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Infectio ; 24(4): 217-223, oct.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1114872


Resumen Candida spp. es un agente etiológico importante en infecciones del tracto urinario, principalmente en población con terapia antimicótica de amplio espectro y con catéteres urinarios. Candida albicans es la especie más frecuente, pero otras especies han surgido como patógenos emergentes. En este trabajo se recolectaron aislamientos de Candida spp. de urocultivos de pacientes que consultaron en Dinamica IPS entre enero 2016 y noviembre 2017. Para estimar la frecuencia de las especies y observar los patrones de sensibilidad, se realizó la identificación fenotípica y su perfil de sensibilidad con el sistema comercial Vitek 2® (BioMérieux, Inc.), adicionalmente se evaluaron mediante análisis de las secuencia y filogenética ITS1-5.8S-ITS2. En el estudio se incluyeron 78 aislamientos de Candida spp. Las frecuencias de especies de Candida identificadas empleando las herramientas moleculares fueron: C. albicans (38,5%), C. tropicalis (23,1%), C. glabrata (21,8%), C. parapsilosis (10,3%), C. metapsilosis y C. krusei (2,5%) y C. guillermondi (1,3%). La identificación por métodos moleculares y por el sistema Vitek 2 fue: C. albicans (93,3%), C. glabrata (94,1%), C. tropicalis (83,3%), C. parapsilosis (75%) C. guilliermondii y C. krusei (100%). La sensibilidad de todos los aislamientos al fluconazol fue 93,6%.

Abstract Candida spp is an important etiologic agent in urinary tract infections, mainly in patients in broad-spectrum antifungal therapy, with urinary catheters. Candida albicans is the most frequent specie; but other species have arised as emerging pathogens. In this study, isolates of Candida spp. of urine cultures from patients who consulted in Dinamica IPS between January 2016 and November 2017 were evaluated. To estimate the frequency of the species and to observe the sensitivity patterns, the phenotypic identification and its sensitivity profile was performed employed the Vitek 2® commercial system. (BioMérieux, Inc) In addition the isolates were evaluated by sequence analysis and phylogenetics ITS1-5.8S-ITS2. This study included 78 isolates of Candida spp. The frequencies of Candida species identified using the molecular tools were: C. albicans (38.5%), C. tropicalis (23.1%), C. glabrata (21.8%), C. parapsilosis (10.3%), C. guillermondi (1.3%) and C. metapsilosis and C. krusei (2.5%). The identification by molecular methods and by Vitek 2 system were: C. albicans (93.3%), for C. glabrata (94.1%), C. tropicalis (83.3%), C. parapsilosis (75%) and 100% for C. guilliermondii and C. krusei.. fluconazole sensitivity of all isolates was 93.6%

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Candida , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Urológico , Candida parapsilosis , Laboratórios , Sistema Urinário , Infecções Urinárias , Candida albicans , Fluconazol , Análise de Sequência , Cateteres Urinários , Infecções
Infectio ; 22(1): 26-29, ene.-mar. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-892747


Objetivo: Evaluar una técnica de PCR en tiempo real para determinar colonización por Streptococcus agalactiae en mujeres gestantes de Medellín. Materiales Y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo prospectivo, en 150 mujeres gestantes, seleccionadas de forma aleatoria, en una IPS en el periodo comprendido entre Enero-Julio 2016. Criterio de inclusión: Ser gestante entre la semana 35-37, declaración voluntaria de participación en el estudio y de exclusión el uso de antibióticos. A las pacientes, se les tomó muestra con hisopo de lintroito vaginal y de la región anal. Las muestras se procesaron para qPCR, cultivo en caldo selectivo con posterior siembra en agar sangre de carnero y medio cromogénico para S. agalactiae STRB (ChromIDTMStrepto,BioMérieuxSA.). Resultados: La prevalencia de colonización por S. agalactiae en las gestantes fue de 20,9% y 22,3% en agar sangre y agar cromogénico STRB respectivamente, mientras que mediante PCR en tiempo real la prevalencia fue de 36%. Al comparar la qPCR con la prueba de oro se encontró: sensibilidad 79,31% (ICdel95%:0,61-0,90), especificidad 75,45% (IC del 95%: 0,66-0,82), valor predictivo positivo 46% (IC del 95%:0,32-0,59) y negativo 93,2% (IC del 95%: 0,86-0,96). Discusión: Elempleo de la qPCR permitió aumentar la sensibilidad y la oportunidad diagnostica (Eltiempo requerido empleando elcultivo fue de 24-48 Horas y por qPCR 6 horas) ,impactando la reducción de riesgos de transmisión neonata lde S.agalactiae, lo cualpodría representar una Disminución en días de estancia y costos hospitalarios por una infección prevenible.

