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Rev Biol Trop ; 62(3): 1007-18, 2014 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25412533


High mortality rates have been observed in Teleost during early developmental stages, as well as great variations in reproductive tactics, which are related to adaptations towards environmental conditions and ecological niches for which different species have a specific response. The objective of this study was to describe reproductive tactics related to the survival of Cichlasoma orientale offspring, including aspects of body size, parental care, fecundity, oocyte size and spawning patterns. Samples were performed monthly from August 2011 to July 2013, in lentic and lotic environments at Curu river basin, Brazilian Northeastern semiarid region. Individual behavior (n = 13) was observed underwater for over 50 hours by ad libitum sampling and focal-animal sampling. Collected individuals (males n = 185, females n = 95) were evaluated regarding the standard length, batch fecundity, oocyte size and spawning pattern. In females with mature ovaries, oocyte groups at different developmental stages were observed, these cells were counted and measured, and fecundity was estimated by the gravimetric method. Our results showed that the species displayed biparental care behavior and, on average, males were larger than females. Based on 46 ovaries, the average batch fecundity was 2,052-849 (range: 254-3 389). Standard length and batch fecundity were positively correlated, but no correlation was found between oocyte size and standard length. The maximum diameter observed in the most developed oocytes was 1.8 mm. The observed distribution of oocyte size classes indicated synchronous oocyte development in three groups: pre- vitellogenic, vitellogenic and mature, showing that C. orientale is a multiple spawner. Differences in the amount of oocytes among the three groups were observed, with the most developed group showing the smallest number of oocytes. The combination of low fecundity and large egg size is characteristic of demersal spawners due to a greater environmental stability. Multiple spawning increases chances of survival mainly because of increased fecundity per reproductive season, and the reduced competition among the offspring. We concluded that C. orientale makes a heavy investment in larval survival in detriment of the offspring number. Survival is favored by the large size of oocytes, large yolk reserve, biparental care and multiple spawning pattern.

Fertilidade/fisiologia , Oócitos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Perciformes/fisiologia , Reprodução/fisiologia , Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Perciformes/anatomia & histologia , Estações do Ano
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(3): 1007-1018, jul.-sep. 2014. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-753671


High mortality rates have been observed in Teleost during early developmental stages, as well as great variations in reproductive tactics, which are related to adaptations towards environmental conditions and ecological niches for which different species have a specific response. The objective of this study was to describe reproductive tactics related to the survival of Cichlasoma orientale offspring, including aspects of body size, parental care, fecundity, oocyte size and spawning patterns. Samples were performed monthly from August 2011 to July 2013, in lentic and lotic environments at Curu river basin, Brazilian Northeastern semiarid region. Individual behavior (n=113) was observed underwater for over 50 hours by ad libitum sampling and focal-animal sampling. Collected individuals (males n=185, females n=95) were evaluated regarding the standard length, batch fecundity, oocyte size and spawning pattern. In females with mature ovaries, oocyte groups at different developmental stages were observed, these cells were counted and measured, and fecundity was estimated by the gravimetric method. Our results showed that the species displayed biparental care behavior and, on average, males were larger than females. Based on 46 ovaries, the average batch fecundity was 2 052±849 (range: 254-3 389). Standard length and batch fecundity were positively correlated, but no correlation was found between oocyte size and standard length. The maximum diameter observed in the most developed oocytes was 1.8mm. The observed distribution of oocyte size classes indicated synchronous oocyte development in three groups: previtellogenic, vitellogenic and mature, showing that C. orientale is a multiple spawner. Differences in the amount of oocytes among the three groups were observed, with the most developed group showing the smallest number of oocytes. The combination of low fecundity and large egg size is characteristic of demersal spawners due to a greater environmental stability. Multiple spawning increases chances of survival mainly because of increased fecundity per reproductive season, and the reduced competition among the offspring. We concluded that C. orientale makes a heavy investment in larval survival in detriment of the offspring number. Survival is favored by the large size of oocytes, large yolk reserve, biparental care and multiple spawning pattern.

