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Plant Dis ; 2023 Nov 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38035786


Banana (Musa spp.) is the most economically important crop in Ecuador, with exports representing 35% of the agricultural GDP of the country. It covers 230,000 hectares, mostly concentrated in three coastal provinces, Guayas, Los Ríos, and El Oro. Between July and September 2022, disease symptomatic banana cv. Williams plants were observed in commercial plantations located in two parishes in the province of Guayas (Naranjito and Lorenzo de Garaicoa) and one parish in the province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas (La Concordia), with an incidence that ranged from 5% to 15%. Symptoms included soft rot of the pseudostem and rhizome decay, characterized by a fetid odor. Three symptomatic pseudostems from each location were collected, washed with running water to remove any debris, and dried with absorbent paper. From the lesion of each pseudostem, seven pieces of 2 cm² were taken, surface-sterilized, and macerated in 9 ml of sterile peptone water (0.1% w/v). The macerate was diluted three fold in sterile water, plated on nutrient agar, and incubated at 30°C for 24 h. Eight randomly picked colonies, with convex elevation and creamy white color, were isolated on nutrient agar. Each of the bacterial isolates was biochemically profiled by the Biolog system (Biolog Inc., USA) and identified as Pectobacterium. Three isolates, one from each parish (FP220416, FP220694, and FP220904), were selected for testing Koch's postulates and further identification. Sequences from fragments of the 16S, dnaA, gapA and gyrB genes were obtained from these isolates, following the protocols used by Dobhal et al. (2020) and Boluk et al. (2020), showing 98.1-99.0%, 98.2%, 99.7-99.8%, and 98.4-98.9% identitity, respectively, with sequences from the P. brasiliense type strain LMG_21371 (Acc. number JQOE00000000). The obtained sequences were deposited in GenBank with the following accession numbers: OR392417, OR371545,OR371546, OR727281, OR727282, and OR739074-OR739080. Using BEAST v.1.10.4 (Suchard et al.,2018), a bayesian multilocus phylogenetic tree was built with multiple sequence alignments of dnaA, gapA, ang gyrB from 22 P. brasiliense isolates and 2 P. aquaticum isolates used as outgroup. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the Ecuadorian isolates cluster with P. brasiliense BF20, isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica in México and are closely related with the type strain. Pathogenicity tests were conducted through syringe infiltration with 1 ml of 1 × 10^8 CFU ml-1 bacterial suspensions. Each of the three characterized isolates were inoculated into the pseudostems of five healthy 4-month-old banana plants of the Williams cultivar. Negative control plants were infiltrated with sterile distilled water. The plants were incubated at 25°C and 74% relative humidity. Black lesions started to appear 11 days after inoculation and 5 weeks after inoculation plants showed clear symptoms of soft rot of the pseudostem, including fetid odor associated with plant tissue decomposition. Control plants remained symptom-free. Bacteria were re-isolated only from symptomatic pseudostems and identified as P. brasiliense with specific primers Pb1F and Pb1R. Soft rot of banana caused by different enterobacteria including Dickeya zeae, Erwinia carotovora, and Erwinia chrysanthemi hasve been previously reported (Jingxin et al. 2022, Arun et al. 2012, Loganathan, et al. 2019). This is the first report of P. brasiliense causing soft rot of banana in Ecuador, the biggest exporter of the fruit in the world.

ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 47(4): 59-68, dic. 26, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451669


