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J Strength Cond Res ; 34(3): 808-817, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29985222


Aquino, R, Carling, C, Palucci Vieira, LH, Martins, G, Jabor, G, Machado, J, Santiago, P, Garganta, J, and Puggina, E. Influence of situational variables, team formation, and playing position on match running performance and social network analysis of brazilian professional soccer players. J Strength Cond Res 34(3): 808-817, 2020-The purpose of this study was to investigate the independent and interactive effects of situational variables, opposition team formation, and playing position on running performance and network analysis in Brazilian professional soccer players (n = 22). Global positioning system technology was used to determine total distance covered, mean speed, maximum running speed, and distance covered in 6 speed ranges. Social network analysis was used to assess interpersonal coordination (team interactions characterized as successful passes [n = 3,033] between teammates). Observations of match running performance (n = 129) and network analysis (n = 108) were obtained. The main results were: (a) no interactive effects between team formation and playing position were observed for running and network variables (unclear to possibly); (b) matches played at home or against "weaker" opponents presented greater running demands and individual/global metrics of network analysis (likely to almost certain); (c) match outcome demonstrated influence only for running performance; matches in which the reference team won resulted in higher values than in matches lost; (d) when the reference team competed in 1-4-4-2 formation, this resulted in greater running demands than 1-4-2-3-1 formation (likely to almost certain); (e) reduced values of running performance variables were reported in central defenders compared with other positions. Central/external midfielders reported greater closeness/betweenness centrality, outdegree, and eigenvector compared with central/external defenders and forwards (likely to almost certain). The results from this study provide practical information to potentially impact on physical, tactical, and technical training.

Desempenho Atlético/fisiologia , Corrida/fisiologia , Futebol/fisiologia , Adulto , Brasil , Comportamento Cooperativo , Sistemas de Informação Geográfica , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem
Front Psychol ; 10: 1554, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31338051


The present study aimed to investigate how team's tactical behavior varies within and between age categories in different Small-Sided and Conditioned Games' configurations and conditions. Twenty non-elite youth male soccer players (U15, n = 10, mean age = 13.5 ± 1.2 years; U17, n = 10, mean age = 16.3 ± 0.5 years) were selected. Thirty-six Small-Sided and Conditioned Games (SSCG) were played in both categories, namely three Representative SSCG (R-SSCG), three Maintaining Ball Possession Games (MBPG) and three Progression to Target Games (PTG) performed for each configuration (Gk+3vs3+Gk and Gk+4vs4+Gk). Teams' tactical behavior was analyzed based on simple and composite performance indicators, as well as through Lag Sequential Analysis. Rules manipulation and SSCG configurations influenced teams' tactical behavior on both categories, but in different ways. Teams composed by younger players presented greater difficulties in MBPG played in smaller games configuration, while Gk+4vs4+Gk configuration can be used to enhance teams' tactical performance of younger players in R-SSCG and MBPG conditions. Moreover, increasing rules manipulations appeared to negatively impact on teams' exploratory behavior. Therefore, practitioners should carefully manipulate key constraints to adapt task demands to players' age category and training session's goals in order to enhance tactical performance.

Motriz (Online) ; 25(2): e101922, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012701


Abstract Aim: To analyze success and failure of offensive sequences and the adopted offensive method in under-15 (U-15) and under-17 (U-17) soccer players. Methods: The sample was composed of 218 offensive sequences performed by U-15 and U-17 players selected from 28 matches, being 18 matches of an Italian team and 10 matches of a Brazilian team. All offensive sequences which ended in finalization were selected for the analysis. Using observational methodology, an adapted ad hoc observational instrument was built with the variables "number of players involved", "ball touches", "passing", "duration", and "corridor changes". Next, offensive actions were classified into three offensive game methods: counter-attack, quick attack, and positional attack. Results: Results revealed that teams which use positional attack expend more time constructing an offensive play, involve extra players, and change the ball corridor more often during offensive actions when compared to counter-attack and quick attack (p<0.01). Moreover, offensive efficacy did not present an association with the offensive method employed (X2=0.47; p=0.78). Sequences that finished in success presented significantly higher values of the number of touches (p=0.02), passes (p=0.003), and duration (p=0.01) in comparison to failure. Conclusion: The findings suggest that all offensive methods adopted can be used to reach success during a game of U-15 and U-17 soccer players.

