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Plant Dis ; 2023 Dec 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38105452


Amazon chicory (Eryngium foetidum L. [Apiaceae]), also known as culantro, is native to Tropical America and the West Indies. It belongs to the unconventional food plants (UFPs) group, and in addition to be consumed as a spice herb, it possesses a wide range of ethnomedicinal uses (Paul et al. 2011). In 2019, in the eastern Amazon region of Brazil, state of Pará, producers of E. foetidum in the municipality of Castanhal (01°15'363" S 047°10'232" W) reported the occurrence of underdeveloped plants with leaf yellowing and a large number of galls in the root system, which are typical symptoms of root-knotting nematode. Soil and root samples were collected and sent to the Nematology Laboratory (LabNema) located at the Faculty of Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences, UNESP, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 46 second-stage juveniles (J2s) were extracted per 100 cm3 of soil, and a total of 460 eggs and J2s Meloidogyne spp. were found per gram of root. Morphological and molecular techniques were used to identify the species. The analysis of the perineal patter of ten females revealed thin striations in an oval shape with a high and semi-trapezoidal dorsal arch. No striations were observed in the perivulvar region. The labial region of the ten males analyzed exhibited a non-prominent labial disc, fused and slightly recessed submedian lips, with no apparent annulations. The morphological characteristics observed in the adults were consistent with those originally described for Meloidogyne enterolobii (Yang; Eisenback, 1983), confirming the species purity of the recovered population. Three individual nematodes had their 18S rDNA region sequenced (Holterman et al. 2006) which showed an average identity of 99.7% with other sequences of M. enterolobii available in the GenBank database. A Bayesian phylogenetic tree was constructed, providing insights into the specific relationship of M. enterolobii recovered from E. foetidum with other related nematodes. Each of the three sequenced nematodes represented a unique haplotype, resulting in their separation into distinct clades. Moreover, the obtained sequences presented polymorphisms that differed from the M. enterolobii sequences already available in the database, highlighting the genetic diversity of this species in relation to its original host (Silva et al. 2021). The species M. enterolobii was also confirmed using species-specific primers for M. incognita, M. javanica, and M. enterolobii (Zijlstra et al. 2000; Tigano et al. 2010). To confirm the pathogenicity of M. enterolobii on E. foetidum, a modified Koch Postulate was conducted. Six seedlings of E. foetidum were transplanted individually to 10-liter pots containing autoclaved soil. Each pot was then inoculated with 5 mL of a suspension containing 3,000 eggs and J2s from the original population of M. enterolobii obtained from E. foetidum. After 90 days, the inoculated plants exhibited root galls with a plentiful egg mass, in contrast to the healthy non-inoculated plants. The average number of M. enterolobii nematodes recovered from the roots of the inoculated plants was 42,040 eggs and J2s, resulting in a reproduction factor (RF) of 14.0. The importance of reporting the occurrence of M. enterolobii in E. foetidum is due to the fact that this plant species is cultivated in a crop rotation system with other vegetables such as lettuce and coriander, which are also hosts of M. enterolobii. Consequently, different crop rotation strategies and control alternatives need to be considered in areas where E. foetidum is grown. This is the first report of E. foetidum serving as a host for the root-knot nematode M. enterolobii worldwide.

Plant Dis ; 2023 Nov 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37966472