Introducción: el uso de técnicas de imagenología es habitual e incluso indispensable en algunos procesos diagnósticos. Sin embargo, su indicación en mujeres embarazadas y en período de lactancia es controvertida. Objetivo: presentar una revisión narrativa sobre los riesgos asociados al uso de imágenes con radiación y medio de contraste en embarazo y periodo de lactancia, con énfasis en las recomendaciones y aplicaciones clínicas que el médico tratante debe tener presente al momento de su indicación. Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura relevante sobre los riesgos y consideraciones especiales del uso de medios de contraste en el embarazo y lactancia. Resultados: los riesgos de la radiación ionizante sobre el feto varían de acuerdo al estadio del embarazo, por lo que la indicación del estudio debe ponderar los riesgos y beneficios. En las dosis clínicas en embarazo y lactancia, el uso de contraste yodado como basados en gadolinio no tienen efectos deletéreos en la salud de la madre ni la del feto. Sin embargo, las sociedades internacionales recomiendan limitar su uso. Conclusión: si bien la indicación de estudios de imagen que utilizan radiación ionizante en el embarazo y lactancia es seguro, el médico clínico debe conocer los posibles riesgos de la radiación ionizante en este grupo de pacientes. Respecto a los medios de contraste, el único efecto adverso reportado es la disfunción tiroidea transitoria en hijos de madres que recibieron medios de contraste yodado.

Introduction: the use of imaging techniques is essential in some diagnostic processes. However, its indication in pregnant and lac-tating women is controversial. Objective: To present a narrative review of the risks associated with using images with radiation and contrast media in pregnancy and lactation. Emphasis will be put on the recommendations and clinical applications that the physician must consider before its indication. Methods: a bibliographic review of the relevant literature on the risks and special considerations of contrast media in pregnancy and lactation was performed. Results: the risks of ionising radiation on the fetus vary according to the stage of pregnancy, so the indication of the study must balance the risks and benefits. The use of iodinated and gadolinium-based con-trast agents in clinical doses in pregnancy and lactation has no effects on the health of the mother or the fetus. However, international societies recommend limiting its use. Conclusion: Although the indication for imaging studies using ionising radiation in pregnancy and lactation is safe, the clinician must be aware of the possible risks of ionising radiation in this group of patients. The only adverse effect reported is transient thyroid dysfunction in children of mothers who received iodinated contrast media.

Radiação , Aleitamento Materno , Gravidez , Meios de Contraste , Radiação Ionizante , Diagnóstico , Feto
Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 29(3): 769-788, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36074362


In 1895, Nicolás Sáenz proposed to the Chilean government to purchase a collection of "Inca" objects brought from Lima. This acquisition was approved in 1897. Despite the difficulties caused by the War of the Pacific, the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Chile) continued to acquire Peruvian antiquities, following a tradition of comparative studies of material culture. Within the framework of social evolutionism, these antiquities were a measure of civilization, a reference from which to evaluate the material culture of the pre-Hispanic peoples of Chile. This article analyzes the acquisition of the Sáenz collection as the culmination of a process of transition towards an archeology that focused on the new post-war territorial acquisitions in the Pacific.

En 1895, Nicolás Sáenz propuso al gobierno chileno la venta de una colección de objetos "incaicos" traídos desde Lima; adquisición aprobada en 1897. Pese a las dificultades ocasionadas por la Guerra del Pacífico, el Museo Nacional (Chile) continuó adquiriendo antigüedades peruanas, siguiendo una tradición de estudios comparados de cultura material. Dentro del marco del evolucionismo social, estas antigüedades servían como medida de civilización, con la cual contrastar la cultura material de los pueblos prehispánicos de Chile. Este artículo analiza la adquisición de la colección Sáenz, como un punto cúlmine de un proceso de tránsito hacia a una arqueología enfocada en las nuevas adquisiciones territoriales post guerra del Pacífico.

Arqueologia , Governo , Chile , Hispânico ou Latino , Humanos , Peru
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 29(3): 769-788, jul.-set. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405023


Resumen En 1895, Nicolás Sáenz propuso al gobierno chileno la venta de una colección de objetos "incaicos" traídos desde Lima; adquisición aprobada en 1897. Pese a las dificultades ocasionadas por la Guerra del Pacífico, el Museo Nacional (Chile) continuó adquiriendo antigüedades peruanas, siguiendo una tradición de estudios comparados de cultura material. Dentro del marco del evolucionismo social, estas antigüedades servían como medida de civilización, con la cual contrastar la cultura material de los pueblos prehispánicos de Chile. Este artículo analiza la adquisición de la colección Sáenz, como un punto cúlmine de un proceso de tránsito hacia a una arqueología enfocada en las nuevas adquisiciones territoriales post guerra del Pacífico.