Materials and Methods: A prospective and descriptive study was conducted in 150 pregnant women, randomly selected, at an IPS between January and July 2016. Inclusion criteria: gestation period week 35-37, voluntary declaration of participation in the study. Exclusion criteria: the use of antibiotics. Samples were taken from the vaginal introitus and the anal region using a hyssop and processed for qPCR as well as the gold standard test [selective broth culture with subsequent culture in blood agar and chromogenic medium for S. agalactiae STRB (ChromIDTMStrepto, BioMérieux SA)]. Results: The prevalence of colonization by S. agalactiae in pregnant women was 20.9% and 22.3% in blood agar and chromogenic agar STRB respectively, where as using qPCR the prevalence was 36.0%. The time required using the culture was 24-48h compared to 6h for qPCR. Our data comparing qPCR with the gold standard test showed: sensitivity 79.31% (95% CI: 0.61-0.90), specificity 75.45% (95% CI: 0.66-0.82), positive predictive value 46.0% (95% CI: 0.32-0.59) and negative 93.2%(95% CI: 0.86-0.96). Discussion: The use of the qPCR increased the sensitivity and the diagnostic opportunity (4x to 8x faster using qPCR), which can lead to a decrease in the risk of neonatal transmission of S. agalactiae and result in a reduction in the length of hospital stay and costs induced by a preventable infection.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Streptococcus agalactiae , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Pneumonia , Colômbia , Sepse , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico , Infecções , Meningite
Acta méd. colomb ; 42(2): 121-128, abr.-jun. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-886351


Resumen Introducción: Helicobacter pylori (Hp) es uno de los agentes infecciosos etiológico de la gastritis crónica, el linfoma de MALT, el adenocarcinoma gástrico y del cáncer gástrico y puede ser transmitido a través del agua. Objetivo: determinar la presencia de Hp por medio de cultivos y PCR en muestras de agua y biopelícula de los grifos de las instituciones educativas oficiales de la ciudad de Medellín, y la presencia de algunos factores de riesgo para la contaminación del agua. Material y métodos: en 194 instituciones educativas del municipio de Medellín, 2010-2011, se tomó una muestra de agua y biopelícula del grifo, las cuales se sembraron en agar HPSPA y se les realizó una prueba de PCR directa convencional con el gen ureA. Además, se realizó una encuesta para evaluar factores de riesgo como antigüedad de la edificación, estado físico y material de los grifos, presencia de tanques o pozos de agua para consumo, disponibilidad de agua potable y disponibilidad de fuentes de agua diferentes a las del acueducto municipal. Resultados: la frecuencia de ADN de Hp por la prueba de PCR en agua y biopelículas fue del 2.1% en cada tipo de muestra y por cultivo fue de 11.3% tanto en agua como en biopelícula. Las muestras de agua positivas por PCR correspondieron a las instituciones educativas ubicadas en Manrique, Villa Hermosa, San Javier y Guayabal, Las muestras de biopelículas positivas estuvieron en los barrios Popular, Villa Hermosa, Palmitas y en Santa Elena. Conclusiones: Hp fue detectado en las muestras de agua y biopelícula obtenidas de las instituciones educativas oficiales de Medellín y se pudo determinar por cultivo en HPSPA y por PCR con el gen ureA. Sin embargo, ninguno de los factores de riesgo estudiados fueron predictores para la contaminación. (Acta Med Colomb 2017; 42: 121-128).