Stachys byzantina belongs to the Labiatae and is known by the names "peixinho-da-horta" (Brazil) and "lamb's ear" (USA). Its importance is associated with its medicinal properties (Bahadori et al. 2020) and nutritional aspects (Milião et al. 2022). Root-knot nematodes cause severe damage to plants and suppress production. In January 2021, plants of S. byzantina in the municipality of Jaboticabal (21°14'38.7"S, 48°17'10.6"W) showed symptoms of reduced growth, yellowed leaves and the presence of galls in the roots. Initially, samples of roots from a S. byzantina were analyzed at the Nematology Laboratory (LabNema/UNESP), Jaboticabal, Brazil, estimating 20,000 eggs and juveniles of Meloidogyne sp. in 10 g of roots. To confirm the host ability of the species, a pathogenicity test was performed using Koch's postulate. For this purpose, the test was conducted in a greenhouse where 3,000 eggs and second-stage juveniles (J2) were inoculated onto three plants (n=3) of S. byzantina. After 90 days, the inoculated plants showed the same symptoms as those observed in the field. No symptom or nematode was detected in the uninoculated plant (control). Nematodes were extracted from the roots of inoculated plants and quantified. The perineal pattern of females (n=10) (Netscher and Taylor, 1974) and the labial region of males (n=10) (Eisenback and Hirschmann, 1981) were analyzed and compared with the morphological characteristics of the original description of the species (Chitwood, 1949). For analysis based on esterase isozyme phenotype, the α-method of Esbenshade and Triantaphyllou (1990) was used, and females (n=7) were examined. To confirm identification, whole genomic DNA from an adult female (n=1) was extracted using the Qiagen DNeasy® Blood & Tissue Kit and this sample was used for both genetic sequencing and the sequence-characterized amplified region techniques (SCAR). PCR amplifications were performed for the 18s rRNA gene using primers 988F and 1912R from Holterman et al (2006). Our sequence was deposited in GenBank (NCBI) under the identifier OP422209. Finally, species-specific SCAR primers (Fjav/Rjav, Me-F/Me-R, and Finc-F/Finc-R) designed by Zijlstra (2000) were used to identify Meloidogyne spp. Koch's postulate analysis yielded the following results: (n=1) 9,280 eggs and J2 (Reproduction factor, RF = 33.09); (n=2) 111,720 eggs and J2 (RF = 37.24); (n=3) 59,700 eggs and J2 (RF = 19.9) (RF mean = 30.08). The following characteristics were observed in the perineal region of females: Low and rounded trapezoidal dorsal arch with two distinct lateral lines clearly separating the dorsal and ventral arch regions, similar to the morphological features of the species description by Chitwood (1949). Males had a convex labial plate with a non-raised labial disk joining the submedial labia, a non-rugged labial region, the basal tubercles were usually wider than high, and a rounded tail tip (Eisenback and Hirschmann 1981). The α-esterase enzyme profile showed the J3 phenotype typical of M. javanica (Rm [×100] = 46.0, 54.5, and 58.9). The 18s rRNA sequences grouped Meloidogyne sp. with species such as M. enterolobii, M. incognita, and M. javanica. A DNA fragment of about 700 bp was amplified with Mj (Fjav/Rjav) primers, but not with Me (Me-F/Me-R) and Mi (Finc-F/Finc-R) primers, which confirmed the identification of M. javanica. Accurate identification and characterization of the occurrence of new hosts of M. javanica will allow us to determine the range and geographic distribution of the species. This is the first report on the occurrence of M. javanica on S. byzantina in Brazil. This report is important so that management strategies can be applied to prevent the spread of the pest to other areas.

Acta amaz ; 52(2): 80-95, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1378453


Amazon chicory is still a little-known vegetable despite its great agronomic potential. The characterization of chicory genotypes concerning genetic divergence is a key step for breeding programs, as it allows the selection of superior individuals and to explore the variability and complementarity of characteristics via interbreeding between newly generated genotypes. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the genetic divergence among Amazon chicory creole genotypes from the northern Brazilian states of Pará and Rondônia based on morpho-agronomic traits. We conducted an experiment in a randomized block design with eight chicory genotypes (treatments) and four replications. Both quantitative and qualitative characteristics were evaluated. Genetic divergence was estimated via squared generalized Mahalanobis distance (D2 ), considering only quantitative characters, and the genotypes were subsequently clustered via the UPGMA method. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among genotypes for all studied characteristics, except shoot fresh weight. The UPGMA grouped the genotypes into three clusters, which demonstrated that the genotypes from Colares and Santarém Novo (Pará) (Chic-02 and Chic-04) were the most divergent as compared to the genotypes from Castanhal and Santa Isabel do Pará (Pará). Qualitative characteristics showed a monomorphic behavior and, therefore, were not used to assess genetic divergences. To obtain segregating populations with complementary characteristics, crossbreeding between the two most divergent clusters is recommended.(AU)

A chicória da Amazônia é uma hortaliça ainda pouco conhecida, mas com grande potencial agronômico. A caracterização dos genótipos de chicória quanto a divergência genética é um importante passo para programas de melhoramento genético, pois permite selecionar indivíduos superiores e explorar a variabilidade e a complementariedade de características, a partir dos novos genótipos gerados. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a divergência genética de genótipos crioulos de chicória da Amazônia dos estados do Pará e Rondônia, com base em caracteres morfoagronômicos. Realizou-se um experimento em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com oito genótipos de chicória (tratamentos) e quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas características quantitativas e qualitativas. A divergência genética foi estimada a partir da distância quadrada generalizada de Mahalanobis (D2 ), levando em consideração apenas os caracteres quantitativos, e os genótipos foram agrupados pelo método UPGMA. A análise de variância evidenciou diferença significativa entre os genótipos para todas as características, exceto massa fresca. O UPGMA agrupou os genótipos em três grupos, sendo os genótipos de Colares e Santarém Novo (Pará) (Chic-02 e Chic-04) os mais divergentes em comparação com os genótipos da região de Castanhal e Santa Isabel do Pará (Pará). As características qualitativas apresentaram padrão monomórfico, não sendo, portanto, utilizadas para avaliar a divergência. Para obter populações segregantes com complementariedade de características, recomenda-se o cruzamento entre os dois grupos mais divergentes.(AU)

Variação Genética/fisiologia , Eryngium/genética , Brasil , Melhoramento Vegetal/estatística & dados numéricos