Las altas tasas de mortalidad se han observado en teleósteos durante las etapas iniciales del desarrollo, así como una gran variación en las tácticas reproductivas, que están relacionados con adaptaciones a las condiciones ambientales y nichos ecológicos con cada especie que presenta una respuesta específica. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las tácticas reproductivas relacionadas con la supervivencia de la descendencia de Cichlasoma orientale, incluyendo aspectos tales como el tamaño corporal, el cuidado parental, la fecundidad, el tamaño de los ovocitos y los patrones de desove. Las muestras se recolectaron mensualmente desde agosto 2011 hasta julio 2013, en ambientes lénticos y lóticos en la cuenca del río Curu, región semiárida del noreste de Brasil. El comportamiento individual (n=113) se observó bajo el agua durante más de 50 horas por un muestreo ad libitum y muestreo de grupos focales. Para los individuos recolectados (n=185 machos, hembras n=95) se evaluó: la longitud, la fecundidad por camada, el tamaño estándar de los ovocitos y el patrón de desove. En las hembras con ovarios maduros, se observó la cantidad de grupos de ovocitos en diferentes etapas de desarrollo y estas células fueron contadas y medidas y la fecundidad se estimadó por el método gravimétrico. Las especies muestran un comportamiento de cuidado biparental y, en promedio, los machos son más grandes que las hembras. Con base en 46 ovarios, la fecundidad promedio de lotes fue de 2 052±849 (254-3 389). Longitud estándar y fecundidad parcial se correlacionaron positivamente, pero no se encontró correlación entre el tamaño de los ovocitos y la longitud estándar. Los oocitos más desarrollados miden 1.8mm. La distribución observada de las clases de tamaño de los ovocitos indica desarrollo de los ovocitos sincrónico en tres grupos: pre-vitelogénicos, vitelogénicos y maduros, lo que demuestra que C. orientale es una especie con desova múltiple. Se observaron diferencias en la cantidad de ovocitos entre los tres grupos, con el grupo más desarrollada que muestra el menor número de ovocitos. La combinación de la baja fecundidad y gran tamaño del huevo es una característica de los reproductores demersales, debido a una mayor estabilidad del medio ambiente. Múltiples desoves aumenta las posibilidades de supervivencia, principalmente debido al aumento de la fecundidad por temporada reproductiva y reducción de la competencia entre la descendencia. Llegamos a la conclusión de que C. orientale hace una fuerte inversión en la supervivencia de las larvas en detri- mento del número de descendientes. La supervivencia se ve favorecida por el gran tamaño de los ovocitos, gran reserva de yema de huevo, cuidado biparental y patrón de desove múltiple.

Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Oócitos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Perciformes/fisiologia , Reprodução/fisiologia , Perciformes/anatomia & histologia , Estações do Ano
Rev. biol. trop ; 61(4): 1721-1735, oct.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-703923


The mangrove crab Ucides cordatus is an important resource of estuarine regions along the Brazilian coast. U. cordatus is distributed from Florida, USA, to the coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The species plays an important role in processing leaf litter in the mangroves, which optimizes the processes of energy transfer and nutrient cycling, and is considered a keystone species in the ecosystem. Population declines have been reported in different parts of the Brazilian coast. In the present study we evaluated aspects of the population structure, sex ratio and size at morphological sexual maturity. We analyzed 977 specimens collected monthly over 24 months (2010-2012), in a mangrove of the Jaguaribe River, in the municipality of Aracati on the East coast of Ceará state, Northeastern Brazil. The study area has a mild semiarid tropical climate, with mean temperatures between 26 and 28oC. The area is located within the eco-region of the semiarid Northeast coast, where mangroves occur in small areas and estuaries are affected by mesomareal regimes. The population structure was evaluated by the frequency distribution of size classes in each month, and the overall sex ratio was analyzed using the chi-square test. Size at morphological sexual maturity was estimated based on the allometry of the cheliped of the males and the abdomen width of the females, using the program REGRANS. The size-frequency distribution was unimodal in both sexes. The overall sex ratio (M: F) (1:0.6) was significantly different from 1:1. Analysis of the sex ratio by size class showed that the proportion of males increased significantly from size class 55-60mm upward, and this pattern persisted in the larger size classes. In the smaller size classes the sex ratio did not differ from 1:1. The size at morphological sexual maturity was estimated at a carapace width (CW) of 52mm and 45mm for males and females, respectively. Analysis of the population parameters indicated that ...

