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Brain Sci ; 14(3)2024 Mar 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38539650


Mate Marote is an open-access cognitive training software aimed at children between 4 and 8 years old. It consists of a set of computerized games specifically tailored to train and evaluate Executive Functions (EF), a class of processes critical for purposeful, goal-directed behavior, including working memory, planning, flexibility, and inhibitory control. Since 2008, several studies were performed with this software at children's own schools in interventions supervised in-person by cognitive scientists. After 2015, we incorporated naturalistic, yet controlled, interventions with children's own teachers' help. The platform includes a battery of standardized tests, disguised as games, to assess children's EF. The main question that emerges is whether the results, obtained with these traditional tasks but conducted without the presence of researchers, are comparable to those widely reported in the literature, that were obtained in more supervised settings. In this study, we were able to replicate the expected difficulty and age effects in at least one of the analyzed dependent variables of each employed test. We also report important discrepancies between the expected and the observed response time patterns, specifically for time-constrained tasks. We hereby discuss the benefits and setbacks of a new possible strategy for this type of assessment in naturalistic settings. We conclude that this battery of established EF tasks adapted for its remote usage is appropriate to measure the expected mental processes in naturalistic settings, enriching opportunities to upscale cognitive training interventions at schools. These types of tools can constitute a concerted strategy to bring together educational neuroscience research and real-life practice.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558167


El anclaje es el proceso que permite insertar lo nuevo en el entramado de esquemas preexistentes. Posibilita instrumentalizar el contenido en la comunicación. En formación de especialistas, anclamos contenidos con un diagnóstico situacional. El propósito de este ensayo fue, anclar contenidos de masticación y dinámica mandibular en profesionales, estudiantes del programa de especialización en Periodoncia, Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Chile. El programa posee la unidad de rehabilitación en periodonto reducido (un crédito, 5 sesiones). Esta se imparte con diagnóstico situacional y metodologías activas: aula reversa y discusión de grupo pequeño. Los contenidos masticación y dinámicamandibular se anclaron mediante estas metodologías con videos, para estimular la identificación de patrones; contenido anclado es identificado. Se incentivó la reflexión individual y colectiva y se compararon los estudiantes de las promociones 2020 (telemática) y 2022 (presencial). Los estudiantes fueron codificados del 1 al 14. Caracterización de la cohorte 2020: 4 hombres, 4 mujeres; 5.75 años de egreso promedio, 2 U. Desarrollo, 1 U. de Concepción, 2 U. de Talca, 2 U. de Chile y 1 U de los Andes. Caracterización cohorte 2022: 3 mujeres, 3 hombres; 6 años de egreso promedio, 5 U. de Chile y 1 U. de La Frontera. La cohorte 2020 identificó patrones en la segunda sesión, a excepción de los estudiantes 5 y 7 que lo hicieron en la quinta sesión. Durante la reflexión colectiva, predominaron liderazgos transformacionales. De la cohorte 2022, solo el estudiante 14 identificó patrones en la segunda sesión y todos sus compañeros lo hicieron en la quinta sesión. Durante la reflexión colectiva, predominaron liderazgos transaccionales. En educación de profesionales, iguales metodologías, aplicadas telemáticamente o de manera presencial para anclar nuevos contenidos, se vieron influenciadas por los estilos de liderazgos de los estudiantes, que favorecieron o retardaron la identificación de patrones.

Anchoring is the process that allows new information to be inserted into the framework of pre-existing schemes. Allows to instrumentalize the content in communication. In During the training of specialists, we anchor contents with a situational diagnosis. The purpose of this essay was to anchor contents of mastication and mandibular dynamics in professionals, students in the specialization program in Periodontics, of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Chile. The program has a rehabilitation unit in reduced periodontium (one credit, 5 sessions). This is taught with situational diagnosis and active methodologies: Reverse classroom and small group discussion. The chewing and mandibular dynamics contents were anchored through these methodologies with videos, to stimulate the identification of patterns; pinned content is identified. Individual and collective reflection was encouraged and students from the 2020 (telematic) and 2022 (in-person) classes were compared. Students were coded from 1 to 14. Characterization of the 2020 cohort: 4 men, 4 women; 5.75 years of average graduation, 2 from U. del Desarrollo, 1 U. de Concepción, 2 U. de Talca, 2 U. de Chile and 1 U. de Los Andes. Cohort characterization 2022: 3 women, 3 men; 6 years of average graduation, 5 U. de Chile and 1 U. de La Frontera. The 2020 cohort identified patterns in the second session, except for students 5 and 7 who did so in the fifth session. During the collective reflection, transformational leadership predominated. Of the 2022 cohort, only student 14, was able to identify patterns in the second session, while all of her classmates did so in the fifth session. During the collective reflection, transactional leadership predominated. In teaching professionals, the same methodologies, applied telematically or in person to anchor new content, were influenced by the leadership styles of the students, which favored or delayed the identification of the patterns.