Futebol , Eficácia , Desempenho Atlético , Atletas
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 40(3): 248-256, jul.-set. 2018. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-977491


Resumo O estudo objetivou comparar comportamentos táticos de jogadores de futsal das categorias sub-13, sub-15, sub-17 e sub-20. O teste usado foi o FUT-SAT, que avalia ações táticas de acordo com os princípios do jogo. A partir das diferenças significativas entre as categorias, verificou-se que nas maiores os jogadores efetuaram mais ações táticas relativas aos princípios "cobertura ofensiva", "espaço", "contenção", "cobertura defensiva", "concentração" e "unidade defensiva" e nas menores executaram mais ações de "penetração" e "mobilidade". Constata-se que os jogadores da categoria sub-20 erraram menos na "fase defensiva" e no "jogo" e obtiveram melhores índices de performance tática na "fase defensiva" comparados com os jogadores das categorias sub-15 e sub-17.

Abstract The paper aimed to compare tactical behaviors of Futsal players from U-13, U-15, U-17 and U-20 age levels. The FUT-SAT was used to evaluated tactical actions according to tactical principles of the game of soccer. It was verified that at higher age levels players performed more tactical actions related to the principles "offensive coverage", "width and length", "delay", "defensive coverage", "concentration" and "defensive unity" and at lower age levels they performed more actions of "penetration" and "mobility". It is concluded that U-20 players played better in the "defensive phase" and "in game" and obtained better tactical performance indexes in the "defensive phase" when compared to those from the U-15 and U-17 age levels.

El estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar comportamientos tácticos de jugadores de fútsal de las categorías sub-13, sub-15, sub-17 y sub-20. El test utilizado fue el FUT-SAT que evalúa acciones tácticas según los principios tácticos del juego. Se verificó que en los niveles de edades superiores los jugadores efectuaron más acciones tácticas relativas a los principios de "cobertura ofensiva", "espacio", "contención", "cobertura defensiva", "concentración, y "unidad defensiva" y en los niveles de edades inferiores ejecutaron más acciones de "penetración" y "movilidad". Se constata que los jugadores de la categoría sub-20 fallaron menos en la "fase defensiva" y en "juego", y obtuvieran mejores índices de rendimiento táctico en la "fase defensiva", comparados con los jugadores de las categorías sub-15 y sub-17.

Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 40(1): 54-61, Jan.-Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-958441


Resumo O presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar a influência do efeito da idade relativa no desempenho tático de jogadores de futebol da categoria sub-13. A amostra foi constituída por 56 jogadores de futebol da categoria sub-13. Os jogadores foram agrupados de acordo com seu trimestre de nascimento. Recorreu-se ao instrumento FUT-SAT para avaliar o desempenho tático dos participantes. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os trimestres de nascimento para os princípios táticos Contenção e Concentração, mas nenhuma dessas diferenças aponta para vantagens dos jogadores nascidos no primeiro trimestre. Conclui-se que o efeito da idade relativa não influenciou no desempenho tático de jogadores de futebol da categoria aub-13.

Abstract The present study aimed to verify the influence of the Relative Age Effect over the tactical performance of U-13 youth soccer players. The sample was comprised by 56 U-13 youth soccer players. The players were grouped in trimester (T1-Jan/Mar, T2-Apr/Jun, T3-Jul/Sep and T4-Oct/Dec). The instrument used to assess players' tactical performance was FUT-SAT. Significant differences were found between birth trimester for the tactical principles "Delay" and "Concentration". However, none of the results indicated better performance of the players who were born within the first trimester. It is concluded that the Relative Age Effect did not influence the tactical performance of U-13 youth soccer players.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue verificar la influencia del efecto de la edad relativa en el rendimiento táctico de jugadores de fútbol sub-13. La muestra estaba compuesta por 56 jugadores de fútbol sub-13. Los jugadores se agruparon por el trimestre en que nacieron (T1/enero-marzo, T2/abril-junio, T3/julio-septiembre y T4/octubre-diciembre). Se utilizó el instrumento FUT-SAT. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los trimestres de nacimiento en los principios tácticos de "contención" y "concentración". Sin embargo, ninguno de los resultados indicó un mejor rendimiento de los jugadores nacidos en el primer trimestre. Se concluyó que el efecto de la edad relativa no influyó en el rendimiento táctico de los jugadores de fútbol sub-13.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 23(4): 1407-1420, out.-dez. 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-981185


O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a produção científica referente aos aspectos tático-técnicos nos JEC publicada em periódicos brasileiros entre 2000 e 2015. Por meio da busca online em 14 revistas, foram selecionados 335 artigos. Os trabalhos foram classificados nas seguintes categorias temáticas: Análise do desempenho táticotécnico, Metodologias de ensino, Análise do desempenho energético-funcional, Formação de treinadores, Formação de atletas e Outros. A partir de 2009, verifica-se um aumento substancial no número de publicações. A maior frequência de publicações (60,9%) encontra-se entre as temáticas Análise do desempenho tático-técnico e Metodologias de ensino. Adicionalmente, das 16 modalidades esportivas exibidas nos artigos, o futebol e o futsal contemplam 50,7% das publicações. Conclui-se que a produção científica acerca dos aspectos tático-técnicos nos JEC ainda é pouco abrangente e plural, portanto, mais estudos são necessários, sobretudo na Formação de Treinadores e Atletas, assim como em modalidades esportivas coletivas para pessoas com deficiência