El cangrejo Ucides cordatus es un importante recurso pesquero de las regiones de estuarios a lo largo de la costa brasileña. Disminuciones de las poblaciones han sido reportadas en diferentes regiones del país. El presente estudio evaluó aspectos de la estructura poblacional, proporción sexual y talla en la madurez sexual. Se analizó un total de 977 ejemplares capturados mensualmente, por 24 meses, en lo manglar del río Jaguaribe, en el municipio de Aracati, en la costa este de Ceará, nordeste del Brasil. El área de estudio tiene un clima semiárido tropical, con temperaturas medias entre los 26 y 28°C. La estructura poblacional fue evaluada para determinar la distribución de frecuencia de clases de talla. Para analizar diferencias significativas respecto a la proporción sexual se aplicó la prueba Chi-quadrado. La talla de la madurez sexual morfológica fue estimada con base en la alometría del propodito del quelípedo de los machos y de la anchura del abdomen de las hembras, utilizando el programa REGRANS. La distribución de frecuencia de talla fue unimodal para los dos sexos. La proporción sexual total (M:H)(1:0.6), se desvió significativamente de la igualdad. El análisis de la proporción entre sexos, relativo a las clases de tallas mostró que la proporción de machos se tornó significativamente más alta desde la clase de 55-60mm de talla, y este se mantuvo en las clases de talla más grande. No obstante, en las clases más pequeñas la proporción entre los sexos no fue distinta de 1:1. La talla de la madurez sexual morfológica fue de 52mm de ancho del caparazón y 45mm para los machos y hembras, respectivamente. Los resultados de los atributos analizados permitieran deducir que la población de U. cordatus en el manglar del río Jaguaribe se encuentran en una situación de estabilidad. Sin embargo, el monitoreo constante de la población es necesario para detectar alteraciones en los atributos de la población que puedan afectar esta situación de estabilidad.

Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Decápodes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Tamanho Corporal , Brasil , Decápodes/classificação , Estuários , Densidade Demográfica , Dinâmica Populacional , Razão de Masculinidade , Maturidade Sexual
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-441471


In this contribution we studied the trophic ecology of four Characidae species from the Cavalo Stream, upper Tocantins River, considering diet overlap and trophic niche breadth. The diet of the four species was composed of adult and immature insects, both autochthonous and allochthonous in origin. Autochthonous items dominated the diet of Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858), Bryconamericus sp., and Creagrutus atrisignum Myers, 1917. By contrast, allochthonous items were dominant in the diet of Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Trophic niche breadth varied among species, with the highest value recorded for M. dichroura (0.48), followed by Bryconamericus sp. (0.39), A. bimaculatus (0.33) and C. atrisignum (0.29). Similarity analysis revealed two groups with different patterns of food preference. The first group was composed of insectivorous and the second by omnivorous species. The overlap in food items consumed by the four species studied was high. We suggest that resources are not limited in this stream and that competition might not be regulating these populations. This is one more case corroborating the general pattern registered for Tropical environments, where resource partitioning and specialization are responsible by the organization of fish communities.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-441459


In this contribution we studied the trophic ecology of four Characidae species from the Cavalo Stream, upper Tocantins River, considering diet overlap and trophic niche breadth. The diet of the four species was composed of adult and immature insects, both autochthonous and allochthonous in origin. Autochthonous items dominated the diet of Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858), Bryconamericus sp., and Creagrutus atrisignum Myers, 1917. By contrast, allochthonous items were dominant in the diet of Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Trophic niche breadth varied among species, with the highest value recorded for M. dichroura (0.48), followed by Bryconamericus sp. (0.39), A. bimaculatus (0.33) and C. atrisignum (0.29). Similarity analysis revealed two groups with different patterns of food preference. The first group was composed of insectivorous and the second by omnivorous species. The overlap in food items consumed by the four species studied was high. We suggest that resources are not limited in this stream and that competition might not be regulating these populations. This is one more case corroborating the general pattern registered for Tropical environments, where resource partitioning and specialization are responsible by the organization of fish communities.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-690511


In this contribution we studied the trophic ecology of four Characidae species from the Cavalo Stream, upper Tocantins River, considering diet overlap and trophic niche breadth. The diet of the four species was composed of adult and immature insects, both autochthonous and allochthonous in origin. Autochthonous items dominated the diet of Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858), Bryconamericus sp., and Creagrutus atrisignum Myers, 1917. By contrast, allochthonous items were dominant in the diet of Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Trophic niche breadth varied among species, with the highest value recorded for M. dichroura (0.48), followed by Bryconamericus sp. (0.39), A. bimaculatus (0.33) and C. atrisignum (0.29). Similarity analysis revealed two groups with different patterns of food preference. The first group was composed of insectivorous and the second by omnivorous species. The overlap in food items consumed by the four species studied was high. We suggest that resources are not limited in this stream and that competition might not be regulating these populations. This is one more case corroborating the general pattern registered for Tropical environments, where resource partitioning and specialization are responsible by the organization of fish communities.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-690499