Abstract In 1895, Nicolás Sáenz proposed to the Chilean government to purchase a collection of "Inca" objects brought from Lima. This acquisition was approved in 1897. Despite the difficulties caused by the War of the Pacific, the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Chile) continued to acquire Peruvian antiquities, following a tradition of comparative studies of material culture. Within the framework of social evolutionism, these antiquities were a measure of civilization, a reference from which to evaluate the material culture of the pre-Hispanic peoples of Chile. This article analyzes the acquisition of the Sáenz collection as the culmination of a process of transition towards an archeology that focused on the new post-war territorial acquisitions in the Pacific.

Arqueologia , Coleção , Antropologia Cultural , Museus , Chile , História do Século XIX
Rev. med. Chile ; 150(6): 821-827, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424124


The accelerated scientific, technological, and social advances in recent years have posed new challenges for professional training institutions, where universities play a leading role. Medical schools have not been oblivious to this process. This is how Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile implemented in 2015 a curricular reform derived from the joint work of academics, students and graduates. For this purpose, a model consisting of stages was followed, including the identification of the problem, general assessment of needs, definition of purpose and learning objectives. We worked with surveys, focus groups and committees of academics and students to identify and map content within the mesh, review terminal learning objectives while creating and reviewing courses for the vertically and horizontally integrated delivery of content and competencies. The first cohort of the new curriculum entered in 2015, consisting of 126 students. The implementation required constant follow-up and monitoring, establishing changes and adjustments according to educational needs and unforeseen conditions such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The implementation process of the new curriculum has been positive, adjusting to the defined strategic planning and responding to unexpected events.

Humanos , Estudantes de Medicina , Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Faculdades de Medicina , Currículo , Pandemias
Rev Med Chil ; 150(6): 821-827, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37906916


The accelerated scientific, technological, and social advances in recent years have posed new challenges for professional training institutions, where universities play a leading role. Medical schools have not been oblivious to this process. This is how Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile implemented in 2015 a curricular reform derived from the joint work of academics, students and graduates. For this purpose, a model consisting of stages was followed, including the identification of the problem, general assessment of needs, definition of purpose and learning objectives. We worked with surveys, focus groups and committees of academics and students to identify and map content within the mesh, review terminal learning objectives while creating and reviewing courses for the vertically and horizontally integrated delivery of content and competencies. The first cohort of the new curriculum entered in 2015, consisting of 126 students. The implementation required constant follow-up and monitoring, establishing changes and adjustments according to educational needs and unforeseen conditions such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The implementation process of the new curriculum has been positive, adjusting to the defined strategic planning and responding to unexpected events.

Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Estudantes de Medicina , Humanos , Faculdades de Medicina , Pandemias , Currículo
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 46(4): 60-65, dic. 07, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368185


Las ciencias morfológicas incluyen el estudio de tres disciplinas que analizan el cuerpo humano: la anatomía macroscópica, la histología y la embriología, las cuales forman parte central del ciclo básico en todas las carreras de la salud. El aprendizaje morfológico ocurre en el laboratorio y se basa en el estudio de disecciones cadavéricas, preparaciones histológicas o muestras del desarrollo embrionario, con el propósito de lograr una adecuada compresión de las características morfoestructurales del cuerpo humano. Sin embargo, la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 significó un cambio profundo en la forma de enseñar, incorporando métodos de enseñanza-aprendizaje utilizados du-rante la pandemia que incluyen estrategias como los microscopios virtuales, atlas interactivos o videos de disecciones, lo que ha llevado a algunos a cuestionar la necesidad de utilizar los laboratorios de morfología. La educación virtual ha aparecido como una alternativa factible de mantener post-pandemia, sin embargo, el paso por el laboratorio es irreemplazable en la formación de profesionales de la salud, permitiendo el desarrollo de otras competencias más allá de la aplicación del conocimiento. La morfología seguirá siendo la piedra angular en la formación de profesionales de la salud. El desafío es como a través de la innovación y la creatividad incorporamos las nuevas tecnologías digitales, agregando un nuevo valor al estudio de esta disciplina.

