techniques between symbiotic and organic + symbiotic acids; positive control and essential oils; and organic and symbiotic acids + essential oils.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aditivos Alimentares/análise , Ração Animal/análise , Óleos Voláteis/química , Anti-Infecciosos/análise
Int. j. morphol ; 40(6): 1434-1439, dic. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421803


El objetivo de la presente monografía, fue actualizar la anatomía del Plexo Venoso Vertebral (PVV) del perro de relevancia clínico-quirúrgica y asimismo evaluar el cumplimiento de la Nómina Anatómica Veterinaria (NAV). Se realizaron búsquedas electrónicas utilizando 9 bases de datos, donde se revisaron un total de 49 fuentes bibliográficas. De éstas, 20 correspondieron a artículos científicos. El criterio de exclusión fue el de publicaciones con más de 10 años de antigüedad, con excepción de libros de anatomía veterinaria de referencia base. Publicaciones que no estuvieran escritas en inglés, español o portugués, fueron también excluidas. En general, en la literatura revisada, existió consenso de cuáles son los componentes del PVV, junto con una escueta descripción de éste. El componente del PVV que es más ampliamente descrito y con mayor dimensión es el Plexo Vertebral Interno Ventral (PVIV). La función de retorno venoso sanguíneo alternativo hacia el corazón es la más nombrada. La no existencia de válvulas en el PVIV, pudiese ser una condición promotora para la metástasis tumoral a través del PVV. A nivel quirúrgico, la hemorragia del PVV, representa un peligro no despreciable para la vida del paciente. Con respecto a lo revisado y discutido, se puede concluir que: i) a pesar de la escasa descripción anatómica del PVV se pudo comprender cómo éste está compuesto ii) el nivel de evidencia que avala las distintas capacidades funcionales del PVV es bajo, no obstante, la información de la presentación de la hemorragia del PVV en las distintas cirugías es mayor iii) las variadas referencias bibliográficas consultadas no respetaron la NAV actual para describir al PVV.

SUMMARY: This monograph aims to provide an update on the anatomy of the Vertebral Venous Plexus (VVP) of the dog with emphasis on its clinical and surgical relevance and to evaluate compliance of terms in the literature with Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (NAV). Electronic searches were conducted using 9 databases, where a total of 49 bibliographic sources were reviewed. Of these, 20 consisted of scientific articles. Publications with more than 10 years old were excluded from review, except for basic reference veterinary anatomy books. Publications that were not written in English, Spanish or Portuguese were also excluded. In general, in the literature reviewed, there was consensus on what the components of the VVP are, along with a brief description of VVP. The most widely described component of the VVP is the Ven- tral Internal Vertebral Plexus (VIVP). The function of alternative venous blood return to the heart is the most frequently described. The absence of valves in the VIVP could be a promoting condition for tumor metastasis through the VVP. At the surgical level, VVP hemorrhage represents a non-negligible threat to the patient's survival. With respect to what has been reviewed and discussed, it can be concluded that: i) despite the scarce anatomical description of the VVP, it was possible to understand how it is composed ii) the level of evidence that supports the different functional capacities of the VVP is low, however, the information on the ocurrence of VVP hemorrhage in surgical procedures is greater and iii) the various bibliographical references describing the VVP did not comply with the current NAV.

Animais , Coluna Vertebral/irrigação sanguínea , Veias/anatomia & histologia , Cães/anatomia & histologia
Int. j. morphol ; 40(2): 343-347, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385620