In this contribution we studied the trophic ecology of four Characidae species from the Cavalo Stream, upper Tocantins River, considering diet overlap and trophic niche breadth. The diet of the four species was composed of adult and immature insects, both autochthonous and allochthonous in origin. Autochthonous items dominated the diet of Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858), Bryconamericus sp., and Creagrutus atrisignum Myers, 1917. By contrast, allochthonous items were dominant in the diet of Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Trophic niche breadth varied among species, with the highest value recorded for M. dichroura (0.48), followed by Bryconamericus sp. (0.39), A. bimaculatus (0.33) and C. atrisignum (0.29). Similarity analysis revealed two groups with different patterns of food preference. The first group was composed of insectivorous and the second by omnivorous species. The overlap in food items consumed by the four species studied was high. We suggest that resources are not limited in this stream and that competition might not be regulating these populations. This is one more case corroborating the general pattern registered for Tropical environments, where resource partitioning and specialization are responsible by the organization of fish communities.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504212


In this contribution we studied the trophic ecology of four Characidae species from the Cavalo Stream, upper Tocantins River, considering diet overlap and trophic niche breadth. The diet of the four species was composed of adult and immature insects, both autochthonous and allochthonous in origin. Autochthonous items dominated the diet of Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858), Bryconamericus sp., and Creagrutus atrisignum Myers, 1917. By contrast, allochthonous items were dominant in the diet of Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Trophic niche breadth varied among species, with the highest value recorded for M. dichroura (0.48), followed by Bryconamericus sp. (0.39), A. bimaculatus (0.33) and C. atrisignum (0.29). Similarity analysis revealed two groups with different patterns of food preference. The first group was composed of insectivorous and the second by omnivorous species. The overlap in food items consumed by the four species studied was high. We suggest that resources are not limited in this stream and that competition might not be regulating these populations. This is one more case corroborating the general pattern registered for Tropical environments, where resource partitioning and specialization are responsible by the organization of fish communities.

Rev. biol. trop ; 59(4): 1697-1706, Dec. 2011. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-646545


Key to understand predator choice is the relationship between predator and prey abundance. There are few studies related to prey selection and availability. Such an approach is still current, because the ability to predict aspects of the diet in response to changes in prey availability is one of the major problems of trophic ecology. The general objective of this study was to evaluate prey selection by two species (Characidium cf. vidali and Pimelodella lateristriga) of the Mato Grosso stream, in Saquarema, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Benthos and fishes were collected in June, July and September of 2006 and January and February of 2007. Fish were collected with electric fishing techniques and benthos with a surber net. Densities of benthic organisms were expressed as the number of individuals per/m2. After sampling, the invertebrates were fixed in 90% ethanol, and, in the laboratory, were identified to the lowest taxonomical level. Approximately, seventy individuals from each species were selected randomly in each month. Fishes were fixed in 10% formalin in the field and transferred to 70o GL ethanol in the laboratory. Fishes had their stomachs removed for subsequent analysis. Fish diet was described according to the numeric frequency method. The Manly Electivity I ndex was applied in order to verify prey selection. The most abundant families in both benthos and diet of both fish species were the same, indicating that these species consume mainly most abundant prey in the environment. We concluded that prey selection occurs even for preys that had small abundance in the environment . However, it is the availability of the macroinvertebrate resources that determines the major composition of items in diet of fish, demonstrating that the abundance is the factor that most influences the choice of prey. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (4): 1697-1706. Epub 2011 December 01.