Morphological sciences include the study of three disciplines that analyze the human body: macroscopic anatomy, histology, and embr-yology, which are a central part of the basic cycle in all health careers. Morphological learning occurs in the laboratory, it is based on the study of cadaveric dissections, histological preparations, or samples of embryonic development to achieve an adequate compression of the morphological structure of the human body. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic meant a profound change in the way of teaching. These, teaching-learning methods that have been implemented during the pandemic include virtual microscopes, interactive atlases, or videos of dissections, which has led some teachers to question the usefulness of morphology laboratories. Virtual education has appeared as a feasible alternative to maintaining in post-pandemic; however, going through the laboratory is irreplaceable in the training of health professionals, allowing the development of other skills beyond the application of knowledge. The morphology will continue to be the cornerstone in the education of health professionals. The challenge is how through innovation and creativity, we incorporate new digital technologies, adding a new value to the study of this discipline

Embriologia , Educação de Graduação em Medicina , COVID-19 , Histologia , Anatomia , Ensino , Educação Médica , Desenvolvimento Humano
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(3): 280-286, jun. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388837


Resumen Objetivo: Presentar la elaboración de un simulador de trauma torácico de alta fidelidad elaborado mediante modelamiento e impresión 3D a partir de un torso humano cadavérico. Materiales y Método: Estudio descriptivo del desarrollo de un simulador de trauma torácico utilizando metodología centrada en el prototipado y la iteración basada en testeos. Resultados: Se elaboró un simulador reutilizable mediante la digitalización de un torso cadavérico utilizando tomografía computada. Se realizó una reconstrucción digital del torso diseñando los planos subcutáneos, muscular y óseo en base a las imágenes del paciente pre y postoracotomía anterolateral. Utilizando impresión 3D y materiales sintéticos, se elaboró la caja torácica para luego instalar un corazón y pulmón porcino ventilado y perfundido. Los parches de la toracotomía son reemplazables y de bajo costo. En conjunto, este simulador permite el entrenamiento en manejo de lesiones traumáticas cardiacas y pulmonares de alta fidelidad. Conclusión: La metodología presentada permite la creación de un modelo para el entrenamiento y evaluación de habilidades quirúrgicas en trauma torácico. Los elementos principales del simulador son reutilizables y permiten mantener bajos los costos del entrenamiento.

Aim: To describe the design and creation of a high-fidelity thoracic trauma surgery simulation model incorporating 3D printing technology using a cadaveric human torso as a model. Materials and Method: This is a descriptive study that aims to illustrate the creation process of a thoracic trauma surgery simulation model throughout the incorporation of prototypes and dynamic iteration technologies. Results: A high-fidelity reusable thoracic trauma surgery simulation model was created from the digitalization of a cadaveric torso using a computed tomography scan. Throughout digital reconstruction tools, the subcutaneous, muscular, and skeletal structures were modeled from images obtained before and after an anterolateral thoracotomy. Using 3D printing and synthetic materials, a high-fidelity thoracic cavity was built so that perfused and ventilated porcine heart and lungs could be placed. A thoracotomy patch for the anterolateral thoracotomy was designed in a reusable and low-cost fashion. This simulation model is suitable for high fidelity training in the surgical management of cardiopulmonary traumatic injuries. Conclusion: The described methodology allowed the creation of a simulation model for training and assessment of surgical skills in thoracic trauma. The main components of the simulation model are made from reusable materials, broadening access to low-cost, high fidelity training.