RESUMEN: El cuerpo calloso (CC), es la mayor comisura de sustancia blanca del encéfalo de los mamíferos placentados, constituida por numerosos haces de fibras transversales que conectan áreas corticales de ambos hemisferios cerebrales. Por otro lado, el estrés se define como una respuesta general del organismo ante demandas externas o internas, inicialmente amenazantes, que consiste en movilizar recursos fisiológicos y psicológicos para poderlas afrontar. Dada la importancia del cuerpo calloso en las conexiones cortico-corticales, el objetivo del presente estudio, fue evaluar el efecto en ratas, de un estrés prenatal crónico por inmovilización, sobre la anatomía macroscópica del CC. Se utilizaron seis ratas preñadas de la cepa Wistar de 250 g, de las cuales tres fueron sometidas, a partir del octavo día postconcepción, a una restricción de movimiento por diez días (2h/día). Posteriormente, las madres prosiguieron su gestación, parto y lactancia. Al nacimiento, las camadas fueron ajustadas a seis crías machos por madre (n=36), destetadas a los 21 días y sacrificadas a los 45-52 días de edad. Los encéfalos fueron seccionados a través de la cisura interhemisférica y ambos hemisferios fotografiados por su cara medial. Las imágenes fueron digitalizadas y analizadas mediante el programa Scion Image®, para la medición del área total, parciales (tercio anterior, medio, posterior y quinto posterior) y perímetro callosal. Es así como, el estrés prenatal por inmovilización, afectó significativamente (p<0,01), la morfología macroscópica del cuerpo calloso. Evidenciándose una disminución del área total, áreas parciales y perímetro callosal, en los animales sometidos a restricción prenatal. Estableciendo una relación directa entre número de axones y área callosal e inversa entre diámetro y densidad axonal; lo observado podría tener incidencia en la transferencia interhemisférica.

SUMMARY: The Corpus Callosum (CC) is the largest white matter commissure in the brain of placental mammals, consisting of numerous transverse fiber bundles that connect cortical areas of both cerebral hemispheres. On the other hand, stress is defined as a general response of the organism to external or internal demands, initially threatening, which consists of mobilizing physiological and psychological resources to be able to face them. Given the importance of CC in cortico-cortical connections, the aim of the present study, was to evaluate the effect of chronic pre-natal immobilization stress on the macroscopic anatomy of CC in rats. Six 250g pregnant rats of the Wistar strain were used, of which three were subjected, starting on the eighth post-conception day, to movement restriction for ten days (2h/day). Subsequently, the mothers continued their gestation, delivery and lactation. At birth, litters were adjusted to six male offspring per mother (n=36), which were weaned at 21 days and slaughtered at 45-52 days of age. The brains were fixed, and later sectioned through the interhemispheric fissure and both hemispheres photographed by their medial aspect. The images were digitized and analyzed using the Scion Image® program, for the measurement of the total area, partial area (ante- rior, middle and posterior thirds, as well as posterior fifth) and callosal perimeter. Thus, prenatal stress due to immobilization significantly affected (p<0.01), the macroscopic morphology of the CC. Evidence shows a decrease in the total area, partial areas and callosal perimeter in the animals subjected to prenatal restraint, as compared to normal animals. Establishing a direct relationship between number of axons and callosal area and an inverse relationship between diameter and axonal density, what was observed may have an impact on interhemispheric transfer.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Gravidez , Ratos , Estresse Fisiológico , Estresse Psicológico , Corpo Caloso/anatomia & histologia , Efeitos Tardios da Exposição Pré-Natal , Ratos Wistar , Imobilização
Braz J Biol ; 84: e248656, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34730686


Several species of Cichla successfully colonized lakes and reservoirs of Brazil, since the 1960's, causing serious damage to local wildlife. In this study, 135 peacock bass were collected in a reservoir complex in order to identify if they represented a single dominant species or multiple ones, as several Cichla species have been reported in the basin. Specimens were identified by color pattern, morphometric and meristic data, and using mitochondrial markers COI, 16S rDNA and Control Region (CR). Overlapping morphological data and similar coloration patterns prevented their identification using the taxonomic keys to species identification available in the literature. However, Bayesian and maximum likelihood from sequencing data demonstrated the occurrence of a single species, Cichla kelberi. A single haplotype was observed for the 16S and CR, while three were detected for COI, with a dominant haplotype present in 98.5% of the samples. The extreme low diversity of the transplanted C. kelberi evidenced a limited number of founding maternal lineages. The success of this colonization seems to rely mainly on abiotic factors, such as increased water transparency of lentic environments that favor visual predators that along with the absence of predators, have made C. kelberi a successful invader of these reservoirs.