Existen muy pocos estudios relacionados con la selección y disponibilidad de las presas por parte de sus depredadores. Actualmente, este enfoque se mantiene, debido a que uno de los principales problemas de la ecología trófica es la capacidad de predecir los aspectos de los hábitos alimentarios en respuesta a los cambios en la disponibilidad de las presas. El objetivo general de este estudio fue evaluar la seleccion de las presas en los especies (Characidium cf. vidali y Pimelodella lateristriga) del arroyo Mato Grosso en Saquarema, Rio de Janeiro. Se recolectaron bentos y peces en junio, Julio y septiembre 2006 y en enero y febrero 2007. Los peces fueron recolectados con técnicas de pesca eléctrica y los del bentos con una red surber. La densidad de los organismos bentónicos se expresó como el número de individuos por m2. Luego del muestreo, los invertebrados se fijaron en 90% de etanol y se identificaron con el nivel taxonómico más bajo. Los peces fueron fijados con 10% de formalina en el campo y transferidos a etanol 70o GL en el laboratorio. Los estómagos de los peces fueron extirpados para su posterior análisis. Las familias más abundantes del bentos y las dietas de los peces fueron las mismas, lo que indica que estas especies consumen principalmente la presa más abundante en el ambiente. Se concluye que la selección de la presa se produce incluso para aquellas presas con una abundancia pequeña en el entorno. Sin embargo, es la disponibilidad de los recursos de los macroinvertebrados la que determina la mayor composición en términos de la dieta de los peces, demostrando que la abundancia es el factor que se ve más influenciado por la elección de presas.

Animais , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Peixes/fisiologia , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal , Brasil , Peixes/classificação , Comportamento Predatório/fisiologia , Rios
Rev. biol. trop ; 58(4): 1479-1487, dic. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-638014


The Mato Grosso is a typical Atlantic Forest stream located on the East coast of Brazil, approximately 70km from Rio de Janeiro city. From its source at about 800m a.s.l, the stream drains a 30km² area of the Northwestern part of the municipality of Saquarema, state of Rio de Janeiro and flows into the Saquarema Lagoon system. We hypothesized that fish species occupy distinct mesohabitats, with the prediction that their occurrences and densities differ among the microhabitats of riffles, runs and pools. A 250m-long stretch of the stream located in its uppermost part was selected for this study, where it becomes second-order. Mesohabitat description and their fish characterization were undertaken. Fish sampling was conducted by electroshocking and after their identification and counting, they were returned to the stream. For mesohabitat characterization, a Discriminant Function Analysis (DA) was applied. The total number of samples was estimated by the Zippin method and the recorded densities were used as an Indicator Species Analysis (ISA), followed by a Monte Carlo test for 1 000 permutations. The DA significantly separated the three predetermined mesohabitats (pool, riffle and run) (WL=0.13, F=187.70, p=0.001). We found five species of fishes, belonging to four families and three orders. The fishes Rhamdia quelen, Phalloceros harpagos, Pimelodella lateristriga and Astyanax taeniatus are indicators of the pool environment in the Mato Grosso stream, whereas Characidium cf. vidali is an indicator of the riffle environment. The Monte Carlo test detected non-random mesohabitat use only for P. lateristriga and A. taeniatus in the pools and for Characidium cf. vidali in the riffles. We concluded that the Mato Grosso stream contains three well-defined mesohabitats, with indicator species present in two of these mesohabitats. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (4): 1479-1487. Epub 2010 December 01.

El estudio se realizó en el Río Mato Grosso (22º55‘ S-42º35‘ W), donde se encontraron cinco especies de peces, pertenecientes a cuatro familias y tres órdenes. Teniendo en cuenta la distancia filogenética y la evidente diferencia morfológica externa entre ellos, nuestra hipótesis es que ellos ocupan distintos mesohabitats y que las ocurrencias y densidades difieren entre mesohabitats, previamente definidos como corriente, rápido y remanso. La colección de peces fue realizada por pesca eléctrica, los peces fueron identificados, contados y devueltos al arroyo. Para la caracterización de mesohabitats se aplicó un análisis de función discriminante (AD). El número total de ejemplares fue calculado por el método de Zippin y las densidades fueron utilizadas para un análisis de especies indicadoras (AIE), seguido de la prueba MonteCarlo para 1 000 permutaciones. Los tres mesohabitats fueron separados de manera significativa por AD (WL=0.13, F=187.70, p=0.00), siendo las especies Phalloceros harpagos, Pimelodella lateristriga, Rhamdia quelen y Astyanax taeniatus indicativas del ambiente de remanso, mientras que Characidium cf. Vidali del ambiente rápido. Podemos concluir que este arroyo presenta tres mesohabitats bien definidos con la presencia de especies indicadoras en estos dos mesohabitats.

Animais , Ecossistema , Peixes/classificação , Rios , Árvores , Brasil , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Densidade Demográfica