This study examined scientific production on tactical-technical aspects of team sports, published in Brazilian journals between 2000 and 2015. After an online search in 14 journals, 335 articles were selected and classified under the following thematic categories: Tactical-technical performance analysis; Teaching methodologies; Energy-functional performance analysis; Coach training; Athletes' training; and others. The number of publications has seen substantial increase since 2009. The higher frequencies of publications (60.9%) are distributed among themes related to Tactical-technical performance analysis and Teaching methodologies. Additionally, of 16 sports presented in the articles, Football and Futsal accounted for 50.7% of publications. We found that scientific production related to tactical-technical aspects in team sports is still not comprehensive and plural. Therefore, more studies are needed, especially on Coach and Athletes' Training, as well as team sports for people with disabilities

El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la producción científica sobre los aspectos técnicos y tácticos en los Juegos de Deportes Colectivos (JDC) en revistas brasileñas entre 2000 y 2015. A través de la búsqueda online en 14 revistas, fueron seleccionados 335 artículos. Los estudios fueron clasificados: Análisis del rendimiento técnico-táctico, Metodologías de enseñanza, Análisis de rendimiento funcional de energía, formación de entrenadores, Formación de atletas y otros. Desde 2009, ha habido un aumento sustancial en el número de publicaciones. La mayor frecuencia de publicaciones (60.9%) se encuentra entre las temáticas: Análisis de rendimiento técnico-táctico y las Metodologías de enseñanza. Fútbol y Futbol de sala incluyen el 50.7% de las publicaciones. Se concluye que la producción científica sobre los aspectos tácticos y técnicos es incompleta, se necesitan, más estudios, especialmente en la formación de los entrenadores y atletas, así como en los deportes colectivos para las personas con discapacidad física

Humanos , Esportes , Atividades Científicas e Tecnológicas , Jogos Recreativos
Motriz (Online) ; 23(3): e101794, 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-895002


Aim: The main aim of this study was to identify the effects of match location, quality of opponents and match status on possession during the 2015/16 Season of England Premier League. Methods: Three hundred and eighty matches played by 20 teams were analysed. For each match, two values were recorded, resulting in 760 observations. Results Teams who played at home (51.77 ± 10.22%) presented higher possession values (EF=moderate) than those who played away (48.21 ± 10.30%). Quality of opponents also had a significant difference, as possession was higher (EF=large) when teams played against weak (52.30 ± 9.77%) than strong opponents (46.48 ± 10.38%). The multivariate analysis revealed no interaction between situational variables and possession (p = 0.76). Despite the teams classified as "best-ranking" (1st to 8th position: 50.60 ± 10.35%) presented greater possession (EF=moderate) than "worst-ranking" (9st to 20th position: 47.59 ± 9.74%), no significant differences were found in the comparisons of match status (winner [50.34 ± 10.48%] x drawer [49.95 ± 10.25%] x loser [49.68 ± 10.48%]). Conclusion: General interpretations should be viewed with caution, since this possession can represent an indicator of success for a team but not for others.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Futebol , Inglaterra
Motriz (Online) ; 23(3): e101753, 2017. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-895007


AIMS: The aim of this study was to verify how European countries manage the type of game variants and their frequency during different age groups of youth competition. METHODS: Data were collected from the official rules of youth football championships. To identify countries homogenous groups according to their game variants, Two Step Cluster Analysis procedure was used while a nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the game variants distribution in each Cluster. In order to correlate the game variants with age groups, a Chi-Square independence test and a Spearman ordinal correlation coefficient were used. The results showed there were five clusters with significant differences in their game variants distribution (X2 kw (4) = 22.149; p<0.001; n = 30) and a significant correlation between age group and game variant (χ2(63) = 477.724; p<0.001; n = 30). Specifically, the most used game variants in each age group were the five-a-side (F5) in Under-8; the nine-a-side (F9) in Under-12; the seven-a-side (F7) in Under-9 and Under10; and the eleven-a-side (F11) in and above Under-13. CONCLUSION: These results may contribute to understand the different country perspectives about the competitive game variants of youth football within the European space and its relation with diverse learning philosophies and pathways.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Futebol/normas , Esportes/normas , Europa (Continente)
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 37(3): 230-236, jul.-set. 2015. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-761985


ResumoO presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar diferentes padrões de jogo ofensivo evidenciados pelas seis seleções de futebol participantes das finais da Copa do Mundo de 2006 e da Eurocopa de 2004 e 2008. A partir da Análise Sequencial pela Técnica de Retardos foram avaliadas 647 sequências ofensivas de jogo. Foi usada a metodologia observacional no sentido de perceber as ações feitas. Recorreu-se ao software SDIS &GSEQ para a análise dos dados a partir da técnica de retardos. Para a análise estatística inferencial foi usado o teste qui-quadrado (χ2). Os resultados levam a admitir que o jogo de futebol respeita o princípio da equifinalidade, ou seja, é possível alcançar-se o topo na classificação recorrendo-se a padrões táticos claramente diferenciados.