Ciclídeos , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Ciclídeos/genética , Variação Genética/genética , Haplótipos/genética , Lagos , Filogenia
Plant Biol (Stuttg) ; 23(6): 1037-1043, 2021 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34516716


Host plant selection by herbivores is driven by a complex array of cues, including leaf traits and previous leaf damage. Herbivore-associated cues to host selection at the plant and leaf scale aid understanding of mechanisms responsible for host preference that might translate into increased performance, as well as processes structuring herbivore populations mediated by interactions. We investigated how changes induced by a galling insect in the tropical fern Cyathea phalerata act as repellent or attractant cues for sawfly feeding and the effects of leaf size on herbivory levels. We recorded gall abundance, damage by chewers, leaf size, plant nutritional quality, phenolic concentration and leaf anatomical traits between galled and non-galled leaf samples. Galled samples contained less N, higher levels of phenolics and higher C/N ratio. However, leaf-chewing damage did not differ between galled and non-galled leaves. The gall structure was avoided by chewers, as it had high concentrations of phenolics, lignification and suberization. Larger leaves sustained higher gall abundance, but leaf size did not have a significant effect on chewer damage. A co-occurrence index calculated for both guilds indicated that galls and chewers exhibited a distribution that did not differ from random, reinforcing that the two guilds on C. phalerata do not show patterns of repulsion such as those maintained by interspecific competition. Sawflies dismissing chemical cues indicate that the increase in phenolics caused by galling insects does not generate increased protection of the galled pinnules. Our results highlight ferns as key resources for herbivores and as a potential plant group to study new research avenues on plant-insect interactions.

Gleiquênias , Animais , Herbivoria , Insetos , Fenótipo , Folhas de Planta
Braz. j. biol ; 80(1): 199-205, Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089283
Animal ; 14(3): 566-569, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31635563


The bovine appeasing substance (BAS) is expected to have calming effects in cattle experiencing stressful situations. Therefore, this study investigated the impacts of BAS administration during two of the most stressful events within beef production systems: weaning and feedlot entry. In experiment 1, 186 Bos indicus-influenced calves (73 heifers, 113 bulls) were weaned at 211 ± 1 days of age (day 0). At weaning, calves were ranked by sex and BW, and assigned to receive BAS (Nutricorp, Araras, SP, Brazil; n = 94) or water (CON; n = 92). Treatments (5 ml) were topically applied to the nuchal skin area of each animal. Calf BW was recorded and samples of blood and tail-switch hair were collected on days 0, 15 and 45. Calves that received BAS had greater (P < 0.01) BW gain from day 0 to 15 compared with CON. Overall BW gain (days 0 to 45) and BW on days 15 and 45 were also greater (P ≤ 0.03) in BAS v. CON. Plasma haptoglobin concentration was less (P < 0.01) in BAS v. CON on day 15, whereas cortisol concentrations in plasma and tail-switch hair did not differ between treatments (P ≥ 0.13). In experiment 2, 140 B. indicus-influenced bulls (∼27 months of age) from 2 different pasture-based systems (70 bulls/origin) were transported to a commercial feedlot (≤ 200-km transport; day -1). On day 0, bulls were ranked by source and BW, and assigned to receive BAS (n = 70) or CON (n = 70) and the same sampling procedures as in experiment 1. Bulls receiving BAS had greater (P = 0.04) BW gain from day 0 to 15, but less (P < 0.01) BW gain from day 15 to 45 compared to CON. No other treatment effects were detected (P > 0.14). Therefore, BAS administration to beef calves alleviated the haptoglobin response associated with weaning, and improved calf growth during the subsequent 45 days. Administration of BAS to beef bulls at feedlot entry improved BW gain during the initial 15 days, but these benefits were not sustained throughout the 45-day experiment.

Ração Animal , Haptoglobinas , Ração Animal/análise , Animais , Brasil , Bovinos , Comunicação , Feminino , Haptoglobinas/análise , Masculino , Desmame