Humanos , Traumatismos Torácicos , Impressão Tridimensional , Treinamento por Simulação/métodos , Educação Médica/métodos , Cirurgiões/educação , Treinamento por Simulação/tendências
PLoS One ; 15(8): e0237532, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32776982


Resettlement, as a major imperial policy in the Inca empire, appears to have been a widespread mechanism for labor mobilization and the dismantling of rebellions. While multiple ethnohistorical references exist regarding resettlement in the central Andes, the extent of this policy in the imperial provinces is still unknown, especially in cases of economic intensification that might have required more labor force. The δ18O isotope is a good proxy for human mobility when comparing the childhood isotopic signature in the teeth enamel and the local water signature at the place of death. If applied to the study of an archaeological sequence, we can observe the expansion or reduction of a population's displacement within a territory, if they received foreigners, and in general, how their social interaction and networks changed over time. In a marginal provincial setting of the Inca empire, such as Copiapó valley in Chile, the study of δ18O isotope can enable us to observe if the alleged economic intensification in metallurgical production implied the massive arrival of foreign populations. Significantly, the Late Horizon does not evidence a great change in terms of mobility, compared to previous periods in Copiapó valley. Thus, the isotopic evidence can more clearly illuminate the social and political dynamics of an imperial provincial setting, where economic activities demanded by the Inca state were mainly carried out by the local labor force.

Arqueologia/métodos , Esmalte Dentário/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Esmalte Dentário/metabolismo , Isótopos de Oxigênio/análise , Refugiados/estatística & dados numéricos , Migrantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Humanos , Lactente , Peru , Dinâmica Populacional
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 45(1): 57-66, mar. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146578


Introducción: los medios de contraste en radiología se utilizan para mejorar la visibilidad de los tejidos normales y patológicos, lo que permite distinguirlos entre sí mediante la modificación de las características de imagen de los tejidos. Permite no solo una mejor evaluación morfológica de las lesiones, sino también una evaluación cinética funcional y de contraste. Objetivos: presentar una revisión actualizada sobre los medios de contraste intravascular en radiología, con énfasis en los conceptos que el médico clínico no radiólogo debe tener presente al momento de su indicación. Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de literatura radiológica relevante sobre medios de contraste intravascular: clasificación, indicaciones, contraindicaciones y precauciones que debe adoptar el médico clínico. Resultados: aunque los medios de contraste en radiología tienen un excelente perfil de seguridad, su uso no está exento de riesgos y debe basarse en criterios apropiados después de una evaluación clínica exhaustiva, ponderando riesgos y beneficios para cada paciente individual. Conclusión: la comunicación entre médicos tratantes, nefrólogos y radiólogos es funda-mental para evaluar casos clínicos complejos o que requieran consideraciones especiales al momento de indicar la administración de un medio de contraste intravascular.

Introduction: Imaging contrast media are used to enhance the visibility of normal and pathologic tissues, allowing distinction of one another by modifying tissue imaging characteristics. This allows both enhanced morphologic assessment of lesions and also contrast kinetics evaluation. Objectives: To present an updated review on intravascular imaging contrast media. Emphasis will be put on useful concepts that general physicians must take into account when indicating contrast-enhanced imaging studies.Methodology: A bibliographic review of relevant imaging literature on intravascular contrast media was performed: classification, appropriate indications, contraindications, and tips for proper use by the general physician. Results: Although imaging contrast media have an excellent safety profile, its use is not risk-free and must be based on appropriateness criteria applied after a thorough clinical evaluation, balancing the risks and benefits for each patient. In particular, intravascular contrast media, such as those based on iodine for computed tomography and gadolinium chelates for magnetic resonance imaging, must be used with caution. Conclusion: Effective communication between radiologists and referring physicians is key in the evaluation of complex cases that require protocol adjustments when considering the use of intravascular contrast media for imaging studies.

Humanos , Radiologia , Meios de Contraste , Dermopatia Fibrosante Nefrogênica , Nefrologia , Comunicação Interdisciplinar , Gadolínio , Literatura