AbstractThe present study aimed to evaluate the offensive behaviors performed by the six national soccer teams participating of the finals on 2006 World Cup and 2004 and 2008 Euro Cup, using the sequential analysis by the Lag Method, in order to verify the different offensive game patterns. There were evaluated 647 offensive game sequences. It was used the Observational Methodology that allows us to understand the realized actions. The instrument used was the software SIDS & GSEQ. The data analysis was performed by the Lag Method, which allows us to establish the model sequences used by the teams. For the statistical analysis it was used the Chi-squared (χ2) test. The results showed that the six teams analyzed presented distinct offensive game sequences.

ResumenEl objetivo de este estudio fue identificar diferentes patrones de juego ofensivo, analizados en las seis selecciones de fútbol participantes de las finales del Mundial de 2006 y de La Eurocopa de 2004 y 2008. A partir del análisis secuencial, por medio de la Técnica de Retardos (TR) fueron evaluadas 647 secuencias ofensivas de juego. Fue utilizada la Metodología Observacional para percibir las acciones realizadas. El programa SDIS & GSEQ fue utilizado para el análisis de los datos y conforme la TR. Para el análisis de los datos fue utilizada la prueba de Ji-cuadrado (c2). Los resultados permiten concluir que en el fútbol se respeta el principio de equifinalidad, es decir, es posible alcanzar los primeros lugares de la clasificación utilizando patrones tácticos diferenciados.

Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 17(2): 125-135, Mar.-Apr. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-766335


Abstract The functional asymmetry of the lower limbs has been considered an important factor in the performance of soccer players. In this sense, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of specific technical training for non-preferred foot on its utilization rate during the game; and to investigate if interruption of a technical training programme for the non-preferred foot influences its utilization rate during the game. Fifty young soccer players were randomly divided into two groups: G1 (n=26, 9.50±1.04 years) and G2 (n=24, 9.58±1.02 years). At the beginning of the first 4 months, each player's use of both feet during the game was assessed. The study lasted eight months divided into two periods of four months. In the first training period G1 was subjected to a technical training programme directed to the non-preferred foot, while G2 had no constraints on the use of both feet. At the end of the 4th month the two groups were newly assessed. During the second training period G1 and G2 reversed the training programmes. After the 8 months of training the evaluation of the utilization rate of both feet during small-side games was again performed. The main conclusions of the study were: (i) the technical training of the non-preferred foot allowed significant increases in its utilization rate during small-sided games; (ii) the interruption of such training partially reversed this effect. Thus, technical training for the non-preferred foot should be systematically performed in order to maintain the positive effects induced over functional asymmetry.

Resumo A assimetria funcional dos membros inferiores é considerada um fator relevante para o desempenho dos futebolistas. O presente estudo teve como propósitos: verificar se um programa de treinamento técnico para o pé não-preferido promovia o aumento do seu índice de utilização durante o jogo; e indagar se a interrupção do programa de treinamento técnico seria acompanhada pela inversão desse efeito. Cinquenta jovens futebolistas foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: G1 (n=26; 9,50±1,04 anos) e G2 (n=24; 9,58±1,02 anos). Antes do início do programa de treinamento avaliou-se em jogos reduzidos o índice de utilização de ambos os pés de cada jogador. O programa de treinamento teve a duração de 8 meses, divididos em dois períodos de 4 meses. Durante o primeiro período submeteu-se o G1 a um protocolo de treinamento do pé não preferido, enquanto que o G2 serviu de grupo controlo. Durante o segundo período de 4 meses o G1 interrompeu o treinamento técnico enquanto o G2 passou a realizar treinamento técnico. Terminados os 8 meses do programa de treinamento os dois grupos foram sujeitos a nova avaliação do índice de utilização dos membros inferiores. Concluiu-se que (i) o treinamento técnico direcionado para o pé não preferido permitiu aumentar significativamente o respetivo índice de utilização durante jogos reduzidos e que (ii) a interrupção do treinamento revertia de forma parcial este efeito. Deste modo, o treinamento técnico do pé não preferido de jovens futebolistas deverá ser sistemático de forma a que os efeitos positivos sobre a assimetria funcional possam ser mantidos.