Abstract Introduction: Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is one of the etiological infectious agents of chronic gastritis, MALT lymphoma, gastric adenocarcinoma and gastric cancer and can be transmitted through water. Objective: to determine the presence of Hp by means of cultures and PCR in samples of water and biofilm of the faucets of the official educational institutions of the city of Medellin, and the presence of some risk factors for water contamination. Material and methods: In 194 educational institutions of the municipality of Medellin, 20102011, a sample of water and biofilm of faucet was taken and planted on HPSPA agar and a conventional direct PCR test was performed with the ureA gene. In addition, a survey to evaluate risk factors such as age of the building, physical and material condition of faucets, presence of water tanks or wells for consumption, availability of drinking water and availability of water sources other than those of the municipal aqueduct was carried out. Results: the frequency of Hp DNA by PCR test in water and biofilms was 2.1% in each type of sample and by culture was 11.3% in both water and biofilm. The positive water samples by PCR corresponded to the educational institutions located in Manrique, Villa Hermosa, San Javier and Guayabal. Positive biofilm samples were found in Popular, Villa Hermosa, Palmitas and Santa Elena districts. Conclusions: Hp was detected in the water and biofilm samples obtained from the official educational institutions of Medellin and could be determined by culture in HPSPA and by PCR with the ureA gene. However, none of the risk factors studied were predictors of contamination. (Acta Med Colomb 2017; 42: 121-128).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Helicobacter pylori , Neoplasias Gástricas , Água , Amostras de Água , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Biofilmes
Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 32(2): 54-60, mayo-ago. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-724955


OBJETIVO: evaluar el grado de reproducibilidad en la lectura de placas de citología cérvico-uterina entre cuatro centros de lectura especializados de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. METODOLOGIA: 181 placas de citología cérvico-uterina provenientes de un estudio de prevalencia de anormalidades citológicas en Pueblorrico, Antioquia, se sometieron a lectura en cuatro centros especializados de Medellín. Se le pidió a cada centro que realizara una lectura rutinaria manteniendo el estudio en ciego por medio de recodificación de las placas, evitando que se filtrara información entre centros. Se calculó la concordancia general y el índice kappa de Fleiss. RESULTADOS : de las 181 placas, sólo en 55 placas los 4 centros concordaron en el resultado, obteniéndose un porcentaje de concordancia global del 30% y un índice kappa global de 0,31. Según la escala de Fleiss, se observó una baja reproducibilidad en la lectura de las placas citológicas entre los cuatro centros involucrados en el estudio. La concordancia por pares de centros presentó índices de kappa entre 0,3 a 0,7. CONCLUSION:existe una alta variabilidad en la interpretación de los resultados citológicos entre los centros estudiados. Es necesario implementar procesos de entrenamiento y unificación de criterios de lecturas de la citología cervical en nuestro medio.

OBJECTIVE: to assess the degree of reproducibility in the reading of cervical cytology smears among four specialized reading centers at Medellin, Colombia.. METHODOLOGY: 181 cervical cytology smears from a study on the prevalence of cytological abnormalities in Pueblorrico, a town located in the southwestern region of the state of Antioquia in Colombia, were re-read by four specialized centers in Medellin. Each center was asked to conduct a blind routine reading of the smears to avoid disclosure of information between centers. The reproducibility was measured by percentage agreement and kappa. RESULTS :of 181 smears only 55 matched across all 4 centers, with an overall concordance rate of 30% and an overall kappa of 0.31. According to Fleiss scale, poor reproducibility was observed. The concordance between pairs of centers ranged between 0.3 y 0.7. DISCUSSION:there is a high variability in the interpretation of cytological results among centers in Medellin. It is necessary to implement training processes and to unify readings for cervical cytology criteria.

