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Bull Entomol Res ; 114(1): 30-40, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38112065


Understanding the blood-feeding patterns of mosquitoes is essential for evaluating their potential as disease vectors, especially in urban areas where mosquitoes coexist with humans, domestic animals and wildlife. This study aimed to bridge a substantial gap in regional knowledge by identifying the blood meal sources of field-collected mosquitoes in domestic and open green environments from two urbanisations of temperate Argentina, the Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA) and Tandil, using molecular techniques. Female mosquitoes were collected from November 2019 to March 2020 and April-May 2021. A bipartite network analysis was performed for each environment and urbanisation. A total of 103 blood meals from Aedes (2 species) and Culex (7 species) were identified. Among these, five mammal and 18 bird species were recognised as hosts. Aedes mosquitoes exclusively fed on mammals, while Culex mosquitoes exhibited a broader host range including both birds and mammals. In AMBA, the open green environments were composed by more mosquito species than the domestic environments, while both presented similar numbers of vertebrate species. In contrast, in open green environments from Tandil only blood-fed Aedes albifasciatus were collected. For open green environments of AMBA and domestic environments of Tandil, results suggested some degree of host selection. For the three main vectors of diseases in the region, Aedes aegypti, Ae. albifasciatus and Culex pipiens molestus, we present the first molecular evidence of human blood meals in South America. Epidemiological significance of the present findings is discussed.

Aedes , Culex , Culicidae , Feminino , Animais , Humanos , Urbanização , Argentina , Mosquitos Vetores , Mamíferos , Comportamento Alimentar
Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cuello (En línea) ; 51(4): 301-304, 2024/02/07. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531463


Introducción: Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis (KR) es una enterobacteria asociada con formación de granulomatosis crónica. Cuando este microorganismo afecta el tracto respiratorio se denomina escleroma, afectando principalmente la cavidad nasal; puede comprometer nasofaringe, laringe, tráquea y bronquios. Caso clínico: paciente femenina con antecedente de laringotraqueítis crónica con diagnóstico de estenosis traqueal y aislamiento en cultivos de Klebsiella pneumoniae ssp rhinoscleromatis multisensible, sin compromiso nasosinusal o extralaríngeo. Discusión: el escleroma puede afectar todo el tracto respiratorio y se deben tener presentes factores de riesgo asociados, como condiciones de hacinamiento, inmunosupresión y sexo femenino. El pilar del tratamiento es médico, basado en antibióticos; adicionalmente, se reserva manejo quirúrgico en la etapa esclerótica, donde hay ausencia del fenómeno inflamatorio. Conclusión: el escleroma es una patología rara con una evolución crónica y compromiso principalmente en cavidad nasal, que requiere alta sospecha diagnóstica para realizar manejo oportuno.

Introduction: Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis (KR) is an enterobacterium associated with the formation of chronic granulomatosis. When this microorganism affects the respiratory tract, it is called scleroma, the nasal cavity is the main one affected; additionally, it can involve nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi. Clinical case: female patient with a history of chronic laryngotracheitis, with diagnosis of tra-cheal stenosis and isolation in cultures of multisensitive Klebsiella pneumoniae ssp rhinoscleromatis, without nasosinusal or extralaryngeal involvement. Discussion: scleroma can affect the entire respiratory tract, so associated risk factors should be taken into account, mainly overcrowding, immunosuppression, and female sex, in whom it is more common. The mainstay of treatment is medical, based on antibio-tics; additionally, surgical management is reserved for sclerotic stage, when there is no inflammatory phenomenon. Conclusion: scleroma is a rare pathology, with a chronic evolution, with involvement mainly in the nasal cavity, which requires a high diagnostic suspicion for its timely management.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino
Case Rep Neurol ; 14(3): 441-455, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36636277


Rapidly progressive dementia (RPD) is a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by cognitive impairment and other neurological disorders developed in a short span of fewer than 2 years. Currently viewed as new and infrequent entities, most medical personnel have little understanding of it. Nevertheless, they significantly compromise many patients' quality of life. Here, we drive 3 clinical cases that evolve as RPD with different etiologies. Case 1: 70-year-old woman presented to the emergency with neuropsychiatric syndrome for 18 days. The researchers identified inflammatory cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), protein 14-3-3-positive T-tau protein, MRI: T2 and FLAIR hyperintensities in bilateral caudate nuclei with diffusion restriction, EEG shows a generalized periodic pattern with triphasic wave morphology. Case 2: 29-year-old man with cognitive impairment and faciobrachial dystonia seizure. The diagnosis was confirmed by achieving elevated antibodies against voltage-gated potassium channels. Case 3: A 49-year-old woman with encephalopathy and myoclonic seizures; EEG and MRI showed subtle changes. The patient also had a normal CSF but a positive CBA serologic NMDA-R antibody test. We described fundamental aspects of RPD to allow made differential diagnoses in patients with cognitive impairment and encephalopathy. Establishing an early and accurate diagnosis can benefit patients with RPD etiologies that are treatable and even reversible, decreasing in morbidity and mortality.

Int. j. morphol ; 31(1): 231-238, mar. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-676163


La parotidectomía es un procedimiento quirúrgico habitualmente realizado por Cirujanos Maxilofaciales y Cirujanos de Cabeza y Cuello, en el cual se remueve parcialmente o en su totalidad a la glándula parótida. Las indicaciones más comunes para éste procedimiento son las neoplasias de la glándula. Aproximadamente el 80% del total de los tumores de glándulas salivales ocurren en la parótida. De estos, el 75-80% son de naturaleza benigna. Sin embargo, la parotidectomía es un procedimiento sumamente complejo debido a la anatomía regional y por la íntima relación de la glándula parótida con el nervio facial. Siendo la clave de este procedimiento la preservación funcional de éste nervio y de sus ramos. Por lo tanto el conocimiento acabado de la anatomía de la glándula parótida y de sus estructuras anexas es necesario para el éxito quirúrgico. Esta revisión y reporte de caso discutirá las consideraciones anatómicas que deben tenerse durante la parotidectomía para disminuir la posibilidad de alguna complicación.

Parotidectomy is a surgical procedure usually performed by Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and Head and Neck Surgeons, in which the parotid gland may be removed partially or totally. The most common indications for this procedure are the neoplasms of the gland. Approximately 80% of total salivary gland tumors occur in the parotid gland. Of these, 75-80% are benign. However, the parotidectomy is a highly complex procedure because of the regional anatomy and the close relationship of the parotid gland with the facial nerve. The most important aspect of this procedure is the functional preservation of the facial nerve and its branches. Therefore, the thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the parotid gland and related structures is necessary for surgical success. This review and case report will discuss the anatomical considerations that must be taken during parotidectomy to reduce the possibility of complications.

Humanos , Masculino , Idoso , Glândula Parótida/anatomia & histologia , Glândula Parótida/cirurgia , Neoplasias Parotídeas/cirurgia , Adenolinfoma/cirurgia , Nervo Facial