Int J Gynecol Cancer ; 22(2): 303-10, 2012 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22228426


OBJECTIVE: The study's objective was to estimate human papillomavirus (HPV) genotype-specific seroprevalence to determine population HPV exposure and inform vaccine policy. METHODS: This study is a cross-sectional prevalence survey of 878 women of Pueblorrico, a rural town of Colombia. A standardized questionnaire was used to obtain information on demographic characteristics, sexual and reproductive history, and smoking habits. Seropositivity to HPV-16, -18, -31, and -58 was determined by virus-like particles in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: Overall seropositivity to any HPV genotype was 27.9%. The combined seroprevalence of women 15 to 19 and 20 to 24 years old was 35.4% (95% confidence interval [CI], 25.9-46.2) and 36.0% (95% CI, 27.7-45.3), respectively. Seroprevalence for HPV-16 was 17% (95% CI, 14.6-19.6); for HPV-18, 9.8% (95% CI, 8.0-11.9); for HPV-31, 11.4% (95% CI, 9.5-13.7); and for HPV 58, 12.5% (95% CI, 10.5-14.9). Higher HPV seropositivity was associated with the lifetime number of occasional sexual partners (odds ratio, 3.05; 95% CI, 1.26-7.37) and having more than 2 regular sexual partners (odds ratio, 3.00; 95% CI, 1.21-7.45) in women younger than 44 and older than 45 years old, respectively. Use of oral contraceptives and tobacco/cigarettes was significantly associated with reduced HPV seropositivity in women older than 45 but not in women younger than 44 years old. CONCLUSIONS: Human papillomavirus seropositivity is associated with measures of sexual behavior, particularly a greater lifetime number of sexual partners. Hormonal and tobacco/cigarette use may be factors influencing the HPV seropositivity in women older than 45 years old.

Alphapapillomavirus/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Papillomavirus/epidemiologia , Adolescente , Comportamento do Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Alphapapillomavirus/genética , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Feminino , Papillomavirus Humano 16/isolamento & purificação , Papillomavirus Humano 18/isolamento & purificação , Papillomavirus Humano 31/isolamento & purificação , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Infecções por Papillomavirus/sangue , Infecções por Papillomavirus/virologia , População Rural , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Comportamento Sexual , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg ; 105(4): 232-8, 2011 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21353272


There is lack of age-specific seroprevalence surveys and identification of factors associated with herpes simplex virus type-2 seropositivity (HSV-2) in rural populations in Colombia. A random sample of 869 women was interviewed about socio-demographic aspects, sexual and reproductive history. Antibodies to HSV-2 were determined by a specific type immunoenzymatic technique (ELISA). Participants had a mean age of 38±16.1 years, 67% were married, 60% monogamous and 47% reported use of condoms. HSV-2 seroprevalence was 19.1% (95% CI: 16.6-21.9) and it was strongly associated with increasing age (Ptrend<0.001). In the logistic regression analysis, women who reported between two or three lifetime sexual partners (OR=2.4; 95% CI: 1.5-3.7), >31 years of sexual activity with regular or occasional sexual partners (OR=4.3; 95% CI: 1.2-15.7) and not using condoms with regular sexual partners (OR=2.1; 95% CI: 1.4-3.3) were more likely to be HSV-2 seropositive. The overall seroprevalence rate of women of Pueblorrico, Colombia, is lower than that reported in other Latin American countries especially in women>45 years. The difference may be explained by higher prevalence of condom use in this population or lower exposure to herpes infection in male as well as females in the past.

Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Herpes Genital/imunologia , Herpesvirus Humano 2/imunologia , Adulto , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Feminino , Herpes Genital/epidemiologia , Herpes Genital/transmissão , Humanos , Entrevistas como Assunto , Exame Físico , Prevalência , Qualidade de Vida/psicologia , Fatores de Risco , Saúde da População Rural , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Parceiros Sexuais/psicologia
Skin Res Technol ; 14(4): 403-9, 2008 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18937774


BACKGROUND: Sun exposure and skin phototype are the most relevant risk factors for skin cancer. Colombia has high levels of ultraviolet radiation during the whole year, therefore, both, high UVI's and outdoor worker's daily activities, in our country are very important risk factors for the development of cutaneous cancer. To date no study has evaluated the usefulness of Fitzpatrick's skin phototype classification in Colombians and its correlation with the minimal erythema dose (MED) and constitutional skin color. Such information is gaining importance in other nations due to the fact that several country's population is becoming more ethnically diverse. OBJECTIVES: To determine the skin phototype, accumulated sun exposure, sun protection behavior, MED and phenotype in a Colombian school population. METHODS: Last year high school students from the western Antioquia were invited to participate by phone and letter through their respective school directors. A self-questionnaire was handled to each student. A representative sample of the universe was selected for a medical examination by a dermatologist in order to validate the results of the self-questionnaire. The constitutional skin color was determined with the chromameter CR 300 Minolta. The MED was defined as the minimal dose of UVB being able to induce erythema 24 h later. RESULTS: Eight schools of the area agreed to participate in the study, and a total of 911 students (58% girls and 42% boys) filled-out the self-questionnaire. Sun exposure in the majority of individuals was in a level between moderate and very high. Ninety percent of students do not use any sun protection device or cream. Only a 50% of concordance between self-assessed skin phototype vs. medical skin phototype was found, and the highest concordance corresponded to skin phototype II (82%). There was a marked difference in skin photosensitivity of Colombians compared with reports in Caucasians. We observed a marked overlapping in MED's and L* values in phototypes II and III. CONCLUSIONS: The Fitzpatrick's classification was not useful in Hispanic populations such as ours. Therefore, a new skin-phototype classification system is required. In our population the constitutional color was a good predictor of the MED but it did not correlate with skin phototype. The self-assessed questionnaire method was not useful to determine skin cancer risk in our population. The majority of this population has light skin phototypes and is highly exposed to solar UV radiation without proper protection.

Exposição Ambiental/estatística & dados numéricos , Eritema/epidemiologia , Fotometria/estatística & dados numéricos , Medição de Risco/métodos , Testes Cutâneos/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Exposição Ambiental/análise , Feminino , Humanos , Incidência , Masculino , Fatores de Risco , Estatística como Assunto , Luz Solar , Adulto Jovem
Biomedica ; 28(2): 271-83, 2008 Jun.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18719718


INTRODUCTION: In spite of implementation of cytology-based cervical cancer screening in Colombia, mortality rates remain stable. The description of factors associated to cervical pre-neoplasic lesions is needed to establish strategies for mortality prevention. OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of epithelial squamous cell abnormalities was determined to explore the association of cytology abnormalities with described risk factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This population-based, cross-sectional study included 739 women randomly selected by age. A validated face-to-face questionnaire and conventional cervical cytology were used to collect the information. To establish the association between cervical abnormalities and some qualitative variables, the independent chi squared test was used. We also calculated prevalence ratio with their 95% confidence intervals. A logistic regression model was used to explore variables that potentially explain cytology abnormalities. RESULTS: The prevalence of squamous cell abnormality was 15.8%. Among women with abnormal cytology, 10% presented atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance, 3.9% low grade squamous intra-epithelial lesion and 1.9% high grade squamous intra-epithelial lesion. The adjusted logistical regression analysis showed that history of sexual transmitted disease, two or more sexual partners during entire life and previous abnormal cytology were associated with cytology abnormalities. CONCLUSION: The relation of epithelial squamous cell abnormalities with sexual behavior history reflexes the link between human papiloma virus infection and cervical cancer pre-neoplasic lesions. The frequency of use and knowledge about the purpose of cytology were factors that suggested other diagnostic limitations such as quality of cervical cytology or barriers to access health care. These latter factors may be the underlying basis for the high cervical cancer mortality rates.

Células Epiteliais/patologia , Neoplasias de Células Escamosas/epidemiologia , Neoplasias de Células Escamosas/patologia , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/epidemiologia , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/patologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Feminino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Análise Multivariada , Neoplasias de Células Escamosas/mortalidade , Neoplasias de Células Escamosas/prevenção & controle , Comportamento Sexual , Inquéritos e Questionários , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/mortalidade , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/prevenção & controle
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 28(2): 271-283, jun. 2008. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-503166


Introducción. A pesar de la existencia de los programas de tamización basados en la citología, las tasas de cáncer de cuello uterino permanecen estables en Colombia. La descripción de los factores asociados a las lesiones precursoras de cáncer de cuello uterino es necesaria para establecer estrategias para su prevención.Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia de las anormalidades de células epiteliales escamosas y su asociación con los factores de riesgo descritos. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal de población en 739 mujeres, seleccionadas en forma aleatoria. La información se recolectó mediante la citología y un cuestionario previamente validado. La medida de asociación fue la razón de prevalencia con su respectivo intervalo de confianza del 95 por ciento. Las variables de confusión fueron controladas en un modelo de regresión logística multivariado. Resultados.La prevalencia del evento fue de 15,8 por ciento. Entre las mujeres con citología anormal, 10 por ciento presentó células escamosas atípicas de significado indeterminado; 3,9 por ciento, lesión escamosa intraepitelial de bajo grado, y 1,9 por ciento, lesión escamosa intraepitelial de alto grado. La regresión logística ajustada sugiere que los antecedentes de enfermedades de transmisión sexual, una citología anormal y tener dos o más parejas regulares/ocasionales durante la vida se asocian con la presencia del evento. Conclusiones. La relación de anormalidades de células escamosas con conducta sexual refleja la asociación entre el virus del papiloma humano y lesiones preneoplásicas de cáncer de cuello uterino. El uso frecuente y el adecuado conocimiento sobre la citología, sugiere que aspectos tales como las dificultades con la calidad de la citología o el acceso al diagnóstico y tratamiento, pudieran explicar las altas tasas de cáncer de cuello uterino.

Feminino , Carcinoma , Displasia do Colo do Útero/epidemiologia , Displasia do Colo do Útero/prevenção & controle , Esfregaço Vaginal , Biologia Celular , Células Epiteliais
J Clin Virol ; 39(3): 210-4, 2007 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17513167


BACKGROUND: HIV-positive patients have unpredictable local immune responses even with severe systemic immunosuppression and data reported to date is insufficient to predict the effect of imiquimod in HIV-positive patients. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of 5% topical imiquimod in HIV-positive male patients with anogenital warts (AGW) and to elucidate its effect on recurrence. STUDY DESIGN: Open-label clinical trial. RESULTS: Of the 43 patients enrolled, 86% completed treatment. Patients' mean age was 34 years (range: 19-50). Thirty-one patients were receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) therapy. At week 16, 10 patients completely cleared lesions and 21 patients had a wart size reduction > or =50%. At 20 weeks of therapy, 17 patients achieved total clearance whereas 14 patients had a >50% wart reduction. Clearance was not influenced by CD4-counts, HIV-viral load, previous therapy, or wart localization. Of the patients who experienced a complete clearance, five (29%) had a recurrence. Mean time of recurrence was 14.4 weeks. Erythema, pruritus, and burning sensation were the most frequent local skin reactions. CONCLUSIONS: Topical 5% imiquimod is safe and may benefit HIV-positive patients with anogenital warts particularly when it is used for up to 20 weeks. It is also useful to decrease wart recurrence.

Adjuvantes Imunológicos/uso terapêutico , Aminoquinolinas/uso terapêutico , Doenças do Ânus/tratamento farmacológico , Condiloma Acuminado/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças dos Genitais Masculinos/tratamento farmacológico , Infecções por HIV/complicações , Indutores de Interferon/uso terapêutico , Infecções Oportunistas Relacionadas com a AIDS/tratamento farmacológico , Infecções Oportunistas Relacionadas com a AIDS/virologia , Adjuvantes Imunológicos/administração & dosagem , Adjuvantes Imunológicos/efeitos adversos , Administração Tópica , Adulto , Aminoquinolinas/administração & dosagem , Aminoquinolinas/efeitos adversos , Terapia Antirretroviral de Alta Atividade , Doenças do Ânus/virologia , Condiloma Acuminado/complicações , Condiloma Acuminado/virologia , Doenças dos Genitais Masculinos/virologia , Infecções por HIV/tratamento farmacológico , Infecções por HIV/virologia , Humanos , Imiquimode , Indutores de Interferon/administração & dosagem , Indutores de Interferon/efeitos adversos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Prevenção Secundária , Resultado do Tratamento